Beyond Psychopath-The science of a new human species


The Force is Strong With This One
We have all grown accustomed to the idea of the killer psychopath. The serial killer who hunts his prey with evil intent and bloodlust in their mind. It is an image that has made a lot of people in Hollywood a lot of money and it has served to establish the far reaches of what we consider aberrant human behavior. It is no secret that many researchers in psychology and psychiatry believe that a great deal of senior executives at Fortune 100 companies as well as many politicians are in fact psychopaths. This idea is based on what we as a society have established as the norms for defining and diagnosing psychopathy. For the Federal Bureau of Prisons the is represented by the Hare Scale. The scale was developed by Dr. Robert Hare with the idea that there should be an objective and established standard to be used when assessing a prisoner. The scale has been revised and is now used not only in the penal system, but by other government and private institutions as well. It is considered to be the gold standard for determining psychopathy. The scale is outlined below. It is divided into two principal factors:

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)
Callousness; lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for his or her own actions

Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle."
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems
Revocation of conditional release
Traits not correlated with either factor
Promiscuous sexual behavior
Many short-term (marital) relationships
Criminal versatility
Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning (Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e., a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive)

Upon inspection of the above points one might observe that a number of them appear to be highly subjective. That is the case by design and upon study of the development of the scale it is clear it is meant to address the invariably subjective nature of any analysis involving the human mind and psychology. The scale has served its purpose well, it has been put through as rigorous a review as such a device must and has been found to be the best basic standard for establishing psychopathic behavior. Advances in technology and scientific exploration of the mind and its processes, however, have served to bring a plausibel answer to a concern that several noted researchers have brought up over the years as it relates to the scale. Most of these scientists and criminalists have posited the concept that the scale seems to be in a state of almost constant flux. That is to say, whenever an individual seems to display what we would consider psychopathic or predatory behavior, but does NOT seem to fall within the guidelines set out in the Hare scale, the scale is somehow 'reverse engineered' in order to encompass the behavior. So, an individual who does not fit the guidelines, but still engages in what society considers to be psychopathic behavior is 'forcibly' fit into the definition of 'psychopath'. Upon broad analysis it is not too difficult to understand why this is the case, the thinking being 'What else could someone be?' And here is where the new science comes in.

Researchers in forensic psychiatry, forensic genomics and evolutionary biology have posited the idea that there is another species of human sharing the planet with us. After some research of my own I have found that it is an opinion shared by prosecutors, policemen and defense attorneys. (More on that later.) At least one other species, if not more. The etymology and science involved in establishing the existence of a new species are far too complex and indeed lengthy to make for a good post on a forum such as this one. So, I will attempt to encapsulate the basic idea as succinctly and clearly as possible. If you are looking to respond to this post with a thirty page diatribe of the exact science, please understand that while fascinating, I am sure, it is far too dry to try to encompass completely in a forum post. It is really a pretty straight forward concept once you get past the precept that if it looks human and it acts human it must be human. That seems to be the 'breaking point' when it comes to this science and it principal idea. We have been taught from the time we were toddlers and over generations to simply take as established fact that we are the highest species on the food chain. Any claim that this might not be the case is simply dismissed as science fiction. We are perfectly fine in the understanding that there are many races the share the planet, but a different species is simply not something we are taught or indeed allowed to consider. It is in fact science, but the fiction is gone.

Evolutionary biology researchers have established that we did not evolve from neanderthals, as previously believed. There was a member of the Homo sapiens species on earth 65,000 years before the neanderthal. Homo sapiens idaltu was a human species with very similar facial features, larger bone structure and musculature. The species was discovered in 2003 and anthropologists and archaeologists are still attempting to establish a baseline relative to their society. In any case, the point is that Homo sapiens sapiens, the definition of modern man, has clearly not been the only species of human on the planet. Why would we contrive to imagine that evolution has stopped with us, that unlike every other species on the planet we have not evolved at all in thirty thousand years?

