Session 23 March 2013

I am sure it was Pronoia. Over reading this session I "remembered" about parable of the wise and foolish virgins, the bicycle ghost, every kind of cloud, See/C you soon! and some comments.
Laura said:
FrankM4326754 said:
Does being prepared mean to have acquired esoteric knowledge? (Fairly broad).

What is "esoteric knowledge"? What about the basic understandings of this level of reality?

It's very interesting (I think) to realise that much of what has been described as "esoteric knowledge" and "secret teachings" etc. are not really very 'exotic' or 'profound' at all, they really are basic understandings and learning to really understand the truths of human existence as it relates to human experience. So many people go off on quests to discover shocking and amazing truths, when just about every person on this planet trips over the really important truths on a daily basis.
Forrestdeva said:
Remembering what the C's said once about if we did not graduate this time that we'd be like cavemen looking out on a red smoke filled sky. What would a few cans of green beans serve me in such an environment? So perhaps being "prepared' is aligning our selves to STO.

Yes, that was a reference to the idea of "doing it (3D) all over again" as in reincarnating as a 'cave person' with a red sky (from comet dust) and a perpetual cold wind blowing. So I don't think a few cans of green beans would even figure in that scenario. I suppose one possibility is that a few people survive a cataclysm and then eek out an existence with their few cans of green beans until they die, at which point a choice is made whether to start the 3D existence all over again.
I just an additional search on "Pronoia," which is the name of an Okeanid nymph in Greek Mythology. It means "foresight."


PRONOIA (or Pronoea) was an Okeanid nymph of Mount Parnassos in Phokis (central Greece). She was the wife of the Titan Prometheus and, as her name suggests, the goddess of foresight. Prometheus' wife was also named Hesione and Asia.

Pronoia was closely identified with the goddess Athena who, according to several ancient writers, was worshipped as Athena Pronoia at Delphoi. As an Okeanid she also resembles Athena's mother Metis.

There's that connection with Athena/Prometheus.

Also, it's the name of the system "of granting dedicated streams of state income to individuals and institutions in the late Byzantine Empire:"



Found "Pronoia" mentioned several times throughout the Apocryphon of John:


8 For from the light, which is the Christ, and Indestructibility, through the gift of the Spirit, he gazed out so as to cause the four Lights from the divine Autogenes to stand before him.

And the three (are): Will, Thought, and Life. And the four powers are: Understanding, Grace, Perception, and Prudence. Now it is Grace which dwells in the Light Aeon Armozel, who is the first angel. And three other Aeons are with this Aeon: Grace, Truth, Form. And the second Light Oriael is the one who was established over the second Aeon. And three other Aeons are with him: Pronoia, Percep­tion, Memory. And the third Light is Daveithai, the one who was es­tablished over the third Aeon. And the three other Aeons with him are: Understanding, Love, and Likeness. And the fourth Aeon was established over the fourth Light Eleleth. And the [th]ree Aeons with him are: Perfection, Peace, Wisdom. These are the four Lights who stand before the divine Autogenes. These are the twelve Aeons which stand before the Son of the great Autogenes Christ, through the will and the gift of the invisible Spirit. And the twelve Aeons belong to the Son of [A]utogenes.


15 And a voice came from the exalted heavenly Aeon, The Human ex­ists and the Child of the Human.' The Chief Ruler, Yaltabaoth, heard it, but he thought that the voice had come from his Mother, and he did not understand where it had come from.

And the holy and perfect Mother-Father, the perfect Pronoia, the im­age of the Invisible, who is the Father of the All, in whom the All came into being, the first Human, taught them by revealing his like­ness in a male model.

The Aeon of the Chief Ruler trembled all over and the foundations of the abyss quaked. And upon the waters which dwell under matter, the underside was [illum]ined by the ap[pearance] of his image which had been revealed. And when all the authorities and the Chief Ruler stared (on the water), they saw all the region below which was shining. And by the light, they saw the model of the image upon the water.

And he said to the authorities who dwell with him, 'Come, let us create a human according to the image of God and according to our likeness so that his image might illuminate us.' And they created (using) the power from each of them according to the characteristics which they had been given.

And each one of the authorities supplied for (the human's) soul a characteristic corresponding to the model of the image which he had seen. He created a real being in accordance with the likeness of the perfect first Human. And they said, 'Let us call him Adam in order that his name might become a power of light for us.'

