Session 23 March 2013

Amazing session! Thank you for posting the transcripts - certainly, veritable food for thought. I'm still pondering on it - having discovered the update in the morning... Both parables are very relevant and poignant, particularly since some unexpected visitors are about to make an appearance.

I just don't know what to say. Any sort of rush decision would likely be ill-advised and yet preparation is necessary. As is sharing (or growing) of the talents - although in this case, as a way to contribute individual abilities as well as financially to the common goal. Certainly, application of knowledge would be a part of the preparation. I found myself in agreement with what's already been said on the topic of oil lamps.

This session is just wow. Lots to think about.
Another interesting session. Thanks Laura and Crew!

Keit said:
Green_Manalishi said:
If knowledge is the "oil", they didn't share the "oil" with the foolish. Should there be a point where knowledge should not be shared with others, in a kind of too late to wake up scenario perhaps?

If viewed in knowledge application, there will come a time that those that have it cannot share it because they have to apply it to themselves in order to survive?

Maybe it has to do with concepts like payment in a Gurgieffian sense, so it can't be really shared by others (and not in the sense that they shouldn't), but has to be done by a person himself.

‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

The same for knowledge, that has to be utilized and then generate energy/light on a personal level.

Laura said:
Q: So, knowledge and light are like the gas for the car, but speed
comes from utilization?
A: Yes.
Q: And utilization means...
A: Knowledge application which generates energy, which, in turn,
generates light.

If level of knowledge has to match the level of being in order to utilize it and become response-able, then sharing it won't do much good. It has to be the result of a personal effort and work. Like a muscle that has to be built in order to be able to carry something heavier or for a longer period of time. C's mentioned once that knowledge input has to be continuous. And maybe it also has to do with what C's once said about windows of opportunities. And making a wrong choice can lead a person on a different path or cause him to waste time and thus miss the window.

I'm also of the opinion that the Cs remark on the wise virgins has less to do with physical preparedness and more with the spiritual one. The fire from the lamp could represent the attainment of what Gurdjeff termed the magnetic center. This is something that cannot be shared with others but has to be obtained by the individual by doing the Work.

From the Cassiopaea Glossary:
In 4th Way discourse, this is a function in man which is formed as esoteric work proceeds beyond exterior, sleeping man. This function guides this development while itself being formed and strengthened by this development. The magnetic center is the seat of discernment between influences which lead to esoteric development and those which lead to the outer world. Man 1, 2 and 3 live in a constantly shifting anarchy of centers. Man 4, one who has formed a stable magnetic center, has brought the functions of body, feeling and thinking into relative harmony and uses these for purposes of conscious work under the direction of the magnetic center. If man is compared to a house full of servants who constantly quarrel about the run of the house, then the magnetic center can be seen as a group of servants who begin to set the house in order in preparation for the arrival of the owner of the house. The magnetic center eventually becomes a steward who runs the house in the absence of the master. Only then can the master, i.e. the real I take possession of the house. Forming a steward or magnetic center is a necessary intermediate stage in reaching for 4th Way development.
At last new session has arrived :D :D :D
i have been waiting for this one long time and reading every Day and now session comes and covers most of the things that I have read.

First part is about the weather and changes. We have strange weather every Day and temperature goes up and down every Day and now we have rain all time for few days now.

Q: (L) Well, thanks a lot! (Ailen) That's a nice way of saying, "No dice!" (L) Okay, as you know, we had a wonderful little exploding comet fragment out there in Russia that did some serious damage and injured lots of people. I'm not glad that it injured lots of people, but I just think it was pretty interesting that this happened like within three days of our new book "Comets and The Horns of Moses" being released in hardcopy. So, I guess the first question is: Anything to tell us about the exploding comet fragment, or whatever they wanna call it? It could have an asteroid, or it could have a comet fragment, or whatever?

A: Denatured comet but who's counting?

Q: (L) Okay. Is that all you're gonna say?

A: Just wait for the next one! That one will be a doozie! And it has "friends!"

