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To Be or Not to Be
Like many of you who are reading the articles on this website, I am a seeker of what we generally call "spiritual advancement." And, like many of you, I have been in this seeking mode as long as I can remember-from birth, even. Also, like many of you, in my search for "spiritual truths," I have encountered the term "Ascension" repeatedly in the course of this Quest. And finally, like many of you, I have come across hundreds, if not thousands, of definitions of the word, as well as purported techniques to accomplish this most desirable objective. In seeking a concise definition and philosophy behind it, I decided to search the internet for clues. I typed the word "ascension" along with the word "spiritual" into a popular search engine. It returned 115,000 pages for my edification. Why, at this present moment in history, is so much attention being focused on this subject? Well, we all know the answer to that question. It is because of the state of the World in which we live. The Laws of Probability tell us that, without any intelligent input, 50% of the time the events in our world would lead to great good and benefit for mankind. In a strictly mechanical way, life in our world ought to have manifested a sort of "equilibrium." Factoring in intelligent decisions to do good would bring this average up to about 70%. That would mean that humanity would have advanced over the millennia to a state of existence where good and positive things happen in our lives more often than "negative" or "bad" things. In this way, many of the problems of humanity would have been effectively solved. War and conflict would be a rarity; at least 70 percent of the earth's population would have decent medical care, a comfortable roof over their heads, and sufficient nutritious food so that death by disease or starvation would be almost unheard of. The facts are, however, quite different. More than 840 MILLION people on the Earth suffer from hunger. That's about three times the population of the entire USA. This is chronic, persistent hunger, which kills 24,000 people every day, or over 8 million each year. Three of four who die from starvation are younger than five years old. According to the Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, during the past 100 years there have been approximately 2 BILLION deaths (including civilians) resulting from war , tyrannical governments, and man-made famine. When these figures are broken down into deaths caused by Communism vs. Capitalism, they are almost equal, with the figures slightly higher for Capitalism which may surprise some people. Turning to mortality statistics that are NOT related to war and famine, we find that it is a bit difficult to get an actual number because the stats are nearly always expressed in terms of percentages rather than in hard population numbers. One gets the feeling that the actual count is so frightening that this approach is used for the express purpose of avoiding having to face the facts. One thing we do know is that deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke are the leading cause of death in 31 of the 35 Western Hemisphere countries that report disease related mortality statistics. The highest mortality rates are found in the English-speaking Caribbean, USA, Canada, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Mortality rates from these causes are increasing in the Central American and Latin Caribbean regions as they come more and more under the sway of Western capitalism. What we are talking about above are the "quiet" statistics, from our present reality. Even now it is easy to forget that there were 65 MILLION deaths from WW II alone and that deaths from disease and starvation continue as a quiet, steady drum beat of increasing mortality behind the trumpeting of school shootings, sensational murder trials, and little Cuban boys who become the center of international custody disputes. I don't think that one single person on this planet will disagree that they want a better life for themselves and their children; and most of them will add that they do not presently have the capacity to make it a reality. Except for a very small minority of very sick people, I don't think anybody likes to see misery and suffering, disease and death and despair, in any context. And again we must ask: if these things are so detestable to human beings at large, if so many people are working and thinking and praying to improve the conditions of our world, why isn't it happening? Seekers of Ascension - a large number of whom could be considered the American Intelligentsia - are always aware of these things, and they are asking "What is the origin of all the misery and suffering? Does it just happen? Do people and only people cause others to suffer? Is it that God is good, but allows bad things to happen?" "Don't forget the power of prayer," we are told by our religious leaders, or "positive thinking," as we are told by the New Age gurus. The only problem is, prayers and positive thinking do not seem to have improved the world very much on the occasions when it is certain that nearly every human being was praying for a certain outcome. Jesus promised: "If any two of you shall agree and ask... it shall be done." (Matt 18:19) That's a promise. What do you want or need? Just ask! But it doesn't work and we see it! Over sixty million people died because God didn't do what everybody thought he should do. C.S. Lewis struggled with this issue in the latter part of his