Abrupt climate change ahead?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Just got this article supporting the idea of abrupt climate change from a friend who says he saw it years ago but didn't want to pay $8 to read it online. Now free, I guess:


It basically supports the C's 1997 assertion that, "One change to occur in 21st Century is sudden glacial rebound, over Eurasia first, then North America. Ice ages develop much, much, much faster than thought."

From Session 980509:
Q: Okay, let me get more specific: the Atlantean land that was supposed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean... what was the farthest north of any part of Atlantis that was in the ocean, that no longer exists?
A: It is "time for you" to know that Atlantis was not a nation, land, Island, or continent, but rather, a civilization!
Q: All I wanted was to have an idea of a land mass in the Atlantic Ocean that people talk about - where did it sit?
A: Where do you think?
Q: Well, I sort of think that the Azores and the Canary Islands are sort of...
A: Yes, but many other places too. Remember, the sea level was several hundred feet lower then...
Q: Why was the sea level several hundred feet lower? Because there was ice somewhere or because there was not as much water on the earth at that time?
A: Ice.
Q: Was the ice piled up at the poles? The ice sheet of the ice age?
A: Yes.
Q: So, Atlantis existed during the ice age?
A: Largely, yes. And the world's climate was scarcely any colder away from the ice sheets than it is today.
Q: Well, how could that be? What caused these glaciers?
A: Global warming.
Q: How does global warming cause glaciers?
A: Increases precipitation dramatically. Then moves the belt of great precipitation much farther north. This causes rapid buildup of ice sheets, followed by increasingly rapid and intense glacial rebound.
Mainstream RTR aired a documentary on impending disastrous global climate change; global tsunami, poles reversal, tectonic plates shifts... several trails including collisions with meteorites and comets discussed. Britain and US Securing a relatively secure geographical location 'afterstrike' is proposed as a real incentive for war in Jugoslavia. Documentary ended on a calming note for Russians - Siberia, especially its Western part, will be a safe place to reside.
well it would make sense , I was always wondering what was the real agenda behind western involvement in Yugoslav crisis
wondering about any bombs falling in Serbia at all if Yeltzin's handlers were not permitted to reverse Pristina storm in june 99?
CarpeDiem said:
Mainstream RTR aired a documentary on impending disastrous global climate change; global tsunami, poles reversal, tectonic plates shifts... several trails including collisions with meteorites and comets discussed. Britain and US Securing a relatively secure geographical location 'afterstrike' is proposed as a real incentive for war in Jugoslavia.
Can you elaborate a little on why the argument is made about Jugoslavia being a secure place?
From what I've read and understood from the C's, where you live now is as good a place as any to "ride out the storm." Would it really be safer in Siberia or anywhere else?
You have to be careful not to take what the Cs say out of context. They were answering to specific questions posed by specific individuals in concrete situations. They were not giving recipes that apply in every situation. Yes, they say it is not where you are, but who you are and what you see that is important. But what you see can then also influence where you are. Your knowledge must be applied to be of use.

If you are standing in the middle of a road and see a truck coming down on you, you'd best move out of the way. IF you don't, then what good did the seeing do you?

Best not to interpret the Cs quote in a fatalistic way, as if they were saying it doesn't matter where you are under any and all circumstances.
Here are some notes:

Prof. Alexei Yablokov, biologist (on antropogenic factors: we passed the point of no-return in 1950-1960, when ‘antropogenic’ biomass of humanity surpassed that of a land; Crypton-85 changes atmospheric electroconductivity)

Prof. Valeri Glushko, Geograpist (on Kyoto protocol)

Yiri Mazurin, Ph.D., mathematician (technogenic factors impact in CO2 emissions is less than 10%)

Prof. Nikolai Koronovski, geologist – mineralogist (on increasing Solar activity)

Andrei Sklyarov, Ph. D., Technical sci. (on increasing Solar activity)

Mikhail Rukin, Prof., Academician of Russian Academy of Cosmonautics (to study climate changes we need more scientific data that are currently available; data were recorded in myths, chronicles)

June 14, 2002 asteroid missed earth by 120 thousand km

March 23, 1994, Schoemaker-Levi, Jupiter

Impending Polar shift

Aug 11, 1999 – magnetic poles movements detected, now in Canada

Nikolai Zavrin, Prof. Philosophy, academician of Academy of homeland security, defence and law problems (Periodic 30 degrees poles shifts; sudden deaths of mammonts, Alaska)