And now reading it you can make parallel with the comets and all other astrological bodies outside and around us! It is also funny that as this was nothing we are we will have a quite a blast :) :) panic will take an large part so maybe when they say be prepaired is to see that you face something with peace in you and apply the learned knowledge?? For exp taking care of your diet, meditating and connecting all that you see with all you have read to apply best way to go ahead??

At the end when I read about the virgins I had some kind of ( do not know how to say it ) but knowledge about this story like I read it or just knew it, even could see images in my head of that story.
But I do not recall ever reading it or knowing about it.
Fist I had an idea similar to ones in commnets " why did not they share it "?? but when I tough about it it has sense as they should have been ready for this and so they were sent to "buy" it. That is wait new chance to apply knowledge that was given to them. It seems that some people learn only if they see mistakes that they have done. So next time this 5 virgins maybe will ready and bring their own oil. This could be same with those who are not ready they will take new tour and start from "the start". Could this be an idea???
As you can read you can learn you can do everything that you think is good and that you will make progress but if your soul is not ready you will stay and learn more as you need to apply all this on correct way not only take the "lamp" and say OK I have an lamp I have been sent there and this is it. You need to use you knowledge as we can easily be tricked ...

Remember always that 4D STS is an higher level which see more that us and can use all needed to take you to wrong path!!

I wanted to wright more but I got lost on the way :huh: :huh: so I will end this and thank to all doing this working and sharing it with us!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

all the best


(Meant to post this earlier)

Thanks for sharing the latest prodigious session. Very interesting!

Laura said:
Q: (L) From outside the solar system... From the universe?

A: Yes. But scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind!

Q: (L) Hmm. So you say, "Scientists have been blinded by being led by the blind." Do you mean that...

A: When science is used for killing they have lost their honor and their way. Remember the parable of the talents. The man who was afraid and hid and hoarded? Then when the master came he was cast into darkness with the weepers and wailers. Thus shall it be yet again.

It's interesting how they mentioned "Parable of the Talents" again which I've read up a while ago, especially in Matthew, which takes place after "The Parable of the Ten Virgins." Matthew 25:13 (the link in-between) said, "therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour."

The former parable deals with the outcome of "faithful" service and "unfaithful" service that leads to increased responsibilities to others or being cast into darkness. Being faithful is to take risks and giving up what one had while being unfaithful is to live in fear and hid what one had (that fear was a result of ignorance, no knowledge was applied).

Laura said:
A: Those who wish to participate in the future should "be prepared" like the wise virgins.

After reading this parable, a lot of possibilities came to mind. Of course, naturally, the "lamp" represent a light, awareness, knowledge with an "extra oil" being referred to extra effort or attitude (this could also be "knowledge application"). It felt as if the "foolish" virgins were running on "assumptions" since they weren't prepared for the bridegroom to be delayed while the wise virgins left open a door of possibility of him being delayed and thus prepared. I just found it interesting that in the end, he said, "I do not know you." This immediately came to mind of being a "dream of the 'past"" when one is not paying attention to objective reality. The wise virgins are the one who paid attention and became "the reality of the 'Future'" as if the universe "recognized" them for their efforts and be rewarded, so to speak.

I just got an image of comets hitting those "target" spots where ignorance reign which attract those comets while those of knowledge-informed "deflect" them naturally.

My .02 cent on that.

anart said:
C's said:
A: Yes. Please put all former clues together for ballpark figure, keeping in mind that the universe is open thus there will always be variables.

Q: (L) Okay. (Andromeda) Past comet streams? (L) So in other words, if we factor in what we know from the science of, say, Victor Clube and Bill Napier, plus observations we make, plus historical records, etc. and signs, we can figure out that something is probably fairly imminent. That would be my best guess. My thought is that if we don't get a plague from this one that exploded over Russia, we will from the next one. That's my best guess.

A: Good guess!

We also have the "5D city on the hill" previous clue to keep in mind. With the number of fireballs over the northeast this last month, one wonders...

That occurs to me as well.
ajseph 21 said:
Well I would take the parable of the talents as maybe an authoritarion personality on the part of the scientists. Many scientists may not want to share their talents in more productive fields out of fear of ridicule or becoming poor so they hide them in military applications for easy gain. That fear makes them "bury their talents" within maybe? Burying your talents could mean you lack faith in creation and are asleep. The weeping and wailers could be the regret they feel for not giving back. If we have gifts or talents in this case, they should be invested in the betterment of humanity not its detriment.

