Session 23 March 2013

Laura said:
A: Just wait for the next one! That one will be a doozie! And it has "friends!"

I'm wondering if these "friends" are simply more comets, or more comets spaceships.
sitting said:
Laura said:
A: Just wait for the next one! That one will be a doozie! And it has "friends!"

I'm wondering if these "friends" are simply more comets, or more comets spaceships.
In this context, and regarding the informations available in Laura's last book, it's likely that the C's were refering to comets, maybe a swarm, and probably carrying pathogen elements :

Session 23 March 2013 said:
Q: (L) Okay. (Andromeda) Past comet streams? (L) So in other words, if we factor in what we know from the science of, say, Victor Clube and Bill Napier, plus observations we make, plus historical records, etc. and signs, we can figure out that something is probably fairly imminent. That would be my best guess. My thought is that if we don't get a plague from this one that exploded over Russia, we will from the next one. That's my best guess.

A: Good guess!
I am a newbie to this forum, but have been reading the cass material for a couple of years.

Interesting session indeed. Thanks Laura and Team! A lot to think about for everyone.

In the context of the recent Russian (Chelyabinsk) "denatured comet" - there is a famous video of the event. When it is slowed down, it shows something (UFO like) striking that comet and its pieces coming off. Here is the link to the russian news site (scroll down and play it).
After looking at it, seems like the purpose of that action was to break down the solid structure of its body, therefore minimising the impact damage.

I don't know whether this aspect of the topic was discussed here already, but IMHO it leads to some intriguing questions: What was that? If UFO - STS or STO forces craft? What was the real reason behind it?
Just as a thought - if it was an STS craft, our lizzies/grays and Co. friends :evil:, when the "time comes", may announce themselves as human saviours :halo: and trick people into following them during the possible "evacuation" as it happened before with some civilizations.

Sorry for my russkyi-english!
Shijing said:
JGeropoulas said:
Just saw Rupert Sheldrake has a new book out along those lines [...]

There's a thread on it here:,26625.0.html

Yes, apparently the title is Science Set Free in the US and The Science Delusion in GB, or something like that. I have been listening to the audiobook. Wonderful stuff.
Data said:
Forrestdeva said:
Remembering what the C's said once about if we did not graduate this time that we'd be like cavemen looking out on a red smoke filled sky. What would a few cans of green beans serve me in such an environment? So perhaps being "prepared' is aligning our selves to STO.

A very good point. Canning and being physically prepared is not good or bad in absolute terms, it depends on the circumstance. I think the preparedness we are talking about here is all-embracing in as many areas as possible.

Starshine said:
Also, when I read 'See/C' you soon, Carbon came into my mind, and DNA by extension. Talking about the effect of the wave ?

adam7117 said:
Laura said:
A: See/C you soon!

I wonder what kinds of songs those were and how "high" were the notes. Did they use any type of instruments (or implements), etc. And since Stonehenge is implicated in all of this, did the worshippers also use similar sounds there? Funny thought that - but did the songs activate anything by any chance?

C also could stand for "Cassiopaeans". I personally understand it as a funny play on words, but as usual there is probably more to it.

findit said:
I've enjoyed this forum even though I haven't had the chance to meet people face to face. So my question is this...whether or not it is 4D or 5D, will it be difficult to maintain contact with this group?

It may have something to do with "chakra connection" due to a higher form of networking, as Laura wrote earlier. Gurdjieff wrote that being in physical contact with persons and "mixing blood" would form astral connections beyond the physical bodies. However, we know that Gurdjieff saw everything as "substance", even knowlege, so we may need to correct for this bias a bit. Here is his take on the "Last Supper":

ISOTM said:
"To understand what took place at the Last Supper it is first of all necessary to know certain laws.

"You remember what I said about the 'astral body'? Let us go over it briefly. People who have an 'astral body' can communicate with one another at a distance without having recourse to ordinary physical means. But for such communication to be possible they must establish some 'connection' between them. For this purpose when going to different places or different countries people sometimes take with them something belonging to another, especially things that have been in contact with his body and are permeated with his emanations, and so on. In the same way, in order to maintain a connection with a dead person, his friends used to keep objects which had belonged to him. These things leave, as it were, a trace behind them, something like invisible wires or threads which remain stretched out through space. These threads connect a given object with the person, living or in certain cases dead, to whom the object belonged. Men have known this from the remotest antiquity and have made various uses of this knowledge.

