Measles and Mumps


Dagobah Resident
A local health official says a woman killed by measles in Washington state had been vaccinated against the disease as a child but succumbed because she had a compromised immune system.

The woman's death in the spring was the first from measles in the U.S. in 12 years.

Dr. Jeanette Stehr-Green, the Clallam County health officer, told KOMO-TV the woman had been vaccinated as a child, but because she had other health problems and was taking medications that interfered with her response to an infection "she was not protected."

I was told about this story, they forgot to mention she was vaccinated though!

Recently, a kid died from diphteria in Spain for the first time in 30 years. There was a lot of hysteria because the kid was not vaccinated.

One thing that was striking was that there was no Diphtheria Antitoxin which you are supposed to give at the first clinical suspicion without waiting for confirmation from diagnostic tests. Prompt action is essential and time is a wasting!

Spain had no diphtheria antitoxin, neither did Europe, nor WHO, nor the US - home of the great and all powerful and supposedly over-prepared CDC. The remedy was literally searched all over the Western world and nobody had it. Never mind that people still die from this disease in Africa, India, etc. Why on earth is WHO out of stock? Shameful!

It was the Russians from their own initiative who brought the diphtheria antitoxin from Russia. The Russian consul was seeking the Spanish health minister on a Sunday, the later one was not available. Holidays must be sacred...

Anyway, the diphtheria antitoxin arrived, late, but it arrived all the way from Russia. Later on, media propagandized it as "Spanish kid dies while on Russian treatment" :headbash: :headbash:

People should remember that their "great" Western world didn't had a basic remedy that should have been given from day zero.

Any vaccination debate nowadays is just a distraction. Vaccines don't work and the emerging pathogenicity of old and new microbes is just another sign of the time. We'll have to deal with it.
That is a horrible story Gaby. Our western society is totally unprepared for what is coming. :/
Dr. Jack Wolfson has written a book, "THE PALEO CARDIOLOGIST: THE NATURAL WAY TO HEART HEALTH" and periodically features an article. If his claim, Measles and Mumps protect against Heart Attack and Stroke, then it gives another reason why the mass vaccination program - does more harm than good?

Breaking news. Measles and mumps protect against heart attack and stroke! Could the mass vaccination program of the U.S. lead to an explosion of heart attacks?

Myocardial infarctions are already the leading cause of death in the world today. The situation could get much worse.

A prestigious journal reported that men who had measles and mumps as children suffered 29% less heart attacks and 17% less strokes! Women with a history of both infections had a 17% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 21% lower risk of stroke. The journal Atherosclerosis recently published these shocking findings in the June 2015 issue(1).

By my calculations, natural infection with the measles and mumps will prevent millions of heart attacks and strokes. Why is this information not all over the TV and internet? I will tell you why. Because mainstream media is in bed with Big Pharma who pay their bills. The politicians are slaves to their corporate masters. Our children should be exposed to every virus and bacteria for which a vaccine exists.

The polio virus led to symptoms in only 5% of those exposed. Rarely was paralysis an effect, and even then, the cause may have been pesticide induced, other viruses, or from arsenic. This was the 1940’s after all. Children who are breast fed, eat organic foods, and are not living in a cloud of chemicals will easily combat these infections.

Sadly, most parents don’t want to deal with chicken pox. They may have to stay home from work or skip a Saturday night out drinking with friends. Unfortunately, states are now pushing draconian laws to forcibly vaccinate children prior to school entry. Religious freedom is not protected. Philosophical exemptions will go the way of the dinosaurs.

Yet the prestigious Cochrane Library did an independent review of MMR vaccine trials and the author’s conclusion was, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” (2)

Did the California legislature not read this report or did they rely on the shills with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control? Both of those groups are a revolving door with corporate America and pharmaceutical companies. The doctors who write the guidelines are usually on the pharma payroll. A whopping 28% of all doctors receive consulting fees from drug makers. (3)

What other protective benefits are there of benign childhood infections? We do know that young girls who get the mumps virus have a lower risk of ovarian cancer. Might chicken pox protect against cancer? Could rubella prevent Alzheimers?

The sad truth is that we are too early in the mass vaccination campaign to really understand the long term risks. The gold standard in medical research is the randomized, placebo controlled trial. That study does not exist for most vaccines and there has never been a trial on 69 doses of 16 vaccines versus a placebo. There never will be. We may never fully realize the damage done from this immune system onslaught.

Dr. Jack Wolfson is the director of Wolfson Integrative Cardiology in Arizona. He is board certified in cardiology and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)
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It's been about 2-3 weeks since a fear campaign has been launched in Canada regarding Measles outbreaks.