Exactly what I was thinking upon reading that...the recent Dot Connector magazine came to mind: The Corruption of Science and the article Science Under Attack.
I didn't realize, until my mum just told me, that the accident outside the chateau was all over the msm. Everyone was discussing the bizarreness of it all, and no-one could come up with any answers. Well we have now - thanks to the C's. Also good to know that you have special protection - not surprised there really. Strange? that there are many mysterious/unsolved road accidents but this one is picked up for all it is worth - though it did have us all very confused! Also the ghost seemed to be depicted as real, unless mum heard it wrongly.

Attached is an unusual storm in North Cyprus on Friday. They have now named it Hilary. Temperatures were around 24 degrees before that knocking water tanks off houses, electicity lines down and trees etc. Nowhere is not affected nowadays.

Not a good time for me to be low on iron it seems! More tests today will update my thread. Incredible answer re high iron happening spontaneously! And comets being 'directed' towards negative energies. Much we do not know about our Universe.

Also a good time to revisit the Laws of 3 and 7! (especially the intervals). The Macrocosm as well as the Microcosm.

Thank you everyone for such an instructive session. Interesting times.


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Thanks for the great session Laura and team!

I didn't expect it to come so fast.

Now this is some great food for thoughts.
I should add a little more about what I learned about ancient wedding ceremonies. While I didn't find any specific tradition that matched the parable, there evidently were traditions that included the groom arriving at the bride's home at an unannounced time of the evening, and the bridal party then escorting the bride to the groom's home. Light would be needed for the journey; hence the lamps.

I say "evidently" because I can't, with the amount of time I have spent on it, validate the sources of information and there is a strong tendency among "eisegetes" to take the words of the Bible as fact and then use them to "derive" history.

But nevertheless, the above pattern appears to be repeated in some form in enough different cultures for me to think that it really existed, and to wonder how it might relate to esoteric symbols involving the "bride and groom." I seem to remember these symbols being discussed by Freke and Gandy, although it has been so many years since I read them that I am not sure (and my copy is in storage).

In any event, it seems to me that there is both a cultural and an esoteric context for the parable. The primary symbols, while not emphasized so much in the story, would seem to be the bride and groom.
Acid Yazz said:
My mind goes in that direction as well... If it is knowledge application, there's no recipe for all, as it depends on who you are and what you can see, so it depends a lot in what we do to apply this knowledge and that will depend a lot in our particular circumstances, OSIT Something like "the cards are given" and knowledge application will be to know what to do with them...

Of course there are some guidelines as Laura and others mentioned, like The Work, which means networking, observing one's self, gathering (AND applying) knowledge of our own reality and where we are standing as parts of the whole... etc..

I also thought about the connection of Diet and EE to the oil, but I think there's much more to it... Maybe it means to be prepared in a lot of senses, so we have to look to different aspects, physical, psychological and spiritual. Which is again... THE WORK...

Another thing that came to my mind is what Martha Stout says about trauma... That we are more likely to suffer trauma or shock when are we exposed to events which we don't expect or which think that can't be possible, because it gets in complete conflict with our worldview.... Soooo, the more we know about ourselves, the world and its connection to the cosmos, and what can happen (being open to different possibilities)... the more we can see and understand, the more we will be 'protected' by the "light of this knowledge", that will make us less likely to be in shock and, therefore, to act consciously in whatever conditions we might be in, i.e. to be prepared

It is probably simply prudent to stock up on food and water and other supplies for the effects of the approaching wave. Yet being prepared mentally and spiritually hints at something more. Laura mentioned networking and sharing a common aim. EE and the POTS will be helpful as well I would think.

I am wondering if we should make any distinction between preparations for the effects created by the coming of the wave, as opposed to the arrival of the wave - which the C's compared to a nuclear blast. Networking gathers knowledge, utilizing knowledge creates light. Could this be like a modern day Eleusinain Mystery?

There is a saying attributed to Jesus that goes something like: He who falls on the rock will be broken, but he who the rock falls on will be ground to powder.

