Session 23 March 2013

Thank you so much Laura and crew for posting this session and for all the comments of the forum. Very inspiring and thought provoking again and again.
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have observed the same thing. People that become ill are ill for a long time or they get a relapse.
These past few weeks I have also felt really tired, as others wrote. I keep almost falling asleep behind the computer. I have been taking a lot of naps. :)

The winds over here are very strong and cold. It somehow keeps me on my toes the whole time.

Thanks for the session and all the thoughts. I don't think that I understand half of it, but I am trying.
Thank you Laura and crew, for making this interesting session available so quickly.

A lot to ponder on, on the meaning of being prepared, of one's place in the orchestra, and of the orchestra getting in tune with life and reality, of applying knowledge gained - 'providing light for a procession'.
wilbas said:
Thanks for the session. :)
It sometimes feel we are going through 3d with the Damocles sword hanging over our heads. Personally, I'm going through a career transition, and some predictions really take the wind out of my sail. Questions like...should I continue striving for that certificate and the new business knowing what I know, Or should I 'drop out', stock on food and survival gear? :/ Its more like the last days of Atlantis, we are waiting for a signal from our scouts, to migrate to safer land (and activities).

Another question, is the time-line of 2014 closed (as predicted in a 2009 transcript), or we've made different choices collectively since, that delay the...inevitable?

The background to my question is a SOTT article by Laura -, where she predicts;

"2012 is the End of the Old world and its possibilities and the beginning of an interregnum of open psychopathic rule that I predict will last about 2 years before the horror of the situation sinks in. After that, life will only be possible for those who are prepared to survive in the real New World and to figure that out, you are on your own now."

which brings us to 2014, same as the C's prediction of something big in 2014 (session 20 June 2009).
I've copied a list of many of the questions that have not been directly addressed or people have shared and/or expanded upon thus far. If some of them were addressed my apologies for any redundancy.

My thoughts are of the following questions.

Is the gathering of the fellowship to commence soon (pooling of resources)? Getting our ducks in a row (physical/mental/spiritual), creating our tribes, grouping(s).

A question I have been having for myself in my own situation is: You have all this information, this knowledge (that I am so blessed by the group, you who've share it) and, what are you (I, myself individually) DOing with it? And these days I'm actually helping and pooling with people immediately at hand to the best of my ability, discussing and preparing to be able to fly or burrow down at the same time. While at the same time stepping away from being such a deathaphobic.

Are the 'badguys' moreso aware of what is to come than the information the group has pooled together and are more prepared for what is in store for humanity? The idea being they have a pooled collection of documented history, with the actual places and times in the past history of civilization(s).

Whitecoat wrote:
"Or at least being prepared in terms of more than just 3D thinking. In 4th Way there's a substance produced by those working together that can't be produced alone."

Calise wrote:
"Relating to the 'comets being attracted to high-density-lie areas' idea, would it be beneficial for us to move to a certain geographical area together, or at least do this locally, forming lie free zones?
How are we to survive the rampant psychopathy in this world that has obviously chosen it's own path to oblivion? Will we have to defend ourselves physically? Should we be basically be prepared to die?
Is the approach of the wave going to change our experience of reality, so that, basically, our acceptance of Truth or Lies is much more important than worrying about matters such as food?
Will we have an opportunity to help others here, or are we basically trying to prepare an Ark and get the hell out of here, leaving the population to their chosen lessons?"

Group/C's wrote:
"31 May 1997
..Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn, generates light. "

"If viewed in knowledge application, there will come a time that those that have it cannot share it because they have to apply it to themselves in order to survive?"

"Maybe it has to do with concepts like payment in a Gurgieffian sense, so it can't be really shared by others (and not in the sense that they shouldn't), but has to be done by a person himself.[?]"

"dikiitanetsdoos hi wrote:
"..In a sense, give someone all the knowledge that can be transmitted but if its not applied [by choice] when required, what use is it?"