The basic precept of Darwin's contributions are based on the simple idea that a species will, over time, adapt to better survive in its environment and to procreate and thus ensure the survival of the species. Survival of the fittest is alive and well, even when it comes to humans and the new species. And it is this premise on which the new science is most firmly founded. Is is the scientific definition of evolution we must rely upon, not the common idea of evolution as enlightenment. That is not to say that this new posited species in entirely without a higher intellect, it is simply that the context we most often associate predatory behavior is devolution or even savagery. It is important to establish that there is quite a difference between predatory behavior based on the context of Darwin's core idea and predatory behavior as defined in the context of the psychopath. It is a subtle, but clear difference for predatory psychopathic behavior is usually driven by a desire for an intimately personal satisfaction without regard for a long-term strategy or any sort of natural inclination for self-preservation, however that self-preservation might come.

My interest in the subject came about as I spent most of my law school years working for both the district attorney and public defender in San Diego county. During that time I had the opportunity to engage in a number of murder cases, most of these were driven by typical human failings, greed, drug addiction, jealousy and the normal mental deficiencies, schizophrenia and psychopathy. There were a few cases, however, where the defendant appeared to have engaged in almost purely predatory behavior, not driven by drugs or greed or jealousy, but by a simple and clear desire to hunt humans. As it was explored further, this desire was driven by their idea that the stronger were meant to prey on the weak. It was when their defense attorneys explored the idea of psychopathy and when, after being examined by psychiatrists and found to not fit the standard definition utilizing the established norms, that the idea first came in. Not surprisingly, the defense attorneys found psychologists or psychiatrists who were more than able to stretch the scale and norms in order to 'fit' their clients into the definition and thus we see how the definition of the psychopath is ever expanding.

The DA likewise utilized psychiatrists to establish that the accused simply engaged in clear predatory behavior, not affected by any mental deficiency, but rather driven by 'evil'. Clearly this last concept of moral 'evil' was borne of a desire to secure a conviction rather than establishing any sort of legal definition. And it was the legal implications of such a scientific finding that finally captured my full curiosity about the possibility of a new species. How would the law receive such a declaration by the scientific community? If there is an individual who, from birth has the clear and undeniable desire, the instinct to hunt other humans, who possess distinct physiology, physiology observed in a significant number of individuals, whose mental cognitive processes are also markedly different from those of 'normal' human and who clearly do not fit the traditional definition of psychopathy, then should it not stand to reason that somewhere science would begin to establish another plausible answer? And is it not then clear that the way in which law encompasses human interaction would likewise need to establish new guidelines, particularly in criminal law?

Thinking about it from the traditional view of evolved behavior, one of my first questions for the experts I consulted was: Why should it be that if there is indeed a different and distinct species we would end up finding them at the very extreme of what we consider to be aberrant human behavior? If there is a new species why did we not first define it along a different set of behaviors? The answer I received was as simple and logical as it was satisfying. They encountered the new species at the most aberrant end of the spectrum of human behavior because it is that end which is engaged in the most continuous research into the human mind. That research is obviously based on the desire to understand the why of such behavior, but since it is limited by what has been established as the human behavior spectrum it must, by definition, be also limited to find all behavior to be human. These scientists and researchers have simply gone beyond the defined limitations of human behavior. Science and to an even greater extent technology have served to confirm what were once simply hypotheses and to uncover previously unknown physiological and biological processes within the brain. So, while previously speculation about a distinctly different human species was based simply on observed behavior, it is now buttressed by clearly established differences in physiology, cognition processes, genetics and evolutionary biology.

In order to consider the idea fully, I found that an inspection of the idea of 'evil' as it is assigned to human behavior must be explored. Evil as we commonly use it and consider it is clearly based on religious and moral traditions. Indeed it is the common nemesis across most established Christian religions and thus has been incorporated in to the very foundation of society. Evil is often used to explain the reasons that one engages is the wanton and often brutal behavior assigned to the psychopath when other plausible mental deficiencies are found wanting. Thus, if a psychopath engages in predatory behavior, but has not suffered childhood trauma, is not driven by drugs or greed, is able to feel true empathy and otherwise fails to fit into the established norms for psychopathy, we often turn to 'they are driven to it by evil' or 'they do it because they are evil'. I cannot speak to the influence that parapsychology, spiritual and religious beliefs and paranormal effects may have on what we might consider evil behavior, but clearly there is a place for such elements is the refinement of our understanding of human mental processes, even if a new species exists. We just need to make sure that we consider the moral and religious implications in their proper context. Evil, as an abstract concept, is as subjective and relative as love and hate. They all have their proper place in the well of human interactions.

