Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact

Michael B-C

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I just stumbled upon this new presentation given under the auspices of the Parapsychological Association.

Having previously read two of Mike Clelland's three books on the subject, The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee and the follow up Stories from The Messengers: Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality, and seeing as the topic hasn't been raised here before, welcome to one of the weirdest and yet most ancient unspoken High Strangeness connections... Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact.

Mike Clelland is an author, researcher, illustrator and blogger. His research has been focused on owls and their archetypal role in paranormal events. He lives in the Pacific Northwest, between Seattle and the Olympic Peninsula.


Mike Clelland has been investigating the unknown for well over a decade. His 2015 book, The Messengers, explores the mysterious connection between owls, synchronicities, and UFO contact. It was his first-hand experiences with these elusive events that have been the foundation for his research. Because of this, he has framed his work from a decidedly subjective position. He argues that the source of our legends and folklore is still at play, showing up in the lives of people all over the world. Our ancient mythologies persist, and they are still playing a vital role. He has published two more books, Stories from The Messengers, and Hidden Experience. These create a trilogy, all pointing to a deeper reality, something that has been interacting with human consciousness all throughout human history.


In essence Clelland claims his life has been an unending process of High Strangeness contact with owls preceding UFO and abduction experiences. As he began to write about the matter - both in book and blog form - he was contacted by 100s of people around the world relating similar experiences. These stories play a central role in his three books. He also documents the worldwide association of owls through mythology and fairy tale as being gatekeepers to the 'other side', to liminal time and space, and as messengers, as harbingers of both knowledge and terror, and of being both in and outside of nature - in their guise as unique hunters of the night.

Some of the most gruesome legends come from Mexico where they have predatory owl witches which on occasion read like windowfallers and even men in black in disguise.


Owl's have also played an important role in the iconography of certain Western occult groups and secret societies. I wonder how many of those who walk the streets of Washington DC today realize there is a giant owl embedded in the masonic layout of the Capitol building at the very heart of the city?:


And of course, there are also those old friends of Alex Jones at Bohemian Grove who once upon a time had a penchant for Tu-whit tu-whoo....

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Clelland's books are packed with fascinating and bizarre occurrences, but there is also a perverse levels of cognitive dissonance going on with him. Despite his repeat recounting of the terror, loss of agency and psychological breakdown his stories depict, he still cannot help but be convinced that 'aliens are here for our good'. He openly admits to living in terror himself, but hangs on for dear life to the idea that its all for the best and for his spiritual enlightenment....

The topic has even made it into a cult horror movie called 'The Fourth Kind', using side by side footage documentary style so effectively that many believed it was a true story... it wasn't, but the close association between the appearance of owls ahead of interaction with grey aliens has been repeatedly documented.

Professor of psychiatry John Mack, who late on in his career became a researcher in the psychology of alien abduction experiences, documented that a visitation by a strange animal prior to loss of memory/abduction was a consistent theme in the majority of stories when explored thoroughly, with the most common being deer, owls, and…raccoons (famously PCR inventor Kary Mullis frankly described in his autobiography what he regarded as an abduction experience involving the loss of memory of an entire night, one that was preceded by strange owls and a talking Raccoon…). The king of the abduction theory, Whitley Strieber, also claimed his first experiences were heralded by weird encounters with owls.

Why Owls?

Clelland has come up with four theories:
1. They are alarm clocks - nature's warning...
2. There is some very ancient level of shared knowledge between owls and humans buried deep in our collective unconscious...
3. To announce initiation - that UFO contact is a form of initiation.
4. They are a totem of the transitional experience - that the synchronicity they bring is often life changing.

He also raises five other areas connected to owls:

1. Spiritual awakening...
2. Shamanic awakening...
3. Psychedelic experiences, especially mushrooms, often involve meeting a symbolic owl...
4. Meditation - people see owls whilst meditating...
5. Death - interwoven with owls across the world...

He also suggests that Reiki healers - in his experience 50% of all contactees - seem to be disproportionately represented by owl/UFO experiences...

Makes one wonder about the misuse of false Reiki going on throughout the New Age community...
Owls and deer, one could imagine that they both have big black eyes, and they stare motionless. It could represent or be congruent with what they "announce", abduction experiences. The racoon on the other hand is more puzzling.
There is a sci-fi movie called the guardians of the galaxy where one extraterrestrial is a talking racoon. The sequel has been released recently and apparently the racoon alien was produced in a laboratory. Starting from the premise that owls, deers, and racoons may represent gray aliens performing most if not all abductions, and given the artificiality of the grays, one wonders where the producers of the film (galaxy guardians) got the idea from or if they just picked it up somehow.
Owls and deer, one could imagine that they both have big black eyes, and they stare motionless. It could represent or be congruent with what they "announce", abduction experiences. The racoon on the other hand is more puzzling.
There is a sci-fi movie called the guardians of the galaxy where one extraterrestrial is a talking racoon. The sequel has been released recently and apparently the racoon alien was produced in a laboratory. Starting from the premise that owls, deers, and racoons may represent gray aliens performing most if not all abductions, and given the artificiality of the grays, one wonders where the producers of the film (galaxy guardians) got the idea from or if they just picked it up somehow.

