Light Improves Catalytic Rate of Enzymes by 3,000 Percent


Dagobah Resident

Light of specific wavelengths can be used to boost an enzyme's function by as much as 30 fold, potentially establishing a path to less expensive biofuels, detergents and a host of other products.

In a paper published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, a team led by Pratul Agarwal of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory described a process that aims to improve upon nature -- and it happens in the blink of an eye.

"When light enters the eye and hits the pigment known as rhodopsin, it causes a complex chemical reaction to occur, including a conformational change," Agarwal said. "This change is detected by the associated protein and through a rather involved chain of reactions is converted into an electrical signal for the brain."

With this as a model, Agarwal's team theorized that it should be possible to improve the catalytic efficiency of enzyme reactions by attaching chemical elements on the surface of an enzyme and manipulating them with the use of tuned light.

The researchers introduced a light-activated molecular switch across two regions of the enzyme Candida antarctica lipase B, or CALB -- which breaks down fat molecules -- identified through modeling performed on DOE's Jaguar supercomputer.

"Using this approach, our preliminary work with CALB suggested that such a technique of introducing a compound that undergoes a light-inducible conformational change onto the surface of the protein could be used to manipulate enzyme reaction," Agarwal said.

While the researchers obtained final laboratory results at industry partner AthenaES, computational modeling allowed Agarwal to test thousands of combinations of enzyme sites, modification chemistry, different wavelengths of light, different temperatures and photo-activated switches. Simulations performed on Jaguar also allowed researchers to better understand how the enzyme's internal motions control the catalytic activity.

"This modeling was very important as it helped us identify regions of the enzyme that were modified by interactions with chemicals," said Agarwal, a member of ORNL's Computer Science and Mathematics Division. "Ultimately, the modeling helped us understand how the mechanical energy from the surface can eventually be transferred to the active site where it is used to conduct the chemical reaction."

Agarwal noted that enzymes are present in every organism and are widely used in industry as catalysts in the production of biofuels and countless other every day products. Researchers believe this finding could have immense potential for improving enzyme efficiency, especially as it relates to biofuels.

Funding for this work was provided by Technology Maturation Funds from Battelle Memorial Institute

Translation: A given compound that binds in a specific way to an enzime under light of specific wavelenght can accelerate the reaction of that enzime up to 30 times. Can you imagine what are the implication of this for the body, adn interaction with light, cancelation of ADN factors by light, explanation of infrarred therapy, etc? :)
Very interesting. Also reminds me of what the C's said about light and DNA and the core of DNA being an yet undiscovered enzyme related to carbon, etc.
if I am not mistaken they also said our DNA was shortened by using light of certain wavelength. Not sure though.
Herr Eisenheim said:
if I am not mistaken they also said our DNA was shortened by using light of certain wavelength. Not sure though.
Here's the session that I think you're referring to:
November 26, 1994

Q: (L) Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover?
A: Symbolism of story.

Q: (L) This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct?
A: Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?

Q: (L) Okay, J** is going to move her hand up my back and you tell her when to stop at the "knot".
A: Okay.

Q: (L) You mean the occipital ridge?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the configuration of the spine and skull prior to this addition?
A: Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.

Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the "Reptilian Brain"?
A: In a roundabout way.

Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?
A: It was added to all simultaneously.

Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.

Q: (L) Is that all?
A: No. But, do you need more?

Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually?
A: Whoa.

Q: (L) How many people?
A: 6 billion.

Q: (T) That's 500 million more than there are now.
A: No, 200 million.

Q: (L) Okay, there were this many people on the planet, how did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration.

Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center.

Q: (L) What is your center?
A: Our realm. STO.

Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service to Others realm...
A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.

The above is interesting in terms of the word occult as in to hide, to eclipse. We've been in an eclipse for a while then haven't we?

Genes respond to the environment, so if the environment changes either the genes change, their expression changes or both, osit. Read this: said:
Some laboratory mice were given specially engineered insuling-producing genes. These genes were then remotely activated using radio waves. This could mean a whole new field of medical procedures in which we turn genes on and off at will.

This breakthrough is the work of geneticists at New York's Rockefeller University. It's a pretty circuitous path from the initial burst of radio waves to the activation of the gene, and there's still a lot of refinement and improvement that needs to be made before this can be used in medical treatments, but still - we're talking about the ability to modify the behavior of genes without ever going inside a patient's body. That's a potentially colossal advance.

Admittedly, while the treatment itself is totally non-invasive, the researchers did first have to inject some nanoparticles onto the mice's cells in order to affect their genes. It's a bit of a complex process, but Nature has a good explanation of just what was involved:

Friedman and his colleagues coated iron oxide nanoparticles with antibodies that bind to a modified version of the temperature-sensitive ion channel TRPV1, which sits on the surface of cells. They injected these particles into tumours grown under the skins of mice, then used the magnetic field generated by a device similar to a miniature magnetic-resonance-imaging machine to heat the nanoparticles with low-frequency radio waves. In turn, the nanoparticles heated the ion channel to its activation temperature of 42 °C. Opening the channel allowed calcium to flow into cells, triggering secondary signals that switched on an engineered calcium-sensitive gene that produces insulin. After 30 minutes of radio-wave exposure, the mice's insulin levels had increased and their blood sugar levels had dropped.


Even better, the researchers have already developed a way to achieve similar, albeit weaker, results without having to inject nanoparticles at all. They have developed cells that can grow their own required nanoparticles, meaning there would be no need to give patients strange chemicals or molecules. However, as Nature explains, this would still require growing tumors inside humans to actually get these cell cultures in place,

Hmm, nanoparticles, tumors, light and how they interact with genes. Very interesting especially in light (pun intended :lol:) of this thread.
Yes, that's the transcript I was thinking of. Thanks, bngenoh. It basically sounds like very sophisticated technology was used to interrupt / alter the light that reaches the planet and induced the genetic changes (i.e. DNA strands burning off) in all inhabitants at once. And it also implies that the light reaching the planet since is more entropic / less conducive to long and healthy life?
This is most interesting. Wish I could get my hands on this paper to see the details... but as far as the abstract goes, it is very interesting.
Also kinda frightening, assuming that this knowlege probably is in the hands of the PTB for quite some time... makes one wonder how deep the manipulation has gone inside our bodies.

The Importance of Enzymes for Health, Longevity and Chronic Disease Prevention​

Story at a glance:
  • Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate biochemical reactions in your body. Digestive enzymes are important for proper digestion and nutrient absorption, but the benefits of enzymes do not end there
  • Researchers have discovered enzymes for all sorts of uses, from boosting athletic endurance by optimizing digestion and nutrient uptake to treating cancer
  • To optimize enzyme function, eat plenty of fresh, raw and/or fermented foods. Sprouts are a particularly excellent source. Fasting has also been shown to conserve enzymes


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