life. He saw clearly that, before World War II, practically every human being on the planet was praying - to Jesus, God the Father, the Virgin Mary, Allah, Buddha and whoever else you can name or mention, so all the bases were covered - that this terrible thing would not happen. The memory of the previous "Great War" was still fresh in the mind of mankind. They remembered the horrible carnage and vowed, never again! In the end, after the most mighty cry of prayer in human memory, rising from the earth, almost one-third of the world was uninhabitable and sixty-five million human beings were dead. That was God's answer to prayer. That was the result of the "power of positive thinking." THINK ABOUT IT. Throughout history we find one group praying to their god to protect them from the depredations of another group. The other group is praying just as fervently that their depredations will be successful. When one group succeeds in killing another, is that proof that its god is supreme? What then happens if the members of the successful group are then reincarnated into the group that was defeated? This is not a rhetorical question since a very interesting book - Beyond the Ashes by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom - was written about the great numbers of Jews who died in the holocaust now being reincarnated as Christians. There has also been some suggestion that many Nazis are now being reincarnated as Jews. What then, does such an idea do to the concept of "my god is the only right one?" I can assure the reader from my own experience as a hypnotherapist, that every single case I have worked with in terms of "past life therapy," has demonstrated a "string" of "past lives" in such variety of nationality and religious orientation, that it literally makes a joke of anyone stating with absolute certainty, that their beliefs or orientation NOW, are the only "right" ones. It is evident that those who declaim against another group most vehemently, will most certainly find themselves a member of that very group in the next "round" of incarnation. This begs the question of why people cannot remember the previous lessons in past lives; why the wisdom of the soul is not available to the person. If humans have souls or spirits, why is the knowledge of past karmic cycles not part of a person's wisdom? And that is, of course, the quest for Ascension - to reclaim that knowledge, among other things. The questions about how our beliefs may shape our reality are among the most significant in all of consciousness research. And so it is that many seekers step outside of the "standard religions" and begin to seek the "truth" of the ways and means of Ascension. As noted, Ascension" is discussed widely in books, articles, on the internet, in classes and workshops, and other media. The general trend of ideas expressed include the search for the "one thing that will transform your life." Various "techniques" are advertised which promise to provide stress relief and even the" key to the highest levels of human consciousness." The shopper in the market of ascension "tools" is told that they can NOW make a choice to "swiftly and easily free the nervous system from stress, enjoy maximum creativity, clarity and health, experience inner peace, fulfillment and joy," and of course, change one's self-limiting beliefs. Another perspective on "ascension" tells us that ascension is "the way to integrate all portions of your self in a conscious way." The seeker is told that he or she is a "multi-dimensional being who seeded portions of itself into the physical reality" and that fully "remembering who you are" is the act of integration and the "removal of the veil of time, identities and separateness in yourself." What, precisely, the result will be - other than maybe being "healthy, wealthy and wise" - is not clear. As we read further in the available literature, we discover other ideas. One "expert" on the subject tells us that this thing called "ascensions" was only achieved in the past upon dying, and that now people can do it and take their pysical body with them. He suggests that spirituality is so advanced in the present age that souls can graduate more quickly. It is as though he is suggesting a "grading curve" has been instituted so that the requirements are lessened. Either that, or he hasn't been paying much attention to what is going on "out there." The evidence of "advanced spirituality" in our world is severely lacking in spite of the New Age claims that "light workers" can "help bring forth the ascension for the masses before physical death, before totally wearing out the physical body in resistance to evolution. Much more energy can be expended on the positive and much less wasted on the negative." Again, we note that objective reality does not support such a claim. If anything, since the inception of the New Age "movement," if it can be so called, things have gotten a lot worse. This leads to another point: it seems that we must accept the objective fact that attempts to change the world spiritually, or to regulate large scale events, simply do not work. Yes, there does seem to be evidence that individuals or small groups of individuals can make small changes or produce effects with a limited range of influence. But for some reason, the world as it is, seems to operate based on rules or laws that we do not understand. The fundamental nature of the physical world seems to be antithetical to this "spiritualization." While we all might like to think we can transform our world by praying and/or thinking positively, we must remember that there is a great deal of evidence that real transformations of the planet have repeatedly been cataclysmic. A philosophy which ignores this fact is courting disaster. And so we have a clue that the problem may not be as easily solved as the many promoters of the different "methods or techniques of Ascension would have us believe. The question then becomes: if the process of Ascension is possibly more complex than the many promoters of the various methods offered in our day would have us think, what is the reason for the 115,000 web pages? This matter deserves some discussion in the context of certain problems that are undoubtedly related. Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State, is the first comprehensive study of the past 50 years of the U.S. government's response to the intrusion of UFO phenomena in America. The compiled evidence - which includes government documents - suggests that a group of specialists working in the shadows, set up and executed the most massive cover-up in the history of government, and that the Human Potential movement and the subsequent New Age movements were key elements of this cover-up. In other words, they not only have used the "colorful community" of alternative ideas as an unwitting tool of disinformation, it is highly probable that most of it was literally created by them as COINTELPRO projects. Usually, when we think of COINTELPRO, we think of the most well known and typical activities which include sending anonymous or fictitious letters designed for various purposes, publishing false defamatory or threatening information, forging signatures on fake documents, introducing disruptive and subversive members into organizations to destroy them from within, and so on. Blackmailing insiders in any group to force them to spread false rumors, or to foment factionalism was also common. What a lot of people don't keep in mind is the fact that COINTELPRO also concentrated on creating bogus organizations. These bogus groups could serve many functions which might include attacking and/or disrupting bona fide groups, or even just simply creating a diversion with clever propaganda in order to attract members away in order to involve them with time-wasting activity so as to prevent them from doing anything useful. COINTELPRO was also famous for instigation of hostile actions through third parties. According to investigators, these FBI programs were noteworthy because all documents relating to them were stamped "do not file." This meant that they were never filed in the system, and for all intents and purposes, did not exist. This cover was blown after activists broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania in 1971. So, let us spell it out in Dolan's words:
Now, let us take a few logical steps. The UFO problem emerged into the national consciousness in 1947, or thereabouts. Not long afterward, a lot of people began asking a lot of questions. The government wasn't answering, and so the people began to band together to find out the answers for themselves. They started forming groups. And this is where things get just a bit curious. The thing that was most threatened by the UFO/alien issue seems to have been the Standard Monotheistic Religions. It's pretty clear that there was really no danger of losing political control. But Social control that is the mainstay of religion was most definitely under a threat. In fact, what seems to be true is that it is not even clear that religions - as we know them - would have survived a full disclosure. So the logical conclusion is that part of the main reason for the cover-up was to "protect the religious status quo." But, as it stood at the time, protecting the religious status quo - mainly the social controls that stem from religion - was iffy at best. After a century of scholarly investigation into many religious texts, and the raising of many questions about the "old time religion," there were a lot of people in society who were most definitely turning away from religious dogma. It's fairly simple to take the next logical step and see that a combining of the questions of those who were disenchanted with religion, with the questions of those who were wanting to know just what the heck was going on in terms of possible "extraterrestrials," was seen as a dangerous and explosive mixture. Something had to be done. The activities of COINTELPRO in attempting to neutralize political opposition has been pretty well exposed. But we are now considering the fact that, in addition to political activists, it seems that COINTELPRO has particularly targeted groups that are seeking the truth about the interactions between the US government and Ultra Terrestrials, or so-called "aliens." That a long-time cover-up of these matters has been in effect is certainly evident to any careful researcher. The COINTELPRO files show the U.S. government targeted a very broad range of religious, labor and community groups opposed to any of its agendas, and it is only logical to assume that the same type of operation would be created to cover up the "alien agenda." Such a theoretical COINTELPRO operation also goes far in explaining why, when the sincere researcher of UFO phenomena enters this field, he or she discovers only lies, lies, and more lies; Confusion and disinformation. That is most definitely the signature of COINTELPRO. Considering all of this, would anybody care to suggest that it did not also occur to the Powers that Be that the chief means of diverting attention and covering