Blue Water, White Skies; Malaysian Plane and Ukraine


FOTCM Member
As everyone may have noticed, the missing 777 has distracted a lot of attention away from the Ukraine situation which is an interesting observation in itself.

On Sunday, the latest news on the Malaysian plane mystery was:

Malaysia plane probe narrows on mid-air disintegration

At that moment, I was working on my historical timeline database and had followed a link provided by a forum member:

... where the text that caught my eye was:

1912 summer
Clear daytime sky was white; sun could be viewed with the naked eye

So, I have in my head three items at once: Ukraine, missing plane and now white sky. Hmmm... What caught my attention was the fact that the Cs once gave a clue about "blue waters, white skies". I've never found ANYTHING before that related to "white skies".

Here's what they said:

Q: Is it important in any way for me to go to Europe? To do
anything significant?
A: No.
Q: Is there any significant reason to go other than to be
with {Ark}?
A: Learning.
Q: I need a word of wisdom. A clue to follow....
A: Blue water, white skies.
Q: What does that mean?
A: You asked for a clue!

Well, that was back in April of 1997 and I am in Europe at present. But that "blue water, white skies" thing has just stuck in my mind. I spent some time trying to make a connection, but really, no cigar. The following is an example from May of 1997 (I was impatient!):

Q: Okay, some time ago when I had the '3 dominos' dream, or
experience. I asked you about this, and you said it was
not an important dream. Yet, it led to an incredible
series of discoveries. Why did you say it was not
A: What was important, the dream or the discoveries?
Q: Well, of course the discoveries... and there really were
no dominoes... but it gave me a teensy idea that helped
with all the rest... and one thing led to another to
A: Dream was not important until fulfilled.
Q: Anyway, I found at the same longitude as Oak Island, a
place with the name "Percee." This led to Fontainebleau,
Chartres, and Coll du Perche and Moulins la Marche. Then,
the 'blue waters and white skies' led to lake Geneva and
Point Perce. And this was the third 'Percy'...
A: Devour newspapers for any recent news re: Percy.
Q: Okay. So, then I had the thought that 'Percy' was the
center of an incredibly complex web. It was like what you
had described for me before: mosaic consciousness. I
could see connections no matter which way I looked. I
mean, literally everything connects... alchemy,
Rosicrucians, Masons, physics, genetics, eschatology,
Cassiopaea, prime numbers, Medusa, Perseus... I mean, it
is the most incredible thing I have ever seen in my
A: So far...
Q: Okay. But, that led to the idea of the universe being
like a sort of spider web, with the spider being at the
center... kind of an expanded and more complex
'perpendicular reality' idea. All the levels connected by
the threads, or conduits... the gravity binder from the
spider in the center... am I onto something here?
A: Stay tuned...
Q: I hate it when you do that!
A: But you love it when you discover!
Q: Well, that is certainly true. But, one of the things I
was thinking about was: If one were to stand on some spot
on this mountain, Point Perce, near Geneva, and faced in
the direction of Coll du Perche and Moulins la Marche, the
compass heading would be 315. And, a day or so after I
had thought this and mentioned it, Ark found a paper in a
journal, and the number was 33, page 315, I believe. So,
I am wondering if this is another clue that has been
confirmed this way and what would I see if I did such a
A: Discover?
Q: Does it have anything to do with the Frankenstein dream,
which seemed to contain all the basic elements of the
following weeks' discoveries. Does it have something to
do with putting something in a particular place in one
life to come back for it in another? Or, is it that all
the clues...
A: You should know by now that all this will be revealed as
Q: Okay. Now, the 64,000 dollar question... tunnels,
longitude of Oak Island, leading to Pointe Perce, Mont
Blanc and the St. Bernard Tunnel, and St. Bernard wrote
the rules for the Templars... and then, Tenerife, the
Canaries and the latitude of 28:30 connected to the spider
in the King James version of Proverbs 30:28... and that
leads directly to New Port Richey. Therefore, is there
some connection between the location of this house and
something on the Canary Islands?
A: You have made much progress, expect more, if vigilant and

Curiously, what I had just been working on in my database texts was an event that happened in Lake Geneva in the year 563 which, at the moment, just happens to be located on page 33 of the database:

A great prodigy appeared in Gaul at the fortress of Tauredunum, which was situated on high ground above the River Rhône. Here a curious bellowing sound was heard for more than sixty days: then the whole hillside was split open and separated from the mountain nearest to it, and it fell into the river, carrying with it men, churches, property and houses. The banks of the river were blocked and the water flowed backwards. This place was shut in by mountains on both sides, for the stream flows there through narrow defiles. The water then flooded the higher reaches and submerged and carried away everything which was on its banks.

