French Presidential Elections 2017: Fillon vs Macron vs Le Pen

dredger said:
At least, even on this forum I feel a little bit some people i would say a bit too much emotionnaly driven by something like "an automatic hate of the FN / Le Pen family" with the usual fascist/racist arguments which are more emotionnal than logical. ...

... the ones who will vote for Macron will vote for the continuity of the war, mainly against the muslim countries, and so, the continuity of desolation and death. At least, and of course, it's only if she does not lie about her intentions, but Le Pen wish to stop this, re-create an official cooperation wirh Russia, and at least, avoid that the France participates to such "institutionalized murders". In comparaison, her "racism" by means of words and probably some decisions she would take at the head of the state if she would be elected remains small potatoes compared to the act of participating to murderings, and it's the key reason i would vote for her if I was french, but i'm not :)

The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.

Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)
Sow said:
The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.

Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

Sow, you seem to refuse to look at the bigger picture. Dredger was trying to do just that, IMO.

What arguments, exactly? What are your sources? What has LePen said or done that is actually worse than what some politicians in power have done or said? I was hoping for some tangible proof, not a regurgitation or what the MSM say. :huh:
Sow said:
Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

I'm not a fan of the FN to be sure, but I find it ironic that I see more Nazi-style behavior on the (radical) left than on the right - look at these pictures:

Marches, torches, violence... :shock:

Are there Nazi mobs on the streets in France? Do you see FN gangs marching on the streets putting stuff on fire? Maybe I don't have the full picture, but I haven't seen such images so far...
Sow said:
The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.

That reminds very much of the way Trump was described during the US election. It's actually mind-boggling to observe people calling Trump or Le Pen racist/fascist even before they entered office and made one single presidential decision. Meanwhile those are the same people who turn a blind eye to what their 'anti-racist' government (Obama in the US or Hollande in France) did for years: bombing of countless Muslims countries, killing of millions of Muslims.

Seemingly, for those people, it's not racism for Hollande to contribute to the killing of millions of Muslims but it's racism when Le Pen wants to stop the mass migrations triggered by those very same wars.

By the same token, it's not racism when Hollande supports Sionism, a fundamentally racist ideology, but it's racism (antisemitism) when Louis Alliot (FN vice president) criticizes the israeli occupation of Cisjordania.

Sow said:
Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

What has happened to the French citizens, whether white or not, over the past decades of 'anti-racist' government? More poverty, more inequalities, more suffering, more harassment, more control, more lies. Years after years, we witness the rise of a very real fascism in our so called 'anti-racist democracies'. From this perspective we all are very equal, no matter what is the colour of our skin or the name of our God.

Behind this inexorable collapse of our society, I can see one very real and destructive form of racism: the one that the psychopathic elite exerts on the rest of the population.
luc said:
Are there Nazi mobs on the streets in France? Do you see FN gangs marching on the streets putting stuff on fire? Maybe I don't have the full picture, but I haven't seen such images so far...

No, there are no bands of bloodthirsty "Nazis" roaming the streets of France, creating mayhem and assaulting Arabs and gays. If you want to find "fascists", just look at the extreme-left/antifa. In terms of intolerance, violence and hysteria, they're far closer to "fascism" (as far as the modern definition of that term goes, because if you look at the real, historical definition of fascism, that term is not really appropriate) than nationalists. A few years ago, the French PTB DID try, through the media, to revive the bogus "French Nazi threat" by using a "fait divers" - the infamous "Clément Méric affair" - where an extreme-leftist guy was killed in a stupid fight with so-called "nationalists", and spinning it into a "Young anti-fascist brutally assaulted and murdered by white supremacists" narrative, as part of the propaganda aiming at demonizing the FN. That manipulation was debunked later on. I could only find 1 interesting article about this affair in English. It's actually a translation of an article published on the FdeSouche website. Here it is: _

A writer who calls himself Le Paysan Savoyard (The Peasant from Savoy) has published, at François Desouche, a long essay in which he dissects the methods used by the French government to manipulate public opinion. In this analysis he focuses on the death of "antifascist" activist Clément Méric, and demonstrates through cogent reasoning and specific examples how the powers-that-be feverishly attempted to prove that Méric's death constituted unimpeachable proof of the evil of the Right. Lies, distortions, and guilt-by-association, were all shamelessly employed to discredit any thinking that did not conform to official doctrine. The unstated, but obvious, goal of the government-media complex was the determined will to destroy the Front National.

