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Posts Tagged ‘gravity’

The Cs Hit List 06: Let’s Do the Planetary Twist to the Tune of the Brothers Heliopolis

OK, it’s time for more weirdness. As we covered in a recent SOTT Report, accounts and recordings of strange noises heard all over the world went semi-viral on YouTube in January this year, and some are even receiving mainstream media coverage. Some YouTube pundits claim they’re all faked, a couple of scientists say they’re ‘normal’ […]

The Wave Chapter 46: The Theological Reality

This section deals with my growing awareness of the Matrix that conceals the theological reality and how difficult it is to break free of the illusion that our reality is as it presents itself to be. Though I didn’t realize it as I went through it, all of the events of this period were simply […]

HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density

Laura presents transcripts from the Cassiopaean Experiment that explain HAARP, weather changes, coming Earth changes, and more…