Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen


FOTCM Member
I received a query about this Project Camelot interview:


See also:


Who is this guy and what's his game? Strikes me as some of the cheesiest disinfo in awhile.
I watched that interview as well. He reminded me of James Casbolt and Barry King. They all claimed to be programmed from childhood and give detailed accounts as permitted by their handlers. Some things they discuss about underground bases, mind programming, and alien agendas have been discussed here at SOTT. Other items seem way out there like the Stargate (there was apparently one near Bagdad as well). These individuals seem to be slowly remembering their experiences. The information they are releasing seems to be controlled by their handlers. Seems to me that there is good info mixed with disinfo but not really conclusive or provable.

edit: I have been surprised by the amount and variety of military ships in the gulf area supposedly to stop some pirates in small boats from Somalia (unsuccessfully I might add). Could this be a cover? Also, I am not sure why Saudi Arabia is attacking Yemen.
Strikes me as an excuse to get ships in the area for an attack on Iran. And his comments about being in the Coast Guard black ops is just fantasy. There is no such branch of the coast guard. The most they get up to is drug enforcement (or should that be running?) ;D
I spent about an hour searching for any other history or anything I could find concerning this guy that wasn't related to the interview. One search result came up (when searching for the guy in Phoenix,AZ) that pointed to a myspace page that has some pictures that look like they might be the same guy (I know, lots of qualifiers) but I don't have a myspace account so I couldn't log in to see more.

Here is the link if you want to check it out:


To me, these pics look like the guy in the interview except a little younger. Also, the myspace pics show a guy with a lot of tatoos but not ones on the neck. The PC interview guy looks like he has tats on his neck but he also looks a little older so it is possible the neck tats were added after the MySpace pics were taken.

I'm not sure if this is useful at all, but if someone has a MySpace account they could possibly look a little deeper to find out more.
... and we are to take what Aaron says 'at face value'? I see
from visual observation, those very shifty eyes, and to his left
is this arm popping in and out while he is talking.

Since I am somewhat deaf, I do not get the full story as to
what the interviewer is saying for the most part, but it seems
to me, that the interviewer interrupts Aaron quite often not letting
him finish his train of thoughts - seems like a handler to me.

Also, Aaron seems to try to get the viewer to believe with great
import that he was with the Coast Guard, was assigned to all sorts
of "high-level" operations, and was basically "all over the place"
regarding military operations (which are highly compartmentalized),
but nothing he says can be verified without hard facts, right?
This is the Coast Guard, right? What are they doing over there
in Yemen anyway?

Anyway - I got half-way though the video and stopped since
I was getting only 50% of what Aaron is saying and only <1%
of what the interviewer was saying, and it got too stressful.

Looks like Clif High has seen this interview and had this to say on Jan. 21st:


The idea of skepticism is one well worth hanging onto in these coming days and over this next year. The data sets from the SpaceGoatFarts entity had been filled with the notion that TPTB and their minions would be working over-time (LOL) to ‘poison’ the ‘truth movement’ with disinformation. It therefore is in the observers interest to maintain a healthy skepticism toward all ideas presented.

Noting that it is the sign of an educated mind to be able to hold, and model an idea without having to first accept it that basically defines skepticism. The concept is to model the offered information and deliberately seek flaws in its presentation and relation to reality that would prove its false. Then, if these are not found, it can be observed and modeled more closely with the idea that it MIGHT be part of manifesting reality and in that sense be ‘true’.

Noting that ‘true’ is the emotional response to a ‘fact’, it is understandable that many people ‘believe’ certain things to be ‘true’ without regard to the factual reality therein, or its lack. After all, they are merely 'feeling' an emotional response. The 'true' feeling does come through in their 'belief' in the information, but in no way validates the information as being factual.

The mark of an educated mind is its very skepticism when presented with new ‘information’. This is not a sign of negativity. This is a sign of a mature adult mind, attempting, as those yogi’s and taoists (The Complete Reality school of Taoism) of our past, to ‘know reality’ as it is manifesting. And to not get caught up in the fantasies and delusions of others. Noting that all of material reality is itself an illusion of the largest form, the educated mind struggles constantly to examine, model, and poke reality to determine what IS manifesting.

My bitch with the presenters, Project Camelot, is that they hypocritically state that their mission is to present the information that they are given by the whistleblowers and allow the viewer to make their own discernment as to its validity and reality. What Project Camelot is doing is expressed in many of the written parts of their site where they include references to ‘belief’. They repeatedly state that they (project camelot) believe that their source or whistleblower ‘believes’ their ‘testimony’, and therefore Project Camelot supports the position taken by that ‘whistleblower’.

I find their actions and proffered stance to be disingenuous. They are hypocritical at best, in that they are spending a lot of time and energy in defense of some of their ‘whistleblowers’ and the fantasies presented by them as ‘information’. That the defense of the whistleblower is being driven by personality is disturbing. Further this position has been promoting much disinformation. After all, with so many conflicts amongst their whistleblowers, not all of them can be correct.