Whether one likes or hates Marine Le Pen, it is pretty clear that the PTB don't want her as president. That scenario is too risky and unpredictable for them, I think. Like Trump in the US? In any case, I personally only see 1 sensible choice for the 2nd round, and it's not abstention.
Pierre said:
MK Scarlett said:
time changing from the creation of the "vile beast" that is supposed to be the FN and Le Pen family in mind French people (a long time of propaganda included from Le Pen father himself to get there).

To label JM Le Pen a 'racist', the MSM have mostly repeated (and twisted) one quote that was first made in 1987 (30 years ago) where Le Pen said that in the history of wars, the gas chambers were a detail. Of course, the MSM omitted the context (in the history of wars) and claimed that Le Pen said that the million of Jews killed in concentration camps was a detail.

When Chirac mentioned 'the noise and the smell' of flats inhabited by Arabic people, did his party get labelled 'racist'? When Sarkozy said that the immigrants suburbs should be power-washed (Karcher), was his party labelled 'racist'? When Valls asked for more whities in a local market he was visiting, was his party labelled 'racist'?

One wonders at the double standard.

This party has never been created to get the Presidential position,

The FN was not exactly created but rather developed by the socialist party. In 1981, the FN was a tiny nationalist party that got 0.18% vote. In 1984, Mitterrand asked the MSM to focus on Le Pen, that's when the development of the FN started.

The timing is key here. In 1981 Mitterrand is elected president and tries to implement a truly leftist policy (nationalisation of key industries, infrastructure programs, reduction of inequalities...) but he will cave in due to the pressure of the deep state (monetary pressure amongst other factors) in 1983. At this point the socialists embraced the neo-liberal economic doctrine and had nothing left to differentiate themselves from the right. That's when they created the 'anti-racist' political line. But for anti-racism to make sense politically, the socialist needed racism to exist politically, so the Zionist Julien Dray created 'SOS racisme' (the antiracist organisation), the media focused on alleged rampant racism in France and the FN played the role of the bogeyman: the racist party that justified the anti-racist positioning.

Of course, Establishment does not want to see their Frankenstein takes power.

But sometimes the creature turns against its creator. When you see that the PTB (in France and overseas) through each of its puppets (politicians, journalists, experts, show business personalities...) bashes endlessly Le Pen, you start to think that, maybe, she has become a real threat and indeed she's doing something right.

I was living in France from 1980-1984 and although I was not aware of what Pierre outlined above, in retrospect he is quite right. Mitterand seems to have had foreknowledge of things to come, and even Jean-Marie LePen may have been used in order to make the ascension of Marine phenomena possible. As everything in this world seems to be turned upside down lately, and I ave spent hours listening to Marine LePen's speeches, some of which are quite brilliant. I now believe she is the best hope for french society.

2 years ago, we put one of her speeches at the European Parliament to music, and if you understand french please listen to this because she is standing up against big banking corruption, all the while being harrased by Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a self proclaimed pedophile (award winning child abuser), corrupt politician, and all around woman hater, as the room slowly empties because she is talking sense, and they - parliamentaries do not want to hear it! In English the title is BANKSTERS WANT OUR SKIN, and it is one fine speech, where she faces and pokes the beast... Very courageous of her, in these strange times, of upheaval, and reversals...

Her speech is priceless, she confronts the pedophile who is a tool for the banks and speaks for the people!


SPEECH as Song:

SHOW where she accuses the pedophile of what he is, and he just detriorates:<

To me she is courageous, sensible and rational. Living in France is not a holiday for the french today. As it was not already in 1980's. In my experience, it has long been a police state which only the UScan equal today. Yet they have been brainswashed since then, with their Russophobia, because back then, when I lived in France, the poeple knew better. But TV and media has gotten a hold of their neurones since.
luc said:
Sow said:
Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

I'm not a fan of the FN to be sure, but I find it ironic that I see more Nazi-style behavior on the (radical) left than on the right - look at these pictures:

Marches, torches, violence... :shock:

Are there Nazi mobs on the streets in France? Do you see FN gangs marching on the streets putting stuff on fire? Maybe I don't have the full picture, but I haven't seen such images so far...

This remembers me one teaching of Gurdjieff, about the ... (im not sure, please dont kick ^^) rule of 9, which means that any human enterprise/initiative comes to finally doing the opposite of its initial purpose, unless you constantly "build" new alarm clocks to wake up you in order to avoid this normal human behaviour, in order to "stay aware" and (continuously) adapt.
This lead to your post, and it's becoming a truth : the anti-fascists are becoming the fascists, in act but also in their speeches. They "do not want to hear about", they are but-headed, they act in finality what they denounce, and from what i learn until now, it seems to be a good cognitif dissonance strongly anchored in them, when no anymore rational discussion can be engaged with such people. This is for this kind of people that i say that their emotion totally surpass their intelect/rational mind.
At least one reflexion : this diabolization of the FN since its creation looks like a soft but country-wide mental control technique to influence a population by creating a "on-the-purpose" public cognitive dissonance, the technique is the well know "repeat something 1000 times and it'll become a truth", .... and it seems that the results are well there for many people. If at least the FN had ruled the country during a mandate, then ok, maybe we would have a ton of strong arguments, rational ones. But as this did not yet happened, I rejoin what Chu said, what are the "strong and concrete arguments" the anti-FN people have ? I'm really willing to know them, as the more I'll learn the more i'll (i hope) understand, i just want rational arguments in order to conduct a rational discussion.

Cheers !
Sow said:
Ruth said:
Sow said:
A good candidate ? Racism, fascism, nationalism... Don't we know where this is leading to ?

I don't know, recognizing labels when they get bandied about? That seems to happen a lot in politics, and more so in elections as opposition parties try and get people to react in an emotional way instead of thinking about what's really going on behind the scenes. Perhaps even thinking about what really matters because they are so hung up on lables that are being applied?

These are not labels : The F.N. is playing with these very concepts with which they are attracting people through the spraying of fear of the other.
Knowing the history and backgrounds of this political party since the beginning, I can't say anything but that it does stink !

Seems to me that you are the one "spraying of fear of the other" in respect of Le Pen. It also seems pretty obvious that the MSM propaganda has worked pretty well on YOU.

However, just to get an even wider perspective on things, we'll chat with the Cs soon and inquire about all these things.
Laura said:
Sow said:
Ruth said:
Sow said:
A good candidate ? Racism, fascism, nationalism... Don't we know where this is leading to ?

I don't know, recognizing labels when they get bandied about? That seems to happen a lot in politics, and more so in elections as opposition parties try and get people to react in an emotional way instead of thinking about what's really going on behind the scenes. Perhaps even thinking about what really matters because they are so hung up on lables that are being applied?

These are not labels : The F.N. is playing with these very concepts with which they are attracting people through the spraying of fear of the other.
Knowing the history and backgrounds of this political party since the beginning, I can't say anything but that it does stink !

Seems to me that you are the one "spraying of fear of the other" in respect of Le Pen. It also seems pretty obvious that the MSM propaganda has worked pretty well on YOU.

However, just to get an even wider perspective on things, we'll chat with the Cs soon and inquire about all these things.

I hope you will ask about the real number for Asselineau.
Chu said:
Sow said:
The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.

Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

Sow, you seem to refuse to look at the bigger picture. Dredger was trying to do just that, IMO.