And here we go back to the beginning. We established the idea that there may be a significant number of what we have heretofore known as psychopaths controlling significant areas of industry, politics, media, etc. We are to observe, however, that traditional considerations and notions of psychopathy have long established the idea that while psychopaths' lack of empathy, manipulative nature, complete lack of scruples and compunction may afford them a decided advantage relative to normal humans in an extremely competitive environment, their inability to form true deep relationships and their lack of consideration of the danger their activities may pose to themselves and others, all serve to keep them in check. As I see it, now there is an alternative idea of who it is that runs countless companies, develops new legislation and makes decisions about what we read, see and hear. It is an idea that makes more sense to me because it is based on sound scientific principles and research and has been further validated by the insights that new and groundbreaking technology has afforded us.

So what are the implications of this concept as it relates to us from a practical level? What truly sunk the hook of curiosity about this science for me were the legal implications if such a finding were to be made. And it is not only from a purely theoretical point of view that this can be considered. In 2011 a man in Tennessee was facing murder charges after having killed three people. He was almost certain to receive the death penalty given that there was little dispute as to whether he did what he was accused of doing. His lawyers, hoping to keep him from death row, engaged the services of scientists to establish that this individual's genetics predisposed him to violence, essentially dooming him to do precisely what he did. The idea was not that he was powerless to control his behavior, but rather that his genetic makeup, the way he was born, made it significantly harder for him to avoid doing what he did than it would be for 'normal' humans. His legal team simply hoped to keep him from being put to death, but what they achieved was far more. He was convicted of VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER rather than first degree murder and the science of forensic genomics gained a firm foothold in the courtroom. Experts anticipate that this science will have a more significan impact in courtrooms than even DNA identification. I do not know if that is in fact the case, but it sure seems as though it will be monumental in its implications. This case inspired me to write a novel utilizing a combination of the new science I was exploring and what happened in that courtroom.

The premise of the novel is this: What if a man with unique skills, say former military, found out about this science as a result of his daughter's murder and decided to kill the murdered? And what if he defended himself in court by claiming that what he shot and killed was simply not human, but a different and distinct species? And even more significantly, what if he found out that his daughter's killer was a drop in the bucket, just one individual engaged in his own project and that there were other members of the species in positions of power, all hunting and with access to incredible resources? The idea is to write a series that follows this man across the broad range of scenarios and circumstances where these beings are engaged in predatory behavior. Politics, business, science, etc. would all be places where these beings could inflict incredible damage as they prey on humans.

I wrote the novel and engaged in the traditional process for publishing a book: finding an agent, publisher, marketing the book, etc. Any author will tell you that this process is incredibly difficult. Getting an agent to pick you up or a publisher to publish your book is harder than becoming a working actor, in my opinion. Not to mention selling the book once it gets published. Having published two previous non-fiction books I was pretty well-versed on the process and knew that I had to have a thick skin to accept all of the rejections by agents and publishers. What ended up happening, however, completely re-calibrated my idea of the process and even more, it turned me from a complete and utter skeptic of alternative news and ideas or conspiracy theories, into a complete advocate and believer in NWO and other alternative concepts, including those within Cassiopaea. That may not seem like a big deal to you 20-somethings and 30-somethings, but for someone who is 46 years old and who felt his general view of reality and the world was pretty much set, it is absolutely monumental. I will chronicle what happened in a separate post within this site because it does not really belong within the psychology and cognitive science section of the site.

In summary, there is credible and groundbreaking science that posits the existence of another species of human besides Homo sapiens sapiens higher on the food chain. These individuals have heretofore been defined as psychopaths or as having some sort of 'personality disorder.' The boundaries and norms that have historically been used to diagnose psychopathy are in constant flux changing in order to be able to encompass the ever-expanding nature of our understanding of aberrant human behavior. Many scientists and other experts believe that individuals who are in high levels of politics, science, media and education are more likely members of this new species rather than psychopaths of sociopaths as has been believed. The science of forensic genomics, a science which provides another standard of justice for those who have a certain genetic makeup has set a precedent in criminal court.

