A dream full of grace


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
I had lots of dreams about Laura and the group over the years. Most of them were centred around me and my situations and I saw them as not having much value for anyone other than myself. This dream here seems to be different - not that I can tell whether there’s any actual value to it, of course, but it is one that is qualitatively very different from ordinary dreams.

Dream in the morning (Wednesday, 18. of April 2018)

My partner Aeneas and I arrived at a place that we knew was Laura and the group’s home but it didn’t look like a place I knew. I didn’t think I was staying but learnt that the plan was for me to stay overnight, while Aeneas, apparently, would stay longer. There were a lot of people (I didn’t recognise them but knew they belonged there).

An older woman (also didn’t recognise her) handed a baby over to me (I even think I was handed over someone else’s baby before). It was Laura’s daughter Anna’s baby girl (about 1 year old) I was slightly puzzled. Why do I get to hold a baby? The baby then soon wanted to explore and I put her down. I sensed that she was bright and vibrant. There was much more going on and there was talking and exchanging but I can’t recall.

At one point I saw many women but also men and most of them young, dressed in fairy white loose clad all walking across a big, bright light flooded hall together. Again, I didn’t recognise any of them and I think they were moving from the hall, up a small flight of stairs to the outside (but I didn’t see the outside, so can’t be sure).

The scene and clothes were reminiscent of the elves in “Lord of the Rings”, or perhaps ancient Greek godfolks but there was a modern touch to them and the clothes were layered with arms and belly uncovered and the fabric was kind of floating around the bodies, like a slightly unrealistic film scene in slow motion, alternating with real time movement. The people were all deeply joyful, moved effortlessly and looked all as light as a spring breeze. I watched the scene as an onlooker, not a participant of the celebration and thought - checking my older belly shape critically in a mirror - of just how unfit I would be for wearing the beautiful clothes. I rather think the unfittness wasn’t just about the clothes…

And then they announced that they had finally made it to 4th density - suggesting that this shift had happened while channeling the C’s. They said the shift had happened once before (also when they were channeling) but that it hadn’t been “solid”/permanent enough until this, the second time.

It was such a cheerful, delightful scene! And the people moved with utmost ease and grace.
This dream here seems to be different - not that I can tell whether there’s any actual value to it, of course, but it is one that is qualitatively very different from ordinary dreams.

Hi Ysus,

Thank you for sharing your experience.

It was such a cheerful, delightful scene! And the people moved with utmost ease and grace.

Very evocative :-)

Best Regards

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