Search results for query: Khazaria

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  1. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"
  2. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    GOSH you saw this? Yesterday site was intact, packed with info. AND yesterday, i mean couple of hours ago!! First i quoted every part of jews genetics compilation on sott, but then thought that everybody who might be interested can just GO THERE and read it him/herself!! So I...
  3. C

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    :cool: Jewish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries Part 1: Jewish Populations wrote: Last Update: January 21, 2006 This page collects Y-DNA and mtDNA data and analysis related to traditionally Rabbinical Jewish populations of the world...
  4. Laura

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    ...them with loving hands. Your remarks about Islam and Muslims are so ignorant they take my breath away! Hate to tell you this but the narrow view has been enforced on Western Civilization for a long time now, starting, oh, about the 10th century... when some Spanish Rabbis traveled to...
  5. C

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    Notabene: I put comments in [ ] Three Thousands Year Puzzle. History of Jewry from Perspective of Modern Russia by I. R. Shafarevi[t]ch 2002, Bibliopolis Press, St. Petersburg, ISBN 5-94542-023-9 Ilarion's "Word about Law and Good Fortune" [Blagodat'] isn't really a "good fortune" in English...
  6. brainwave

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...public attention by Dr. A.N. Poliak of Tel Aviv University in his 1939 article in Zion magazine and then in his 1950 Hebrew-language book Khazaria: The History of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe. Arthur Koestler popularized the Khazar conversion for the Western world in The Thirteenth Tribe...
  7. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...century." The family of Ehud Ya'ari, a top Israeli journalist who produced the 1997 documentary Mamlekhet ha-Kuzarim, also claims some Khazarian roots. Michael Ajzenstadt, in The Jerusalem Post, wrote the following on page 5 in the March 17, 1997 issue, in his article "An Incredible Journey...
  8. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...We have a back-up copy of the old forum and can restore posts by hand if they are reported. This one is restored. From: Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars? A Reassessment Based upon the Latest Historical, Archaeological, Linguistic...
  9. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel longer to be borne. The Byzantines sacrificed the Khazar alliance in favor of a Russian d�tente. The destruction of the capital city of Khazaria, Sarkel, by Svyatoslav of Kiev in 965, was the end of the Khazar empire, though the state continued to exist for a time. In 1016, a combined...
  10. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...and were seemingly on the verge of collapse. Persia was about to face its doom in the armies of the Khazars, but through its friendship with Khazaria, Byzantium survived. In 627, the Roman Emperor Heraclius made an alliance with the Khazars so as to defeat his nemesis: Persia. The Khazars...
  11. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...of the Khazars has vanished from the map of the world and today many people have never even heard of it. But, in its day the Khazar kingdom [Khazaria] was a major power. The Byzantine Emperor and historian, Constantine Porphyrogenitus (913-959) recorded in a treatise on Court Protocol...
  12. A

    The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler

    ...This is not proof of course, simply interesting speculation. Next: on page 77, Koestler outlines some interaction between the Alans and Khazaria: A quick reminder on the Alans: This too might have provided a means of transmission of what ultimately became the Cathar heresy. At any rate...
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