What arguments, exactly? What are your sources? What has LePen said or done that is actually worse than what some politicians in power have done or said? I was hoping for some tangible proof, not a regurgitation or what the MSM say. :huh:

Sorry if I contest your bigger picture Chu and others, but don't worry, I'm not regurgitating and I feel rather comfortable with what I say.
My sources go back back to the beginning of the FN 45 years ago, when I had its founder as a teacher in second grade. I know who he was and who were the people around him. I talked and shared arguments with quite a few then and later. Very clever. Yet definitely and openly fascists, some being very dangerous guys. And it didn't change later. Only that the FN has done everything it could to put a screen on what they really are. And it works pretty well so far.
Tangible proofs ? There are quite a lot on the Internet, from very different sources. Anybody can do a research on it and sort the results...
Anyway one will see only what one is able to see. My aim of course is not to say "I am/you are wrong or right", just to let you people see another open minded perspective. It's interesting to share different points of view, unless one thinks (s)he has the only one truth...

luc said:

I'm not a fan of the FN to be sure, but I find it ironic that I see more Nazi-style behavior on the (radical) left than on the right -
Are there Nazi mobs on the streets in France? Do you see FN gangs marching on the streets putting stuff on fire? Maybe I don't have the full picture, but I haven't seen such images so far...

That's true luc, and I don't like either these behaviors.
If you don't see neo-nazis images now in France, it doesn't mean that it can't happen. And as I said above, the FN adopted a very low attitude to attract people to them.
It makes me think that "if" Le Pen was elected (hardly any chance for this scenario) there would be a lot of riots everywhere in France, a big mess could happen...

Laura said:
Seems to me that you are the one "spraying of fear of the other" in respect of Le Pen. It also seems pretty obvious that the MSM propaganda has worked pretty well on YOU.

However, just to get an even wider perspective on things, we'll chat with the Cs soon and inquire about all these things.

Thank you Laura for your comment.
It seems...
I don't support Macron either. It is as evil as Le Pen for me. But Le Pen would be alright because the FN is under the fires of the MSM propaganda ?
Of course not. Why support her ? As for Trump, I can't see any objective reason to give them any credibility. That's my subjectivity, at least. And you know so much better than me. Am I wrong ?
dredger said:
luc said:
Sow said:
Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

I'm not a fan of the FN to be sure, but I find it ironic that I see more Nazi-style behavior on the (radical) left than on the right - look at these pictures:

Marches, torches, violence... :shock:

Are there Nazi mobs on the streets in France? Do you see FN gangs marching on the streets putting stuff on fire? Maybe I don't have the full picture, but I haven't seen such images so far...

This remembers me one teaching of Gurdjieff, about the ... (im not sure, please dont kick ^^) rule of 9, which means that any human enterprise/initiative comes to finally doing the opposite of its initial purpose, unless you constantly "build" new alarm clocks to wake up you in order to avoid this normal human behaviour, in order to "stay aware" and (continuously) adapt.
This lead to your post, and it's becoming a truth : the anti-fascists are becoming the fascists, in act but also in their speeches. They "do not want to hear about", they are but-headed, they act in finality what they denounce, and from what i learn until now, it seems to be a good cognitif dissonance strongly anchored in them, when no anymore rational discussion can be engaged with such people. This is for this kind of people that i say that their emotion totally surpass their intelect/rational mind.
At least one reflexion : this diabolization of the FN since its creation looks like a soft but country-wide mental control technique to influence a population by creating a "on-the-purpose" public cognitive dissonance, the technique is the well know "repeat something 1000 times and it'll become a truth", .... and it seems that the results are well there for many people. If at least the FN had ruled the country during a mandate, then ok, maybe we would have a ton of strong arguments, rational ones. But as this did not yet happened, I rejoin what Chu said, what are the "strong and concrete arguments" the anti-FN people have ? I'm really willing to know them, as the more I'll learn the more i'll (i hope) understand, i just want rational arguments in order to conduct a rational discussion.