Every school and Daycare has been required to forward parents a Government Public Health letter about the disease, and asking to vaccinate anyone who is not, under penalty of being excluded from school or daycare for 14 days or more if an outbreak is declared in their establishment.
Households with unvaccinated children (like mine) have received an extra letter from the school stating there will be a vaccination campaign at school for kids who need it, we must fill out the form, bla bla...

Today my 80+ yrs old aunt calls me to check if my kids have been vaxed. She then proceeds to tell the tale of when she was young, all the kids in the house caught it (family of 15), the symptoms were horrible, the baby almost died, etc.

My daughter has had 1 dose back when she was a baby, so I'm sure she'll be more than fine whatever they say. But I may end up with legal problems if she misses 14 days of school... I'll skip that since I can deal with that.
I stopped her vax schedule from inner doubt. Later, I learned about vax danger, so my son is vax-free.

My question is more regarding my 3.5 yr old son:
1- I'm wondering if Measles is as bad as is pretended, since life conditions are far from what they were 100-200 yrs ago.
This is what an article says about it: What comes next for Canada’s measles surge -

Why should we be worried about measles?
Measles was the deadliest vaccine-preventable infection before the advent of antibiotics and vaccines, and it still is in parts of the world without good vaccination programs. It’s a respiratory virus, so it’s inhaled, just like COVID or influenza or RSV. But instead of affecting the cells that line our lungs and noses, it kills our immune cells. Some of those are memory cells, which hold all our immune experience: every vaccine you’ve ever had, every pathogen you’ve ever encountered. Consequently, we lose some of that immune memory. Historically, after a measles infection, people would get sick from the bacteria that normally live harmlessly in them; you could get fatal pneumonia from the microbes in your nose and mouth.
And those immune cells that have been killed don’t come back to the same levels, or with the same function they had. Somebody who’s had measles is more likely to have other infections—we don’t really know how measles and strep A will work together, for example—and will be more likely to need other antibiotics or medical care. One of the things I worry about is that pathogens are more resistant to antibiotics than in the past, due to overuse and because we haven’t had many new antibiotics invented. So infections that were once treated may not be treatable anymore.

2- I'm wondering if I should give him 1 dose (just 1) of the MMR vax (which has a high rate of injuries, especially for boys). I wasn't planning to, but I thought I would ask your opinion.
I've read: the efficacy of a single dose is estimated to be 85% to 95%, it's almost 100% with the second dose.

3- I don't trust what ingredients they list on the pamphlet: they could lie and hide things in there.

4- Many reported cases are from immunized people...

(I've seen the Vax document from the Forum)
It's been about 2-3 weeks since a fear campaign has been launched in Canada regarding Measles outbreaks.
Yeah, they are desperately trying to cover up the covid vaxx side effects, and they are probably trying to gauge people's receptiveness to an upcoming major crisis. To them, we are lab rats.

As to the efficacy of vaccines, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was 'sans équivoque.' 😉
Dr. Tenpenny: My mission actually for the last 23 years has been to inform people about the problems associated with vaccines: that they are not safe, they don't keep you getting sick, they're not necessary and absolutely cause harm. And I'm talking about ALL of them. The entire pediatric schedule and of course the covid jabs.
Dr. Tenpenny: Wouldn't it be great if we could take out all the metals, all the chemicals. You know, for years when I was a board-certified emergency medicine physician working in the emergency room, I really thought that the only thing in a vaccine was a little dead or attenuated virus, and a little bit of normal saline. It wasn't until September 2000 that I actually read a package insert, and when I actually read a package insert and started researching all the different vaccines, I was mortified that if a child gets ALL the vaccines in the entire schedule, they get almost 13 000 micrograms of aluminum and almost 600 micrograms of mercury, plus over 200 different chemicals. And I had no idea. That's why they have never been proven to be safe. Giving your child a vaccination is like injecting foreign matter into a little baby that's the most precious little thing in your life.
Q: (L) Is the campaign to vaccinate everyone part of this project to make sure that everybody gets the viruses that are needed to stop them from progressing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I know you said that the mark of the beast is something that relates to anybody who accepts torture and that sort of thing, but some of those old ideas about the mark of the beast, it's like DNA is code... So, maybe have these virally implanted genetic instructions could be considered as the mark of the beast.

A: It goes together!
We were sold a big lie—that society can't function without vaccines, that vaccines are a prerequisite for a 'safe' social life. In the end, you will do what you will do. You are the guardian of your children. Stay strong. :hug2:
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