And the powers began (their work): The first one, Goodness, cre­ated a bone-soul. The second one, Pronoia, created a sinew-soul. The third one, Divinity, made a flesh-soul. The fourth one, Lord­ship, made a marrow-soul. The fifth one, Kingdom, made a blood-soul. The sixth one, Envy, created a skin-soul. The seventh Understanding, created a hair-soul.

The multitude of the angels stood before him. They received the seven substances of the soul from the powers so that they might create the harmony of the parts and the harmony of the limbs and the proper combination of each of the parts.


24 I said, "Lord, where did the despicable spirit come from?"

Then he said to me, "(It all began when) the Mother-Father whose mercy is great, the Spirit who is holy in every respect, the compassionate, and who troubles herself with you, that is, the Epinoia of the luminous Pronoia awakened the seed of the perfect generation and its thinking and the eternal light of the Human. When the Chief Ruler knew that they surpassed him in excellence—for their thoughts were higher than his— he wanted to restrict their planning, for he was ig­norant that they excelled him in thinking and that he would not be able to restrict them. He made a plan with his authorities, that is, his powers. Together they committed adultery with Sophia. And through them was begotten bitter Fate, which is the last of the counterfeit chains. And it is such that (it makes) each one different from every other. And it is painful and it oppresses that (soul) since the gods and angels and demons and all the generations have inter­mingled with it up to the present day. For from that Fate appeared every iniquity and injustice and blasphemy and the fetter of forgetfulness and ignorance and every harsh command and severe sins and great fears. And this is how they made the whole creation blind so that they might not know the God who is above them all. And be­cause of the fetter of forgetfulness, their sins were hidden. For they were bound with measures and times and seasons—for it (Fate) was lord over them all.

And he had regrets about everything which had come into being through him. Again he planned to bring a flood over the human creation.

But the greatness of the light of Pronoia taught Noah. And he preached to the whole offspring, that is, the children of the humans. But those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It is not like Moses said that they hid themselves in an ark, but they were hidden — not only Noah, but many other people from the immovable generation.

They entered a place. They were hidden in a luminous cloud. And he understood his authority. And she who belongs to the light was with him for she illumined them, for he had brought dark­ness upon the whole earth.

Thank you Laura and crew for the session.

And Shane for posting the parable.

I think the oil representing 'the application of knowledge' is the most viable which pretty much includes every other important point made in comments here in the thread.
E.g. really getting ourselves (mentally, emotionally and our souls) ready for every scenario, preparing, etc.

Paraphrasing G, 'knowledge is not enough, one needs understanding', i.e. knowledge in and of itself - the lamp - is not enough.
Real understanding and the application of the knowledge - the oil, the fuel - one already has, is necessary for the 'full package' while obtaining more knowledge.
Perceval said:
Laura said:
FrankM4326754 said:
Does being prepared mean to have acquired esoteric knowledge? (Fairly broad).

What is "esoteric knowledge"? What about the basic understandings of this level of reality?

It's very interesting (I think) to realise that much of what has been described as "esoteric knowledge" and "secret teachings" etc. are not really very 'exotic' or 'profound' at all, they really are basic understandings and learning to really understand the truths of human existence as it relates to human experience. So many people go off on quests to discover shocking and amazing truths, when just about every person on this planet trips over the really important truths on a daily basis.

I agree. That's why I placed fairly broad in parenthesis. While esoteric has a definition of being a sort of niche of information I think that the simple understandings of 3D is exactly it and the unfortunate aspect of this is that so few know or care to know it. But I believe Gurdjieff said it himself, it can be no other way. Some people want to learn and some do not. Everyone is on the progression of the never ending spiral and all choose to live their life accordingly.
I say that it's unfortunate but that is bias and an assumption that I'm making by thinking that everyone should make it to 4D this time round when in actuality it's up to the individual. Free will is the essential. Thanks again for such a great session it's brought on a lot to think about as always! :D
I think this session reflects what Laura wrote back in September of '12 on the subject of preparedness. She referenced talents and virgins, as did the C's this round. But she also referenced the "widow's mite" story.

Laura said:
Also, the concept of KNOWLEDGE being the key to transitioning is supremely important. All you have to do is think about the Parable of the Talents to get the point. It really isn't important that you have "supreme knowledge" or that you are totally prepared by virtue of that supreme knowledge, what is important is what you do with what you have! Another useful parable is that of the 10 Wise Virgins. Then, there is the "Widow's Mite" principle. If a person is doing all they can with what they have, and the AIM is to contribute to the STO position, then if there are energies of transition/ change/ whatever, those energies will "frequency resonance" match to yours and you don't have to get your knickers in a knot of fear.