Aleksandr Gorodnitsky, Prof., geologist – mineralogist (on theory of catastrophes, death of civilizations, geomagnetic poles reversal – instant change of situation, death of biota as a result of Solar wind and gamma-irradiation)

Unofficial data: Japan is preparing bases to relocate its populace

Nikolai Zavrin, Prof. Philosophy, academician of Academy of security, defence and order problems (US, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Britain, Northern Scandinavian states will be completely destroyed. The Northern-West part of Russia and its Black Sea region will be damaged, but it will be incomparable with complete destruction of NATO countries)

Great Britain was the country that initiated UN Security Council meeting on Global climate change in April 2007. Why?
Yiri Mazurin, Ph.D., mathematician (in 1920-ies Third Reich geopolitics’ mastermind Carl Haushoffer had spoken on impending climate changes and obligation for Germany to expand, possible cause for WWII)
Nostradamus quatrains, 1882 letter of great mahatmas of India to British conquistadors – Britain will be the first country to de destroyed)

Hundreds of millions of refugees, where will they go, where will they find their new home?
Here lays the connection between the British initiative to discuss global climate change in UN security council and recent NATO expansion to Balkans, where Britain was again one of the most active participants. In March, 1999, 6 months prior to solar eclipse of Aug 11, NATO countries started to bomb Serbia. Subsequent ground military invasion had led to occupation of Kosovo. Putting an end to ethnic conflict between Serbians and Albanians had been declared as a justification for invasion. However, the rapidity of invasion had led many to suggest that not attaining peace and democracy, but other, far-reaching goals had been the real reasons for invasion. What were these goals? Events, that happened 8 years after NATO invasion into Serbia, permit us to view in a new light, to reevaluate the real reasons for NATO countries to invade Balkans.

Valeri Glushko, Prof. geographist (in 2002 I was a co-author of the book ‘Balkans today and tomorrow: military-political aspects of peacekeeping’. We were writing the book immediately after NATO invasion into Serbia, where we discussed many aspects, NATO was solving not only military, but geopolitical goals.)

Jugoslavian republics are situated mainly on hillsides, hundreds meters above sea level, where flooding presents a less danger. In this sense it’s a sufficiently safe region, climatically similar to other central European countries. Under a threat of disappearance of entire countries, we have to count that NATO countries have already secured a safe platzdarm on Balkans. As a result of flooding of entire nations, hundreds of millions can remain without shelter, water and food.

Yiri Mazurin, Ph.D., mathematician (Global changes are inevitable. Global relocation of populace, power struggle for oil and basic resources, such as fresh water, are just around the corner. Fresh water from Baikal, Onega and Ladoga lakes is a too appealing post-cataclysmic delicacy to be missed for elites. Global Clash is just around the corner)

Today we can not any more withdraw from public the real scale of impending global changes

Valeri Glushko, Prof. geographist (all coast side cities will be subjected to flooding, from the 20 largest cities – 14 are situated on coast lines, they will suffer. Surely, I don’t speak about cities situated below sea level… Geographical, political, climatic maps in the nearest 30-50 years will be changed dramatically. 2-3 degrees of climate warming could bring forth a result, of which we now witness only faint harbingers. In a perspective that could amount to a mass migrations of about 100-200 million. It will be a problem to deal with these refugees. One solution is to accept them as it is traditionally being done in Russian villages to families who had their households destroyed in fires. The second possibility is that they wont be allowed into doorsteps. In such a scenario they will be forced to secure their birthright under the sun with force.

Aleksandr Gorodnitsky, Prof., geologist – mineralogist on Siberia and Russian geographic platform, which will experience impending cataclysm in muffled, reflective / mirrored manner
CarpeDiem, could you please post some weblinks to the information you are citing?

CarpeDiem said:
Britain will be the first country to de destroyed
My thinking on this is that, if the PTB are expecting to control the survivors after a world catastrophe, they will need plenty of security and monitoring devices. In 2002 (see quote below) Britain had 10% of surveillance cameras worldwide. Are the PTB are expecting Britain to survive? Or is Britain just a test run for somewhere else?

BBC said:
Watching your every move

According to statistics, the average citizen is caught on CCTV cameras 300 times a day.