up the truth would be to literally fund and CREATE the "New Age" and "Human Potential" movement so that it would follow THEIR agenda of keeping secrets? In other words, it is extremely likely that the most successful and popular of Metaphysical Mavens and New Age Impresarios are COINTELPRO agents - either conscious or dupes of those who are. The objective seems to be to attack and "neutralize" those who are seeking the answers. Those who are sincere, who do bona fide research and seek to explicate the truth, are infiltrated, attacked, and marginalized according to standard COINTELPRO procedures. What all of this seems to suggest is that the Powers That Be (PTB) have developed COINTELPRO to an all new level of Social Shaping, Cultural Brainwashing, and the main targets of this activity would include virtuallly anyone who is seeking the truth about the shifting realities of our world. The cases of COINTELPRO activities agains political groups must be no more than the tip of the iceberg, given that the great bulk of COINTELPRO - type operations remain secret until long after their damage has been done. By all indications, domestic covert operations have become a permanent feature of U.S. politics, and Social Programming and it is hardly likely, considering the evidence, that the New Age and Human Potential fields are exempt. The implications of this are truly alarming. Those who manage to get close to the truth of these matters, despite the many obstacles in their path, face National covert campaigns to discredit and disrupt their research and reputations. Clearly, COINTELPRO and similar operations under other names also work to distort academic and popular perceptions of the problems facing our world. They have done enormous damage to the search for the Truth. "Terrorism is changing. New adversaries, new motivations and new rationales have surfaced in recent years to challenge much of the conventional wisdom..." wrote Dr. Bruce Hoffman, Director of RAND. And he was right. The only problem is, the reader is largely unaware of the definition of "new adversaries" that might be implied in his remarks. A careful reading of Richard Dolan's book, will immediately reveal what Dr. Hoffman really meant in his remarks about "terrorism." Based on the documents assembled by Dolan, it is obvious that the governments of the world do indeed see the UFO problem as a very, very serious matter. In the course of assembling the documents and reporting the events, Dolan came to the inescapable conclusion that there exists an "Above Top Secret" group with access to all available UFO data, and that this group "straddled" the worlds of government, military, and industry. The evidence proves that the military created a complete fiction for public consumption designed to convince the masses that the UFO problem was "nonexistent." They were assisted in pulling the wool over the eyes of the public by "heavy handed official media and culture," and they were obviously under orders to consistently and repeatedly "debunk" the idea that aliens were ensconced in our world. What seems to be true is that most of our elected officials are as much victims of the debunking as anybody else. And the same is true about mainstream science. Dolan documents how the intelligence organizations of the United States - and very likely other countries who are working in concert with them, though outwardly they may pretend to be oppositional - have conducted terminal mind-control experiments, biological spraying of American cities, human plutonium and syphilis injections, illegal communications interception, and nationwide domestic surveillance of private citizens, political assassinations and coups, ongoing media manipulation and outright public lying on a continual basis, most especially in regards to UFOs. The above organizations, via any and all means available, made sure that, to the public at large, UFOs and aliens were a "dead issue." Scientist and UFO disclosure advocate James McDonald said in 1969: "I am enough of a realist to sense that, unless this AAAS symposium succeeds in making the scientific community aware of the seriousness of the UFO problem, little response to any call for new investigations is likely to appear." McDonald presented a brilliant paper entitled "Science in Default: Twenty-two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations." Dolan comments that it was "perhaps the most damning statement about UFO research ever made." Speaking before the convention at Boston's Sheraton Plaza Hotel, McDonald came down hard on everyone: Condon, Menzel, Hynek, and finally the scientific establisment itself. He said:
This high noise to signal ratio is, based on the evidence, the direct product of the frenzied activities of the "National Security State" in their promulgation of the New Age/Human Potential smoke and mirrors magic show. What is also clearly evident is that this noise is the fundament of the prevailing scientific doctrine. What we see is that the Scientific Community - though they claim to be seekers of advanced scientific truth - have been as easily duped as Joe Sixpack and Shirley Seeker of Truth. The former is interested in little more than his truck, his dog, and his weekend football game, while the latter is generally looking for a lifestyle of higher "experiences." What I also suspect is that even the lower echelons of the intelligence and military organizations must be included in this rather large grouping of the duped and deceived sheep. An example of this duping of those investigating the matter