I would greatly appreciate feedback on this piece or any other contributions that the reader might want to afford it. Please keep your replies or comments relevant to the topic and please refrain from going into a diatribe about the moral and religious implications. They are valuable, to be sure, but it is quite difficult to engage in healthy and fruitful discussions when 'because that's what the Bible says' is the main support for an argument. You can agree or disagree with some, most or all of this post, the impetus for writing it was engendering discussion and new ideas.
Hi JAFaura you have to introduce yourself in the newbie section before to post in the forum!
The info you gave is pretty much here in the forum in some different sections.. Maybe you want to try the search function to find anything you want about this subject.. You did a pretty well resume! Btw Have you read about organic portals?
Very interesting. Sounds very much like my own work on psychopathy as well as the work of Andrew Lobaczewski.

Your last paragraph indicates that you are not very familiar with our work. Please re-read the forum guidelines.

Also: have you found a publisher?
sounds pretty interesting to me too and I would be interested in investigating/learning/reading more of what you are describing.

irjO said:
Hi JAFaura you have to introduce yourself in the newbie section before to post in the forum!
The info you gave is pretty much here in the forum in some different sections.. Maybe you want to try the search function to find anything you want about this subject.. You did a pretty well resume! Btw Have you read about organic portals?

"Hi JAFaura you have to introduce yourself in the newbie section before to post in the forum!"

Well somebody who is new to this forum doesn't "have to introduce himself in the newbie section before to post in the forum!".
It is not a requirement or obligation as as far as I know. It is just a recommendation for new members to introduce themself there, so we know better to whom we talk to and how and why they found this forum. Sort of a "get to know each other".

It is my understanding that anybody can post something here as long as it is in accordance with the guidelines of this forum and that you do not have to introduce yourself in the newbie section before you can post something here.

I just wanted to point that out, since irjO's statement could be interpreted in another way (Wich I think was not his intention ;))
Welcome to the forum, JAFaura!

JAFaura said:
So what are the implications of this concept as it relates to us from a practical level? What truly sunk the hook of curiosity about this science for me were the legal implications if such a finding were to be made.

An interesting approach indeed, and a very good and important question, I think. So what are (or can be) the implications for us? I can see how it can change, or challenge, the whole legal system, but other than that? Does it really matter for other disciplines of science and for us, practically, whether we consider them a sub-species, as Lobaczewski and others suggested, or another species altogether?

The problem with such classification attempts as I see is, first and foremost, how one can reach any valid conclusion here if there is no one established definition of what exactly a species is. In this light, isn't it a rather futile effort that accounts to simply shifting the problem from what psychopathy is to what a species is? I mean, what you gain is no more need to expand one definition while the price you have to pay is getting into even bigger trouble with another one. :huh:

Nevertheless, it would be interesting to know more of the science they do in that area.
Pashalis said:
I just wanted to point that out, since irjO's statement could be interpreted in another way (Wich I think was not his intention ;))

Nop it wasn't my intention to sound like that! i know is not an obligation to do that but it may be good because we can learn a little bit about the background of the person when they enter to this forum (I think that's why there is that section) and i apologize if it sounded that way! :-[
First and foremost, I apologize for any violation of etiquette relative to posting in the forum. I actually came upon the forum as a suggestion from one of the STT folks and followed their exact directions as to how to go about posting in the forum. I will remedy it by posting my information in the newbie section as suggested. I also wanted to thank you all for reading and responding, dialogue, whether it agrees or disagrees, is I believe the sustenance of brilliance, regardless of the pursuit.

Likewise, I will also do a search for some of the other posts in the forum in order to locate the information referenced, particularly the information about the work of Andrew Lobaczewski and Laura. As a new user and contributor I am sure it will take a bit of time to get acquainted with the most effective and efficient way to contribute. In the meantime, if you want to reference your own work or something else, it would be most helpful if you could simply tell me the title of the work or provide a link rather than simply refer me to the 'Search' function. I reviewed the guidelines for posting and cannot see where I failed in that regard, while there is undoubtedly other work relative to what I wrote, I did not find anything within the same context.