The Racoon issue indeed stand out as an intriguing oddity... if such a thing is possible in this topic! From his autobiography Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, Kary Mullis relates how he drove from Berkeley out to his cabin late one night:

…I got there just around midnight. I had driven up alone, and I had passed the functional sobriety test – I had made it through the mountains.

I turned on the kitchen lights, put my bags of groceries on the floor, and grabbed a heavy, black flashlight. I was headed to the john, which was about fifty feet west of the cabin, down a hill. Some people thought it was a little eerie at night, but I didn’t – I liked the night. I liked sitting in the dark on the custom carved redwood seat. I liked the sound of owls in the valley. But that night, I never made it to the seat.

The path down to the john heads west and then takes a sharp turn to the north after a few earthen steps. Then it runs level for about twenty feet. I walked down the steps, turned right, and then at the far end of the path, under a fir tree, there was something glowing. I pointed my flashlight at it anyhow. It only made it whiter where the beam landed. It seemed to be a raccoon. I wasn’t frightened. Later, I wondered if it could have been a hologram, projected from God knows where.

The raccoon spoke. “Good evening, doctor,” it said. I said something back, I don’t remember what, probably, “Hello.”

The next thing I remember, it was early morning. I was walking along a road uphill from my house. What went through my head as I walked down toward my house was, “What the hell am I doing here?” I had no memory of the night before.”

In another interview which I can't now find he spoke about how in the week's prior to this event a single large owl kept hanging around his cabin, getting closer and closer, flying across his path when he went out, and even looking in at his window (very common report). His daughter also experienced a similar experience at the cabin suggestive of an intergenerational abduction program.

I wonder if the Racoon plays the role of the trickster character which again is very common in UFO events - where dwarfs, cartoon like personas and other 'playful' weirdos pop up regularly. Tricksters inhabit or represent the liminal space between one solid reality and another. When you read Clellands accounts so many of them include the owl transitioning from apparently normal to outright weird and unearthly - a blurring of the lines takes place in other words between reality and a fairy tale like space. Many of those who report their experiences are confused because they cannot work out of the owl involved was natural and then reveals another side to its nature or whether it was weird all along and just pretending to be natural at first encounter... if you follow me i.e. are real owls being manipulated or are the owls fake from the start.

I do recommend a read of his books because his fixation - a dangerous obsession one might say - does mean he is extremely rigorous with detail and by so doing uncovers symbolic elements of the process that would otherwise go unstudied. One of the reasons the UFO phenomena is not more widely understood as paranormal at its core is that researchers fixate on the nuts and bolts and therefore fail to ask non leading questions. Many contactees experience shame and embarrassment about their experience and as a result if not specifically asked do not volunteer all the weird details that more often than not accompany an interaction, often starting weeks or months before, fearing these will prove them to be loopy. But its often these very High Strangeness details that are of way higher value that just another material looking spaceship which sits at the centre as a doorway within a multifaceted world of weirdness.

The other thing about Deer, Owls, Raccoons is that its a very American trinity - almost Disney like. One has to wonder about subliminal cultural programming, particularly during childhood, and its role in creating means within the unconscious that enables a bridging of world's to take place later on in life...
In my personal experience, owls are related to the awakening of the seeker, the beginning of the search.

When my search started in force (many years before I found the C's), I began to see owls and even one day an owl flew at me in such a way that I had to duck.

A few days or weeks later I had an experience with intelligent infinity (a demonstration in the night sky of an unquestionable nature), which coincided with an idea of a spiritual nature that I came to in meditation at that time.

Nowadays I see hawks and eagles with some frequency, which always gives me a feeling of peace and calm.

In short, the second density is directly connected to the sixth density, so the signals sent from the celestial realms to the "seeker" may well be through certain second density beings that transmit something consistent with the animal species.
In my personal experience, owls are related to the awakening of the seeker, the beginning of the search.
He also documents the worldwide association of owls through mythology and fairy tale as being gatekeepers to the 'other side', to liminal time and space, and as messengers, as harbingers of both knowledge and terror, and of being both in and outside of nature - in their guise as unique hunters of the nigh

Around a week ago, randomly a nature video showing snowy white owls appeared on my feed. As I watched the video I had this overwhelming sense/perspective that the owls looked so similarly to many of our ideas of what aliens look like.