from the "bottom up," is Andrew Tully who wrote The Super Spies, supposedly an early report on the NSA. He, and many who have followed him, suggest that the UFO is an "intelligence" device and that it evolved out of Nazi Secrets brought to the US under Project Paperclip. Dolan lays out the evidence and disabuses us of the notion that the UFO activity could be human, technological breakthroughs as such naive conspiracy theorists propose. As he says, "all of the indicators point to a definitive NO." He then points out that, every single person who actually studies the UFO problem [yours truly included - who began as a flaming skeptic] - becomes convinced that it IS a problem of Alien invasion of our planet. Every official study of UFOs persuaded the researchers that aliens were the explanation for the data. But that data has been denied, and when denial no longer worked, it was obscured by the noise, the smoke and mirrors that prevail today in UFO research and the New Age and Human Potential movements. Do we think that this is coincidence? Another evident production of "noise" is the nonsense that passes today as "channeling" or "alien contacts". Indeed, our own work involves channeled material, but as we have noted repeatedly, it is not your usual channeled info, nor do we treat it as such. For us, a controlled channeling experiment is the 10% inspiration that must be matched by the 90% perspiration of real research. With a broad historical awareness of the facts, a firm grounding in the realization that most of what is out there is deliberate disinformation, the individual who surveys the plethora of "alternative information" in books and on the internet, can easily recognize the "noise" factor produced by the Secret State. Dolan tells us:
Consider the above in terms of "chemtrails." And note the comments of our own channeled material regarding the above - keeping in mind that the Cassiopaeans are not "aliens," but rather from "us in the future," i.e. superluminal communication via controlled experimental protocols:
The C's comments take on a whole new meaning in light of the present situation - 9-11 and all that, as well as Bush's drive for "war." We also note the most interesting remark that "awareness of the activities of aliens in and around our planet" is "factionalized and compartmentalized." And this is where we come to the COINTELPRO function of creating creating bogus organizations to attack or disrupt bona fide groups. We have already quoted the fact that research in Electrical Stimulation of the brain could produce hallucinations. If you put hallucinations together with words, you can produce just about anything in the way of "noise" to obscure the truth that you want - including the "shape-shifting reptoids-as-humans," or a "gray dude in the bathroom," or a "Guardian Alliance," or a "Nibiruan Council," or an "Ashtar Command," or talking whales and dolphins, etc. You name it - they can produce it via voices in the head and hallucinations and transmissions of frequencies that produce ecstatic states, healings, or whatever. And so it is that the human element of the Cosmic COINTELPRO operation manages their many "agents" of disinformation - pied pipers leading the masses of New Age seekers - so that whatever the real truth is, remains their secret. And that's exactly the way they want it. What strikes me as an essential turning point in this COINTELPRO operation was the publication of Whitley Streiber's alien abduction books, including "Communion." Prior to the publication of these books, the ubiquitous "Gray aliens" were only present in a few cases investigated by Budd Hopkins. In fact, a review of the history of "contact" cases show that the type and variety and behavior of "aliens" around the world is quite different across the board. But, along came Whitley and his glaring alien on the cover, and suddenly the Grays were everywhere. In respect of Whitley and his Grays, allow me to repeat one of Dolan's comments quoted above: "By early 1969, teams within the CIA were running a number of bizarre experiments in mind control under the name Operation Often. In addition to the normal assortment of chemists, biologists, and conventional scientists, the operation employed psychics and experts in demonology." One has to wonder about the name of the program: Operation Often in terms of the claims of abductees - victims of repeated and "often" abductions. It is also more than passingly curious that the dates of the experiments precede the national revelation of the abduction phenomenon. Could a majority of such contacts be part of this "experimentation," resulting in the "Gray Alien Visitors of COINTELPRO? Let me make it clear that I am in no way suggesting that "abductions" do not take place. What I am suggesting is that the Gray Alien phenomenon initially promoted by Strieber with a best-selling book that most certainly was not restricted in any way by COINTELPRO, may indeed be the smoke and mirrors that hides a far more insidious state of affairs. In essence, Dolan's book shows us the history of how the many levels of society have been duped and deceived - or directly controlled - from the average citizen, to the seeker of higher truths, to the scions of science and industry, to the, hallowed halls of government. Each "type" has been targeted in the way most likely to "manage" them best. Those who cannot be "managed" generally die, as scientist James McDonald - and others - did. But all the while, the UFOs kept coming, and people kept seeing them, and they kept asking questions.