"Traces of it may be found among the customs of many peoples. You know, for instance, that several nations have the custom of blood-brotherhood. Two men, or several men, mix their blood together in the same cup and then drink from this cup. After that they are regarded as brothers by blood. But the origin of this custom lies deeper. In its origin it was a magical ceremony for establishing a connection between 'astral bodies.' Blood has special qualities. And certain peoples, for instance the Jews, ascribed a special significance of magical properties to blood. Now, you see, if a connection between 'astral bodies' had been established, then again according to the beliefs of certain nations it is not broken by death.

If we don't interpret the "Body and Blood of Christ" too literally, it maybe means the knowledge that he imparted, which was a kind of 'nourishment' for others?

Psalehesost said:
The foolish virgins had not done their due didligence and were thus dependent on others. Given the time and circumstances, others couldn't help them - and it was too late for the foolish to succeed in helping themselves.

The mention of the Virgins is also well in line with Ark's Annual I Ching Reading - 2013 where one of the changing lines read (Wilhelm's translation):

_ said:
Six at the beginning means: Boy like contemplation. For an inferior man, no blame. For a superior man, humiliation.
This means contemplation from a distance, without comprehension. A man of influence is at hand, abut his influence is not understood by the common people. This matters little in the case of the masses, for they benefit by the actions of the ruling sage whether they understand them or not. But for a superior man it is a disgrace. He must not content himself with a shallow, thoughtless view of prevailing forces; he must contemplate them as a connected whole and try to understand them.

Anart's interpretation of this changing line is also a very good pointer IMO:

anart said:
Regarding the moving lines, it's reminiscent of what Gurdjieff said regarding what is expected of people who have done no work on themselves - nothing is expected, but from those who have worked on themselves, much is expected. Apparently this year will give much cause for contemplation and there will be those capable of that on a deep level and those that are not - those who are capable of it and actually do it will have 'no blame'. Just a thought...

ROEL said:
I am intrigued by the offhand dismissal about asking a question or questions concerning the new pope.
Given that the whereabouts of many public figures have been the subject of questions to the Cs, it's almost natural to inquire about the changes that might come about as a result of this particular situation that the Catholic Church is experiencing, since no small influence is exerted by this organization on the socio-political landscape of the BBM.

I think that the new pope won't be much different from the other ones. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." It's a repetitive pattern that is well-known from politics, so I guess it was not that interesting to ask about it.

Interesting point where Gurdjieff considers everything as matter including knowledge- this from ISOTM:

"There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the
beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose
their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and
millenniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with
geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary
, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge. This, in its turn,
necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise
be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently
coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.

Seems to coincide quite nicely with the topic-perhaps "being prepared" relates as many have stated to gathering knowledge in all forms
Antony said:
After looking at it, seems like the purpose of that action was to break down the solid structure of its body, therefore minimising the impact damage.

Why do you assume there is 'purpose' behind it? Sure, there may be purpose in a grand cosmic sense, as in a warning to humanity, but it is wishful thinking to believe that 'divine intervention' by aliens saved humanity on 15 February.

I don't know whether this aspect of the topic was discussed here already, but IMHO it leads to some intriguing questions: What was that? If UFO - STS or STO forces craft? What was the real reason behind it?

This is just part of the same disinformation that says an alien mothership was inside or directed comets Hale-Bopp and Elenin. There certainly could be something etheral about comets and fireballs, but far too many fantastic leaps of assumption are made by people suggesting that aliens are directing these celestial objects. We can't know such a thing.

Just as a thought - if it was an STS craft, our lizzies/grays and Co. friends :evil:, when the "time comes", may announce themselves as human saviours :halo: and trick people into following them during the possible "evacuation" as it happened before with some civilizations.

What if this has already happened, except the 'aliens' are actually psychopaths?
Convinus you are missing the point of anticipation. Frequently things not just happen "out there" but are connected with the observer/s and if you get ahead to a likely negative event in the right way, get awareness of it, the simple fact of contemplate that could "mitigate" the effect of that event, transforming or inhibit it.