"Dugdeep wrote:
In regards to preparation, my mind drifted to the other bible parable that was mentioned in this session - the parable of the talents. What strikes me is the use of the term "talent". Back in the day, whenever this parable was actually written, the term was used to denote a weight measurement, often used for currency (or so wikipedia tells me); eg. 'a talent of gold'. So the parable is refering to the servants being given currency. But in the present, the term talent means an aptitude or skill; a gift one was born with or one has developed; something one is good at. So I'm turning over in my mind how one can "use their talents" to multiply them instead of hiding them away. Perhaps it relates to using one's talents in an STO manner, sharing them, spreading them for the benefit of others, versus hording, hiding and using your "talents" only for yourself.."

keit wrote:
"..maybe it also has to do with what C's once said about windows of opportunities. And making a wrong choice can lead a person on a different path or cause him to waste time and thus miss the window.[?]

ajsef21 wrote:
"I also see something in the bridegroom not knowing the foolish virgins in that maybe they represent someone who is asleep or the little "i"s."

TheLostBoy wrote:
"In these times now and to come,
Those Seekers of Truth,
Who wish to participate in future events,
Must pay, pay a lot, pay with ourselves, and
Pay Now, in this moment
For the wait may be long,
And we may become drowsy and fall asleep
Yet the call will come, and awaken us
For bad payers, lazy people, the ill prepared- no hope
Those prepared, who have paid in advance,
Will have the source needed for utilization,
And will light their own way in the dark
To a new life, in union with The Light"

l_autre_d wrote:
" would one share something like patience ?"

"mocachapeau wrote:
"..recognizing what is going on around us for what it is, in the midst of all the chaos, may be another important factor. For example, people will be all around trying to convince us to do one thing or another, and we need to be aware of their intentions, aware of what is the best decision for ourselves, not be taken in by peoples' deceit, or maybe their fear-based choices."

aleana wrote:
"What occurred to me when I read the parable of the Wise Virgins and considered the idea of preparedness is that in addition to doing the necessary things to prepare physically perhaps it is time to begin to prepare psychologically and spiritually for a very different world?

I.. wonder if we could somehow begin to learn how to take what we are learning here and apply it more broadly once some of the pathological structures begin to disintegrate. I don’t by any means think things are going to change overnight, and I may be getting way ahead of things, but perhaps this may be part of the next steps?"
Having recovered recently from Pneumonia and having two near death experiences associated with it, it dawned on me that all I've done to "prepare" had been all 3D thinking, based on fear. Walked out of the pantry one day thinking this energy spent in acquiring all this food is worthless. Knowing now that what matters is that every part of my being on every level must be aligned to STO, even though I know we are all STS here, but for future, so that we can graduate to 4D and be STO. In the parable the Virgins made a choice, not to fill their lamps, some did fill the lamps. In agreement that we need to be aware and in so being we also need to make choices that will matter for us, to have a future. With ease I could have slipped away, right out of this body. For weeks now I've pondered if I'd be prepared to go to 4D STO. Action and work are important right up until the end, yes as others have commented here in these post it is surely knowledge, and work are something that has to be decided within each individual, something that can not be given by another. Remembering what the C's said once about if we did not graduate this time that we'd be like cavemen looking out on a red smoke filled sky. What would a few cans of green beans serve me in such an environment? So perhaps being "prepared' is aligning our selves to STO.
Thank you Laura and Team for yet more knowledge through the session and the thought provoking insight from the comments...all of FOTCM are our inspiration to carry on!
Laura said:
Megan said:
As I recall, 10 "virgins" is probably referring to 10 young women -- servants perhaps? -- and evidently with a definite role or job to perform. Half of them weren't doing their jobs, and got fired. Hmmm.

There is a cultural context for this story -- weddings, lamps, virgins -- but when I try Googling it I come up with mounds of rubbish "spiritual" interpretations instead. Does anybody have more information? What exactly was their job?

