”5 senses” in the hypnopompic and hypnogonic state


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi, if I understand well the hypnopompic and hypnogonic states are the ones in between being awake or sleep...

I'm not sure if there are ...or they manifested as senses or is it all in my mind...

I kept having situations, experiences ...I do not how to call them either, there are, kind of wierd, not so long ago I experienced a cramp in my knee ... a very big one that went along with the leg, it was in the middle of the night, Im not sure if it was real or not...I mean, It did awoke me and I remebered breathing strongly to surpass the pain somehow...and then I fall asleep, by the morning I recall that -happening- but I dont know/remember which leg was... somehow I think it was the right leg, but Im not sure...

The other day I had a headache, one of those headaches that I used to have because I did not ate at my time, If I refuse to take any aspirin it can long all day, so that was one of those days...it was at night, I close my eyes and press my fingers at the temple, somehow relievs the pain...with that came colorful moving“mosaics” in ...my inside vision?...yellow and purple are the colors that appear most of the times and once in a while like this time ...I ”saw” this very bright light ...that I dont know how is that Im not blind... then I want it to have more headaches just to see that bright light again -the headache disappear in that “instant”, but when I opened my eyes I still had the headache, in a lessen intensity ... Then I thougth about my thoughts (why do I want to have more headaches???) ... Sure the light is worth it, but I certainly dont want to have headaches !!! ...

Today a heard something at evening taking a nap... a quick sound, like something being hit with an “OUII-clapping” sound ...it was just in the left ear, it was too loud that I kept thinking why I was not deaf by that (??)

How I can deal with that?...or what I can do with that?...or why is that? or ...how it happends?

Marta B.

Im sorry about my spanglish
Heh kinda funny, we were just discussing weird physical symptoms in the diet/health section and here you seem to have the same phenomina manifesting itself slightly differently. I'll suggest that it's part of your evolution, i have hypertension as well as minor twitching/muscle cramps, Ben has weird pain-esque sensations on his finger/toe tips, who knows whats going on. Its a post by Ben entitled Strange Symptoms.

mabar said:
How I can deal with that?...or what I can do with that?...or why is that? or ...how it happends?
Here is my opinion from what you have written:

Hypnagogic imagery and sound is actually not uncommon. There is usually a point right before the onset of sleep when one is most sensetive to this. I believe it has to do with brainwaves moving between alpha and theta frequencies. Just like when in REM (dream) sleep physical stimulation can manifest through a vivid dream, a similar sensory vividness can occur in the hynagogic state, which is probably what happened with the headache. The cramp was also probably physical, and you did not remember it clearly because you were in an altered (semi-sleep) state, where sometimes memory of events there does not carry over easily to the waking state.

You already seem to be predisposed to a prolonged hypnagogic transition (where you are conscious longer than me for example before you fall "asleep"). It is best to eat right, and not right before you sleep, and there is no need for headaches to have such experiences. You can, in fact, teach yourself to fall asleep even slower by relaxing and keeping your inner vision and hearing open.

There are cases where a person can actually fall asleep without losing consciousness. It happened to me a few times. I was falling asleep and managed to stay conscious right through the hypnagogic state where images got more and more vivid, and then I started hearing sounds, until all of the sudden I was floating above the earth and slowly floated down right into a dream that seemed as real as anything, only I could do things like fly. After a while I lost myself in the dream and woke up normally. Other times you can become "awake" or lucid in the dream and wake up consciously in a similar manner to how you fall asleep that way.

You might try doing a search on the internet on hypnagogic states, lucid dreaming, conscious sleeping etc, if you are interested.

Thank you for your comments, I have been reading other materials about dreams or eating disorders and it helps: Knowledge Protects :D
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