Session 23 March 2013

Another interesting and inspiring session with lots of input from other readers. The bit about negativity / lies attracting inbound cometary bombardment is especially eye opening...I wonder if the movie "Olympus Has Fallen" is a sixth density metaphor for Washington DC being in the "strike" zone for one of these "doozies"? Be like the PTB to claim it a nuke launched by some "terrorist" faction to continue their perpetual war

Thanks Laura and all for all your very hard work!
wilbas said:
The background to my question is a SOTT article by Laura -, where she predicts;

"2012 is the End of the Old world and its possibilities and the beginning of an interregnum of open psychopathic rule that I predict will last about 2 years before the horror of the situation sinks in. After that, life will only be possible for those who are prepared to survive in the real New World and to figure that out, you are on your own now."

which brings us to 2014, same as the C's prediction of something big in 2014 (session 20 June 2009).

The "preparation" word reminded me of that famous quote from Castaneda:

"If the predators don't eat our glowing coat of awareness for a while, it'll keep on growing. Simplifying this matter to the extreme, I can say that sorcerers, by means of their discipline, push the predators away long enough to allow their glowing coat of awareness to grow beyond the level of the toes. Once it goes beyond the level of the toes, it grows back to its natural size. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico used to say that the glowing coat of awareness is like a tree. If it is not pruned, it grows to its natural size and volume. As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.
The grand trick of those sorcerers of ancient times was to burden the flyers mind with discipline. They found out that if they taxed the flyers' mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind's foreign origin. The foreign installation comes back, I assure you, but not as strong, and a process begins in which the fleeing of the flyers' mind becomes routine, until one day if flees permanently. A sad day indeed! That's the day when you have to rely on your own devices, which are nearly zero. There's no one to tell you what to do. There's no mind of foreign origin to dictate the imbecilities you're accustomed to. This is the toughest day in a sorcerer's life, for the real mind that belongs to us, the sum total of our experience, after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure, and shifty. Personally, I would say that the real battle of sorcerers begins at that moment. The rest is merely preparation.

Discipline taxes the foreign mind no end. So, through their discipline, sorcerers vanquish the foreign installation. The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat.
When one is torn by internal struggle, it is because down in the depths one knows that one is incapable of refusing the agreement that an indispensable part of the self, the glowing coat of awareness, is going to serve as an incomprehensible source of nourishment to incomprehensible entities. And, another part of one will stand against this situation with all its might.

The sorcerers' revolution is that they refuse to honor agreements in which they did not participate. Nobody ever asked me if I would consent to be eaten by beings of a different kind of awareness. My parents just brought me into this world to be food, like themselves, and that's the end of the story. [Castaneda, 1999]

Information as king and "see/C you soon" reminds me of the concept of merging explained in the Wave and "The King will come", a grail theme.

Or this soulless world is about to receive some serious cosmic feedback. Will it depend upon each individual or group of individuals the ability to manifest a souled place or vessel in the new world?
Mariama said:
Gertrudes said:
Well, plague or no plague I have never been surrounded by so many ill people, and with illnesses that linger for so long as I have been this year. I think that I can safely say that about half (if not more) of my clients have or have had strange "colds" that last forever and several have suffered from the flu. I'm also seeing a lot of respiratory problems and constant coughing amongst people who claim not having gotten ill for years.

I have observed the same thing. People that become ill are ill for a long time or they get a relapse.
These past few weeks I have also felt really tired, as others wrote. I keep almost falling asleep behind the computer. I have been taking a lot of naps. :)

I have certainly been noticing this a lot recently. My facebook page has many old friends who are constantly sick with colds and flu. I have even offered silver to some of them (the ones who seem the most continuously vocal about it), but not a one has responded. Its like they almost revel in their misery and the telling of it. They keep going back to their doctors for more pills that do nothing for them.

I think that brief mid day naps are a good thing, if possible, especially if one is getting on up there in years. They really help me make the best of the rest of the afternoon and evening. A 45 minute or hour nap followed by a cup of tea makes all the difference. Some days the need never arises, but when it does and I try to slog on through it I always feel lethargic and brain fogged by sundown. Whenever a nap is just not possible some round breathing helps.
Thanks very much for the new session :thup:
In spite of tiredness claimed by Laura, mentioned a number of times during the session, it still generated an interesting long discussion here in a very short time.

Quote from Carlise
« Reply #52 on: Yesterday at 06:10:23 »

Is the approach of the wave going to change our experience of reality, so that, basically, our acceptance of Truth or Lies is much more important than worrying about matters such as food?

Will we have an opportunity to help others here, or are we basically trying to prepare an Ark and get the hell out of here, leaving the population to their chosen lessons?

That's a very good question. I have been thinking for a long time how selfish it might be when one is wishing to get out of 3D but, being STS, it obviously is very natural, yet a result of getting more understanding of the state of the world/universe and of our original selfishness at the time of the Fall. Lets try not to be focused on it completely, even though it is a hope of everyone here to pass successfully. We still need to learn, absorb and apply... that's what is happening NOW.

