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Posts Tagged ‘perspicacity’

The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code

At the present time, when millions of people have read the Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, it seems that the awareness that man’s true history has been hidden is growing apace with the thirst for the truth. In my book, The Secret History of the World, I deal with many branches of the “hidden […]

Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO

In the past few days there has been quite a flurry of activity in response to the Signs’ article on Cosmic SPAM. Most readers have thanked us heartily for exposing this hoax – for such it is even if we believe that the author is sincere – but a few think that we are “slandering” […]

Schwaller de Lubicz and the Fourth Reich Part 2

In examining the work of Schwaller, we have one of the better examples of the subtle way the occult societies attack those who come to bring light, by association and co-opting. The tactic is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truly Positive so as to generate confusion in […]

The Most Dangerous Idea in the World

The other day we received an email from Parabola Magazine rejecting our proposed paid advertisement for my book The Secret History of the World. Seems it didn’t fit their criteria for an acceptable publication. The mag had been suggested to us by a friend as a potential venue for our advertising, and I really wasn’t […]

Oneness With God?

A Reader writes to Laura: Forgive me if I seem skeptical, but some of the information on this incredibly intruiging site seems kinda far-fetched. Dear Peter, Join the club! As you read through some of the transcripts, you may note my regular expressions of incredulity. As I suggested in the “Disclaimer,” we are not into […]

Shocks and Signs of The Times

We here at Cassiopaea realize that reading the “signs” of our reality is a difficult task for several reasons. The first reason is, of course, that we have all been “programmed” from infancy to put the most “positive” interpretation on things we experience. We are told repeatedly “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say […]

Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 2 – The World Inside the Devil

In our previous discussion of Discernment, we have asked two question: How in the world can we hope to win such a game, played by GameMasters who are clearly so much more powerful than we are? Or are they? The Cassiopaeans have said that “knowledge protects.” They have also said that it is not “where […]

Discernment Or Machiavelli and the ETs Part 1

We received the following letter from a reader. It is a bit long, but worth reading in its entirety in light of the issues it raises which are dealt with in a general way with the commentary that follows. Dear Laura, Last night late, still pondering how to sum up my initial impressions of Anna […]