Intuition + Energy Work = Avoiding Cops


The Living Force
Had an experience last night i wanted to share with all you. I was going out on a ride with my friend, it was a beautiful night, full moon, warm weather (was about 55ish) and we were gonna smoke a blunt. So we're driving, smoking and listening to music when he makes a left turn, all of a sudden i get this rush of energy from my core into my right hand, (the window was down) so i took my hand reached out the window and pictured a blue wave covering the car from front to back. Then i put my hand on the window sill and felt reiki flow through me in a manner which i cannot describe. Wasn't anything like what i feel when i put my hands on people, more magnetic, my hand felt stuck there and actually like it was blending with the metal of the car. Then i look over @ the speedometer, my friend was driving, wasn't going too fast but he was doing like 35ish and we had just entered a school zone, just as i mentioned this to him i saw a cop car and officer on the side of the road, it looked the the officer was talking to another cop who was sitting in the car. He slowed down a bit, enough to make it look like he wasn't slowing down, but he still burned by the cops @ like 20-25.

I knew the instant we passed them we were okay. Then in retrospect i realized i threw up energy defenses around the car in the instant just prior to passing the cops. I can't doubt that there was some positive effect from me doing what i did, nor can i ignore the fact my intuition kicked in just in time. Very cool experience. Thoughts? Comments?
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