Reference was made to the last paragraph in which I state that healthy discussion is difficult when the main support for an idea is 'because that's what the Bible says' and I want to clarify. Perhaps I should have qualified it by saying healthy SCIENTIFIC discussion is difficult when religion is put forth as the support for a particular view. I did specify that any view or point of view based on religious and moral traditions is of value to be sure, I just happen to be of the belief that discussions of scientific topics which encompass religion have to, by definition, include a serious dose of faith. Faith in the Bible, the Q'ran, the Torah, in Jesus, Mohamed, etc. that's what makes them a religion. I wanted the discussion of this topic to be limited to scientific and practical terms supporter with research and tangible information, however. I meant no disrespect to Christianity nor to any other religion, I simply choose to not include a religious component in my research or discussions of it.

It is true that without certainty we might be inviting more trouble by exploring other ideas relative to species, but I believe that there is in fact a reason for the exploration of the concept of a new species or subspecies. While I am not a scientist, I know enough about psychology and psychiatry to understand that anytime we might be able to attach deviant human behavior to specific brain processes we come closer to understanding the mysteries of the brain. A finding or diagnosis of psychopathy becomes somewhat suspect when the definition of psychopathy is ever expanding. In researching the topic, I have had an opportunity to speak with researchers who are on the bleeding edge of science and who are convinced that based on the combination of behavior, physiology and biological evolution we are almost certainly looking at a distinct species from Homo sapiens sapiens.

As for practical implications, the legal ones are not to be taken lightly. Consider the case from Tennessee that I mentioned. A man was spared the death penalty because jurors believe his genetic makeup predisposed him to kill. In other words, a different standard of justice was applied. As science is better able to make the distinction between human and 'something else' we are sure to see more cases like this. I did not want to pursue some of the questions I had as this came to be the case because honestly they were too mind numbing to even think about. Consider, we have enough trouble as a society with inter-racial marriage, what would we do with inter-species marriage? Would there be a bias or 'specism'? And how do we treat those who, once science is able to identify them from birth, are found to be from a species other than Homo sapiens sapiens?

The practical issues in this regard are enormous. It was those considerations that drove me to write the novel. The question that sparked the impetus for the novel was: If a serial murderer was found to be something other than human, what would be the legal implications if one of the family members of his victims chose to kill the murderer? Could he be charged with murder, which after all is defined as one HUMAN killing another HUMAN with malice aforethought. I participated in enough murder trials during law school to know that by rote. Until know the only things to be decided in a murder trial is the who, how and why of the crime, the question of whether the victim was indeed human has not yet been considered, but I believe that will change soon.

In any case, I will read the work referenced in your replies in detail and will correct or modify my contributions accordingly. Part of my impetus for posting here was to learn more about the topic from others who may be better positioned to comment, so I welcome any such references or suggestions, again as long as they are not based on religious belief.

My novel is the first in a series and the more I can learn about the science from learned sources, the better and more true to science the series will be. An agent has the entire manuscript and is reviewing, but the book is basically ready for publishing. I will post my experience trying to get it published in a separate post within Psychology & Cognitive Sciences. I know I said I'd post it in another section, but reading your replies I think this one fits best. It really was a most curious situation. Again thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
Re: publishing. You don't have to have a mainstream publisher, you can publish yourself via amazon both print and E books.

There are a LOT of threads and posts in this forum about psychopathy from many angles. I've speculated on the origins in articles and in my most recent book "Comets and the Horns of Moses."

The cass org website has a section devoted to psychopathy material both by myself and with important selections from experts.

You can poke around in the forum, use the search function, and dig up all kinds of interesting things.
JAFaura said:
And how do we treat those who, once science is able to identify them from birth, are found to be from a species other than Homo sapiens sapiens?

