Session 23 March 2013

Laura said:
A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again.

I was horrible at the subtle meanings of stories when I took literature classes and I still have to work very hard sometimes to find associations. This is one of them. I can't see how the first sentence about science has anything to do with the parable of the talents :huh: The parable of the talents also never really sank in. I would have been the one to have buried the guys money to make sure nothing happened to it :( Any pointers to where I can look to grok this a little better?

Laura said:
A: Close. You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.

"limit of permitted assistance at this point" - what does permitted imply here? Permitted by some individual or groups standards (i.e. STO way of life), or permitted by some force somehow in control, or some "physical" tolerances? I think I've read something that hinted at this same type of idea in earlier readings here but I can't recall where.
Thank you for sharing the session. As usual enlightening and thought provoking.
Q: (Belibaste) So if a group of individuals acquires, stores, information that is orthogonal to truth, i.e. lies, will this fact of acquiring information that is orthogonal to truth increase the attraction to meteorites or cometary bodies?

A: Yes

Q: (Belibaste) How does it work?

A: Other realm just mentioned... Gravity waves.
If these things can come from other realms ( 3D parallel or 4D), all these materialistic tracking and countering options of cosmic intruders are fundamentally flawed.

Q: (L) Clash point between densities due in part to your presence here... (Belibaste) Is it like when it was said in a previous session, like in New Mexico there were partial transitions between 3rd and 4th densities...

A: Close. You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.
I guess they are talking about C's themselves.

Bubble's iron is pretty high, and there's the possibility she could be afflicted with hemochromatosis, which is what my grandfather had. (Bubbles) You wanted to ask what the significance is of having high iron?

A: Survival under specific circumstances.

Q: (Perceval) So it could be a hereditary thing that was provoked in the past when there was plague.

A: It can also arise spontaneously.

Q: (L) So it's not always genetic? (Ailen) What about these specific circumstances? (Bubbles) Is it like a defense mechanism?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) A defense against what?

A: Breaching the barriers. Your psyche feels in need of greater defense.
Interesting. ie, once psychic defence is improved, this iron accumulation will also decrease.

Q: (L) Alright then. So, I guess we say good night because I am really, really tired.

A: See/C you soon!
Interesting comment. I am not sure what it means. Probably things will come to conclusion sooner.
Well I would take the parable of the talents as maybe an authoritarion personality on the part of the scientists. Many scientists may not want to share their talents in more productive fields out of fear of ridicule or becoming poor so they hide them in military applications for easy gain. That fear makes them "bury their talents" within maybe? Burying your talents could mean you lack faith in creation and are asleep. The weeping and wailers could be the regret they feel for not giving back. If we have gifts or talents in this case, they should be invested in the betterment of humanity not its detriment.
So it is happening. I thought this was the best time, I mean the schedules for prophecies were wrong, people on all the world were waiting for some dramatic event, right now most of the population I assume, do not expect to some comet rain to happen, or at least a new plague.

Interesting times indeed.
First of all, a big thank you to Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, PoB, Ailen, Data, Kniall and Mr. Scott (and anyone else involved) for bringing us this session! :love:

I have to admit, along with others before me, that I have slouched quite a bit recently in my personal Work. I have allowed some deep dooty to stop me from growing when it could/should have been fertilizer used to enhance my growth. I am glad that this session basically amounted to a small shock for me. Much appreciated!

After reading through this session and the following comments, I read up on the parable of the foolish and wise virgins. I enjoyed reading that parable, and it opened my eyes to the fact that, as Laura pointed out, I've been one of those who were throwing the baby out with the bath water in regards to the bible. I think with the proper perspective it might well be a good idea for me to pick myself up a copy! (If anyone has suggestions on a particular version, I'd like to hear it).

Reading the Virgins parable, paralleled with thinking about what it might mean to be prepared, has had me thinking pretty hard for most of my evening now. A good bit of what I came up with has been posted here already, so I'm just going to quickly paraphrase those thoughts, which are basically as follows:

-Virgins might represent Truth Seekers, 'Work'-ers, or perhaps even those with an individuated Soul. I also thought the idea of the Virgins might parallel the C's comment "those who wish to participate in the future" (or future events/the wedding in the parable).

-Lamps may represent our Souls, 'Frequency Body', or in any case the vessel which is used to generate illumination, which all the virgins had. Oil may be knowledge and/or the Work, basically.
Lamps use oil to increase illumination. Our frequency bodies use knowledge to increase frequency. Without input of ‘oil’/knowledge, the ‘lamp’ does not burn brighter/increase frequency. In any case, the oil is the principle utilized to generate light.
So the two together might be, 'burning the oil to generate light' = "knowledge application, which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light".