I think to find the real "meat" of that matter, one would have to look further afield than a Judaic context. Probably in Anatolian or Greek ideas/customs since whatever is "Judaism" seems to have been born of Mesopotamian, Anatolian, and Greek influences.

One thing that occurred to me as I was reading other responses was this:

31 May 1997

Q: Do these divisions of consciousness grow and change?
A: Yes.
Q: And they grow and change through acquiring knowledge, is that
A: Basically.
Q: And acquiring knowledge is akin to acquiring energy? Or light?
Light energy?
A: Not exactly. That would be like saying that "filling up" at the
gas station is akin to acquiring speed.
Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed
comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn,
generates light.

ajseph 21 said:
Maybe this mormon interpretation can shed some light on the ten virgins: "This was not selfishness or unkindness. The kind of oil that is needed to illuminate the way and light up the darkness is not shareable. How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living; an accumulation of knowledge? How can one share faith or testimony? How can one share attitudes or chastity.... Each must obtain that kind of oil for himself.... In the parable, oil can be purchased at the market. In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. Fasting, family prayer (EE) control of bodily appetites (diet), preaching the gospel(network), studying the scriptures(QFGbook)-each act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, marriage in the covenant for eternity-these, too, contribute importantly to the oil with which we can at midnight refuel our exhausted lamps.

mkrnhr said:
It is noticeable that the Cassiopaeans cited two parables from the three that constitute chapter 25 of the gospel according to Matthiew (the Ten Virgins (torchbearers?), the talents, Sheep and Goats): _
My superficial understanding of the parables of the talents and the ten virgins is about using knowledge wisely in order to "fructify" it and be more prepared as in a positive loop. It is interesting that in the parable of the ten virgins there is a door and a certain time for that door to be open. Maybe it is a re-adaptation of a more ancient story from the mystery schools?
In the parable of the sheep and goats there is also a separation that occurs and it is interesting to find the concept of theoxeny we encountered in the Odyssey.

Keit said:
Green_Manalishi said:
If knowledge is the "oil", they didn't share the "oil" with the foolish. Should there be a point where knowledge should not be shared with others, in a kind of too late to wake up scenario perhaps?

If viewed in knowledge application, there will come a time that those that have it cannot share it because they have to apply it to themselves in order to survive?

Maybe it has to do with concepts like payment in a Gurgieffian sense, so it can't be really shared by others (and not in the sense that they shouldn't), but has to be done by a person himself.

‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

The same for knowledge, that has to be utilized and then generate energy/light on a personal level.

Laura said:
Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed
comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn,
generates light.

If level of knowledge has to match the level of being in order to utilize it and become response-able, then sharing it won't do much good. It has to be the result of a personal effort and work. Like a muscle that has to be built in order to be able to carry something heavier or for a longer period of time. C's mentioned once that knowledge input has to be continuous. And maybe it also has to do with what C's once said about windows of opportunities. And making a wrong choice can lead a person on a different path or cause him to waste time and thus miss the window.

My mind goes in that direction as well... If it is knowledge application, there's no recipe for all, as it depends on who you are and what you can see, so it depends a lot in what we do to apply this knowledge and that will depend a lot in our particular circumstances, OSIT Something like "the cards are given" and knowledge application will be to know what to do with them...

Of course there are some guidelines as Laura and others mentioned, like The Work, which means networking, observing one's self, gathering (AND applying) knowledge of our own reality and where we are standing as parts of the whole... etc..

I also thought about the connection of Diet and EE to the oil, but I think there's much more to it... Maybe it means to be prepared in a lot of senses, so we have to look to different aspects, physical, psychological and spiritual. Which is again... THE WORK...

