Attention Everyone who Believes That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

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I have a Plan.

The plan involves a coordinated coalition effort between members of various 9/11 websites.

As you can see the truth about 9/11 is being exposed. In the past couple of months more people have become aware of the truth than ever before.

The internet is a powerful weapon, we must learn how to use this weapon before it it too late.

Millions of people use the internet in their everyday lives

People on the internet will discuss anything and internet forums are a tool for people to do this.

Internet forums are very popular and people use them every single day.

There are internet forums on almost any topic. Art forums, sports forums, hockey forums, Yankees forums, computer forums, computer help forums, hardware forums, mechanic forums, video game forums, movie forums, tv show forums, medical forums, political forums, interior design forums, baby forums, book forums, ski forums, paintball forums, car forums, Cleveland forums, Middle East forums, food forums, pregnancy forums, any possible thing that you can think of.

If we had an army to infiltrated every possible forum on the internet, many, many more people would wake up. As long as the internet isn't shut down yet then we have a golden opportunity to use it as a weapon

What I will do is organize a coalition effort between members of various 9/11 websites.

I will deliver every member in that coalition a well organized article. The article will consist of every piece of information that you would want regarding the 9/11 attacks. The article will also include links to dozens of films like Loose Change Second Edition, video clips, audio clips, and documents.

The member is to then post that article on the forum that they are on and tell the rest of the members that a revolution is in effect. They are to copy that article and paste it on any forum that they can think of in their head. Video game forums, computer forums car forums, baby forums, mechanic forums, fashion forums. They will have to get creative though and instead of using just video game forums, computer forums, and fashion forums, they will have to also post on halo 2 forums, World of Warcraft forums, Dell forums, Gateway forums, Abercrombie and Fitch forums. Aside from just going to a music forum, go to a metallica forum, a tool forum, a Sheryl Crow forum, or an American Idol forum. They will not have to discuss anything with the people on the random forum that they post on. In other words all they have to do is post the article.

But that last paragraph does not apply to the members of the Pentagon Strike Forum Community. I have already contacted members of various other 9/11 communities. I would like members of the Pentagon Strike Forum Community to be a special asset in this effort.

quote- "The problem with is netiquette. Some may consider this spamming. Dopn't get me me wrong it is a brillant plan, and I too is concerned about getting everyone involved in this as possible, that is why I have my website, but I'm just not sure."

Of course its spamming! But sometimes spams a good thing!

The only real problem with this plan is effort. The members of this secret coalition must make an effort to influence and persuade the rest of the members on their forum to participate in this. The rest of the forum members must make an effort and actually participate.

Let me explain something.

A couple of nights ago I went searching for video game forums. I found around 30 active video game forums and I hardly even had to make an effort. I could search for more video game forums. But those are just video game forums. I could still pull up around 30 - 60 World of Warcraft forums, 30 - 60 everquest forums, 30 halo forums, 10 ghost recon forums, 50 half life 2 forums, 50 counter strike forums, 10 fable forums, 20 guild wars forums, and many, many more. Those are just estimates.

And then I have to pull up car forums, audio forums, music forums,mechanic forums, language forums, pregnancy forums, book forums, oprah forums, movie forums, tv show forums, computer forums, computer help forums, lifestlye forums, food forums, cooking forums, hacking forums, politic forums, skateboarding forums, snowboarding forums, biking forums, hiking forums, football forums, soccer forums,fashion forums, basketball forums, paintball forums, trading forums, pet forums, medical forums, car forums, boxing forums, fitness forums, weight loss forums, dating forums, history forums, interior design forums, science forums, technology forums, trivia forums, cigar forums, religious forums, physic forums, spirtuality forums, Ufo forums, gothic forums, disney forums, boating forums, airplance forums, buisiness forums. airplane forums, remote control airplane forums, environmental forums, hunting forums, wrestling forums, police forums, military forums, tivo forums, acting forums, sex and porn forums (that is a large group), motorcross forums, medieval forums, racing forums, college forums, art forums, mind forums, cards forums, pokemon card forums, pool/ billiard forums, swimming forums, olympic forums, home and garden forums, Wisconsin forums, Texas forums, math forums, philosophy forums, psychic forums.