That was my point when I said having strong psyche and mental preparedness is a key to bearing it, that is to "mitigate". I agree that sometimes you can inhibit some situations but this one you can't because it is worldwide event and it is not everyday event, you do not see everyday end of the humanity, and seeing people die and changing your environment (honestly you do not know what you are going to experience even if you have knowledge of transformation) is a traumatic experience. Even in the transcripts it is said that it will be traumatic and that knowledge can only make it less traumatic, but non the less traumatic. Maybe they were referring to not losing your marbles because you know what is happening which would not be the case with not knowing what is happening. Comes to my mind when they said that some that are abducted and are put back in wrong time frame, prior to experience and have perception of double experience, lose their marbles.
Antony said:
In the context of the recent Russian (Chelyabinsk) "denatured comet" - there is a famous video of the event. When it is slowed down, it shows something (UFO like) striking that comet and its pieces coming off. Here is the link to the russian news site (scroll down and play it).
After looking at it, seems like the purpose of that action was to break down the solid structure of its body, therefore minimising the impact damage.

If you go through the thread discussing the explosion, you'll find the origins of that video and discussion about it. What you are seeing is the electrical activity of a cosmic body interacting with the charged layers of earth's atmosphere. There's nothing weird about it at all. It wasn't something striking the body, but rather explosive electrical arcing.
I discovered that my reply to this thread written last sunday disappeared :O

I will reproduce it from memory:

Thanks for sharing this new session, great and interesting as always

anart said:
C's said:
A: Yes. Please put all former clues together for ballpark figure, keeping in mind that the universe is open thus there will always be variables.

Q: (L) Okay. (Andromeda) Past comet streams? (L) So in other words, if we factor in what we know from the science of, say, Victor Clube and Bill Napier, plus observations we make, plus historical records, etc. and signs, we can figure out that something is probably fairly imminent. That would be my best guess. My thought is that if we don't get a plague from this one that exploded over Russia, we will from the next one. That's my best guess.

A: Good guess!

We also have the "5D city on the hill" previous clue to keep in mind. With the number of fireballs over the northeast this last month, one wonders...

June has been a time of several fireballs through history, maybe the next one is in late June?
lux12 said:
Hello Antony,

You would soon be propounded to introduce yourself in the newbie section.

Well, I'll do the "propounding" then. :) I also noticed one or two other first time posters in this thread so I'll address all of you.

Hello, and welcome to the Forum! It is customary for newbies to write a short paragraph of introduction in the Newbies section, and tell a little bit about yourself and how you found your way here. You can check and see how others have done it here:,39.0.html

Laura said:
Antony said:
In the context of the recent Russian (Chelyabinsk) "denatured comet" - there is a famous video of the event. When it is slowed down, it shows something (UFO like) striking that comet and its pieces coming off. Here is the link to the russian news site (scroll down and play it).
After looking at it, seems like the purpose of that action was to break down the solid structure of its body, therefore minimising the impact damage.

If you go through the thread discussing the explosion, you'll find the origins of that video and discussion about it. What you are seeing is the electrical activity of a cosmic body interacting with the charged layers of earth's atmosphere. There's nothing weird about it at all. It wasn't something striking the body, but rather explosive electrical arcing.

While I didn't read the whole discussion about the explosion of the meteorite, this particular video showed up on several places on the internet as a proof that something "hit" the body. I encountered something interesting about it while i was watching the original, not zoomed video in HD. This may be the simplest explanation of it. If you put your cursor on the place where the meteor will be "hit", you can see that the cursor and the "splinter" flying seemingly away from the meteor remain motionless to each other.

There is IMHO only one explanation possible. The camera in the car is in a fixed position and the distance between the camera and the windscreen is constant. The car is driving through a relative long right-hand bend when the meteor appears. Because he is so bright, the scratches in the windshield begin to refract the light and because the car is moving through a right-hand bend the refractions appear to move in relation to the meteor, while they in reality still appear on a fixed point on the windshield where this specific scratch is. That's the reason why the cursor, which is virtually "fixed" on the windshield and the splinter remain motionless to each other.