Having an idea about the coming changes, accepting that life will either soon end or change radically, letting go, helping to create and spread light to see into the darkness, or future...

Just throwing some ideas out, fwiw.
Thanx laura for this great session!!...i was waiting and thinking about when will u bring C's session again during these crucial time of this year....i got what i wished for....thank u!!
In my view, i think they want us to prepare for the upcoming wave by utilizing information and clue they have given...We all need to focus on the wave and not the meteorite, as they have said...If we focus on the meteorite we will be thinking 3dsts in terms of survival with fear ...which will divert our mind to stock up food water....only knowledge protects us!!
Basically, we need to raise our vibration with increased awareness and knowledge in order to anchor approaching wave...we need to have psychic hygiene relating to our diet and spiritual learning and exercise for psychic defense..
before the wave arrives we need to wake up now for the signs are everywhere...otherwise it would be too late..we will be in dark...
i really want to ask the C's what will wave do to us when it arrives??..
Ive been busy lately...these session have woke me up to do something about it to act now.... :)!!
At the end of November, I put on my facebook wall the article "Extreme weather preceded collapse of Maya civilization". Due to the approaching "end of the world" - this 21 December nonsense. I decided to add to this article a little comment while sharing this, something wise and encouraging. This article was translated into polish. I add this exception from the bible about virgins, because I thought that this quote fits to the people.

I had on my mind certain friends who due to my activity on facebook had a opportunity get to know about EE, diet and more. As far as I know them, as far as I had a chance to discuss with them about it. They are theoretically confident about equity and efficiency of these practices and knowledge but they don’t really apply it.

It’s like they suffer from a “disease” called “tomorrow”. They are delaying with start working on themselves even if they know that certain things they need to fix, because of they sense that they have a time yet to do this. They are delaying with regular practice of EE, because, they have a sense that they are enough controlling their lives, even if they know that it's not the same if they do EE, that practicing EE would greatly improved their lives. So it is with diet and more. Something like “I will do this tomorrow”. But day after day passed and nothing has significantly changed in their lives.

If they won’t realize that it’s important to ACT, and act NOW, as do this wise virgins, they find themselves in the situation of foolish virgins. This is basically about “knowledge application”, what has been hinted at in this topic. But due to coincidence with me, I felt obliged to add my two cents and picture it.

For the reminder, from the Shane’s post, thanks Shane.

Shane said:
Here's the parable of the wise and foolish virgins:

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

“And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

Since I found and thought about it. Now, for instance, when I want to do EE and if laziness or fatigue stops me, when come to my mind thinking about that I can do it tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day, because I still have time, then I reproach myself. Do you want to be like the wise virgins or foolish? If you want to act like the wise virgins, do it now. Do not hesitate, do not hang up, do not give up and don't leave the path, and don't leave your life for "later".

I suppose that it is what C's want to tell. And I think if you want to "be prepared" I think you would better take it to your mind and heart.
Another great Session. Even though the C's were relatively brief, their answers operate on many levels. I found this analysis by Dugdeep especially insightful:

dugdeep said:
Also, this struck me as interesting:

Q: (L) We forgot to ask who's with us tonight!

A: Pronoia.

Q: (L) And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

[quote author=]
Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind as paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person. It is also used to describe a philosophy that the world is set up to secretly benefit people.

The writer and Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow defined pronoia as "the suspicion the Universe is a conspiracy on your behalf".[1] The academic journal "Social Problems" published an article entitled "Pronoia" by Fred H. Goldner in 1982 (vol 30, pp. 82–91). It received a good deal of publicity at the time including references to it in Psychology Today, The New York Daily News, The Wall Street Journal etc. It described a phenomenon that was the opposite from paranoia and provided numerous examples of specific persons who displayed such characteristics.
The opening paragraphs of the article describe "a new and contagious cultural virus" and refer to pronoia as "the sneaking feeling one has that others are conspiring behind your back to help you".

This was certainly an important message for me. With the coming changes, it can be difficult to maintain one's calm and slip into paranoia. The better option is Pronia!

Networking is invaluable. Thanks all for your insights.

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