And thats not even all of them

Then theres the sub catagories

Music forums- Metallica forums, Korn forums, tool forums, enya forums, madonna forums, celine dion forums, cher forums, sheryl crow forums, linkin park forums, rock forums, rap forums, 50 cent forums, classical music forums, nine inch nails forums, rage against the machine forums, audioslave forums, etc

language forums- Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Persian, etc

Culture forums- Middle east forums, China forums, Asia forums, Japan forums, Mexico forums, Italy forums, Brazil forums, France forums, Australia forums, etc

Tv show forums-Csi forums, 24 forums, family guy forums, the simpsons forums, smallville forums,

There are many, many, many subcatagories for most of the topics that I listed.

Now if we can get 13-30 9/11 forums with 80% to 90% of those forums active members to participate in this we will have an "information" army of around 90-300 "info" warriors.

Imagine this. Imagine 90-300 people each registering and logging on to a random internet forum and posting all of the information and movies needed regarding 9/11.

The only problem with this plan is effort. I will leave it up to you if you want to do this.

Reply back or contact me via Aim if you are interested.

My aim screenname is infowarrior77

I need help writting and finding information for the article. The article will include everybit of information and every movie needed regarding 9/11. This article will be what every forum member from various 9/11 websites uses to post on random internet forums.

I need help finding more information, I need help finding sources for the information that I already have, and I need help finding some more video clips and audio clips.

I posted this post on a website a couple of weeks ago. I had a lot of video clips but now the links to all of those video clips are dead rendering them useless.

Here is the post that I still need to seriously edit. I deleted the original ending to the post and will add another one later. I wrote the beginning of the post today, every other part of the post was written on another forum by me a couple of weeks ago.

"Before you do anything watch 5 minutes of this video.

If that link does not work then try these

--- I'll find other links to Loose Change Edition 2 later----

As many people differ in opinions throughout the world, the 9/11-truth community is no different. Many in the 9/11-truth community differ in opinion on what happened on that fateful day and why it happened. Some in the 9/11-truth movement will claim that something other than a jet hit the Pentagon while many others in the truth movement will claim that a jet did indeed in fact hit the Pentagon. We in the 9/11-truth movement encourage you not to take our word for it, but we encourage you to do your own research and formulate your own opinion. We are only simply providing you with the information to help you do that.

"I don't think anybody could have predicted that ... they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile" - Condoleezza Rice

6 months before 9/11-

Operation Northwoods

World Trade Centers

Many people, including many Physic professors (there are many ,the most known is Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, believe that the World Trade Centers were demolished with bombs.
 Many Reporters, police, firefighters, and civilians reported secondary devices, bombs going off, and seeing smoke
 There are eyewitnesses to bombs going off in the basement. William Rodriguez is one of those witnesses. William Rodriguez was last man pulled from the rubble of the world trade center.
 The only steel buildings to ever collapse due to fires were the ones on September 11th
 The designers of the World Trade Centers actually designed the building to withstand multiple Boeing 707 impacts
 You can see squibs coming out of the building as it collapses
 Police FIND bombs
 Explosions in Basement

 Passport- -Official Explanation: One of the hijackers passports survived the plane hitting the World Trade Center, survived the explosion that incinerated the plane, and then landed on a sidewalk below the World Trade Centers (who actually believes this?)

Bush Connection
 Marvin Bush was in charge of security at the World Trade Center
 Bush signed order w199I warning the FBI and DEFENSE INTEL to stop investigating the bin laden family or known al qaida terrorists
 Description of W199-eye from the BBC: "Newsnight has obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of other members of the] Bin Laden family for links to terrorist organization before and after September 11th.
 FBI counter-terrorism chief JOHN O'NEILL resigned over that.
 Marvin Bush then hired him as HEAD OF SECURITY FOR THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. John O'Neill died there on his first day of work, on 911.
 The Bush's did business with the bin Ladens
 Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA

World Trade Center 7
 The "Official" explanation as to why Building 7 fell is that a couple of (very) small fires ignited something in the building that caused it to fall symmetrically
 Larry Silverstein was the leaseholder of the North Tower, South Tower, and Building 7.
 In a PBS documentary Larry Silverstein ADMITTED Building 7 was demolished
 "Pull it" is a term for demolishing buildings. In the same documentary where Larry Silverstein says pull it, the documentary gives an example of firefighters using the term "pull it" to demolish building 6.
 Recently, Larry Silverstein answered to what he actually meant. He meant he wanted to pull the firefighters away from the building when he said pull it. So he refers to the firefighters as "it" and at the same time uses a popular term for demolishing buildings.
 The problem with Larry Silverstein's explanation as to what he meant when he said "Pull It" is that there were no firefighters to be pulled, and there was no firefighting at Building 7.
The Fema Report- "no manual firefighting operations were taken by FDNY."
New York Times on November 29, 2001- "By 11:30 a.m., the fire commander in charge of that area, Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, ordered firefighters away from it for safety reasons."
 Popular Mechanics (trying to debunk 9/11 "conspiracy theories", Ben Chertoff -the chief editor of the piece, cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of Homeland Security) "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says.
 WTC 7 contained offices of the FBI and CIA and then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's Command Center
 World Trade Center 7 could have served as the base for executing operations that took down the Twin Towers. It offers a wide, open view to both Buildings 1 and 2. Evidence of the operations would be largely destroyed with Building 7's demolition.

 No large debris from plane that hit Pentagon (the debris that was found was big enough to be picked up with one hand)
 No skid marks at Pentagon
 The only video of the Pentagon attack was a Pentagon security camera that showed 5 segments (never showed a plane, only an explosion) and all of the rest of the videos that caught the Pentagon attack have been confiscated by the FBI and have never been released to the public

Flight 93
 Flight 93 lands in Cleveland-

Osama bin Laden Confession Tape
 The tape where Osama bin Laden confesses. The tape was found at a house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. It is unknown how the tape got into U.S. hands.
 Osama bin Laden is left handed. In the tape he is writing with his right hand, wearing jewelry that is forbidden by Islam, and he is a little fatter than usual.

 PNAC (Project for a New American Century)-members include Jeb Bush, **** Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Richard Perle
 PNAC has been pushing for war with Iraq and globalization long before 9/11
 PNAC is all for globalization, American domination, American control, American military domiance, just take a look for yourself
 PNAC says all of this, says what it wants to do, states its goals, then when about half of their members are in control of the white house they invade Iraq, other parts of the middle east, and now they're about to invade Iran

 PNAC also called for a new Pearl Harbor to bring about these changes

"Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change,
is likely to be a long one,
absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event
– like a new Pearl Harbor."
-- from "Rebuilding America's Defenses"

Iraq/ Iran
 There was the Downing Street memo saying that Bush planned to fix intelligence around Iraqi WMDs in order to invade.
 And now theres this-
 There was the fact that we were led into Iraq to find WMDs and we never found any (now the exact same thing that happened to Iraq before the Iraq war is happening with Iran)
 There is also the fact that Iran is a very large country smack dab in the middle of Iraq and Afghanistan (if your going to war against a country that large it would be easier to have to attack it on both sides, now Iran has two fronts)

List of credible or famous people that believes or supports the 9/11 conspiracy theory
Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's Chief of Staff
Paul Craig Roberts, Reagan Secretary of Treasury
Mary Schiavo, Secretary General for George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton
Morgan Reynolds, Cheif Economist in George W. Bush's Labor Department
Andreas Von Buelow, German Defense Minister
Michael Meacher, British Environment Minister
Jude Wanniski, Reagan Advisor
Sibel Edmonds, FBI Translator
David Shayler, MI5 Agent(British Inteligence)
George Galloway, British Member of Parliament
Jesse Ventura, Minnesota Governor
Abudarraham Wahid, President of Indonesia
Imam Intikab Habib, FDNY Chaplain
more here

-Alex Jones predicts 9/11- whole clip)

-George Bush on 9/11 conspiracy theories- "
It certainly looks like you have quite a bit of information gathered. I am not any super genius clue finder but you can have as much bandwidth, linkage or use of my website as a rescource as you may need. In fact I have an empy spot for another allowable domain name as well.
On the down side I have limited skill even with Macromedia Dreamweaver which my nephew left me with little knowledge on but enough to get my own website by on. Again you could create a domain name within mine (2 of 3 are in use) and/or I would be more than happy to post any link or article to this information.
A personal aquaintence of mine (I have not looked over the full list of links) did a series of videos. on the right hand column the area entitled "The Produced Reality" which has alot of good footage. What has always gotten me are the newscasts of people on the ground reporting about another explosion, a third explosion, or the firefighters talking as "if there were bombs planted to take out the whole building" footage which there is a bit of in the above link as well as in the link you mentioned Loose Change (a well done documentary BTW).
My own website is welcome anything of use.. sadly I am in a slight bind on renewing my site.. but again any of my own resources are at your service (heh, though my typing skills are not much of a resource) 8)
This idea reminds me of an article I posted by the guy who does Blasted Reality in which he implied the exact idea as well. I have to agree that PENTAGON STRIKE was something that worked for me which took 50 times in a row or so and alot of tears to accept but certainly this idea is on the right track. (I would add pentagon strike to the list.. 300Million+ have seen it I believe)
I don't actually use any instant messaging programs, though I would be willing to install AIM to start helping with anything or linking/posting helping with said article.