Cheers !

If you understand French, you MAY be interested to listen to the 'Maurice Radio Libre' show. It's a show where people call and there is not much filter. There was a 'Nigh of the election' show on the 23rd. The show is certainly not on our line. For one thing, the guy who runs the show (Maurice) has vote for Macron. I warn you that you may not like some of what you would hear in that show. Maurice defined himself as a guy who enjoy sex, engine and rock n roll. He certainly has a good rethoric. You can fan the podcast of latests show at
From the Establishment candidate's Wikipedia page we learn:

"Emmanuel Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, 24 years his senior, who was his teacher in La Providence high school in Amiens. They first met when he was a 15-year-old student in her drama class, but were officially a couple only after he turned 18.

His parents initially attempted to separate the couple by sending him away to Paris to finish the final year of his schooling, as they felt his youth made this relationship inappropriate, but the couple stayed together after he graduated and eventually were married in 2007."

She was 39, his age now, and he was 15! And she was married with 3 kids the whole time, only divorcing her husband the year before she married Macron.

Macron truly is The Liberal Candidate.
Goemon_ said:
If you understand French, you MAY be interested to listen to the 'Maurice Radio Libre' show. It's a show where people call and there is not much filter. There was a 'Nigh of the election' show on the 23rd. The show is certainly not on our line. For one thing, the guy who runs the show (Maurice) has vote for Macron. I warn you that you may not like some of what you would hear in that show. Maurice defined himself as a guy who enjoy sex, engine and rock n roll. He certainly has a good rethoric. You can fan the podcast of latests show at

Hi Goemon,
Just did it, the podcast of yesterday's emission, during 40 minutes (it lasts 5h ....)
As you described Maurice, i thought i would not muck like him at first glance, but finally, he's smart, mean, clever, he asks the good questions to the auditors and stick to his questions when an auditor does not answer or not completely. I can't give an opinion on a few testimonies, but the first girl (Lydie) is a living caricature ...
I finally cut all i typed, better to add nothing, it's indeed a good experience, but i was only able to do 40 minutes (im also a bit tired now ^^)
Sow said:
Chu said:
Sow, you seem to refuse to look at the bigger picture. Dredger was trying to do just that, IMO.

What arguments, exactly? What are your sources? What has LePen said or done that is actually worse than what some politicians in power have done or said? I was hoping for some tangible proof, not a regurgitation or what the MSM say. :huh:

Sorry if I contest your bigger picture Chu and others, but don't worry, I'm not regurgitating and I feel rather comfortable with what I say.
My sources go back back to the beginning of the FN 45 years ago, when I had its founder as a teacher in second grade. I know who he was and who were the people around him. I talked and shared arguments with quite a few then and later. Very clever. Yet definitely and openly fascists, some being very dangerous guys. And it didn't change later. Only that the FN has done everything it could to put a screen on what they really are. And it works pretty well so far.
Tangible proofs ? There are quite a lot on the Internet, from very different sources. Anybody can do a research on it and sort the results...

I don't support Macron either. It is as evil as Le Pen for me. But Le Pen would be alright because the FN is under the fires of the MSM propaganda ?
Of course not. Why support her ? As for Trump, I can't see any objective reason to give them any credibility. That's my subjectivity, at least. And you know so much better than me. Am I wrong ?

First of all, consider the liberal left in the US (and elsewhere) as it was 45 years ago: a very different animal than it is today.

Consider also Russia 45 years ago: another very different animal than what it is today.

Consider that the FN as it was 45 years ago could also be very different from what it is today.

Are YOU the same person you were 45 years ago?

People and organizations and countries (and other entities) change; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Ponerization can take place, and also purging and cleaning up can take place. Shifts in ideology based on the learning and experiences of those in charge can take place.

It IS highly suggestive that the MSM propaganda is against Le Pen and that ought to be taken into account as having some weight, though we can't always be sure of what it means.

