Well, Obama won. Both McCain and Obama reminded everyone in their speeches that if anyone doubts that America is still free and has fully functional democracy, then this election should somehow prove that fact (not sure how..). Obama said the government is still by the people, of the people, and for the people. I mean, can a lie be more blatant than that? That has never been true in America's history ever, and especially not now. So right there he's either really naive or a liar. Some argue that he has to "pretend" to play along with the PTB so he can get power and undermine them somehow. But what is the basis of this idea? This could be said about any politician in history of humanity that sold ideas of hope and change, but so far that never happened. Why should now be suddenly different?
It never happened before because it is impossible, it is the people and only the people who can change things. But if Obama keeps lying to the people about their true situation and actively helps maintain their sleep and comfortable illusions, then how is he going to change anything? Americans have been prepared by the media to expect an assassination, and that's basically a message to Obama to always keep in mind the hand that feeds him, and how easily that food can be deprived.
What power does Obama have behind the scenes? Remember what "V" said, a man can be stopped, killed, shut down. An idea cannot. Until Obama starts telling the people the truth (which he hasn't been, and obviously will not suddenly start in the future) there is no idea behind him, he's just a man. And as a man he's powerless. Unfortunately historically anybody that went directly to the people and started telling them the truth kinda got shot.
But as the C's say, let's wait and see. There is no better proof of a pudding (or rotten fruit) than in the eating. Chances are, Obama will not openly defy Americans. He will just be "forced" into things by circumstance. Bad things will just "happen" and poor Obama will be forced to respond. Of course the real source of those bad things will be hidden from us and we'll be asked to trust our government when they tell us the nature of the problem and how it must be solved. We cannot ask for evidence because that's a matter of national security, as always. Fortunately, wishful thinking leaves lots of holes, which SOTT will inevitably find and put on display. But for how much longer?
Watching all those hopeful and happy/crying faces tonight was unsettling. America is so easy to pacify like a crying baby. Baby America is happily sucking on its pacifier once again but the baby carriage continues to accelerate into traffic. So what's about to happen? I don't know if I want to "wait and see" on this one..