Baby Bush Toys


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Attention to all parents in SOTT forum land. Does your child spend many long hours staring at lawn furniture, eating large tufts of grass, or talking gibberish to the lint in his belly button? Does he intentionally walk into walls, jab his own eye with his finger over and over, or scream in abject horror at the sound of Islamic languages? Then Baby Bush Toys are for you!

Baby Bush Toys offer a wide array of specially designed toys for the aspiring Furher, guaranteed not to be overly complicated by those crazy things called "discernment" or "abstract" or "grey areas". Perfect for the pre-programmed child who can't walk and blink at the same time.

Baby Bush Toys said:
Many of today's children's products are focused solely on finding "the right answer". All of our toys have multiple correct answers, except some that don't even have answers. Or questions.
Here are the products I ordered for my children ... well, products I will order if I live long enough to have any.

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