If you are just doing all you can to gather knowledge, to apply what knowledge you DO have to whatever is set before you each day, with an overarching AIM of "knowing the truth that sets us free" (keep in mind that "knowing" is also LOVE), and being connected to a network striving to strengthen the STO reality/position, you'll be okay!

It's not perfection that is important, it is the STRIVING, the continued movement, the refusal to stagnate, the constant efforts to give and help in whatever way is available to you that counts.

These are ideas that have come to me in the writing of "Moses" because when I write, I go into a somewhat altered state and all kinds of things just sort themselves out somehow.

Then this, a month later
Laura said:
I have come, over time, to think that even people who may never become masters of themselves in this lifetime can still contribute to being part of a higher esoteric being/conduit by simply contributing their mite to a network in a sincere way. But they can't be mods or teachers because you have to be able to take the heat of the kitchen.

Most of all, it IS important to strive in every way to gain as much knowledge as you can on anything that is available to you, since we find that one thing leads to another and another and another. The more data you have, the better your chances are of being able to integrate it. But just having DATA to hand isn't enough. There is that ineluctable factor that comes into play: the gradual formation or, better, seating, of the higher self that is able to synthesize the data and "see the unseen", the dynamic of the field of pure information.

It's not just an empty saying: "strait is the gate and narrow the way and few there be that enter therein." And: "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." In this last one, just interpret "rich man" as a person who has a very strong false personality/beliefs AKA a "full cup" and the "kingdom of heaven" as that state where you actually begin to SEE the unseen and begin to participate in the life of the higher esoteric circle even if only at the fringes.

The C's exact words were
Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.
This thing about "keys" brings to mind this from Michael Topper:
It is through tailored regulation of Loves' forms that STS intelligence derives the means of coercing soul-energy into converting abstract-conscious capital to specific psychic and emotional coinage. And it is through the cumulative psychic and emotional energy that the STS forces hope to obtain the energy-keys to timelocks and spatial corridors of even richer and still-virgin terrains, portions of the cosmos intact with creative life, ripe for plunder and privileged profit.

And we see that the ultimate aim of the STS hierarchy, is to MASTER creative energy. To assimilate it to the self, to deprive others of it by inducing them to believe lies about "becoming One." Because, when you believe the lie of the STS deceiver, you have given him control of your Free Will - the essence of Creativity.

So here are my thoughts, albeit fragmented:

The widow gave all she had - STO "gives all".

This knowledge is not of the strictly intellectual kind - I think the oil must be that which comes via connection with the higher centers (and the "information field").

Because the emotional center is the gateway to connecting with the higher centers, emotion is crucial. What emotions underlie (or provoke) the action of "giving all"? Or put another way, why did the widow give everything she had?

Did she do it in service of a higher ideal that was of great personal meaning and relevance? Are we talking about souled beings and what it means to have a soul?
Laura said:
What occurs to me, 2/3 of the way through, is that what Nagel is approaching or trying to describe is the essence of the problem at the root of the division of humanity between those capable of higher thought and those incapable of it, i.e. Organic Portals vs souled or potentially souled humans.

Edit: to add this
Laura said:
First of all, Gurdjieff's idea of an esoteric group that can form the nucleus for a different future than the one Earth and all its people have experienced for millennia is the foundation of this forum. An esoteric group, as you recall, is a group that has objective knowledge, that is a view of the universe as the universe sees itself, so to say. If anybody can think of a better definition of objective knowledge, let me know. I know that certain scientists think that "objective knowledge" is basically physical facts, data bits, but I suggest that knowledge is more than bits of data, it is a complex of connections where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
A follow-up question I think would be interesting to ask the C's:

Was there a possibility that the impact event over Chelyabinsk could have occurred much lower, and inflicted more damage? If so, what were the variables in play that changed the trajectory so as to have such a minimal loss of life? (I mean, we're talking about nano-somethings of increments here in determining 'a scare' vs. 'tens of thousands dead.')

Were any of those 'variables' influenced in any way by those who strive to be STO candidates? And if so/then, if the question/answers from the session prove to be fruitful, how can we then best 'prepare' for future 'events'???

And if any of the answers are even slightly as I expect (in that there may possibly be much more here to that event and the role everyone on the planet here played in its outcome (symphony?) than meets the eye), would it now be safe to share such direct, life-impacting, future/present-influencing (and connecting) information with the public at large (or whatnot, hoping I don't sound like a baked noodle at this point)?