A second time the inhabitants were taken unawares, and as the accumulated water forced its way through again it drowned those who lived there, just as it had done higher up, destroying their houses, killing their cattle, and carrying away and overwhelming with its violent and unexpected inundation everything which stood on its banks as far as the city of Geneva. Many people maintained that the volume of water was so great that it flowed right over the walls of Geneva: and this is doubtless possible, for, as I have told you, at this spot the Rhône runs through mountainous defiles and, once its course was blocked, there was nowhere for it to turn on either side. It burst through the mountain which had fallen into it and washed everything away.

When all this had happened, thirty monks made their way to the spot where the fortress had collapsed, dug into the earth beneath where the landslide had occurred and found there bronze and iron. While they were busy at their task, they once more heard the bellowing of the mountain. So strong was their lust for gain that they took no notice: and a part of the hillside which had not previously collapsed now fell on top of them. It buried them completely and their dead bodies were never recovered. (Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks)

You can read more about this event here: Ancient tsunami devastated Lake Geneva shoreline

and here:

MEANWHILE, I am also re-reading Amos Nur's book "Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God" about historical earthquakes where he writes:

Oceans are not the only waters subject to earthquake-generated waves. Smaller waves can be generated in lakes and inland seas, even by distant earthquakes. Such waves are known as Seiches. Seiches measured in 1955 in Norway and England were generated by an earthquake in Assam, India.

Anyway, getting back to the "Blue Water, white skies" thing: I tracked down the reference from the website mentioned above; I found it in an Oz newspaper from 1912:

The European summer just concluded has been characterized by unusually chilly and wet weather, and a peculiar atmospheric phenomenon described as a 'white sky.' This phenomenon was observed in North America as well as in Europe. Even when the sky was perfectly free from clouds, a space of 40 to 50 deg. in radius around the Sun presented this unusual white appearance. An observer in Romania states that in the middle, of summer, when the Sun was more than 12 or 15 deg. high, it appeared rather as a moon than a sun, and one could look at it with the naked eye with impunity. Moreover, at night, the light of the stars was dimmed, and it was impossible to see those fainter than the fourth magnitude; Vega, Arcturus. and other bright stars had quite lost their accustomed brilliancy. At Konigstadt near Heidelberg, much longer exposures than usual were required for stellar photography. Finally, at the close of the summer, floods were experienced in Southern Europe; in Romania it rained without ceasing for seven days.

The most probable cause of these phenomena seems to be the cooling of the gulf stream and the lower levels of the atmosphere in its vicinity by the abnormal ice drift in the Atlantic. Icebergs and extensive floes in large numbers were melting in the latitude of Spain, in the very path of the Gulf stream. Another explanation which has been suggested, is interesting as a speculation with regard to one of the possible contingencies of the earth's journey through space. The suggestion is that the earth may have encountered a cosmic cloud, the fine particles of which may have penetrated the upper layers of our atmosphere. It has been shown that such an encounter would produce charges of electricity at high potential in the upper atmosphere, and that storms and cyclones would be the result. Perhaps the existence of such cosmic clouds may be a factor to be reckoned with by meteorologists, but the white sky in the present instance may well have been due to the presence in the atmosphere of an extensive stratum of water vapour brought very near to the point of cloud formation by reduced temperature, caused by tho Atlantic icebergs. (The Register, Adelaide, Saturday, November 30, 1912)

What is interesting is to look at the website linked above and check out the phenomena that occurred AFTER this "White Sky" event.

Well, anyway, the point of this is: that at a particular moment in time, while two things were in the news: Ukraine and Missing Malaysian plane, I was working on some issues that brought the Blue Water, White Skies thing to mind almost like a trigger or marker. That then caused me to connect the two together which then made me think about a previous series of "markers" the Cs had strung together back in 1994:

Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Hawaii crash; aviation, possibly involving military.

Now, obviously, the only thing about this missing plane that could connect it to the above "marker" is that it is near-Pacific phenomenon. But it just struck me as damned odd to have an 'explosion' in Ukraine connected to a plane event. (The connection may be just my assumption.) And we all know how some of the Cs clues that are given far in advance often are like an "abstract painting". The same was true for the "Denver Airport Scandal" that I am convinced was a warning about 9-11. Many factors matched, and the outcome definitely did. What is going on in Ukraine could definitely be seen in esoteric terms as an "explosion" and, for all we know, the Malaysian jetliner has crashed somewhere.... and the military might definitely be involved. (Also, something may happen in Hawaii later, we just don't know.)

So, my attention was grabbed by this little series of thoughts that it is taking a longer time to write out than it took to think them. BUT, having said all this, what followed the two "openers" of that string of markers included mention of California seismic events, and we did, just in the past few days, read about a couple of strong earthquakes off the coast of California and South America.