From my point of view, as I stated it early in the US election thread, even if Trump turns out to be another Hitler, it at least gets things moving; this slow destruction of our psyche's with the torture of a thousand cuts cannot be borne. The Cs have pretty clearly stated that there will be a totalitarian regime imposed pretty much on the whole world and THEN things will change. And let's face it, people are simply NOT going to wake up unless and until they get miserable enough.

So, from my point of view, I say let's get the show on the road and let the chips fall where they may. If the MSM doesn't want Trump or Le Pen - or at least pretends they don't in order to manipulate those who are sick of the status quo to vote them in so they can, at last, impose their full spectrum dominance - so be it! That's a step toward waking up.
Pierre said:
Behind this inexorable collapse of our society, I can see one very real and destructive form of racism: the one that the psychopathic elite exerts on the rest of the population.
Great observation.

Sow said:
Chu said:
Sow said:
The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.

Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)

Sow, you seem to refuse to look at the bigger picture. Dredger was trying to do just that, IMO.

What arguments, exactly? What are your sources? What has LePen said or done that is actually worse than what some politicians in power have done or said? I was hoping for some tangible proof, not a regurgitation or what the MSM say. :huh:

Sorry if I contest your bigger picture Chu and others, but don't worry, I'm not regurgitating and I feel rather comfortable with what I say.
My sources go back back to the beginning of the FN 45 years ago, when I had its founder as a teacher in second grade. I know who he was and who were the people around him. I talked and shared arguments with quite a few then and later. Very clever. Yet definitely and openly fascists, some being very dangerous guys. And it didn't change later. Only that the FN has done everything it could to put a screen on what they really are. And it works pretty well so far.
Tangible proofs ? There are quite a lot on the Internet, from very different sources. Anybody can do a research on it and sort the results...
Anyway one will see only what one is able to see. My aim of course is not to say "I am/you are wrong or right", just to let you people see another open minded perspective. It's interesting to share different points of view, unless one thinks (s)he has the only one truth...
Marine Le Pen is nationalist, and nationalism is a natural feeling of love for belonging to a territory and tradition. Fascism and nazism have not been nationalists but statists: through propaganda, they robbed to the nation/people its symbols and customs to bring them into the state, to integrate them into the state, through the one-party state (as well as the soviets did). The problem with Le Pen, and Macron (the ptb candidate), is that they both want to destroy the democratic French election system where the winner is the one who gets the absolute majority of votes, for a similar one to the German system and to the other states of continental Europe with proportional voting where is no democracy, which has not really changed the basis of what led to nazism, the crap of the Weimar Republic.. So, both candidates address implement reforms to return to an anti-democratic state of parties without representation of civil society, destroying everything that de Gaulle bequeathed to the French people (but like the democracy have been handed over and not conquered by themselves, it seems that the French people do not value it enough).

Niall said:
From the Establishment candidate's Wikipedia page we learn:

"Emmanuel Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, 24 years his senior, who was his teacher in La Providence high school in Amiens. They first met when he was a 15-year-old student in her drama class, but were officially a couple only after he turned 18.

His parents initially attempted to separate the couple by sending him away to Paris to finish the final year of his schooling, as they felt his youth made this relationship inappropriate, but the couple stayed together after he graduated and eventually were married in 2007."

She was 39, his age now, and he was 15! And she was married with 3 kids the whole time, only divorcing her husband the year before she married Macron.

Macron truly is The Liberal Candidate.
Yes. But maybe his marriage is just a cover? There have been rumors that say that Macron is gay.


Even for his "body language" it seems to me that he is a very delicate and effeminate guy - obviously, this is subjective-. In any case, if the ptb has proofs of his homosexual encounters, they can blackmail him at will, a disaster assured for France.
It is incredible the case of Macron, a dude who has no significant trajectory in executive functions, who has no party or program for the benefit of the majority, and wins!. Established powers have too much power, they can develop a candidate in a few months.
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