McDonald had been described as a man who was "afraid of nothing." What seems to be so is that this was why he was destroyed. Hynek had written that McDonald was considered by the Air Force to be an "outstanding nuisance." We already know what "they" can do to the mind. Even the strongest. Courage and integrity, it seems, are no protection. And we would like to note another curious death - that of Edward Ruppelt. After years as an advocate of disclosure, he suddenly did an about face - re-wrote his book recanting his belief that UFOs were extraterrestrial craft, and was dead within a year at a very young age. It looks to me as though, if they can't corrupt you, they kill you, and if they CAN corrupt you, they still kill you so you won't have a chance to change your mind and recant your recantation like Jacques de Molay did when the Templars were destroyed. Those who get close to the belly of the beast are generally subjected to a new "approach" it seems. And that approach is the biggest betrayal of all. In the present day, we have Steven Greer's "Disclosure Project." Based on the mail I get, it seems that many in the New Age/UFO community think that this is a great and novel idea. However, history shows that it has been tried before. The one thing about Greer's effort that suggests it is just more and better COINTELPRO, is his attachment to the "aliens are here to help us" idea which is directly contradicted by history and the facts, though widely promoted by most "contactees." Even Linda Howe, for a long time the most reputable of careful researchers - and no stranger to the machinations of the Secret State - seems to have fallen for this one - or COINTELPRO. It is also now being promoted in Fate Magazine by Rosemary Guiley, who has connections to military "agents." Jerome Clark, quoted above, is also a regular contributor to Fate. Dolan documents the failure of civilian groups in their efforts to really "end UFO secrecy." NICAP had prominent and active members, connections to Congress and the military, and their effort continued for over ten years. NICAP fought diligently for congressional hearings, and yet every time they got "close" to bringing it to the table for public consideration, the congressional sponsorship "backed off" and reversed their support. What kind of group is it that can control our government officials in this way? An even deeper question might be: What kind of group is it that can control the media, the military, the CIA, the FBI, NSA, and even the President? What do they do to intimidate and dominate ethical and substantial persons in positions of authority? Whatever it is, we would certainly like to know because it suggests that they are hiding something so significant that even hints of it behind closed doors can send the most powerful congressmen running with their tails tucked between their legs. This brings us back to the problem of the Secret State and its agenda. Some people believe that this secrecy is absolutely essential. They say that the public simply could not handle the truth about aliens. They say that there is no reason to spoil people's lives with the truth because there is nothing that the average person could do about it anyway. Is that really true? Would there be so much effort to conceal the alien agenda if disclosure of the truth wasn't harmful to that agenda? This brings us back to the efforts of COINTELPRO. Since the military is in the position of dealing with beings of such arrogance that their checks don't cover the damage they do, the "press releases" are issued in the form of diversion and division. UFOs and the "alien reality" are promoted in ways that simply do not relate to the documentary evidence or the factual data. UFOs and aliens are given cachet in the New Age and metaphysical communities, and groups studying them or "channeling" them are "managed" so that the possibility of exposure of the Truth is completely minimized in the plethora of conflicting, generated "beliefs." At the same time, there are organizations that are set up to operate as "professional debunkers" and disinformation artists. Smoke and mirrors and endless confusion. What is evident from the documents and statements of those "in on the secret," is that the current "popularity" of aliens and New Age presentations of the subject are the direct result of deliberate infiltration by intelligence personnel who are continually "spinning the wheel" of lies and distortion. If the military organizations are as interested in UFOs and Aliens as we KNOW them to be based on the evidence, and if they are in the DARK about them, as the evidence also suggests, would they not be utilizing the many claimed "alien contacts" among the New Age community as resources, IF there was the possibility that such sources really WERE in contact with the "real aliens" in and about the planet as they claim? There are certainly many of these contactees that claim "extreme military" interest in their work. However, based on the facts of the operations of the National Security State, we can pretty well objectively assess that if this were true, such contactees would not be out there promulgating their information. That they often operate unmolested, and even achieve great popularity is compelling evidence that their "information" is useless to the military, if not created by it. What seems to be true is that most contactees and channelers are dupes of the military cover-up - victims of COINTELPRO - created to generate the noise that hides the signal of the true Alien Reality. In short, the majority of claims of channelers, contactees, new age gurus, UFO researchers, and the like, both in books and on the internet, about the "alien reality," is COINTELPRO at its finest. Take that to the bank. This brings us back to the subject of Ascension. As I noted, the subject of Ascension seems to be the number one topic of the New Age and Human Potential movement. If, as we suspect, what is promulgated as the New Age and Human Potential movement is the product of COINTELPRO, that means that the correct understanding