More California seismic
activity after 1st of year: San Diego, San Bernardino,
North Bakersfield, Barstow: all are fracture points.
Hollister, Palo Alto, Imperial, Ukiah, Eureka, Point
Mendocino, Monterrey, Offshore San Luis Obispo,
Capistrano, Carmel: these are all stress points of
fracture in sequence. "Time" is indefinite. Expect
gradual destruction of California economy as people begin
mass exodus. Also, Shasta erupts; Lassen activity. Ocean
floor begins to subside. Leave channel open and pause:
Queen Elizabeth serious illness; blood related. Princess
Diana suicide attempt. {If she had lived, that might have happened OR, as we now know, the Cs may have just picked up on what was in the air at the time.}
Gas explosions this winter in NE
United States, Texas and other. Supernova and unusual
weather all over. Memphis feels tremors. Minneapolis
banking scandal relates to mysterious Nordic covenant.
Evangelical sexual tryst exposed. Gold is discovered in
California after one of the quakes. UFOs dramatic
increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive
"Mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of
UFO activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it
will give you chills and that feeling in the pit of your
stomach. Many aliens will appear and we will be visible
too. Think of it as a convention. All must awaken to
this. It is happening right now. The whole populace will
play individual roles according to their individual
frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait
"Henry Higgins," just you wait!

So, as usual, take all this with a grain or three of salt, but it sure is interesting!
After reading all of this it's clear that this year is the one without the summer, and that is a big possibility of some sort of war or similar events to cover up the weather changes.
I was reading transcripts translated in Croatian so I thought that this ''activity after 1st of year'' means month of January, but now it seams to me like it could be 1 Year after 0 Year.
Also today on the radio was something about the government making some law about deleting smaller debts to the citizens starting this summer (?), that reminded me of an article where I've read that
I think in Sumer or Mesopotamia thousands of years ago, there was a year when all of the debts were deleted and it was something like a 0 year when you start creating debts all over: )
(I'll try to find this article)
Martina said:
Also today on the radio was something about the government making some law about deleting smaller debts to the citizens starting this summer (?), that reminded me of an article where I've read that
I think in Sumer or Mesopotamia thousands of years ago, there was a year when all of the debts were deleted and it was something like a 0 year when you start creating debts all over: )
(I'll try to find this article)

That's something I hadn't thought of, but yeah, there are a number of historical accounts of debt cancellation due to extreme citizen unrest. That would definitely be an interesting event!
Re: Malaysia Airlines hunts for missing plane carrying 239

While reading Seneca's Natural questions, this text peaked curiosity

They bring down sudden fire from the heights of
heaven, sometimes producing a flash which is gone
in a moment, sometimes compressing the air, which
is forced into a glow ; it is a miracle all the
same. Yes, and is not sometimes a gulf opened
in the ether, which seems to retire on all sides, with
a great glare of light in the hollow centre ? You
are ready to cry out. What is this ?

... I see the very centre of heaven open,
And the stars wandering in the sky. . . .

These stars sometimes do not wait for night to
show their light, but burst out in the full light
of day. The reason, however, for the stars show- 4
ing at a time not their own is different from
that alleged ;
Though the text is 2000 years old , written with so called primitive understanding, made me wonder whether he is describing the opening of the portals ?. Strangely, he is describing comets as a dirty snow balls just as our civilization asked to believe despite having fantastic probe's at the edge of solar system.
Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?
A: It is possible.
Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'
A: Window is open, portal is crafted.
Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?
A: Close.
Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.
A: Closer to latter.
Q: What determines its opening and closing?
A: Frequency.
Q: Frequency of what?
A: Energy patterns.
Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?
A: Former.
Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?
A: EM pulse.
Q: Where do these EM pulses originate from?
A: They are transmutable.
Is it portal opened from meteor explosion ?.

MSM is actively promoting this missing Malaysian airplane story and promoting all types of conspiracy theories which normally they doesn't touch.
What also makes me wonder is how that list of "markers" the Cs gave very quickly moves to UFOs which is kind of creepy considering the disappearance of the Malaysian jetliner. And whether those UFOs are of the alien or fireball/meteor/comet kind is hard to say; maybe both.
Laura said:
Q: Is it important in any way for me to go to Europe? To do
anything significant?
A: No.
Q: Is there any significant reason to go other than to be
with {Ark}?
A: Learning.
Q: I need a word of wisdom. A clue to follow....
A: Blue water, white skies.
Q: What does that mean?
A: You asked for a clue!

