Other-dimensional beings

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
The first 9 articles on the new Cassiopaean Substack cover a whole host of other-dimensional beings and phenomena: windows, portals, window-fallers, Bigfoot, Nessie, MIB, elementals/astrals, ghosts, poltergeists, demons. After reading them all over, I came up with one or two questions for things that weren't clarified over the years.

What does “Section B” refer to? (This was in reference to poltergeists as 3D section B energy anomalies.) The astral realms? I wonder, because poltergeists seem to be associated with fearful emotions, and the astral 'involves "emotions"' according to the latest session. What other "sections" are there?

For this next question, I don't really think it's worth asking, but I still wonder: What does the P in P2, P3, and P4 stand for? (This was in reference to the Cheddar Cave goblin.) Is it just an arbitrary designation? For example, are there A2s and R3s, etc?

Are either of these worth asking? And does anyone else have questions after reading the transcripts collected like this? Or do we have everything we need by now on those topics? :whistle:
I think it would be a nice idea to ask a question (or series of questions) to clarify the "map" of the other-dimensions "bestiary". The "vertical" axis of densities is countable but the impression is that dimensions are uncountable or at least, a lot. These dimensions that interact with our realm could be ethereal or material or something in between (or other?) so there is a multiplicity there. Among that "infinite" multiplicity, maybe there are a few that have more chances to interact, and a map of these may be perhaps a good start to ask about?
I think it would be a nice idea to ask a question (or series of questions) to clarify the "map" of the other-dimensions "bestiary". The "vertical" axis of densities is countable but the impression is that dimensions are uncountable or at least, a lot. These dimensions that interact with our realm could be ethereal or material or something in between (or other?) so there is a multiplicity there. Among that "infinite" multiplicity, maybe there are a few that have more chances to interact, and a map of these may be perhaps a good start to ask about?
Yeah, that would be good. We've got some rough divisions to go by. For example, the Cs mentioned the "imagination sector of thought", which seemed to be associated with the split into infinite "dimensions." This was later differentiated from the imaginal and the astral, with the comment that the astral had more to do with emotions and was in part limited to 3D.

(Ra had a pretty simple picture by comparison: 7 vertical densities, and 7 "inner plane" levels for 3rd density. On the lower astral plane were very simple ethereal beings (like astrals and elementals?), while on the upper astral planes you had beings with personality, like teachers and possessing entities.)
Not sure whether it is useful, but will write. It is quite possible many authors used word "Astral" ( or "label" for certain phenomenon they perceived- can't be properly validated with others) mean many things.

For this next question, I don't really think it's worth asking, but I still wonder: What does the P in P2, P3, and P4 stand for? (This was in reference to the Cheddar Cave goblin.) Is it just an arbitrary designation?
These designation ( P2, P3,P4) are given by 4D STS for their communication purposes for the critters they created. I don't think they speak english. It is quite possible, these are C's approximate translation for us.

In the context of discussion, does P means some sector of 3D frequency where Poltergeist phenomenon works? - Not sure.

It looks Poltergeist phenomenon ( moving physical objects which we can see) - by out side critters(which we can't see or perceive sufficiently) or own interaction with universe or 4D critters moving into some other 3D sector to influence physicality ( Om creature in session).

(L) A****** also asks: Are there monsters in caves all over the world?

A: No, not every one. P4 P3 P2 monsters are most usual.

Q: (L) What is a P4 P3 P2 monster?

A: Species designation.

Q: (L) Species designation by whom? Maybe I don't want to know!

A: Their creators aka 4D.

(L) Was this little monster that we got this picture of that was supposed to be in the Cheddar caves, was that one of these P4 P3 P2 monsters?

A: P3

Q: (L) Aaah! Creepy! Are P3 or P4 worse or creepier?

A: Depends on your perspective.

Some random words from sessions "hoping" to make sense.
  • Section B next to section A - Sect is also root for sector. Frequency fences with in 3D consciousness as sectors.
  • G's "Emotional center" is fast and powerful. Consciousness, belief center, Gravity constant can be changed with consciousness, belief center, DNA change can make one sensitive to them (aka bleed through) , EM bursts, through Ether/Vaccum/Zero point, accessing Information field and so on.
  • According to Cass Glossary- Bodies
Steiner divides the various bodies of the human into the physical body which is simply matter, the etheric body which is a feature of all living things, including plants and is the information field that guides the physical growth, the astral body which is the container of emotions, also present with higher animals, and finally the I which is specific to the human form. This same division is found in theosophy in general and in Western and Eastern esoteric traditions under somewhat different names.

For example, Mark Hedsel in Zelator discusses a system of seven bodies, starting with the 4 ones mentioned above, then continuing with 3 higher ones that correspond to a higher degree of development of the etheric, astral and I. These are called Buddhi, Manas and Atman.

Whether man possesses so-called higher bodies from birth varies from teaching to teaching. Theosophy and anthroposophy for example teach that such exist, although their level of perfection may vary a great deal whereas Gurdjieff says there are no such things except in rare esoterically advanced people. It may be that the difference is more of semantics. Whether something be an unformed blank slate without lasting conscious consistency or simply absent may make little difference.

Gurdjieff teaches that the non-physical bodies exist only in potential and need to be constructed by conscious work. Acquiring an astral body is in theory possible but requires generating and holding large amounts of 'higher hydrogens.' This astral body is called the body kesdjan in Beelzebub's Tales. There is another still higher body which is called soul and is composed yet again of a different degree of hydrogen. There is no separate mention of an etheric body in the sense of a field of 'life force' guiding the formation of the physical body.