One is also helping along the way by acting for one's good (trying to align FRV) and thus showing to others what matters to him/her. Never mind those who would ridicule you since they have no clue.

Quote from dugdeep
« Reply #67 on: Yesterday at 08:31:06 »

Also, this struck me as interesting:


Q: (L) We forgot to ask who's with us tonight!

A: Pronoia.

Q: (L) And where do you transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Quote from:

Pronoia is a neologism that is defined as the opposite state of mind as paranoia: having the sense that there is a conspiracy that exists to help the person. It is also used to describe a philosophy that the world is set up to secretly benefit people.

The writer and Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow defined pronoia as "the suspicion the Universe is a conspiracy on your behalf".[1] The academic journal "Social Problems" published an article entitled "Pronoia" by Fred H. Goldner in 1982 (vol 30, pp. 82–91). It received a good deal of publicity at the time including references to it in Psychology Today, The New York Daily News, The Wall Street Journal etc. It described a phenomenon that was the opposite from paranoia and provided numerous examples of specific persons who displayed such characteristics.
The opening paragraphs of the article describe "a new and contagious cultural virus" and refer to pronoia as "the sneaking feeling one has that others are conspiring behind your back to help you".

Possibly a subtle hint? There's also this from the session:
Quote from: C's

You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.

Help is on the way?

Thanks for this one, dugdeep* I never thought to look at the given name. Very interesting.

And then this, thank you very much again, Laura :hug2: for the comments in « Reply #104 »
Much appreciated.

Greeting to everyone in the Chalet! :rockon:
Laura and team thank very much for the session.

Reading the sessions over the years I ask myself is it possible to be prepared in the ninth hour?

Everything many of us have been doing up till now we could very well be as prepared as we can in the 3D environment.

Thinking further if we have not already we should be or have distanced ourselves from individuals that we have observed as being negatively oriented in our reality. Those that are engulfed in the many illusions of this reality.

A passage from books 5 and 6, Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown page 24

"And here we come to the primary issue: When we identify the fact that our energy fields are not compatible with some other individual or that there is a drain, we have the right to choose to disassociate ourselves. We have not only the right, but if we are truly seeking higher knowledge, it is a necessity."

A group of "like minded individuals" is necessary in the coming days.

I am thinking that preparation is a reminder. The C's also stated that the next event will be accompanied by "friends". Viral? More comets or meteorites? Or both? The future is open so we will just have to wait and see.

When we think of preparation in a 3D sense we think of storing food and water. In a spiritual sense obtaining knowledge and applying this knowledge.

It seems we are in the fourth quarter and what will be will be. The preparation portion is in the event we actually survive the coming destruction of this reality so to speak. I do not know what more we can do that we have not done, however, I hope I have prepared for what is to come.

I have just began the Horns of Moses and so far it is very interesting. I am also attempting to finish Petty Tyrants and Facing the Unknown at the same time. Again, thank you very much for this session and all the work that has been done leading up to the present time.
The question of preparation reminds me of the hypnosis session (THE WAVE 1) Laura had with 'Candy'.

Q: Are the squadrons of ships you see coming, do they come before this destruction or after?

A: The only thing I can say is that they ride the wave in.

Q: They ride the wave in? And you can’t see where the wave is coming from?

A: All I can see is we have to get prepared.

Q: How do we get prepared?

A: They are preparing us.

Q: Do we have to do anything ourselves?

A: We are programmed.

Q: How can one tell if one is programmed?

A: Things will be triggered. You are set up to do certain things… movies, books; different things trigger things that are in your subconscious… I see a key, or a wheel… how a wheel fits together… two wheels fit together and it clicks in.

As the C's have always said, 'we will do what we will do'. Seems like for now most of us are doing okay; the diets, information gathering and networking, but when the energy changes, we'll act as programmed. Preparation may also mean accepting the fact that some of us may have to transition through 5th density, which will still be 'fun' from a different (cosmic) perspective.
wilbas said:
As the C's have always said, 'we will do what we will do'. Seems like for now most of us are doing okay; the diets, information gathering and networking, but when the energy changes, we'll act as programmed. Preparation may also mean accepting the fact that some of us may have to transition through 5th density, which will still be 'fun' from a different (cosmic) perspective.
Hi Wibas,
The main thing is that being prepared/programmed passively is different from the active self-preparation one has to tend towards. The passive stance does not require knowledge, while the second requires knowledge, application of knowledge, and lots of efforts. It's not a subtle difference at this level.
Psyche said:
The "preparation" word reminded me of that famous quote from Castaneda:

Speaking of Castaneda, I think of his paramount focus on the "assemblage point". And the exhortation to move it, so as to perceive other worlds than the one we've been locked into. And you do this by the exercise of "dreaming" and "stalking". He gives detailed instructions. The end product is escape from this world (3rd density ?). I often wonder if this is analogous to developing a "conduit" through knowledge, as mentioned by the C's. Both have indicated explicitly that these are means of escape. Are they one and the same?