Without taking their (Project Camelot) motives into account, and by that, I mean let us assume that they are not willing tools for disinformation, then they are at best unaware hypocrites to their own mission. Note that they NEVER defend the information itself, and rather are ALWAYS defending their sources based on personality, and not factual presentation (truth). Further, the apparent (by their actions) only criteria for them to consider someone a ‘whistleblower’ is that the person ‘believe’ their own story. All that is necessary for Project Camelot to consider someone a whistleblower and a 'true guy' is that the person present themselves such that Project Camelot 'feels' that the person believes what they are saying. Nope, no discrimination exercised. No cross checking, validation, nor even cursory background checks required at Project Camelot.

Hmmmm…so the delusional shall lead…just as is the case with the original Camelot (the whole "king" Aurthur story) which is a myth in support of the ‘divine right of kings to enslave humans’ meme. A despicable and evil meme if there ever was one….and it is all dependent on NOT being a skeptic, and simply swallowing whatever is offered on the spoon. That, for instance, someone claiming 'king ship' has 'authority' to enslave you. Hmmmm...let us all remember that the definition of 'royalty' of all kinds including 'priests' is "you work, I eat".

Thousands of years ago, the yogic and tao traditions realized that the way that the self sovereign individual needs to approach consciousness, mind, and manifesting reality is without filters and blinders. These people were good skeptics, and they have left us a whole pile of advice and methods for poking into universe to see what is actually there.

Being of the Complete Reality school of Taoism (aka science of Yoga) mind set, my approach is to gnaw on all incoming information and to deliberately seek out reasons why it is bogus. This is a very efficient method of operation as so much of what is presented these days IS bogus information, and therefore one can more quickly eliminate the bullshit, and have more time to locate what is actually manifesting. More time to actually touch reality…or get closer to that in any case.

If one takes the other approach, one spends all their time supporting bullshit delusions that others believe. And as a radical linguist I cannot pass by without noting that the word ‘believe’ itself merely means, by definition and derivation, “I wish this to be true”…..

So let the ‘synthetic beings’ come flying out of the Gulf of Aden Stargate….no, I mean it, seriously. Since if that is at all real, the skeptical mind will want details. And the skeptical mind will always follow the base dicta of life which includes: “ extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” else they are as shit on my shoe, something to be scraped off and forgotten as it pollutes our understanding of manifesting reality. So to the good people (I am assuming) at Project Camelot (and elsewhere), be advised, if you present personalities who proffer extraordinary claims, you (they) had better provide extraordinary proof, or be prepared to have it all called BULLSHIT.
Perceval said:
Strikes me as an excuse to get ships in the area for an attack on Iran.

dant said:
... and we are to take what Aaron says 'at face value'? I see from visual observation, those very shifty eyes, and to his left
is this arm popping in and out while he is talking.

I agree with both of the above. Since there's something out there for everyone, this is probably a great way to divert the people in the alternative crowd and make them look silly if and when a large-scale middle-east invasion gets ramped up again. The stargate thing is a meme that PC have done before, most notably with Dan Burisch. If I remember correctly, David Wilcock buys into this thing hook, line and sinker too.

And yes, Aaron's eyes are shifty and his body language screams "liar". It must be really fun to be able to say things like "I'm going to validate this with a really believable inside source," and I envision a room in the Pentagon where there's a special little team of people who sit around with jaguar screen-savers laughing and slapping each other's backs over what the next thing is they're going to feed to Project Camelot.
I don't buy the
Perceval said:
Strikes me as an excuse to get ships in the area for an attack on Iran.
Because of the large number of countries involved. If it was for an attack on Iran, then some of the countries like China and Iran being in the gulf would be there for protecting Iran then.

And his comments about being in the Coast Guard black ops is just fantasy. There is no such branch of the coast guard. The most they get up to is drug enforcement (or should that be running?) ;D

Well, the USCG does have a special ops unit established in 2007 called the Deployable Operations Group.

Project Camelot is supposed to do a 3 hour interview with this guy to expand on his claims. I am sceptical but curious.
Thanks for that great excerpt from Clif High. He's a sharp guy and only wants some widening of his parameters.
Because of the large number of countries involved. If it was for an attack on Iran, then some of the countries like China and Iran being in the gulf would be there for protecting Iran then.

Yes that there are ships, but he said that this stargate opened January 5th and they are there from mid 2009, and some from 2008. I think there is so much ships because every country needs to protect their own cargo and other ships from pirates and because of Yemen, Iran.

Well, the USCG does have a special ops unit established in 2007 called the Deployable Operations Group.