of, and process of, Ascension is their major production. Does that mean that such a potential does not exist at all? No. The concepts of Ascension have been with us a long time, as anyone who cares to do the work will discover. What is different in the present day promotions is the PROCESS that is being promoted. Based on an assessment of the potentials of Ascension, it is obvious that the reason it is such a popular subject is that it is one of the main things that COINTELPRO is designed to obstruct and prevent. Let me repeat the observation I made above: Would there be so much effort to conceal the alien agenda if disclosure of the truth wasn't harmful to that agenda? Rephrasing this: Would there be so much effort to divert the Ascension process if it wasn't harmful to the negative agendas? As the fellow at RAND noted, "Terrorism is changing. New adversaries, new motivations and new rationales have surfaced in recent years to challenge much of the conventional wisdom..." We already have the idea that the Consortium, the National Security State, does not have our best interests at heart and that at some level, they seem to be operating at the behest of the alien invaders. Considering this, we might wish to look with new eyes at some of the ideas of Ascension that are currently being promulgated. In order to understand the growth of the "Ascension Industry," we need to look at a close parallel: general culture. Among the observers of the American socio-cultural scene, there are many experts who tell us that there has been a deliberate effort for over 100 years, to "dumb down" the American population both in terms of intellect as well as ethics. We might observe that it is hardly likely that the effort would be expended on mind control of the masses for the purposes of external controls, without a parallel program being instituted to pervert the spirit and bring it under domination also. Those of you who have read the Adventure Series, are aware of how important Game Theory is to formulating the strategies of the "End Times," or "Alternative 3," or the Stargate Conspiracy - whatever you want to call it depending upon your perspective. In Chapter 36, I provided a form game example that demonstrates exactly what the American people have experienced with their government since the inception of Game Theory. I described how Game Theory was the model used to bring about Enron and the current economic collapse. Game Theory also describes exactly the Bush Regime's current approach to generation of a War, ostensibly against Iraq, but ultimately designed to accomplish other agendas, including gaining control of oil, insuring the growth of the opium industry, and total destruction of the Semites, both Arab and Jew. Now, however, I want to show you how Game Theory is used in the New Age COINTELPRO program. Going back to our model: Imagine that the two players are an Agent of the Control System (this can be either a conscious agent or an unconscious agent such as an Organic Portal) and a human being. In the following model, each of the players faces only a binary choice: to behave truthfully either in telling the truth or in believing it. The assumption is that the human being is informed about everything except whether or not the agent is telling the truth. While the agent is informed about everything including whether or not the other believes the truth and can therefore shift strategy to make the lies ever more clever and subtle. Again, there are three elements to the game. 1) The two players, 2) the strategies available to either of them, and 3) the payoff each player receives for each possible combination of strategies. In the Game Form in Adventure Chapter 36, we were describing a legal regime where one party is obliged to compensate the other for damages under certain conditions but not under others. Here, we are going to imagine a regime wherein psychic energy is what is represented by money. In this regime, the Agent not only never loses psychic energy when the human being suffers because of its lies, the agent actually collects energy from the human being when he or she suffers damages inflicted by the agent due to its lies. Again, the payoffs represent how much psychic energy investment each player has to make in telling or believing the truth and how much payoff does each player receive for his investment. In this model, telling the truth or believing only truth is an investment that costs each player $10.00. When the Agent lies and those lies are believed by the human being, it costs the human being $100.00. That is, the Agent "reaps" psychic energy for telling lies. We take it as a given that such lies will be told and believed unless both players behave truthfully. Next, we assume that the likelihood of a lie being told by the Agent in the event that both the human being and the Agent are behaving truthfully is a one-in-ten chance (i.e. lies based on ignorance that are not intentional). In a regime in which the Agent never loses energy by telling lies, and if neither the Agent nor the human being deal in truth either in terms of telling or believing, the Agent receives a payoff of $0 and the human being is out $100 when a lie is believed. If both "invest" in truth, the Agent has a payoff of minus $10. (the cost of telling the truth) and the human being is out minus $20 which is the $10. invested in believing only truth PLUS the $10 of the one-in-ten chance of a $100 loss incurred if a lie is told by the Agent. If the Agent tells the truth and the human being does not believe it, the Agent is out the $10 invested in telling the truth and the human is out $100 for not believing it. If the Agent lies, and the human being refuses to believe the lie, the Agent has a payoff of $0 and the human being is out $110 which is the cost of refusing to believe a lie added to the losses suffered when the Agent lies. Modeled in a Game Theory Bi-matrix, it looks like this, with the two numbers representing the "payoff" to the human being - the left number in each pair - and the agent - the right number in each pair.
