A Disturbance in the Force
Re: Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?
ThePheonixxx, in this thread - - you voiced your displeasure with this forum and asked to have your account deleted. This was granted, and your account was deleted. Now, you are back - may I ask why and why you think this 'visit' will be any different from the previous one?
I'm not sure why you think that Los was referring to you with his post.
Yes, you've made it quite clear how much you dislike this forum and what you think of it , so perhaps it's time to move along and not return this time?
No one implied that it was.
Yes, you've made your victim status quite clear as well - and are, again, blaming others for your own reactions and actions. The Pheonixxx, why did you return to this forum? If it is only to further make it clear how much this forum is not for you, or to continue to try to feed on reactions, then it is time you moved along. No offense is intended, but we've all been through this on your previous thread before you asked to have your account deleted.
This Sam Vankin thread has certainly brought out some interesting information...
ThePheonixxx, in this thread - - you voiced your displeasure with this forum and asked to have your account deleted. This was granted, and your account was deleted. Now, you are back - may I ask why and why you think this 'visit' will be any different from the previous one?
ThePhoenixxx said:Well, I didnt come onto this forum originally to support any psychopaths, I came to find out which direction to go in order to support myself.
I'm not sure why you think that Los was referring to you with his post.
p said:But I have to admit I too found myself answering more and more posts despite feeling I got what I needed and could move on.
I submit thats because there is a tendency on this forum to analyze and make mistaken assumptions, and then the cycle of trying to correct those assumptions is analyzed as something more and on the cycle goes.
Yes, you've made it quite clear how much you dislike this forum and what you think of it , so perhaps it's time to move along and not return this time?
p said:Its not always a sign of a personality disorder or evil.
No one implied that it was.
p said:I think you'll find victims of psychopaths have found themselves in positions of having to defend and protect themselves from being twisted up, eroded or convinced theyre in the wrong when in fact, in their gut and their souls they know they arent. That continues outside of the pathological relationship and into other areas of communication because theyre now carrying those scars with them, WE carry those scars with US, and theyre slow to heal. I suspect its part and parcel of the long lasting damage, or perhaps the PTSD of having to protect ourselves over such a long time from constant putdowns, manipulations and mindgames.
(something to keep in mind)
Yes, you've made your victim status quite clear as well - and are, again, blaming others for your own reactions and actions. The Pheonixxx, why did you return to this forum? If it is only to further make it clear how much this forum is not for you, or to continue to try to feed on reactions, then it is time you moved along. No offense is intended, but we've all been through this on your previous thread before you asked to have your account deleted.
This Sam Vankin thread has certainly brought out some interesting information...