You might want to ask yourself: who is the "we" in the above? - since it is likely that the majority of those in control of our governments, institutions, corporations, and just about any other major control function could be classified as members of this species. This might add another dimension to your question above.
JAFaura said:
In any case, the point is that Homo sapiens sapiens, the definition of modern man, has clearly not been the only species of human on the planet. Why would we contrive to imagine that evolution has stopped with us, that unlike every other species on the planet we have not evolved at all in thirty thousand years?

I really like this angle, and this sentence has me rethinking the history of psychopathy. I had considered the psychopath to be something like a prepackaged meal, always lurking in the freezer but not exactly adaptable. But it makes sense that as a 'species', homo psycho would evolve like any other life form on the planet.

If presented well in a fiction book, the idea that these protostoric species of 'man' have not simply disappeared, but have evolved just as much as homo sapiens sapiens, might be a bestselling intrigue (Clan of the Cave Bear type romance?). Each species would have their genetic jumps when the cosmic influences were right, but with two very different universal purposes. And by the present date, the predator species would have certainly developed a refined camouflage while the other developed compassion, creativity, empathy, community in the midst of the general turmoil perpetrated by their competitors.

Of course, I highly recommend Laura's work to open up an alternative view of the why? and what? behind psychopathy. Surely there is some cosmological reason for their, and our, existence? As LQB mentioned, there are lots of dimensions to be explored here.

Good luck with your project, it strikes me as timely and fascinating!
JAFaura said:
First and foremost, I apologize for any violation of etiquette relative to posting in the forum.

No violation so far. You are doing fine.

Likewise, I will also do a search for some of the other posts in the forum in order to locate the information referenced, particularly the information about the work of Andrew Lobaczewski and Laura.

You might also want to check out The Rabbit Hole bookstore and/or
Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski is a must read if you are interested in psychopathy.

I did not want to pursue some of the questions I had as this came to be the case because honestly they were too mind numbing to even think about. Consider, we have enough trouble as a society with inter-racial marriage, what would we do with inter-species marriage? Would there be a bias or 'specism'? And how do we treat those who, once science is able to identify them from birth, are found to be from a species other than Homo sapiens sapiens?

I may be wrong, but I think you're making an assumption here that you're not fully aware of. As you mentioned before, that's 'them' who occupy the power positions in most areas. What can happen if we are found to be a separate species? Even without the distinction, they are used to think higher about themselves. A question that should not be ignored IMO is: "how will they treat those who, once science is able to identify them/us from birth, are found to be from a species other than Homo sapiens psycho?" Because, what may happen is that we have nothing to say anymore... Just another aspect to give you shivers.

In other words, that's a question of who is doing the research and who is going to benefit of the outcome. History comes to mind and its lessons that should not be ignored or taken lightly.

But... What I was going to do is asking a question: Would it be possible for you to provide more specific information? Any papers and/or articles published, any references?
Thank you for the response and for the reference material. While I was unable to cite every expert that I have spoken with in my quest, I can assure you it has been very extensive, although I must admit that I have no fully explore the esoteric or cosmological angles of the topic. I am planning on posting the story that brought me to STT and then to Cassiopaea. I believe that story may provide some insight as to the perspective I have pursued in my research and my writing. While I am certain that there are indeed a number of other great approaches to the science of psychopathy and an alternative species, my pursuits necessitate me limiting the discussion to the things I can intelligently comment about, which is why, while I mention the fact that alternative ideas are fascinating, I steered the discussion down the path of traditional science and research.

That does not mean that what I have found will be presented through traditional channels, not does it mean that I have not come to my own conclusions relative to the spiritual, philosophical and moral implications of the findings. If someone involved in those pursuits presents me with some of their conclusions I would not simply ignore them or discount their value. Indeed, if there was an appropriate context for what they provide I would look to incorporate it into my own project. I will explore some of these alternative ideas as a rounding out of my understanding as I am able to, but unfortunately the topic is so vast and that I do not feel I would ever be learned enough to comment on them. So, unless there's a specific aspect of someone's work someone wants me to comment on or consider, I need to keep the bulk of my time within the confines I feel well versed enough to comment on.