spartacus said:
If we had an army to infiltrated every possible forum on the internet, many, many more people would wake up. As long as the internet isn't shut down yet then we have a golden opportunity to use it as a weapon
I don't mean to 'rain on your parade', but this is what the opposition is doing (spamming) and probably the reason why the internet has not yet been shut down... because its so effective and only THEY are doing it at the moment.

I'm not sure what their reaction will be if we start doing it too!

What we really need is more people reading this site. It would be nice to think of a way of attracting them that was more like an invitation and less like a 'trick'. I've been thinking how good it would be, if as many people as possible read the article 'Stranger then Fiction'.

And how do you attract the attention of mainstream media (who can't ignore something that becomes popular or well known)? Most people still listen, watch or read mainstream media. Most people who work for mainstream media are just ordinary people too (and not 'agents', even if they may become unconscious ones). Many of these people would like to see the truth get out, but perhaps they do not have the final say on what gets printed and said and what doesn't.

I'm wondering if something like this has to reach a critical mass before it gets 'noticed' by mainstream media and then the cat's really out of the bag and there's nothing that the media manipulators can do about it.

Perhaps the truth is best 'given' to a bunch of mavericks who are already in a position of power (or even noteriety) and have already said to the PTB: "take a long walk off a short pier" (or words to that effect - usually not that polite), and who have shown themselves to be not easily 'bought' or corrupted. That is one way of getting the message out as they have nothing to lose.

The other is to obtain that 'critical mass' of people who are aware and Bingo! You've got mainstream media crawling all over it.

I'm looking forward to when that happens, as I think it will (afterall it did with Pentagon Strike) but the consequenses of being ill prepared for when it does happen is like not planning for a huricane, or perhaps not planning for an earthquake or a landslide. When it happens it happens very fast and we all know that everything is apparently 'calm' before any storm.
Good I idea in theory but,as the number of forums out there,there are 4-5 times that number in moderators,and the likelihood of it not even making it to the forum is almost 100%
Who knows ,like you said .There is only one way to find out I guess
I do not “belief” that 9/11 was an inside job. Sure there are strong indications.
But I am very confident that the official story is bogus.

Ruth said:
And how do you attract the attention of mainstream media (who can't ignore something that becomes popular or well known)? Most people still listen, watch or read mainstream media. Most people who work for mainstream media are just ordinary people too (and not 'agents', even if they may become unconscious ones). Many of these people would like to see the truth get out, but perhaps they do not have the final say on what gets printed and said and what doesn't.

I'm wondering if something like this has to reach a critical mass before it gets 'noticed' by mainstream media and then the cat's really out of the bag and there's nothing that the media manipulators can do about it.
I agree that something like a critical mass is needed to tip the balance so to say, as is the case with so many things. It is only that we should not underestimate the hold of the grip that the main stream media has. I have the impression that the control is deeper than we can imagine, and I am not only thinking about the top management, where some form of active control could very well be present. I am also looking at the ordinary people that do their job as journalists and informants and so on, who together with the customers (readers, listeners) are on a more passive side of control. On one side, many ‘common folks’ still have this totally misplaced opinion that it is sometimes better not to say anything because of self-interest. Yes such IS totally wrong, and self defeating, as problems will only grow in size and come back as a boomerang, but still this is often their opinion and there is not much one can do about it (again a critical density is needed). I see this happening on an entirely different topic with the media in a different country.
On the other side, most common folks have a serious problem with cognitive dissonance. The gap with reality is widening and it is at an ever-faster pace.

In relation to the question whether it would be opportune to make links to this site I have the following remarks.