-In the wise not sharing their oil with the foolish, I had the same thoughts ajseph 21's mormon interpretation in that the oil is not something that can be shared even if one should desire to. I also had the thought that if it was something that could be shared, sharing one's prepared/reserve oil might relate to Laura's quote (from Gandalf's sig.-thanks Gandalf!) "Every time you say yes to someone who doesn't deserve it, and go against yourself and what you value the most, you kill a small part of your essence".

-The virgins falling asleep made me think that we as humankind have fallen asleep, and to survive in this world we must play by its rules to one degree or another, thus we must remain asleep as much as necessary for 3d survival.

-The bridegroom appearing in the dark middle of the night with the theme of lamps made me think that the foolish virgins would not be able to illuminate the path/see the way to the wedding. That thought reminded me of "It's not where you are, but who you are and what you see".

-The virgins leaving to buy more oil (do more Work?) but not having enough time to make it back to be allowed entry reminded me of the 1st initiation's "You must pay in advance". Pay in advance because when the call comes there will no longer be enough 'time' to pay any more?

After having all these (and many more fragmented thoughts/connections), I went about sort of re-interpreting the Virgins parable in a way that brought all these thoughts together for myself in a somewhat simpler way. I'll share what I ended up with:

In these times now and to come,
Those Seekers of Truth,
Who wish to participate in future events,
Must pay, pay a lot, pay with ourselves, and
Pay Now, in this moment
For the wait may be long,
And we may become drowsy and fall asleep
Yet the call will come, and awaken us
For bad payers, lazy people, the ill prepared- no hope
Those prepared, who have paid in advance,
Will have the source needed for utilization,
And will light their own way in the dark
To a new life, in union with The Light

I began writing it in regular sentence format, but it became a run-on sentence like no other and I ended up going about it this way. Please don't mind that.

Anways, that about sums up my personal ponderings and thoughts on much of this session. I'll be attempting to come up with some question progressions on what it means to be prepared at another time, but right now my brain is a lil pooped and needs a break!
Thanks again for this session Chateau Crew! And thanks to everyone for the thought-provoking comments!
Keit said:
Green_Manalishi said:
If knowledge is the "oil", they didn't share the "oil" with the foolish. Should there be a point where knowledge should not be shared with others, in a kind of too late to wake up scenario perhaps?

If viewed in knowledge application, there will come a time that those that have it cannot share it because they have to apply it to themselves in order to survive?

Maybe it has to do with concepts like payment in a Gurgieffian sense, so it can't be really shared by others (and not in the sense that they shouldn't), but has to be done by a person himself.

‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

The same for knowledge, that has to be utilized and then generate energy/light on a personal level.

Laura said:
Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed
comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn,
generates light.

If level of knowledge has to match the level of being in order to utilize it and become response-able, then sharing it won't do much good. It has to be the result of a personal effort and work. Like a muscle that has to be built in order to be able to carry something heavier or for a longer period of time. C's mentioned once that knowledge input has to be continuous. And maybe it also has to do with what C's once said about windows of opportunities. And making a wrong choice can lead a person on a different path or cause him to waste time and thus miss the window.

I was thinking along this line as well. And, for example, how would one share something like patience ?

Megan said:
Laura said:
...I think to find the real "meat" of that matter, one would have to look further afield than a Judaic context. Probably in Anatolian or Greek ideas/customs since whatever is "Judaism" seems to have been born of Mesopotamian, Anatolian, and Greek influences...

In poking around some more -- and finding nothing -- one obvious thing jumps out at me. The job or role of the women in the parable may simply have been to light the way for the procession. Isn't that kind of like what we are doing here?

When much younger I used to think the bridegroom represented Jesus, but what if it's the Wave?
Thanks for the great session. I will have to read it again, and all the comments, when I am back with my own internet system. Currently racing through an hour of library time :)
Thank you for the session Laura, and crew.

Laura said:
Maybe ya'll can formulate some simple progressions of questions about what it really means to be "prepared"? I promise we'll do another very soon!!! It's just been hectic around here, one thing after another, and finally the taxes were all done after weeks of accounting data entry. So now, with the business out of the way, we can try to get back to normal, whatever that is. In short, another session soon, so let's get some good questions together about what "being prepared" really means. I have the feeling that it isn't what people usually think.

This is exactly what I was thinking about after I read the session.

Like others have expressed here, I don't have a lot of resources for preparing in the 3D way, like stocking up on food, or colloidal silver, or pretty much anything that takes money. But I always wonder if that is purely 3D thinking, and that "being prepared" has a completely different meaning.

I think that no matter how much food one stocks up on, it will eventually run out anyway, and we will still be in the same boat. And others have also expressed that having large stocks of food can simply make you a target for nutjobs that will kill you for it. Although, having food and supplies that one can use to help others is not such a bad idea.

My feeling is that "being prepared" has to do with having the right knowledge to get through whatever situation the catastrophe leaves you in, whether you have prepared in a material kind of way, or not. I think EVERYONE will be faced with the same dilemma - no food, no water, sickness - at some point, no matter what. The C's have said quite clearly that all of these kinds of preparations are purely 3D thinking, which implies there is something, or some way, that is more important to focus on.

Not believing lies seems to be an important place to start. I also think that recognizing what is going on around us for what it is, in the midst of all the chaos, may be another important factor. For example, people will be all around trying to convince us to do one thing or another, and we need to be aware of their intentions, aware of what is the best decision for ourselves, not be taken in by peoples' deceit, or maybe their fear-based choices.

Those were my thoughts, anyway.
mkrnhr said:
It is noticeable that the Cassiopaeans cited two parables from the three that constitute chapter 25 of the gospel according to Matthiew (the Ten Virgins (torchbearers?), the talents, Sheep and Goats): _
My superficial understanding of the parables of the talents and the ten virgins is about using knowledge wisely in order to "fructify" it and be more prepared as in a positive loop. It is interesting that in the parable of the ten virgins there is a door and a certain time for that door to be open. Maybe it is a re-adaptation of a more ancient story from the mystery schools?
In the parable of the sheep and goats there is also a separation that occurs and it is interesting to find the concept of theoxeny we encountered in the Odyssey.

Another great session – thank you! It was great to find this unexpectedly – have been traveling for a few days and away from the computer, so this was a nice surprise.

During the past couple two weekends, I had the opportunity to be with some old friends and meet some FOTCM members. It was quite refreshing to spend time with people where I could relax and let down some of my strategic enclosure. Because of this and also because I had some time while driving to reflect, I began to feel a sense that it is time to begin shifting gears.

What occurred to me when I read the parable of the Wise Virgins and considered the idea of preparedness is that in addition to doing the necessary things to prepare physically perhaps it is time to begin to prepare psychologically and spiritually for a very different world?

A world where we can begin to actually live with others and respond in ways that could have been the natural state of humanity if we had not had to cope with the pathological. I realize that is what we have been trying to do here on the Forum, but wonder if we could somehow begin to learn how to take what we are learning here and apply it more broadly once some of the pathological structures begin to disintegrate. I don’t by any means think things are going to change overnight, and I may be getting way ahead of things, but perhaps this may be part of the next steps?
thank you for this important session Laura and every one
a lot of things here again..
indeed, I was sure too that the booms of January 25Th was not "planes exceeding the barrier sound.. "
our "leaders" and press are really pathetic
anyways we wait the next session.. still thanks
Thanks for the session. :)
It sometimes feel we are going through 3d with the Damocles sword hanging over our heads. Personally, I'm going through a career transition, and some predictions really take the wind out of my sail. Questions like...should I continue striving for that certificate and the new business knowing what I know, Or should I 'drop out', stock on food and survival gear? :/ Its more like the last days of Atlantis, we are waiting for a signal from our scouts, to migrate to safer land (and activities).

Another question, is the time-line of 2014 closed (as predicted in a 2009 transcript), or we've made different choices collectively since, that delay the...inevitable?
ajseph 21 said:
Maybe this mormon interpretation can shed some light on the ten virgins: "This was not selfishness or unkindness. The kind of oil that is needed to illuminate the way and light up the darkness is not shareable. How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living; an accumulation of knowledge? How can one share faith or testimony? How can one share attitudes or chastity.... Each must obtain that kind of oil for himself.... In the parable, oil can be purchased at the market. In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. Fasting, family prayer (EE) control of bodily appetites (diet), preaching the gospel(network), studying the scriptures(QFGbook)-each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, marriage in the covenant for eternity-these, too, contribute importantly to the oil with which we can at midnight refuel our exhausted lamps.

I think that the above may be going in the right direction. You have to gather knowledge AND APPLY it and there are a number of ideas we have gathered here:

The idea of STO vs STS
The idea that networking is STO
Since the network is important, one needs to find ways based on knowledge to make and keep it viable.
Networking also includes working through one's programs and establishing mastery over the horse.
Higher level networking includes "connecting chakras".

And, in an interesting way, this issue of the parables mentioned in the session connects directly to Belibaste's questions about "charge" in respect of the earth vis a vis disasters. It makes me think of the story of Abraham arguing with god/angels about the preservation of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was asking "if there are 50 men there who are righteous" will you spare the city. Then he got down to five men... as it turned out, there was only one who was warned to get out of the city.

Those of you who have read our discussion on Theoxeny in the Odyssey thread will know what the issues were. Also, that this was a concept most clearly exampled in the Odyssey, making it a more Northern source, obviously borrowed by the authors of the Bible. Bruce Louden's discussion of what constituted "righteousness" in the context of the Odyssey is useful to read.

