4D merge Accelerating in New Mexico and SW USA?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

I would like to ask the C's about the current status on NM moving into 4d and this would be for surrounding areas as well. The information about this was given 11/4/95, quite awhile ago and I'm not aware of any others sessions concerning this. Specifically, I'm wondering if any information can be given on Farmington NM which I suspect may be a base and being in close proximity to this town may be causing shifts in perception where I live. Others have asked if Jade Helm is preparation for NM permanently moving into 4d as described by the C's. Please see the question at the bottom of the page which is asked after giving context for its asking, thanks.


My question is inspired by recent events I've experienced with time. Other reasons could be given for my experiences such as toxicity etc. that have nothing to do with 4d merge but that's not what I'm wondering about. Here is my experience I posted on the session page:

I'm 45 miles from the NM boarder and a town I believe may have a 4d base which I've mentioned before. A few weeks ago a friend and I (who I share the C's info with) had a spell of rather intense time befuddlement. One main thing that caused this was a shift in our clocks. The digital clock in my car and her cell phone clock jumped an hour ahead. This had me rushing around trying to get shopping done sense I thought I was running behind. I looked at the clock in the store and thought it must be wrong, confusing. Another instance was looking at the clock on my wall (a regular face clock) and it didn't make any sense to me, a bit hard to explane that one, why make a clock that doesn't make sense I wondered. It should be a different way to be more accurate was my thought. Another day I completely skipped the day of Sunday thinking it was Monday and showed up to work. Felt a little silly of course and had to look at the calendar there (discreetly) to see what day it was. This has never happened to me before. Occasionally I'd forget what day it is but remember immediately.

My short term memory is so BAD lately also.

(J) Where is Miami or Orlando on the timetable, that's what I'd like to know! (L) Interestingly, Jan just said something that keyed in a good question. If time is involved in this, is it possible that when something goes into fourth density, that if we were traveling to that area, that we would arrive in that area at a different point in time? And that we would say... (T) As we perceive time...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Very good question.

A: 4th density frees one from the illusion of "time" as you WILL to perceive it.

Q: (L) OK, if you're freed from the illusion of time, going into fourth density, would you then go into one of these regions and perceive a time period and sequence of events as you expect to perceive it?

A: As you WILL to perceive it.

Q: (L) So, in other words, there may be some people on the planet, because of their fixity of will, and perception, at third density, who will not perceive anything change? Is that correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, anybody will, something will be different. OK. (J) What they do with that information, that's a different story... (T) You know, these areas will become bigger tourist attractions than any that are out there now! People will flock to them... (L) Is that possible?

This statement catches my attention: A: As you WILL to perceive it. If we are more orientated to STO, will what we experience be more of this quality in the shifting thats occurring. For example, where I live, I think their are a good many people who are leaning towards STO. I've had a series of days where this "good vibe", helping, considerate, positive people fill the day. It lasted a few days and then went back to the usual with not any distinction for peoples orientation.

If your in a area that's affected by these bases, (4d sts) and are merging with 4d will this assist the STO candidate to make the change to that orientation because this is the individuals will of what they want to perceive.

I hope this makes sense. Let me know if more clarity is needed. Thanks.

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