Aristotle said America has the 2nd worst form of Government

Good video explaining Aristotle's book Politics.

I'm going to make all my Redneck friends who worship "muh Constatooshun!" watch this. 🙂
But, the people who wrote the Consitution were not Oligarchs, they were rebels. Timing (and knowledge) is everything. Besides, they are no longer living.
Could you please give us a short context of the video and what motivates you enough to share it. thank you.

I checked. The video is summarized in the first 33 seconds.

I liked it exactly because it is a really good short summary of a very long and complex topic.
the people who wrote the Consitution were not Oligarchs, they were rebels.

Exactly. Aristocrats make the best Rebels.

This is as it should be.

I enjoy looking up word etymologies because it cuts through word magic and gets to the core meaning.


Example: The word "radical" actually means "root".
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