Megan said:
In poking around some more -- and finding nothing -- one obvious thing jumps out at me. The job or role of the women in the parable may simply have been to light the way for the procession. Isn't that kind of like what we are doing here?

See above ideas. Definitely going in the right direction. If there is a network that has an aim, as ours does, then participating in the aim - which is providing light for a procession, so to say - is the act of keeping the lamps filled and functional.

dikiitanetsdooshi said:
Studying science-related subjects currently, I find this a real shame...though I'm scarcely surprised. The man who was afraid & hid & hoarded...& thought he knew. But he didn't. Come time he came to some realisation, it was too late.

I think that when the Cs made the remark about science - comparing it to the parable of the talents - it could be related to the Theoxeny issue mentioned above. The main issue of the Parable of the Talents is "fear that causes one to hoard or hide" specifically. Fear of what? Well, take a look at this thread:,30861.0.html

...where you find this:

Approaching Infinity said:
In his book Unsnarling the World-Knot, David Ray Griffin quotes something John Searle wrote: "The deepest motivation of materialism is simply a terror of consciousness" with its "essentially terrifying feature of subjectivity," which most materialists think to be "inconsistent with their conception of what the world must be like." This is in a chapter on wishful- and fearful-thinking, and how it affects a person's worldview. Aside from simply fearing the consequences of the reality of consciousness on one's materialistic assumptions about reality, I think there's something more to it. Just look at the immense amount of ridicule against the intelligent design movement, which is founded on essentially the same principles as Bryant Shiller's 5th Option, that intelligence is the best possible explanation for the origin of the information in the genetic code. The PTB seem very fearful of the ideas that humans are conscious and have free will...

FrankM4326754 said:
Relating to the 'comets being attracted to high-density-lie areas' idea, would it be beneficial for us to move to a certain geographical area together, or at least do this locally, forming lie free zones?.

That would depend on your circumstances and aim. Are you doing it out of fear, or to further the aims of the network?

FrankM4326754 said:
How are we to survive the rampant psychopathy in this world that has obviously chosen it's own path to oblivion?

I think that networking provides many solutions to this question.

FrankM4326754 said:
Will we have to defend ourselves physically? Should we be basically be prepared to die?

Again, networking can provide many answers. Ultimately, people should not be afraid of dying, but living with awareness and an aim should be the goal.

FrankM4326754 said:
Is the approach of the wave going to change our experience of reality, so that, basically, our acceptance of Truth or Lies is much more important than worrying about matters such as food?

Well, we'll have to ask the Cs that one. For now, I think that the answer in advance of the Wave is "yes". Because acceptance of truth changes you and then, when you are in this new state of awareness, you are better able to figure out what to do in given situations.

FrankM4326754 said:
Will we have an opportunity to help others here, or are we basically trying to prepare an Ark and get the hell out of here, leaving the population to their chosen lessons?

I think that is backwards. It seems to me that Nature is going to "take out" the population and those who pay strict attention to reality right and left become the reality of the future while those who do not, are a "dream in the past."

FrankM4326754 said:
Does being prepared mean to have acquired esoteric knowledge? (Fairly broad).

What is "esoteric knowledge"? What about the basic understandings of this level of reality?

FrankM4326754 said:
Should we be prepared not only with knowledge but also with stockpiling canned goods, if so how much of a stockpile would be adequate?

Those things come with increased awareness which comes with gathering knowledge and applying it.

FrankM4326754 said:
As mentioned above, would moving together with those who actively participate in this forum be conducive for preparedness of what the near future holds?

That would depend on a lot of variables, I think. See this for what strikes me as a useful take on the matter:

ajseph 21 said:
I've also found a relevant quote from Joseph Campbell "Hero of a thousand faces" regarding marriage; " The mystical marriage with the goddess of the world (virgins?) repesents the hero's mastery of life; for the woman is life, the hero it's knower and master. Also, Every failure to cope with a life situation must be laid in the end to a restriction of consciousness. Wars and temper tantrums are makeshifts of ignorance and regrets are illuminations come too late. The crux of the difficulty lies in the fact that our conscious views of what life ought to be seldom correspond to what life really is." Taking into account the shortsighted foolish virgins, maybe they restricted their consciousness by believing they were prepared. I also see something in the bridegroom not knowing the foolish virgins in that maybe they represent someone who is asleep or the little "i"s.

gaman said:
Laura said:
A: Close. You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.

"limit of permitted assistance at this point" - what does permitted imply here? Permitted by some individual or groups standards (i.e. STO way of life), or permitted by some force somehow in control, or some "physical" tolerances? I think I've read something that hinted at this same type of idea in earlier readings here but I can't recall where.

It seems to me that "permitted" relates to "is it STO or STS? Violation of free will?
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