- 9/11 is not the only problem, neither Bush, or the neocons are the only problem. There’s SO many things that make this world drift away towards total self destruction, and this site makes that very clear, to the point that it trickles down to the locally elected sociopath, or the psychopath next door, or even the other side of the sleeping place, but also reminds us of the mind-deadening effect of mercury in vaccines and of microwave towers to name but two examples. This too is very important to get across, although 9/11 could be a very good ‘opening gambit’. Taking this into account, this SOTT site and related would be invaluable.

- People are divided, they belief, as you have right and left, and religious and atheist, and conservative and progressive, and pro- and contra, and what have you not. Again, this site is very valuable in this respect, as there is one common binder, truth. As such it could reconcile the energy of artificially divided factions.

- With what truly seems to happen, that we are not at the top of the “food” pyramid, people will have an even harder pill to swallow. That would still be fine were it not for certain terms that automatically have to be taken into consideration in such matters. And it is precisely with such terms that a vast group of people will have the tendency, or more even, will have found ‘their’ argument, to sweep all from the table and bury there little ostrich heads in the sand again. I am sure you will know what terms I am talking about. Few examples are, UFO’s, channelling, spirits, greys, reptoids, exorcism, hyperdimensional realities…

It is not that these terms are not covered in a very honest, even scientific, and rational way. It is just that a lot of people will not take the time to dig a little deeper. Those few signposts (the mentioned terms) are already enough for them to … stay away.

And thus, I have been very successful to inform certain friends about the existence of this site. But this I could only achieve one on one, and in general, it has been a hurdle that I could not overcome. I am sure that this is a hurdle for a vast group of people. Maybe there could be a creative solution to this, by adding some other signposts that are able to overcome the presence of the already mentioned signposts. Though, I don’t have a straight solution to this.

Just two more things and related to 9/11.

Many people, I think, when they are confronted with the fact that no Boeing could have hit the Pentagon, back off when they personally come to the logic conclusion that “… well where then did the real passengers of the real Boeing go to?” It is good to make or allow people to think for themselves (only than it will be a real lesson of course), but they can’t cope with this little titbit because they can not conceive of the cold-blooded mindset that must be involved with this. (But hey, maybe all passengers were taken out the same way, with only one exception where the ‘device’ failed and had to be shot down over Pennsylvania). I know that this issue is nicely covered in this site, but that is a long read. Maybe, if it would be inserted here and there that the entire operation indicates the presence of the SAME incredibly cold-blooded mindset, they’d have less difficulty to connect the murder of thousands of people at the WTC with the few hundreds that were murdered as passengers. As if the people murdered at the WTC is more accident like and thus easier to accept.
Maybe a reminder of the overall mind-set could be given along with another signpost like, a true example of the cold-blooded mindset that a psychopath has displayed in the past. Or a reminder here and there that keeps connecting the murder of the people that were inside the planes and those that were outside of the planes ?

The second thing is that I have noticed that many people back off with a statement like “Yeah, and “they” have done it themselves, come on? This is so cliché!”. Fact is that we do not know who “they” are. All we know with pretty much certainty is that the official version is totally bogus. As such, the political power and the media do have a form of complicity (in hiding and destroying evidence for instance). This makes one wonder of course but it doesn’t mean that they were the active perpetrators. I think it will help to take it one step at the time, and make it very clear, that we do not know yet who “they”, the active perpetrators, were precisely.

In all this, I do admit that I still do have the desire to make this world a better place. But the desire is not that much goal-directed. If there is one thing that stands out above this goal-directed desire, it is that I would like to be myself and to remain that way. And if I see a danger coming, or something that doesn’t fit, I share, and I try to inform my fellow man.

I think that the best thing we could do is to spread the word about Ponerology, psychopathy, Pathocrats, and help people to develop better psychological knowledge about their world from the bottom up. I think that, instead of trying to first get people to see anything about 9-11, it might be better to help them to understand what kind of people could and would do something like that.

Since the sickness of society is a recurring one, and that is the foundation of it, whether it is a coup here, or a president assassinated there, or airplanes flown into a building, or an illegal war (one of many), that is what we ought to begin to address. That is something that the guys down at the truck stop can grok. That is what any person who has been in an abusive relationship can connect with. And once they do that, and realize that this can happen on a much larger scale, then it won't be so hard to deal with the 9-11 issue. Or so it seems to me.