Because, frankly, I think once the PTB have settled in upon their fed ideas of 'this is what's going to happen, and nothing can possibly change this' (which based upon all clues C's have given is NOT true, nor nearly as fixed as these types will sell their souls to believe), the real key seems to come down to 'Can we truly and objectively and meaningfully do something to actually effect the outcome of these events, in real time, as they are occurring?' Did we already do something during the Chelyabinsk event that saved thousands of lives? Is there something we can do to still yet shape the outcome of things to come?

Believe me, I will welcome the comets as quickly as each and any of you reading this. Our world is undoubtedly that far gone. I don't and can't deny that. But seriously, what happened just now with that whole Chelyabinsk event?!? What could have happened? Does that question matter, and is anything we have all been doing matter, in context to not at all only that event, but every event, all the time?

Sorry for the ramble, but that's what's on my mind after following this thread for the last few days. And indeed, a sincere thank you to all involved and for sharing the work with us all.
Jason (ocean59) said:
Was there a possibility that the impact event over Chelyabinsk could have occurred much lower, and inflicted more damage? If so, what were the variables in play that changed the trajectory so as to have such a minimal loss of life?

I am also very intrigued by this question and I think it relates to what Belibaste was asking about people being an 'attractor' or 'repellant' of various bodies of the sky. Obviously, gravitation and electrical charge are the main forces that influence the trajectory and location where a comet will hit. But the C's hinted at more:

Laura said:
A: Not only electric charge. In the realm from which some of these things are manifested or, better, "directed", information is king.

Now, how could this be explained in a practical way? I think you gave an excellent hint:

Jason (ocean59) said:
(I mean, we're talking about nano-somethings of increments here in determining 'a scare' vs. 'tens of thousands dead.')

It indeed seems to be "nano-somethings" that make all the difference. Regardless of everything else, in our reality, comets are still physical objects with mass that mostly are subjected to and directed by gravitation and electrical charge (even though the electrical charge is still ignored my mainstream science). There are fun computer programs (try it online!) that simulate the trajectories of gravitational bodies, where you can 'play god' and try to 'design' a solar system with stable platetary orbits. If you have played with such a program, you will see that even the slightest differences in the initial parameters of a body (position or the speed vector) will result in greatly different trajectories over time.

That hints us at Chaos theory: said:
Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, an effect which is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.

Now, when you think about a comet that is approaching from the Oort cloud -- an extremely large distance -- even the smallest influence imaginable (like a displacement as small as a fraction of an atom, or even smaller) will literally determine which persons will die or live when the comet hits earth. So, for me it is conceivable that "information in higher realms" could indeed exert on comets that "nano-something" needed to make all the difference later on.

Even though comet trajectories seem to have the characteristics of a Chaotic System, this does not mean that they are truly random. There are obviously two schools of thought: That everything is chaos and is random, and that everything is cosmos and is in order. For the latter people, such seemingly random events will still carry a lot of information, since chaotic systems are also used for Divination (throwing coins in the I Ching which are also directed by gravity, etc.)
I am also reminded of Ark's recent parabolic quantum fractal thingy posted on FB, where a 'typo' of one digit resulted in a dramatically different representation of the formula (the 'angels' versus what I personally thought to be a far more interesting pattern after the correction was made).
Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon has the following definition for a verb similar to the name "Pronoia":

I am not sure how to type the Greek letters, but the Greek verb is spelt:

pi - rho - omicron - nu - omicron - epsilon - omega

The definition:

to perceive before, forsee [. . .] to think of or plan beforehand, provide [. . .] to be provident, take measure of precaution, stand on one's guard [. . .] to provide for, take thought for

- A Greek-English Lexicon, compiled by Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890, page 1292.
Jason (ocean59) said:
Was there a possibility that the impact event over Chelyabinsk could have occurred much lower, and inflicted more damage? If so, what were the variables in play that changed the trajectory so as to have such a minimal loss of life? (I mean, we're talking about nano-somethings of increments here in determining 'a scare' vs. 'tens of thousands dead.')

I couldn't find the link, but I think I've read this on

Slower moving rocks from local space have a bigger chance of touching the ground, but they're usually smaller objects because they're usually just debris from past comets.

Fast moving objects from outside of solar system have a bigger chance of disintegrating in the atmosphere just like objects in Chelyabinsk and Tunguska did because of the electrical charge difference.
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