We can bridge between Gurdjieff and Steiner by the system of seven bodies presented by Hedsel. The 4 first bodies of Steiner, physical, etheric, astral and I would correspond to Gurdjieff's planetary body. The various functions like biological growth, emotion and thought have their own centers but these are not treated as separate bodies. The higher being bodies of Gurdjieff would correspond to Manas and Atman. In other words, the formation of these would correspond to refinement of emotions and of intellect, corresponding to access to the corresponding higher centers.

The idea is that there exists a higher variant of emotion and a higher variant of intellect. To these correspond bodies which may be developed, or rather which will construct themselves from the appropriate hydrogens if these hydrogens are produced by the lower organism. For example, the transformation of negative emotions can produce construction material for the body kesdjan and later soul.

The ideas of the higher bodies and of the higher centers are not exactly the same. We could say that constructing the higher bodies corresponds to making the higher functioning permanent.

The astral and the next higher body, variously called atman or soul are the only ones that survive physical death. We can only speak of purposeful reincarnation if these bodies exist and have cohesion. Otherwise we may only speak of a mechanical recycling of patterns or of looping of a film.

The Cassiopaea material divides the human into the physical body, consciousness, the genetic body, and spirit/etheric body. The material does not go particularly deep into their functions or delineations. From the context of usage we could infer that the C's etheric is whatever survives between incarnations, corresponding to Steiner's I and parts of astral. The genetic would probably correspond to Steiner's etheric, meaning an information field whose presence separates living from inanimate matter and consciousness would correspond to transient parts of I and astral. Such comparisons are however of little practical consequence.

Q: (L) Okay next question:

(Galatea) What is the invisible creature that keeps playing the piano when I am in the salon? (Galatea had said that the chords of the piano would sound like they were plucked when she was alone in the room)

A: You.

Q: (Galatea) what do they mean me?

A: EM bursts

(Galatea) What’s that? (Others explain what EM bursts are)

A: Suppressed music.

Q: (Explanation by others to Galatea about poltergeist activity and creativity and it needing a channel, otherwise it comes out in other ways)

A: You have vast untapped talents. Stop watching TV; it produces suppressor chemicals in the brain

Q: (Galatea) what were those weird people I saw from a distance on the road who were making weird movements?

A: Disabled.

Q: (Galatea) What happened to the car I saw that disappeared?

A: Dissociation on your part.

Q: (explanation to Galatea about dissociative states)

A: Again, stop with the TV already!

Q: (Galatea) What are the weird squiggly lights I see in my bedroom at night on the wall?

A: 053 DNA activation

Q: (Galatea) what is that?

A: Codon nomenclature:

Q: (Galatea) what does that mean? (explanation to Galatea about codons and that this is probably a meta-scientific designation for a specific DNA codon)

A: Will be.

Q: (discussion that the “053” is possibly a future name for a certain type of DNA. Galatea asks further questions about DNA and turning it on and what the lights are and what they mean)

A: Higher perceptions.

Q: (Galatea) does that mean I have higher perceptions?

A: Bleed through; you are sensitive.

(Galatea) Who was I in my previous life? Was I Marilyn Monroe?

A: Later.

Q: (Galatea wonders what “later” means and is told that it probably means to ask at a later date, although it seems Galatea thinks it means to ask later in the session)

(Atriedes) can George Dillman do a no touch KO and kill with sound?

A: No.

Q: (Atriedes) Did the people from Kantek bring a martial art with them?

A: Of course, how do you think they destroyed their planet?

(Atriedes) is this the martial art that eventually made it to China?

A: Not china, further back than that. You are on the right track with dances.

Q: (Atriedes) is there a way to construct these dances from examples?

A: You can see a close replica in Celtic dances.

Q: (Atriedes) (something like “were these dances then used for some kind of martial art?)

A: Dancing aligned power cells.

(discussion that the dances provided the power and then you could do whatever you wanted with that power, some used it for one thing, some for another)

A: All so called “martial arts” are attempts to do physically via “techniques” what was once done by pure energy mastery.
Attached here is a copy of the Condign Report. This is a military report about UAPs and some plasma phenomena published in Dec 2000.

Page 409 onwards it discusses the effects of magnetic fields on humans:
1. It is known that visible and invisible fields can be sensed when close to a UAP... The results [in the following section] summarized are those of medical experiments in which the intention was to study the human brain response to external fields, particularly in the area of epilepsy. There is no UAP connection given in the scientific papers. The connection is made here, because of the apparent relevance to this study.
2. The fields investigated for medical purposes in Canada have some common characteristics, and the scenario which, in 'close encounters', reportedly produces 'alien' and similar descriptions, may be the result of close proximity of one or more of these field types (i.e. ball lightning, ionospheric plasmas, earthlights, or electrically charged aerosol).
Section 3 established a working model for calculating the magnetic field strength at the UAP source by examining the magnetic field strength of the observer and their distance from the UAP:

Section 4 discussed the neurological resposse to magnetic fields like those mentioned above which have been found in association with UAPs.

5. Temporal Lobe Activity A significant temporal lobe activity was registered. These areas of the most electrically labile of the human brain. It was demonstrated that people who already possess high levels of activity in this area are likely to experience:
-Mystical or paranormal activities
-'Out of body' activities
-Tingling or vibration

Some experiences listed:

Reading between the lines, it seems altogether interesting that the application of magnetic fields can induce paranormal experiences, or some type of contact with otherwordly presences. It reminded me also of the recent Mind Matters interview with Dr Simeon Hein.
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