Examine this Form Game carefully because there is a lot of information contained therein that will reveal the nature of our reality. In this game, the Agents always do better by lying and we can predict the Agent's choice of strategy because there is a single strategy - lies - that is better for the Agent no matter what the human being does - believes lies or truth. This is a "strictly dominant strategy," or a strategy that is the best choice for the player no matter what choices are made by the other player. We also see that the human being is PENALIZED for refusing to believe lies. Since we know that the Agent, in the above regime, will never tell the truth because it is the dominant strategy, we find that refusing to believe lies on the part of the human being actually costs MORE than believing lies. In short, the human being is being manipulated to believe lies at the most fundamental level - because it "hurts" to believe the truth - it takes massive amounts of energy. Human beings, as you see, cannot even minimize their losses by refusing lies. It costs them $110 to refuse lies, and only $100 to believe lies. If you believe the lies, you lose. If you refuse the lies, you lose even more. The form game above will tell you why it is obviously important to create a system of lies that will be believed by human beings who are fundamentally seeking only truth. There is absolutely nothing to be gained at all by deceiving those who are easy believers in lies because they also lie to themselves. We also see that it is costly in terms of fundamental psychic energy to refuse to believe lies, and this is used by the Control System to its advantage. The system can "invest" $10 in telling the truth to get $110 of psychic energy from the Truth Seeker, whereas telling the truth to those who choose to believe in lies is an investment of the Control System that results in NO energy return. This is where the tactics of propaganda come into play. When we consider the fact that most of the secret agencies in this country have borrowed heavily from the expertise of the Nazi propaganda machine, and this is the model used by COINTELPRO, it certainly behooves us to look at this model in terms of how it might be used to disinform seekers of Ascension. According to the Hitlerian model, good propaganda:
If we take this model and consider it in terms of what we see in our Game Theory example, we realize that the term "the masses" as used by Hitler can be applied to the emotional/psychic energy of the human being engaged in the Game. The lies must appeal directly to the emotions and the bodily consciousness of the being that fears pain and suffering - that experiences energy loss. To this end, religious, social, cultural and philosophical systems have been given subtle twists designed to bait - as a carrot on a stick - the most sincere seeker of truth, all the while making sure that the carrot is always beyond reach, out of grasp, by the introduction of cunning lies regarding the actual ways and means of reaching truth. Seekers of Ascension are hammered with slogans and propaganda about achieving unity, feeling the bliss of unlimited potential, finding peace, overcoming limitations, and a host of benefits that appeal directly to the emotions and body consciousness that knows it is losing energy and wants to know why and how to stop it. The agents of COINTELPRO - of the Matrix - understand well the emotional ideas that grab the attention of the seeker. They use these slogans, this propaganda, shamelessly and effectively. And once the emotions are fully engaged, once the lie is believed, once the fighting against lies has ceased, the seeker experiences a reduction in energy loss and attributes this to "finding the truth." After all, the process is promoted as producing peace, and a sense of well-being, and feeling bliss! The most difficult thing in all of our reality to achieve, as demonstrated by the Form Game, the thing that has been sought by the greatest minds of all ages, is promoted as being as easy as sitting back in one's easy chair and dreaming a new reality into being. One of the more subtle and cunning presentations of the lie is the following:
As we read the above, we nodded in agreement and our brains were entrained so that when the twist came, we almost missed it. I put the twist in italics for ease of identification. So ,many carrots of truth held out on the stick, and then the lie: "with a little luck… when they are in a relaxed state… it clicks… and the whole new realm of super-awareness has begun." And the appeal to the emotions, the very thing that was blamed for the problem, has been utilized to draw the unwary victim into the spider's web. While everyone will readily admit that there is probably too much violence on television and that the ads revoltingly juvenile, very few people have a real conception of the precise nature and extent of the hypnotic influence of the media. Still fewer have any idea of the purposes behind this inducement. Wallace and Wallechinsky write in The People's Almanac:
Discussing the influence of television, Daniel Boorstin wrote:
Allen Funt, host of a popular television show, Candid Camera, was once asked what was the most disturbing thing he had learned about people in his years of dealing with them through the media. His response was chilling in its ramifications:
Submission to minimal signs of authority; lack of knowledge and awareness; and a desire for a quick fix and easy way out. Paraphrasing Daniel Boorstin, "For Seekers of Ascension, here at last is a supermarket of surrogate experience. Successful [ascension philosophies] offer entertainment - under the guise of instruction; instruction - under the guise of entertainment; [metaphysical] persuasion - with the appeal of advertising; and advertising - with the appeal of [Cosmic Drama]. Continue to Part 2 of To Be or Not to Be
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