But he said it's secret group, no name and that it works around the world but this is funny because I don't think coast guard operates in such a wide spectrum and that job is for other branches of military and intelligence.

and we are to take what Aaron says 'at face value'? I see from visual observation, those very shifty eyes, and to his left
is this arm popping in and out while he is talking.

I agree, little bit of nervous despite trying to look calm(maybe he was taking some drugs prior to interview) and he doesn't look he is a sort of special ops guy, and sometimes it looks like he has problem in figuring out the question, needs time to answer.
Laura said:
Thanks for that great excerpt from Clif High. He's a sharp guy and only wants some widening of his parameters.

Laura, do you have any thoughts about Clif being featured regularly on Rense or about his recent use of Patrick Geryl's work? Besides his penchant for Michael Tsarion's work, these are the things about him that have made me the most wary in the past half-year. I'm interested in your opinion if you don't mind offering it.
dant said:
Since I am somewhat deaf, I do not get the full story as to
what the interviewer is saying for the most part, but it seems
to me, that the interviewer interrupts Aaron quite often not letting
him finish his train of thoughts - seems like a handler to me.

Anyway - I got half-way though the video and stopped since
I was getting only 50% of what Aaron is saying and only <1%
of what the interviewer was saying, and it got too stressful.


Hi Dan,
The transcript is now available here: _http://projectcamelot.org/lang/en/aaron_mccollom_interview_en.html
Thanks, Nicolas!
Reading it now!

[Edit: Read it. As much as I expected, no hard facts, just pronouncements,
so it appears to me that I did not miss much.
Interesting that his knuckle tatoo says "KEEL" The left hand says "HULL" (or haul)

What bothers me is that the information he is giving out, ship positions, etc. appears classified. The underwater base, 'mark ultra' etc. Everyone in
the military except for perhaps cooks have security clearances that prohibit them talking. So why isn't Aaron in jail? Note the complete lack of his mention of this factor. It seems not to play well when telling these types of stories.

But I am interested in looking about this some. So I'll start here:

This is a full page of NATO data about this situation, there are press releases about ships arriving to help on this site:


and here is the official NATO page about Operation Ocean Shield: (will it become "Ocean Storm?")

Suspecting that cover might be used, I targeted the closest port
city in Yemen to the area - Adan. If research has been happening they need
supplies, a staging area, and downtime.

Interestingly "Stargate Universe" has a character named "Adan." Great cover.

Man, lots of grease out there! I tried to glean something from godlikeP, but what a
train wreck! Anyone doubting the value of quality moderation, need only look there.
I guess they allow profanity UGH.

After much garbage, I finally something tangible. The Chinese are moving in:


Then I found the name of the underwater feature where the purported mystery earthquake
occurred: Sheba Ridge

Nature magazine article from 1982 describes a (EDIT: shortwave) magnetic anomaly in the Gulf of Aden:


Anyone have access?

I found plenty of evidence that any magnetic anomalies in the Gulf of Aden
are discussed as evidence of plate spreading theories but nothing about any
unusual magnetic anomalies. If there is one, it is likely to have started

This study in particular shows little anomaly in the Gulf of Aden:

_http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/aug102003/334.pdf EDIT, see figures 2 & 3

This one also might be worth looking into:



That's all for now

Last EDIT: This little ditty just appeared in the Huffington Post, offering another point of view:


Sorry, had to take off for a little bit. Here's the rest:

[quote author=Johann Hari]In 1991, the government of Somalia - in the Horn of Africa - collapsed. Its nine million people have been teetering on starvation ever since - and many of the ugliest forces in the Western world have seen this as a great opportunity to steal the country's food supply and dump our nuclear waste in their seas.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300 died. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: "Somebody is dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury - you name it." Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to "dispose" of cheaply. When I asked Ould-Abdallah what European governments were doing about it, he said with a sigh: "Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no compensation, and no prevention.[/quote]

Didn't hear about this one.

[quote author=Johann Hari]At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalia's seas of their greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own fish-stocks by over-exploitation - and now we have moved on to theirs. More than $300m worth of tuna, shrimp, lobster and other sea-life is being stolen every year by vast trawlers illegally sailing into Somalia's unprotected seas. The local fishermen have suddenly lost their livelihoods, and they are starving. Mohammed Hussein, a fisherman in the town of Marka 100km south of Mogadishu, told Reuters: "If nothing is done, there soon won't be much fish left in our coastal waters.

This is the context in which the men we are calling "pirates" have emerged. Everyone agrees they were ordinary Somalian fishermen who at first took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers, or at least wage a 'tax' on them. They call themselves the Volunteer Coastguard of Somalia - and it's not hard to see why. In a surreal telephone interview, one of the pirate leaders, Sugule Ali, said their motive was "to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters... We don't consider ourselves sea bandits. We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas."[/quote]

Coastguard eh?

Another little distraction while searching is this "Stargate" amusement park ride built in Dubai:

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