Interestingly, both claimed morality does not matter. The C's have said there's no distinction made between "good" and "wicked"...(even if the wicked will be more prone to be whacked by comets). And Castaneda said it isn't a matter of morality, but one of persistence, focused intent, and conservation of energy.

From what I understand of the Castaneda material and the transcripts, I think preparation probably leans more to the side of the internal. And maybe even just simple emotions. Self importance, jealousy, hatred, obsession, possessiveness, assumptions, anticipation...things like that.
Gaolea said:
I am a wise virgins xD

I don't think that really contributed to the discussion, for what it's worth. Please remember to keep the noise down. :)

Sorry for that :) i just get excited by the new session, was not my intention make some noise my apologyes :)

at last i could be a gaogaza :3
Thank you Laura and Crew for another thought provoking session with the Cs.
I am mulling over "preparedness" and will join in when I have a useful (hopefully) question to contribute.
wilbas said:
The question of preparation reminds me of the hypnosis session (THE WAVE 1) Laura had with 'Candy'.

Q: Are the squadrons of ships you see coming, do they come before this destruction or after?

A: The only thing I can say is that they ride the wave in.

Q: They ride the wave in? And you can’t see where the wave is coming from?

A: All I can see is we have to get prepared.

Q: How do we get prepared?

A: They are preparing us.

Q: Do we have to do anything ourselves?

A: We are programmed.

Q: How can one tell if one is programmed?

A: Things will be triggered. You are set up to do certain things… movies, books; different things trigger things that are in your subconscious… I see a key, or a wheel… how a wheel fits together… two wheels fit together and it clicks in.

As the C's have always said, 'we will do what we will do'. Seems like for now most of us are doing okay; the diets, information gathering and networking, but when the energy changes, we'll act as programmed. Preparation may also mean accepting the fact that some of us may have to transition through 5th density, which will still be 'fun' from a different (cosmic) perspective.

In that case, I don't think it was the good guys doing the "preparing."
mkrnhr said:
wilbas said:
As the C's have always said, 'we will do what we will do'. Seems like for now most of us are doing okay; the diets, information gathering and networking, but when the energy changes, we'll act as programmed. Preparation may also mean accepting the fact that some of us may have to transition through 5th density, which will still be 'fun' from a different (cosmic) perspective.
Hi Wibas,
The main thing is that being prepared/programmed passively is different from the active self-preparation one has to tend towards. The passive stance does not require knowledge, while the second requires knowledge, application of knowledge, and lots of efforts. It's not a subtle difference at this level.

Thanks mkrnhr, though I was referring to preparation at the subconscious level - not accessible for now. Consciously, active self work is key.
I think the preparation is in relation to the development of self, in all its facets. And this means discovering and understanding who you are, what you can reach to see, and also recoating and understand how the environment in which we live.

We can prepare through the healing of our programs, we tame the predator inside discern when we act through the System 1 or when we are aware of our mechanical reactions. Diet is very important in the work on oneself. Similarly, a proper diet is part of the process, because it affects all of the above.

Understand the reality we live helps us to be protected from foreign predation, while learning how we have been conditioned all our lives to be subject to the tax indoctrination, because that is what determines the way we perceive things. And that also prepares us for what may come.

It's an idea, but maybe not being prepared is nothing but work on itself, covering everything related to the development of our potential. Osit
Savitri C said:
I think the best way to be prepared (our lamp oil) is 'frequency' produced by our efforts in doing/ living The Work everyday
(saving energy so we can connect to our higher centres and to become 'immortal' as Gurdijeff said) ...
And the Cass said it's not important where we are but who we are and what we see ..
.So I assume it is not food and water that is the most important couse it's only fuel for the body - the soul is the one that counts...) :/

So many christian people seem to understand that this is referring to a spiritual lamp. This view has always been problematic to me. It fails to answer the physical element of what it is to keep your lamp full of oil, after all we are here in a physical 3D form.

And all these people will come saying, "Haven't I been a good servant, doing your work Lord?", and he sent them away saying "I know you not."

It also seems to me that since my physical lamp is full of oil, my frequency has raised to a higher level, allowing for energy to move more easily.

I have done many bible studies with many disciplines called churches, have even been baptized and ordained as an elder. Through all of this, I have never been able to accept the spiritual lamp theory. Doing these things would only be a false sense of being accepted by God because of what you do. There is also many warnings about doing good works for the sake of salvation. The way it works is that once you are in harmony those good works come naturally without expecting a reward. I was always concerned about my physical lamp and how I can keep this full of oil. To my thinking, this is/was more important than any good works. But how would one accomplish this very thing? It seems this is answered in this forum. All you need is the courage to follow.

Yes, the bible talks a lot about gnashing of teeth by people claiming to have done good works in God's name expecting salvation, yet he knew them not when it came to the end times.

It also says people will be going about their daily routines, then it will be here/time. Just like that, so where is the need to store plenty of food. It is always good to have a bit of stored food and water on hand. It says while some virgins went to buy oil the time came and when they came back with oil it was too late.
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