Search results for query: propaganda

  1. Chad

    A question about Global Warming be the case before an ice age, which is then followed by rapid cooling. And so it could be that there was a shift to global warming propaganda because, in some ways, if one looked at a very brief time frame and ignored the cyclical nature of things, then that's what the data and daily...
  2. A

    New virus- Zika

    ...cases where the Zika virus was present. And this is the epidemic that is shaking the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) is spearheading the baseless propaganda and the hysteria. At the very least, hundreds of employees from WHO should be immediately fired from their jobs, if not...
  3. l apprenti de forgeron

    Leonardo DiCaprio - A "UN messenger of Peace" for Climate Change

    The propaganda about the anthropocentric climate change is enormous. The last days with Occupy Wall Street (Naomi Klein y Chris Hedges were there), Obama, the UN becomes something very difficult not to buy for those that do not have some scientific data to refute this. Maybe this news is also...
  4. loreta

    Leonardo DiCaprio - A "UN messenger of Peace" for Climate Change

    ...artists. I love artists. Good artists. ;) Leonardo is very good. But I am judging the machine, the Hollywood machine that use and utilize people, artists, for their benefit, and their benefit is not pax in the world, on the contrary. Hollywood is a big propaganda machine, it has always been.
  5. Renaissance

    Leonardo DiCaprio - A "UN messenger of Peace" for Climate Change

    ...for example) then I think speaking out is great, but speaking out isn't the issue here. These people are glamorized for (mostly) paid propaganda performances. I highly doubt DiCaprio took the initiative, expense and has the kinds of connection to speak at the UN. More likely some highly...
  6. Voyageur

    Fukushima-Fuel Rod Removal starts November..Danger!

    Yoshiro Mori, seems to want a "training camp" too. :nuts: From the same article "The nuclear disaster itself -- the worst in a generation -- is not officially recorded as having directly killed anybody." Oh, even if technically true in officialdom-land, what a way of downplaying what is a...
  7. horse

    Fukushima-Fuel Rod Removal starts November..Danger!

    The bad news doesn’t get much public exposure but the flow of propaganda coming out of Japan continues on widely read sports pages. Torch relay should go past Fukushima – governor Tokyo (AFP) - Fukushima authorities said Tuesday they wanted the Olympic torch relay to pass close to the...
  8. H-KQGE

    The effects of weather phenomena on environmental toxins hide. And with a critical lack of knowledge and awareness on the part of the wider public in terms of diet and health crossed with 24-7 propaganda, the scenes depicted in paintings from the "dark ages" begin to look somewhat tame in comparison with what we can predict will happen to a...
  9. SeekinTruth

    Britain's most poisonous spider - the false widow

    Yeah, exactly. But it doesn't seem like these types understand the concept of the jig being up - an inevitable part of any scam.
  10. Mrs.Tigersoap

    Britain's most poisonous spider - the false widow

    Well, one has to keep the 'Global warming' propaganda alive! :D I guess the people who write that sort of stuff believe that if you repeat it often enough, people will catch on. But people are not stupid: they can see (and feel!) cold weather! People can observe that snow falls earlier in the...
  11. Horseofadifferentcolor

    Dust storm reports

    ...weeks I have heard almost daily stories of dust. Is the dust picking up more with the new air currents world wide or is this some kind of propaganda to cover that this is coming from the meteor showers that have started early? I hope I'm wrong but it has come to my attention how odd it is...
  12. webglider

    How Rural Wisconsin Got Fracked

    quote by JayMark: Here's where it gets interesting. The more you know about how the world works, and the more you try to share it with others, the more resistance you may face. This is because we've all been colonized by the corporations - by that I mean that they have colonized not just the...
  13. Foxx


    ...I also don't take anything Clif High says seriously and stopped following him a while ago. Considering his relation with Jay Weidner, his propaganda for vegetarianism, his numerous predictions that didn't manifest, his strange barely or completely nonsensical ramblings, and other nonsense I...
  14. WhiteBear

    Gasland - new documentary exposes US gas drilling environmental disasters

    _ The documentary "Inside Job" won the category for Best Documentary this year. I dont think it requires a background in petroleum engineering to know when your tapwater is on fire.
  15. Neil

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    ...this eddy more unpredictable than the 2003 one. As far as the two wells theory goes, I think it is probably correct. The media blackout/propaganda plus the convenient death of Mr. Simmons plus the ongoing nuke deployment rumor equals something fishy. As with any good conspiracy theory, there...
  16. NormaRegula

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    More propaganda and lies regarding the safety of Gulf seafood. Gulf Seafood Industry Tries to Shake an Oily Image _ BP has closed the books on a defining week in its battle to contain the oil?!!! Seems every week or so one reads/hears in the media...
  17. Seraphina

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    ...smelling for dispersants...and also say they're safe as far as they know Still no sites offer any empirical me it just looks like propaganda...all the sites saying the same "info" with nothing to back it up. I want to see how many parts per whatever that they're finding in the...
  18. Al Today

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    ...that next week they forget? Was it Goebbels or Goering (bad spelling) who said, tell enough lies consistently that "they" will believe? Propaganda. Lies. Smack in the face. Kick in the gut. No longer are TPBT insinuating anything. Complete arrogance is what I "see" in them spouting outright...
  19. ScottD

    Gasland - new documentary exposes US gas drilling environmental disasters

    ...nearly in tears at the destruction of the land and animals. I was really blindsided by this information. I had happily gulped down the propaganda that drilling for natural gas was a safe alternative (silly me). What is most distressing is the sheer number of wells that have been placed in...
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