If this phenomenon happend outside of the windshield in the location where the meteor was, it should be very unlikely that the flash and the windshield of the car accidentally had the exact right speed in the exact right direction so that he will appear motionless on the windshield.

I don't know if this was understandable, but you can test it for yourself:


Just make the video full screen with the highest resolution and try to find the right postion with the cursor before the flash appear, then it become obvious what I tired to say.

This was just an coincidence that I saw this because the cursor was right there accidentally.
Thanks for the latest session. Could it be that the parable of the virgins symbolically refers to being ready and able to unite with others of similar thinking to become as one, while the light of the lamps is symbolic of a beacon and a vigil for those sought to be united with? The capacity for acting in a STO manner would serve as the beacon, while the the vigil would be the capacity to recognize and support the same behavior in others. The preparations in this regard might be considered as what keeps the fire burning, the desire and motivation for seeking a collinear state despite any obstacles, disappointments, or delays. Regarding the Wave and what I understand of receivership, what is knowledge and experience worth if people lose their desire?
On the parable of the talents, could it symbolically refer to abilities for learning and discernment? A question for a person might be, "Did you hide your abilities beneath an ego that seldom risks discomfort and settle for a secure, predictable existence rather than seeking knowledge and truth as a first priority?". Whatever the possibilities, it will be interesting to hear what the C's have to say.
Laura said:
A: No, the wave and its electrical and magnetic components affect the entire solar system thus, the Earth and certain geological events; this then can lead to mass deaths.

This answer was in response to a question concerning the strange behavior, migration, and death of sea animals...loosely stated. But this grim forecast of "mass deaths" most likely includes humans as well, if Earth geology is involved. Think super quakes and super volcanoes. These parameters makes it hard if not impossible to assess potential "safe places"...unless you're talking about bunkers thousands of feet underground. Even those are probably not 100% sure, given the wave last visited 300,000 years prior.

I've been advised to relocate since I'm near the coast. But I'm gonna stay put because one can easily jump from the frying pan into the fire. My physical preparations include some stocking up of food, a water filtering system, a very careful diet, adequate sleep and exercise. But what I find myself spending most time on is cleaning out my personal "inventory" and emotions that constrict. Easier said than done.
no-man's-land said:
Laura said:
Antony said:
In the context of the recent Russian (Chelyabinsk) "denatured comet" - there is a famous video of the event. When it is slowed down, it shows something (UFO like) striking that comet and its pieces coming off. Here is the link to the russian news site (scroll down and play it).
After looking at it, seems like the purpose of that action was to break down the solid structure of its body, therefore minimising the impact damage.

If you go through the thread discussing the explosion, you'll find the origins of that video and discussion about it. What you are seeing is the electrical activity of a cosmic body interacting with the charged layers of earth's atmosphere. There's nothing weird about it at all. It wasn't something striking the body, but rather explosive electrical arcing.

While I didn't read the whole discussion about the explosion of the meteorite, this particular video showed up on several places on the internet as a proof that something "hit" the body. I encountered something interesting about it while i was watching the original, not zoomed video in HD. This may be the simplest explanation of it. If you put your cursor on the place where the meteor will be "hit", you can see that the cursor and the "splinter" flying seemingly away from the meteor remain motionless to each other.

There is IMHO only one explanation possible. The camera in the car is in a fixed position and the distance between the camera and the windscreen is constant. The car is driving through a relative long right-hand bend when the meteor appears. Because he is so bright, the scratches in the windshield begin to refract the light and because the car is moving through a right-hand bend the refractions appear to move in relation to the meteor, while they in reality still appear on a fixed point on the windshield where this specific scratch is. That's the reason why the cursor, which is virtually "fixed" on the windshield and the splinter remain motionless to each other.

If this phenomenon happend outside of the windshield in the location where the meteor was, it should be very unlikely that the flash and the windshield of the car accidentally had the exact right speed in the exact right direction so that he will appear motionless on the windshield.

I don't know if this was understandable, but you can test it for yourself:


Just make the video full screen with the highest resolution and try to find the right postion with the cursor before the flash appear, then it become obvious what I tired to say.

This was just an coincidence that I saw this because the cursor was right there accidentally.

I have to agree, it definitely looks like a reflection from the windshield IMO.
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