Besides, if you go to other boards and start sharing info about psychopaths and ponerology, who can really object? Well, sure they can, but it is not a "politically charged" issue. And then, if they are interested by some juicy tidbits, they might continue to read, and eventually... well... voila!

Also, posting as much information on this forum will make it grow. Any of ya'll who have read my blog about the ATS issues will realize that a forum can have a major presence on the internet and that makes it a "reader magnet". We don't want ours to grow the way they have manipulated their's (artificially google bombing); we like to stress quality over quantity. But a quantity of quality can be a real plus!

So, that's two positive things that can be done without creating a flame war that will gently open minds...
^^I agree with Laura^^

The true enemy are the pathocrats and people like Bush.
Right off I would disagree with Laura in the sense that I am a reactionary machine jumping to conclusions (living,thinking subjectively) about what I know (or think I know) about 9-11 and all that information. It is though likely that she is right. Taken the time to think about it in a way that I am not really at all accustomed to (objectively) I would have to say that ponerology has been a struggle for me to ingest. Perhaps it is half the issue with my current health issue(s).
Qouting "[Laura] Taking this "key" literally, if a person has problems or
feels "attacked" or is suffering in any way, they have only to
search their own mind to discover that they are holding on to a
belief or an assumption that is an obsession. I have found this to
be true in my own life, as well as the lives of others. If there are
problems, illness, difficulties of all kinds, then one is obsessed
in some way with a false belief. No exceptions. [The Wave, Chapter
XLII] " -end qoute
Back to the subject. I know when I saw the Pentagon Strike video it took some real adjustment to my reality and a whole lot of anger, hurt and frustration to accept. For me my website has been a source of release that in my opinion has helped me to remain (semi-)sane instead of overly angry. I think the difficulty for me in writing about these things is mostly a lack of knowledge or understanding of some psychological concepts that are a little over my head, or so I think them to be. Though I have a lack of understanding of these things I have read a bit on them, maybe they have not yet sunk in, then there is also the fact that maybe I am having trouble acknowledging that there really are psychopaths 100%.
It seems so much easier to attack the regime. Then living always on the offensive can be a real stresser and induce alot of fear and paranoia from myself toward others. I have really enjoyed the articles such as "Crisis of the Republic" (Henry See). They seem very on target and factual. Maybe I am not asking enough questions in trying to strike a balance between my overly subjective activity (bitching whining and moaning about the bush regime) and my usual lack of Objectivity (giving thought to my reaction(s) about the bulk of lifes situations). I have studied these concepts they just do not sink in real well, or they are just being buffered.
I guess I should read further into 9-11 the ultimate truth and get a better perspective on both 9-11 and Ponerolgy.
If you chance a look at the video link below (as an example) I seem to be getting it, I think, but at the same time I sit back and watch this and several of the videos I have done (obsessively?) and still learn from my little works of trying to grow in the greater work.
I am not claiming the video to be a master piece, I am saying if there is something to be taken or learned by the viewer that I still get something from watching it/them and that my ego does not ride on its concept nor corrrectness or is an attempt at showing what "I know" cause certainly "I don't know." Looking back over all this I guess it sounds confusing enough, DOH! 8)
noise said:
If you chance a look at the video link below (as an example) I seem to be getting it, I think, but at the same time I sit back and watch this and several of the videos I have done (obsessively?) and still learn from my little works of trying to grow in the greater work.
I am not claiming the video to be a master piece, I am saying if there is something to be taken or learned by the viewer that I still get something from watching it/them and that my ego does not ride on its concept nor corrrectness or is an attempt at showing what "I know" cause certainly "I don't know." Looking back over all this I guess it sounds confusing enough, DOH! 8)
I enjoyed your video. Full of energy and committment and some nice editing too. Lot 'a work there.

Sounds to me like you have a good idea as to what's going on in your head in terms of circular thinking and what is more obviously subjective. Don't give up or get down-hearted. If you effect just one person with your work then it is all to the good. Perhaps your level of creativity and its quality is dependent on how much you can attend to what is really going on in your mind at various levels? What can help you keep producing and refining your work? Knowledge as you stated. It's a parallel process after all.

noise said:
<<snipped>> I would have to say that ponerology has been a struggle for me to ingest. Perhaps it is half the issue with my current health issue(s).