Another thing that came to my mind is what Martha Stout says about trauma... That we are more likely to suffer trauma or shock when are we exposed to events which we don't expect or which think that can't be possible, because it gets in complete conflict with our worldview.... Soooo, the more we know about ourselves, the world and its connection to the cosmos, and what can happen (being open to different possibilities)... the more we can see and understand, the more we will be 'protected' by the "light of this knowledge", that will make us less likely to be in shock and, therefore, to act consciously in whatever conditions we might be in, i.e. to be prepared

Just some thoughts, FWIW

Thanks a lot for the session and for posting it so fast! :flowers:

I've also been thinking a lot of preparedness lately, wondering about what my actions should be considering the times we're living in...

Very interesting comments as well... a lot to think on... :cool2:
Thanks for the session.
In context on the metaphor about the virgins and the expression the 5d city on the hill i was thinking about this:

This is from Wikipedia:
City upon a Hill
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A Shining City on a Hill". Reagan's impromptu concession speech at the 1976 Republican National Convention has been called a "defining moment of the Reagan Revolution."
A City upon a Hill is a phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:14, he tells his listeners, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." It has become popular with American politicians. The term is also influenced by Plato's Republic and the concept of the "good city" - a city-state governed by philosopher kings.

Now here is some text from that gospel of Matthew 5:13-16

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.
14 Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do [men] light a lamp, and put it under the bushel, but on the stand; and it shineth unto all that are in the house.
16 Even so let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

The light from the lamps of vigins. The oil is knowledge.To be prepared could mean to be prepared with the right knowledge so it can last through the " dark" . You can offer and "sell" knowledge but somebody must open the eyes and ears and heart to see, hear and feel what is true knowledge and then " buy " it . Especially today when everithing is full with all that false science.

I really don t have any specific idea. This is just a clue. The light from the lamps of the virgins and this bible text. 5D may also means the 5-th Density which is the recycle density. 5D City on the hill. Still no specific idea. English is not my firs Language so it’s more difficult for me to express some my idea. I don’t know if I’m on the right track. Just some of my thoughts that come to my mind while I was reading last session and discussion
I found that concept of Pronoia very interesting Dugdeep.

Back in 1997, I had some strange experiences diagnosed as “drug-induced psychosis” and ended up spending a couple of months in a psych ward.

I had paranoid feelings, e.g. that the French were after me, but also what I think I could be called “pronoic” feelings, such as feeling that two people sitting on a seat outside the window were presently engaged in helping me, or a man walking down the other side of the street, or just standing still nearby, was "on my side" and some kind of help or sympathetic exchange was taking place. Sometimes the pronoic feelings seemed to be justified by specific actual events, e.g. a cryptic comment made to me by a passerby, or a poster put up on a street corner in a city I was visiting with a message intended just for me.

It was a very strange time, with a mixture of apocalyptic feelings, and a sense of elation, as if one were 8 feet tall; and a sense of “liberation”, as if one had realized that something like language itself was the root of human error.
Whilst re-reading part of Comets and the Horns of Moses, I came across this quote from Heraclitus:

‘Much learning does not teach understanding; … this one thing is wisdom, to understand thought, as that which guides the world everywhere.’

Followed by comments of Laura:

‘… possibly a multi-layered remark. … man and nature do not attract what they want, but what they are; the souls attracts what it harbors in secret.’

This is in line with Windmill Knight’s post, paraphrasing,
of applying knowledge in a spiritual way mainly – spiritual understanding as the bridge to the future.
And of the idea of attaining the correct attitude of mind – personal moral effort and abiding by dignity and virtue, fundamental sincerity and honesty, and of standing up for what’s right. As in asjeph 21’s post:
… Deeds of kindness, payment of offerings and tithes, chaste thoughts and actions, ….
Followed by Laura’s post
… You have to gather knowledge and AND APPLY it …

These are my thoughts on ‘being prepared’, of attaining the correct attitude of mind for whatever the future may bring.
Laura said:
A: Close. You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.

Comforting to know the playing field is being leveled. I also take that to mean at some deeper level, the intensification of our weather chaos simply reflects intensification of higher density conflict. And in a strange way, it lessen my anxiety towards these happenings. It's a good fight going on, and I ought to conduct myself in a useful manner.
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