Then two days ago I find two small snowy white owl figures that I gave to my dad a few years ago in my stuff (must have packed it with my stuff when I moved last year).

Now today I see this post of the forum.

It brings up an interesting question - is it a sign of a deeper awakening or an initiation to future abduction?

I look forward to watching the youtube video and recommended books on this post to reflect and think critically on the owl symbology and ufo tie.

My question is what books on the recommended reading list or other resources would best help cultivate an open but critical mind while researching? I want to be open enough to new information so I am not tied down to ideologies but also critically so I'm not open to anything/everything in terms of info.

I know Laura's wave books speak on this and I am starting to re-read them but also looking for more to pair with the wave series.

I want to read more of the owl/ufto connection idea but also do not want to be subject to subconsciously programming myself but not having the right tools.
I want to read more of the owl/ufto connection idea but also do not want to be subject to subconsciously programming myself but not having the right tools.

To my knowledge the books I have linked at the top of my first post on this subject are the only ones to date that specifically cover this topic. Other than the Wave series, Laura's brilliant High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction would be a must if you haven't yet read it.

In terms of your concerns, I would suggest remembering what the C's said - knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. One gets the sense that people who end up blindly wandering into these topics filled with wishful thinking and other self-delusions may indeed make themselves open to a compliant feeding invitation - but I suspect by making yourself objectively aware of these kinds of phenomena you have a greater chance of building that protection through increased awareness, and so lessening any power it may otherwise have over you. Although Clelland has done great work collecting all this material and respecting it, to my mind he is a classic example of the former - he can't help but be seduced by the 'woo-woo' (excuse the use) wonder of it all and holds on against all the evidence that it is some form of higher spiritual truth and awakening he is unlocking instead of facing it as a series of clues into a complex control system in which his gullibility and willingness to consent leaves him open to manipulation (and the same goes for all those who read his books and end up convinced by his perspective). In those terms, reading his books and seeing him lay out his wishful thinking as well as information that increases your knowledge offers a useful training in what to do and what not to do with certain information. Hope this helps.
In terms of your concerns, I would suggest remembering what the C's said - knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. One gets the sense that people who end up blindly wandering into these topics filled with wishful thinking and other self-delusions may indeed make themselves open to a compliant feeding invitation - but I suspect by making yourself objectively aware of these kinds of phenomena you have a greater chance of building that protection through increased awareness, and so lessening any power it may otherwise have over you. Although Clelland has done great work collecting all this material and respecting it, to my mind he is a classic example of the former - he can't help but be seduced by the 'woo-woo' (excuse the use) wonder of it all and holds on against all the evidence that it is some form of higher spiritual truth and awakening he is unlocking instead of facing it as a series of clues into a complex control system in which his gullibility and willingness to consent leaves him open to manipulation (and the same goes for all those who read his books and end up convinced by his perspective). In those terms, reading his books and seeing him lay out his wishful thinking as well as information that increases your knowledge offers a useful training in what to do and what not to do with certain information. Hope this helps.
In fact, there may be a lot to what you mention, because it is really not known why the hell these strange things happen.

Now, I'm going to tell you one thing, no matter how much you read it in words, you won't know how fun and incredible the experience is, until you experience it.

And finding out why will then surely be what that person wants to do.
This thread is very “synchronistic” for me.
Early this summer my first born son, asked me several personal questions.
I suspected he and his wife were perhaps contributing to one of those trendy “Memory Books” that are becoming popular.
So, when he wanted to know what my favourite book was, it was actually a very interesting experience, because I’ve read a “few” books, in my life.
I settled on the book one that my subconscious submitted first, before hundreds of other titles started popping up from my “beloved books list”.
“A Wrinkle in Time”, by Madeleine L'Engle.
I read it for the first time when I was 8 years old, and this book blew the door wide open to my lifelong quest for knowledge.

So, imagine my surprise and delight when he and a fellow carver created this beautiful “Wise Owl” carving for me.
So, I’m sharing a picture.
The first picture of my Doorstep Guardian Owl, Sitting on a stack of books, a “Wrinkle in Time” carved in my sons script.
Besides the fact that I have never liked owls, I have heard testimonies about aliens in the form of owls as very negative beings that remain in the shadows and are very psychic. In history I have also found them in a Sumerian-Anunaki relief accompanying the owl-footed goddess Innana (?) as the queen of the night who suggested in the creation of the Lulu (human) human iniquities. As extraterrestrials I have identified them in some trailer of the movie Jupiter Ascended.


As a side note, I have not been able to find the trailer where the first owl alien I mentioned appears but this one resembles it.
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