There are 25 million CCTV cameras in operation worldwide, with 2.5 million in the UK.
sorry, i screwed it:
'Britain will be the first country to be destroyed' refers to a mysterious, but historical document, a prophecy of great mahatmas of the East, handed to English in 1882, now in the British Museum, London.
_http://www.rtr-planeta.com/tvpreg.html?id=114126&cid=&d=10 (RTR link to the film)
Mada85 said:
Are the PTB are expecting Britain to survive? Or is Britain just a test run for somewhere else?
i don't think we are still in the period of any test runs. Rough ride, let's fasten belts. The view depends on perspective, i'm learning (trying to learn) to be less bodycentric and wellcoming challenges whenever and in whatever form they manifest
CarpeDiem said:
sorry, i screwed it:
'Britain will be the first country to be destroyed' refers to a mysterious, but historical document, a prophecy of great mahatmas of the East, handed to English in 1882, now in the British Museum, London.
_http://www.rtr-planeta.com/tvpreg.html?id=114126&cid=&d=10 (RTR link to the film)
The web page you provided a link for is in Russian. For those of us who do not read Russian, could you provide further information about this "prophecy", and the context in which it was made?
PepperFritz said:
could you provide further information about this "prophecy", and the context in which it was made?
There is an image of mahatmas letter, 1882, from the British museum, but it's almost unreadable.
There is no futher information about the prophecy in the film, apart from stated above.

The context this prophecy was mentioned in the film, was British initiative for UN Security council meeting on global climate change in April, 2007, and Britain being one of initiators of NATO invasion into Serbia.

Well, popped out: _http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/mahatma/ml-con.htm

These passages from The Mahatma Letters prove and confirm H.P.B.'s statement in the letter quoted above from Letter 140.
In a letter to me on this subject Dr. de Purucker expressed himself as follows:

H.P.B. [Blavatsky] stated specifically, and more than once, that it was the rarest thing in the world for any one of the Mahatmans, or even for a high chela, personally to write a letter, i.e. indite any communication with his own hand. There are very, very few, very rare exceptions, such as one or two, it may be three, cases of direct precipitation from the Master or from a high chela, and possibly one or two brief notes, maybe a telegram or two, written by the Master's own hand. H.P.B. states positively that not only was such writing in the Master's own hand the rarest thing, but that practically in every case, with the few exceptions named, the Master impressed mentally his chela or amanuensis, or chelas or amanuenses, to write thus or so, to such or another person. Then the chela, if the receptivity was good, would get the message clearly from the Master's mind along the etheric currents, and in writing it down, if the receptivity was perfect the resulting production would be practically the Master's own words, and actually his own handwriting, real or adopted -- whichever Master it might be who was the source, K.H. or M. or some other. If receptivity on the part of the chela or amanuenses was less perfect, there would be the immediate entrance into the psychology of the receiving chela of more or less, usually less, of the chela's own mental idiosyncrasies, ways of phrasing, what Hodgson and the Hare brothers call Americanisms or Gallicisms, etc., etc.

The writing of these letters was a mystery and must remain so for all but the initiates. The last passage we quote however could hardly be more definite.

Another of our customs, when corresponding with the outside world, is to entrust a chela with the task of delivering the letter or any other message; and if not absolutely necessary -- to never give it a thought. Very often our very letters -- unless something very important and secret -- are written in our handwritings by our chelas. Thus, last year, some of my letters to you were precipitated, and when sweet and easy precipitation was stopped -- well I had but to compose my mind, assume an easy position, and -- think, and my faithful "Disinherited" had but to copy my thoughts, making only occasioally a blunder. -- p. 296

In conclusion if it is contended that it would have been better if I had not stated in the Introduction that the letters were written by the Masters in their own hands, I agree. When I wrote that sentence I had not had time to assimilate fully the whole content of the letters, and therefore this particular aspect of the matter had not clearly taken shape in my consciousness. One of these days, when a new issue is being printed, it can be corrected.

The above explanation should be sufficient to clear up this problem, for any serious student who will take the trouble to read carefully the page references given to The Mahatma Letters.
well, i'm done with that subject
Didn't the C's also talk of how moving here or there to avoid future calamity was just limited 3D thinking? I understand that everything must be taken in context to get the meaning, but this is fairly clear on its own. I didn't think I was being fatalistic. This summer I may be moving my family to Arizona. The C's have said that Arizona was goin to "burn." Should I move them instead to Siberia? I don't see how this would be feasible, let alone affordable. I'll just keep one eye on the Weather Channel. ;)
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