Beware of Sunbathing.
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Yeah, it's unlikely that you’ll have a heart attack from a day of sunbathing!
Just ONE day?! Well, I know it can cause skin cancer IF you abuse it, and that you get extra wrinkles. But geez... I should have had like 100 heart attacks by now.

They don't know what to blame anymore, for the vax side effects.
On the other hand, Chu brought up an important point: if you overdo it, you can get skin cancer and faster wrinkling (photoaging).
When I learned about the beneficiality of sunlight, I was pretty gung-ho about it and ended up burning myself several times. Then I learned that you should ease into it, and build your ”solar callus” gradually, when exposing yourself to direct sunlight, especially the vitamin D producing UVB rays (which also cause sunburn).
For example, if your
skin type is very pale, that would mean starting with few minutes a day (both sides of the body), adding another minute or two the following day (and possibly staying at the same amount of time for a number of days if necessary) until 15mins are reached and tolerated well. In my understanding, it takes about 15 minutes to harvest a sufficient load of D vitamin for that particular day, if you have fair skin. For darker skinned people it would naturally take longer.
(Btw, the whole spectrum of the sun, including UVB, goes through the clouds - you just would have to spend a bit longer out there to gather an equal amount of vitamin D.)
Even though knowing this, I kept pushing it a bit too much and lingered under straight sunlight for too long and ”overstayed my welcome”.
When UVB radiation finally presented itself here after the winter, I have taken it more carefully now and started with just one minute of exposure. The apartment in the building where I live, has a balcony where the afternoon sun shines, so it’s been ”safe” to be shirtless there; it would raise some eyebrows otherwise, if a guy took his shirt off in a public place (I live in a suburb of a city) as it still is pretty chilly!
Circadian app is quite good to have in your phone: it shows when the sun starts to produce UVA and UVB, so you can time the ”irradiation” appropriately.
(UVB is present when the sun reaches 30 degrees above horizon, UVA starts at 10 degrees, and has its own benefits: it e.g.
activates the benzene ring in aromatic amino acids circulating in the blood, so that they in turn can be formed into specific hormones. This process works through the skin, but apparently even better in the eye, as UVA rays travel easily through the transparent eye matter and reach the exposed blood vessels, which are situated at the back of the eyeball. Regarding this, there is no need to watch directly at the sun, as the light is being ”
scattered”: you just have to remove any kind of glasses/contact lenses which could block the UVA. They say that the best time to do this is in the morning, so that you can get a ”boost” for the upcoming day.)
Of course, vitamin D production is not the only positive thing one can get from the sun. For instance, once you have had your ”share” of direct sunlight, you could retreat into
shade and still reap the benefits of near infra-red (NIR) radiation, which is present whenever the sun is up.
NIR is reflected from greenery, leaves and foliage of trees and bushes, grass, etc. (other surfaces too, like gravel), and is a kind of nourishment for the bodies of animals and humans: it increases the efficacy and workings of the mitochondria (which are the ”powerhouses” of cells), and expanses the amount of the so called EZ (Exclusion Zone) water.
(NIR can penetrate clothing: a fascinating 14+ min video about it
EZ water (or structured water) surrounds every organelle and surface in the cell, and is negatively charged, whereas the bulk water is positively charged.
It is thought, that the difference of potential between EZ and bulk water works like a
battery, and is what "mainly" powers the body (the energy can be instantly achievable). The ATP produced by the mitochondria is important as well, but it’s been calculated that it alone wouldn’t be able to count for the body’s total energy expenditure.
(Another energy source is
melanin, which is produced in the skin by UVB, and also can be made ”deeper” in the body by cold exposure.)
Indoor lighting is mostly done with led lights nowadays, so not only there is the problem of excess blue light being produced, but there is also the fact that they don’t churn out that much NIR. People spend most of their time indoors these days, and on top of being
blue light toxic, they don’t get the ”nourishment” provided by NIR. That’s why it felt more ”natural”, when houses were illuminated with incandescent bulbs back in the day, as their light profile is better, providing more NIR. (Incandescent bulbs are outlawed now, but you can still buy them online, often they are labeled ”for industrial use only”.)
Scott Zimmermann talks about the troubles of indoor lighting, and ”how it is killing us”, in this pretty awesome podcast:
He made an interesting point about photobiomodulation and red light panels, and how they have just one or two individual wavelengths of NIR.
Personally, I have an emr-tek
red light panel, which produces 3 wavelengths: 630nm, 670nm (red light) and 850nm (NIR). It has two modes: a stronger setting that can be used for treatment and a more minimal one, where the output is much lower and can be used as background lighting. I have placed it on the floor level, to balance the lack of red and NIR light (the triple-pane windows the building has, filter out some red light and most NIR). There’s also a red tinted incandescent bulb behind the laptop screen, to counter its blue light effect. (For further countering, the laptop has a
blue light filter app installed.)
Listening to the interview, I realised why it still has felt like something has been missing: one measly incandescent and a red light panel with a few individual wavelengths (in my computer room), just hasn’t been able to cut it. So I added another (clear) 60W incandescent bulb and located it in the background; the ”ambience” inside the room improved immediately.
(During the evenings, about 1 hr before going to sleep, I switch off all other lights and turn on
boncharge's "red light only" light bulbs: they are very calming and help you to quiet down for the night. Other firms offer similar lights as well, e.g.
emr-tek and
Zimmerman’s firm is the first one that has manufactured a
light bulb, which combines the best of both worlds (led and incandescent), produces bright light with a wide spectrum of NIR, and unlike incandescent bulbs, is ”legal”. I suspect these will sell like hot cakes in the future!
A couple of useful links:
- Matt Maruca on building up your
sun tolerance:
Practice safe sunbathing around mid-day (between 10am and 2pm) at least once daily for 5 to 15 minutes on each side of the body. If pale or prone to burning, start exposure slowly starting with 1 to 2 minutes per day and increasing by 1 to 2 minutes per day. Do not burn; if you do, take a few days off to heal, and start back up with less exposure.
(Some time ago, I listened to several podcasts where Matt was interviewed, and in one of them, he mentioned how he was over eager with the sun at first and ended up getting sunburned, etc. He then had conversations with Dr. Alexander Wunsch, who is one of the foremost light researchers, and learned how you have to be careful when exposing yourself to the sun, taking your skin type into consideration, and so on. Dr. Wunsch has quite interesting lectures on
vimeo, and he has been a guest in some podcasts, e.g.
this one from last year.)
- Youtube channel "Quantum conversations" talks about the same subject
I thought that this was a rather good "explanation" about sunlight, and how it sometimes is seen in simplified terms: