
Wow, that is great news!

I keep saying that steady persistence and doing some promotion when it is appropriate, being consistent, is the key. The website that wakes up and finds itself as the leader wasn't sleeping... or at least, the folks doing it weren't!!!
axj said:
Even in Germany is becoming quite popular.

In this German analysis of the most popular sources of social media discussions regarding the "diesel scandal", ist listed as number four of all the new media sources:
Holy smokes! Am I reading that right - German SOTT beat RT?! Wow! Amazing job German peeps :clap: :cheer: :headbanger:
As far as I understood from the artice they refer to and not to so it's probably combined stats for the whole domain.
Altair said:
As far as I understood from the artice they refer to and not to so it's probably combined stats for the whole domain.

Got it Altair. Thanks for clarifying. What fantastic news.
Scottie said:
Congrats to SOTT Team DE!

Note that SOTT is higher than RT, which is something. If RT knew what our "German budget" is, they would all fall to the ground weeping. A budget? What's that?!

So there you have an answer to the question, "But what can I DO??"

And also to: "But it doesn't seem like we're having any effect... What's the point?"

Call me crazy, but I like to think of SOTT as a sort of Special Phorces Alternative Media (SPAM). :lol: There is no glory, there are no shiny gold medals, no interviews with Putin. We just do what we can do because it's the right thing to do and because we can do it, and then see what happens.

:rockon:, then!

Wasn't SOTT secretly run for the basemant of the kremlin though? :P

In all seriousness great job you guys!! :D keep up the great work :cool2:
Awesome news! Congratulations to the German team, your consistent efforts have made a difference in a pretty short period of time. :headbanger:
Epoch Times is a corporate 'expat-Chinese' outfit run out of NYC, so not alt-media in my book. I think they're anti-Beijing to boot.

So once y'all knock them off 3rd spot, de.sott will be second only to the largest alternative political ('new right') movement in Germany!
axj said:

Google Translate of the mention of Sott in that article:

Unicepta has captured the public digital sphere for four weeks - German-language media and blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and the public part of Facebook. Then the sources were weighted, how much commitment they have generated, how often they were commented, shared and choked. A clear result of this investigation is that no party has generated as many responses as the AfD on the issue of dieselskandal. Three popular websites on the AfD supporters are also among the ten most popular sources. It is the comparatively moderate Epoch Times, the Russian-funded RT (formerly Russia Today) and a website from the USA,, on which conspiracy theories are often discussed - and the right thought.

The right thought... you better believe it. :cool2:
Scottie said:
Note that SOTT is higher than RT, which is something. If RT knew what our "German budget" is, they would all fall to the ground weeping. A budget? What's that?!

I second that one Scottie! :lol: Congrats to all involved! :clap: Really great job you guys!
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