Search results for query: Yuri Bezmenov

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  1. Arwenn

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    ...___________________________________________________________________________________________ Below are the links to what we discussed: Yuri Bezmenov talking about ideological subversion, with a very anti-Russia rhetoric ~ 13 minutes Neil Oliver interviews Whitney Webb discussing intel...
  2. PopHistorian

    The quandry of the Boomers.

    I suggest that it started in the mid-1950s with the Beatniks, in literature with the Beat Poets and the publication of Peyton Place. In comedy with Lenny Bruce, and in music with "protest" folk artists, and more. This was the fruit of the first wave of, according to Yuri Besmenov, communist...
  3. gottathink

    "Pizzagate" Explodes

    Both tho Both those videos appear to be taken down. Interesting 🧐
  4. PopHistorian

    "Pizzagate" Explodes

    ...he was engaged deliberately in social engineering/programming to overwrite traditional family values, along the lines of what ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov called Marxist "active measures" (de-moralization, destabilization, etc.)...
  5. XPan

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    Meet the Calvins This takes the cake of Wicked-Wacko-Wokeism … and gosh... Yuri Bezmenov had it so right.
  6. Possibility of Being

    Ponerization of society: Soviet subversion of Western Society by Yuri Bezmenov

    I think it would be good to know. (more embedded links in the original article; I'm leaving the most informative only and replacing a dead one) BTW, according to Russian Wikipedia, Bezmenov died of "massive...
  7. aragorn

    Ponerization of society: Soviet subversion of Western Society by Yuri Bezmenov

    A small 'heads up' regarding this topic. I just listened to the most recent Geopolitics and Empire podcast – a podcast I usually enjoy – where someone called Jeff Nyquist was interviewed. I've never heard of this guy but he appears to enjoy at least some popularity in the alternative sphere...
  8. Ruth

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    40 years ago, G Edward Griffin interviewed a soviet defector called Yuri Bezmenov. Del Bigtree interviews Mr Griffin now and talks about what was said by Yuri Bezmenov then and compares it to what's happening now. A very thought provoking interview.
  9. PopHistorian

    The Great Reset

    ...lowest common denominator to achieve equality, as the wealth is spirited away and people are asked to sacrifice for their country. As Yuri Bezmenov said, "This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to put a Big Brother government in Washington DC ... then...
  10. United Gnosis

    Investor Kyle Bass drops bombshells: Chinese general just bought 200-square-mile Texas ranch along U.S.-Mexico border and has sinister plans

    Yes, exactly. I totally agree with this take, in fact, as I read the headline the first thing that came to mind was Yuri Bezmenov telling us, it's too late, that's the weakness of the west, you have open borders, we've been smuggling agents for decades - in that sense, nothing here is...
  11. dennis

    2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

    There is a psy school called PCT or Perceptual Control Theory.
  12. sbeaudry

    2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

    Not to mention that on Reddit they, other users, just downvote stuff they don't like until it gets hidden... And Facebook and Twitter hide it for users so they won't even have to 🙈. So ridiculous. Though, the acoustics of that echo chamber will be marvelous. Edit:typo and clarity
  13. S

    2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

    That's how I see it too. It's like how Yuri Bezmenov said about Subversion, which I think could also be called Gas Lighting, "What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come...
  14. SummerLite

    Programming is complete

    I think its possible there could be some shady Soviets involved in this programming of the US at this time. Russiagate was a complete sham but there where also a few Russians involved in putting together the phony dossier is my understanding. My take on this interview is, here is a system that...
  15. SummerLite

    Programming is complete

    ...the programing is in plain site as the Marxist element for example. Although i could see this happening before, it wasn't until I heard Yuri Bezmenov describe the program that brought clarification and filled in the missing pieces. The programing is complete is one of those things the C's...
  16. Cosmos

    Programming is complete

    Yuri Bezmenov was discussed in a number of places on the forum already. See search result here: Well, I think we all wondered and speculated what the C's meant by that statement. For me at least what the C's said there took on...
  17. Glenn

    Programming is complete

    If you go to the website that is linked above, there is a lot of Russiagate flavor there... So there is some truth there, but there is also deception. It was written in 2016, and that Russian narrative would come to full bloom shortly after with the election of Trump. It is pretty common to take...
  18. SummerLite

    Programming is complete

    This interview (1984) with a former KBG agent with a younger G Edward Griffen added a whole new interpretation to the C's saying, the programing is complete. That idea, which certainly looks true, has had a certain vagueness to it for me. After watching this my perception of that pronouncement...
  19. Iain

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...Cover of Covid... I think Sargon of Akkad's recent video series about the Rule Britannia issue is particularly on the money. He uses Yuri Bezmenov's lectures to examine the demoralization of nations in preparation for Marxist/communist takeover: Active Measures: Demoralisation. The issue of...
  20. S

    George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

    ...knowledge of that event is rather low. However, in my searching on the web, I came across interviews/lectures from a Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, who was a KGB agent specialized in propaganda and ideological subversion. In the 1980's he gave a lecture and some interviews, which I have...
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