The book and the follow up series follows a man, a senior security and intelligence executive and former military officer, as he is pulled into a world he never suspected by a tragic even: the kidnapping and murder of his daughter. As he looks for answers for what happened to her, he discovers a science he had never heard about, the science of a new predator. The initial book follows him through the tragedy in his own life, his research into the science and the realization that what happened to him is only the beginning. He realizes that these beings permeate almost every area of human endeavor at the highest levels. He also meets a neuropsychologist and researcher of a different kind. Not someone who is trying to further the science, but someone who long ago realized who and what these individuals were and went about focusing their efforts and helping them to understand their inborn inclinations and urges. So, a 30-something who has believed his whole life he was a monster and deeply flawed is instead liberated and inspired by an understanding that there is nothing wrong with him, that he is simply the next step in evolution. Politicians, CEOs, captains of industry and media, dictators, there is no area left untouched. The series will follow him as he tracks and deals with these beings in a range of situations with his nemesis always lurking close by.

As I mentioned in the initial post, I have had two books published through the traditional publishing process (agent, publisher, marketing, etc.) and having completed two novels I have explored the process in great detail. I am well-versed in the traditional process, as well as almost every permutation of the self-publishing process (createspace, Lightning Source, ADP, etc.) For anyone interested Guy Kawasaki's book APE:Author, Publisher and Entrepreneur is one of the best books on the topic. is also a great resource where you can download applications to develop a cover, design an interior, format eBooks, etc. for $79 a year. As I wait for the agent to read the manuscript I have used all these resources to get the book ready to publish. In any case, my post regarding the publishing experience should give a bit more insight. In that post I will ask folks if they'd like to receive an electronic version of the finished book in exchange for providing their feedback, good, bad or indifferent. If you'd like a copy of the book please send me a request at Just put the email address you'd like the book sent to and I will send it to you as a Word attachment. I do not sell anything so your email is safe. You might get another email from me to announce the books is published, but that would be it.

To Possibility of Being: Thank you so much for your response. I'll try to address your points. You make a very valid point that the findings from the research will most likely be shaped not so much by the researchers, but by those who would be most affected by such a finding. It is true that history teaches us that the flow of information has traditionally been molded, edited and even censored by those who have the power to determine what we read and even how we think about it. But I think that the access of information, the ability of those with the intelligence and courage to present alternative ideas in a credible and ubiquitous medium, affords us and future generations with a resource that generations before us never had. This forum, this site, STT and other sites like them are proof of that. As far as articles and papers addressing the specific topic of an alternative species, I have had a very hard time finding any. Almost everything I have found is contained within papers about another related topic. A great deal of what I have is based on personal conversations with the authors of some of these papers, the ones that were willing to speak with me. If you find ANY articles or papers, PLEASE send me a quick note as I have been scouring the web for anything substantial. One researcher in particular who has been incredibly helpful has been Dr. James Fallon from UC Irvine. He has done some great work on the physiological and genetic aspects of psychopathy. Dr. Karen Wynn from Yale has also done some outstanding work on infant cognition and determining the innate 'goodness' of human babies. I believe that LAURA might find some of her work relevant to some of her own findings. The post about my book should also provide you with some insight as to the reasons we might have a hard time finding published articles and papers.
JAFaura said:
As far as articles and papers addressing the specific topic of an alternative species, I have had a very hard time finding any. Almost everything I have found is contained within papers about another related topic. A great deal of what I have is based on personal conversations with the authors of some of these papers, the ones that were willing to speak with me. If you find ANY articles or papers, PLEASE send me a quick note as I have been scouring the web for anything substantial.

Andrew Lobaczewski was probably the first to propose that psychopaths are a different species. As was mentioned, you can buy his book from amazon. I recently found these (long) summaries of the book online, and they're pretty comprehensive, so check them out while you're waiting for the book!