Qouting "[Laura] Taking this "key" literally, if a person has problems or
feels "attacked" or is suffering in any way, they have only to
search their own mind to discover that they are holding on to a
belief or an assumption that is an obsession. I have found this to
be true in my own life, as well as the lives of others. If there are
problems, illness, difficulties of all kinds, then one is obsessed
in some way with a false belief. No exceptions. [The Wave, Chapter
XLII] " -end qoute

Though I have a lack of understanding of these things I have read a bit on them, maybe they have not yet sunk in, then there is also the fact that maybe I am having trouble acknowledging that there really are psychopaths 100%. It seems so much easier to attack the regime.
I have studied these concepts they just do not sink in real well, or they are just being buffered. I guess I should read further into 9-11 the ultimate truth and get a better perspective on both 9-11 and Ponerolgy. <<snipped>>
Hi noise,
After reading your remarks and watching your video The Matrix Reality Shift, (very well done, BTW), I'm wondering if you are having trouble letting go of a concept of 'the enemy' being the Bush administration, and have yet to come to fully grok the 'hyperdimensionality' aspect. Perhaps that is where you are "obsessed in some way with a false belief?"

As Laura says:
Since the sickness of society is a recurring one, and that is the foundation of it, whether it is a coup here, or a president assassinated there, or airplanes flown into a building, or an illegal war (one of many), that is what we ought to begin to address. That is something that the guys down at the truck stop can grok. That is what any person who has been in an abusive relationship can connect with. And once they do that, and realize that this can happen on a much larger scale, then it won't be so hard to deal with the 9-11 issue. Or so it seems to me.
Perhaps your energy needs to be re-directed from a possible 'obsession' with Bush to a greater study of this "sickness" of Ponerology? Perhaps, like me, you will find this easier to grok by first understanding it on a smaller scale, from within your own life experiences? While this process can be quite painful, it has been invaluable to me.

Hi Lucy,

I think you may very well be right. My level of meditation and thoughts on certain aspects of my own life are at best rare. I use a device (nun chukus) to meditate with while I watch the videos I have made, I think about things while I am spinning them around and watching the videos and of course just concentrate on my own anger and how I would like to.. well anyway. It could be that I could/should focus on other issues and have a more relaxing state of meditation. 8)
Thanks for your input I appreciate it as well as that of the whole group here and in casschat. I really got to work on deciphering this whole subjective/objective thing to help me see the difference in each and the use thereof in my thoughts/emotions/feelings and actions. To be able to see the difference more consistently so as to make choices that are more objective wise or helpful to myself and others in various situations vs. acting out of selfishness and what I want or to get my own way and instead find a happy middle ground not based on emotion, fatigue (internal, external).. if that makes sense.
I took the idea of both sides and put the idea through the mill with the best of my ability and came up with this article. I strived for a middle ground between 9-11 and psychopathy to the best of my ability.
BTW I am still heavily involved in this conversation even if no one else is. 8)
/me curtsies
noise said:
I took the idea of both sides and put the idea through the mill with the best of my ability and came up with this article. I strived for a middle ground between 9-11 and psychopathy to the best of my ability.
BTW I am still heavily involved in this conversation even if no one else is. 8)
/me curtsies
Hi All, I'm not sure if this is so much about 'sides' as getting people to see how much of a chicken coop this planet is, and we of course, are the chickens who inhabit it. This may be a bit too far along to acheive and for many people they simply will not 'get' it, mostly because they don't want to.

This brings into play the idea that 'as below, then so above' and the consequences of not being the top of the food chain is VERY hard to handle for the majority of people who simply reject it outright.

Its no wonder they can't get past the question of 'but then what happened to the passengers of flight 77?' if the implications are so shattering. Ask yourself, what happens to chickens who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or carry a virus, or who's existence is NOT expedient to the PTB? Same thing happened to the passengers of flight 77. Same thing probably happened to those 'agents' who were pretending to be Arab hijackers. Maybe they didn't even know they were supposed to be pretending to be Arab hijackers, they were just expendable chickens...

Humans think they are important to the PTB when they actually are not. The life of a chicken is not important to its owner, afterall. Once you get over this hurdle, many peoples eyes will be opened. But many people will defend to the death their precious illusions.

Or as the Cs put it in 950121
Q: (L) Let me ask this one before the tape runs out and we take a break. What is the "ultimate secret" being protected
by the Consortium?
A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.

I can see that there are a lot easier things to believe than this.
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