Barbara Honneger


The Force is Strong With This One
Not too long ago I became convinced that the weakest link in the entire 911 scam was the Pentagon 'attack'.

It was obvious that the sexier, phallic-like twin towers and their horrific demise was designed to draw the public's attention away from the Pentagon strike and the downed plane in Pennsylvania.

There are mountains of evidence proving that Flight 77 did not strike the Pentagon.

Until recently, no one has put all of the available evidence together in a comprehensive manner.

Barbara Honneger has done so.

She has a book coming out on the Pentagon attack. She has a DVD released on this.
And there is a wonderful 3 hour talk that is available on Youtube here:

God bless this woman and the work she has done!
Anyone who was confused about the pristine lawn at the Pentagon, the plane parts found, the explosions etc. should check out the above video.

No one to date, has put together all of the pieces of the Pentagon puzzle better than Barbara has.
Thoughtful said:
Not too long ago I became convinced that the weakest link in the entire 911 scam was the Pentagon 'attack'.

If you have not done so Thoughtful, try reading Laura & Joe's book '911 The Ultimate Truth', which focuses on the Pentagon in some detail. Also, the video, the 'Pentagon Strike' by the same authors and SOTT made a foundational platform for many.

The link you provide features a 3+ hour film, so will check it out.
voyageur said:
The link you provide features a 3+ hour film, so will check it out.

I have read a lot about what happened and probably happened at the Pentagon on 911.

Barbara is the first however to show there was real plane wreckage at the Pentagon, but not at the location everyone thinks it should have been situated at.

And the plane wreckage was not from Flight 77!

These were true revelations to me. I would wager that the vast majority of 911 truthers are still not aware of this.

As is often the case however, Barbara is not the best candidate to tell her own story.
She rambles a fair bit and her power-point presentation is just too dense and full of too many capitalized words.

She has an extremely important story to share. She should hire a professional speaker who is fluid, captivating and concise in their delivery.

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