Thank you for the references. You're right, they are long! There are a couple of distinctions, however, to be made between what AL writes and posits about and my own pursuits. Almost everything he writes about is borne from the concept of 'evil' in its many iterations. While there are clearly many intersections between what he writes and what I have researched, the behavior I explore is not borne out of a 'lesion', trauma or other disorders. Characteropathy, as he calls it, is by definition a deviation from what we have established as the norm for human behavior. What I have found in my research is not deviant behavior at all when viewed purely from with the lens of science and evolution. This is significant because it provides a context for the rest of what is posited. There are other similar works which also explore the idea of 'evil' from alternative perspectives, but they lack the cutting edge scientific element of the evolutionary biologist or neuropsychiatrist. Given the conditions that the author had to write under, it is remarkable that he was able to document and then write about what he was seeing all around him.

The other distinction is that his pursuit is dedicated to the precepts he explores almost exclusively through the perspective of 'evil'. While that is most definitely the same 'side' of the human behavior spectrum that I have researched and written about, it is not the only one. Having asked why it would be that the new species should manifest on the 'dark' end of the spectrum I wanted to know whether there were other instances along the 'lighter' end of the spectrum where another species might manifest. So, if we were to imagine the other end of the spectrum we might come upon Jesus or Mohamed or Buddha. Looked upon in that light, we might come closer to understanding a rational explanation for what we have come to understand simply as divinity. What I wanted to learn, however, was whether other instances might be found somewhere in the middle, somewhere closer to the rest of us.

Not surprisingly it was a lot more difficult to find such instances, but again, technology and advanced science have brought about a better understanding of evolution and therefore a better understanding of where we might look for its fruit. An example from a conversation I had with an evolutionary biologist that comes to mind is monks in the Himalayas. These monks engage in a practice called Tummo and they have for generations. The practice involves monks engaging in meditation in the frigid temperatures. At temperatures dropping below zero, that's pretty remarkable, but not unheard of. The monks, however, do it wearing nothing but loin cloths and they wrap themselves in sheets that are dipped in water that is just above freezing. To endure this is amazing, but what these guys do is absolutely impossible for normal humans, even those well versed in meditation. What they do is to heat up the sheets to the point where they are steaming and actually hot to the touch. The reason scientists looked to research these monks were because they were a group, not just an individual, and they had engaged in it for generations. After years of dedicated research of their physiology, researchers found that their circulatory systems was up to 35% more efficient than that of normal humans. Further, they found this to be the case with their children as well, which meant that it was not something that they could work up to over time, it was something that over generations had mutated in their physiology. We define separate species in the animal kingdom that have much less established physiological differences.
JAFaura said:
There are a couple of distinctions, however, to be made between what AL writes and posits about and my own pursuits. Almost everything he writes about is borne from the concept of 'evil' in its many iterations. While there are clearly many intersections between what he writes and what I have researched, the behavior I explore is not borne out of a 'lesion', trauma or other disorders. Characteropathy, as he calls it, is by definition a deviation from what we have established as the norm for human behavior. What I have found in my research is not deviant behavior at all when viewed purely from with the lens of science and evolution. This is significant because it provides a context for the rest of what is posited. There are other similar works which also explore the idea of 'evil' from alternative perspectives, but they lack the cutting edge scientific element of the evolutionary biologist or neuropsychiatrist. Given the conditions that the author had to write under, it is remarkable that he was able to document and then write about what he was seeing all around him.

Yep, it is pretty remarkable, given that the basis for his writing was research done from perhaps the 30s to the 70s. Keep in mind his distinction between characteropathy and psychopathy, psychopathy being a total personality structure, not resulting from lesions, trauma, or conditioning.

The other distinction is that his pursuit is dedicated to the precepts he explores almost exclusively through the perspective of 'evil'. While that is most definitely the same 'side' of the human behavior spectrum that I have researched and written about, it is not the only one. Having asked why it would be that the new species should manifest on the 'dark' end of the spectrum I wanted to know whether there were other instances along the 'lighter' end of the spectrum where another species might manifest. So, if we were to imagine the other end of the spectrum we might come upon Jesus or Mohamed or Buddha. Looked upon in that light, we might come closer to understanding a rational explanation for what we have come to understand simply as divinity. What I wanted to learn, however, was whether other instances might be found somewhere in the middle, somewhere closer to the rest of us.

You might also appreciate the work of Kazimierz Dabrowski (a colleague of Lobaczewski). He focused more on the other level of the spectrum. _
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