It might be a long shot, but I entered the phrase into a search engine and out came a song by a group called The Mountaingoats. This is how it goes:

Going to Lebanon

I saw your arms hanging at your side
nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide
saw you moving real slow
nowhere to run to, nowhere to go
i heard the wind blow
i saw your sash come untied
blue water, white sky

up in the cedars, we were too far away
for the radio to tell us the time of day
but there was moisture in the air
i heard the city call
they can go on burning
to hell with them all
your liquid movements
the water rushing by
blue water, white sky

world's surface was as smooth as glass
and they saw the hour coming and they didn't let it pass

i heard you say my name twice through your teeth
i saw you coming down to me, i was underneath
it's been coming for some time
you close your eyes
blue water, white sky

i heard the wind blow
i saw your sash come untied
blue water, white sky

To me it sounds a little like a scenario of someone who escaped flooding and burning of the city (with their loved one) on a mountain. The "they saw the hour coming" and "it's been coming for some time" bits are also interesting.

Fwiw, M.T.
They have another song: The Day the Aliens Came (Hawaiian Feeling):

I will wake up at six a.m. again
And I will find my way to the front door like a soldier crawling through the smoke and carnage
Smoldering bodies at my feet
I'd love to stick around but I've got someone to meet
And I will put my back foot forward
And I'll thank God I made it out of there
On the day when my new friends come

I will present myself in my nice white tuxedo jacket
And I will look out at the day through my dark sunglasses
And take in the scenes

The house behind me and the people in it will all go up like steam in just a minute
There's gonna be a redefining of the borders
And I will recieve my orders
On the day when my new friends come

The rooftops and the sidewalks
Will all melt like plastic
And old friends, old friends, dear friends
I'm gonna look fantastic
There wont be any reason left to cry
Because there wont be any people left to cry for
My memory's gonna vaporize itself
And my Italian shoes, well, they will be to die for
I believe I can fly
While you look up at me and wave goodbye
On the day when my new friends come

Sounds like an ironic assessment for someone on the STS path.

Re: Malaysia Airlines hunts for missing plane carrying 239

seek10 said:
While reading Seneca's Natural questions, this text peaked curiosity

They bring down sudden fire from the heights of
heaven, sometimes producing a flash which is gone
in a moment, sometimes compressing the air, which
is forced into a glow ; it is a miracle all the
same. Yes, and is not sometimes a gulf opened
in the ether, which seems to retire on all sides, with
a great glare of light in the hollow centre ? You
are ready to cry out. What is this ?

... I see the very centre of heaven open,
And the stars wandering in the sky. . . .

These stars sometimes do not wait for night to
show their light, but burst out in the full light
of day. The reason, however, for the stars show- 4
ing at a time not their own is different from
that alleged ;
Though the text is 2000 years old , written with so called primitive understanding, made me wonder whether he is describing the opening of the portals ?. Strangely, he is describing comets as a dirty snow balls just as our civilization asked to believe despite having fantastic probe's at the edge of solar system.
Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?
A: It is possible.
Q: How does a window differ from a 'portal?'
A: Window is open, portal is crafted.
Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?
A: Close.
Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons.
A: Closer to latter.
Q: What determines its opening and closing?
A: Frequency.
Q: Frequency of what?
A: Energy patterns.
Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?
A: Former.
Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?
A: EM pulse.
Q: Where do these EM pulses originate from?
A: They are transmutable.
Is it portal opened from meteor explosion ?.

MSM is actively promoting this missing Malaysian airplane story and promoting all types of conspiracy theories which normally they doesn't touch.

I'd say that given the fact that EM Pulses are often associated with explosions, atomic or otherwise, the possibility of an exploding comets being the cause is at least rational. And seeing the proximity of the recent cometary sighting in that area along with the flight path, as chronicled by Joe. I'd say the probability of something like this happening increases just a tad.

This whole thing just keeps getting weirder...
Martina said:
After reading all of this it's clear that this year is the one without the summer, and that is a big possibility of some sort of war or similar events to cover up the weather changes.
I was reading transcripts translated in Croatian so I thought that this ''activity after 1st of year'' means month of January, but now it seams to me like it could be 1 Year after 0 Year.
Also today on the radio was something about the government making some law about deleting smaller debts to the citizens starting this summer (?), that reminded me of an article where I've read that
I think in Sumer or Mesopotamia thousands of years ago, there was a year when all of the debts were deleted and it was something like a 0 year when you start creating debts all over: )
(I'll try to find this article)

Which government will do this law? In which country? America?
loreta said:
Which government will do this law? In which country? America?

I guess that if the PTB (non-specific as to nation) face a total economic collapse and rioting everywhere, they might have one of their nifty G-7, 8, 20, whatever meetings and agree to do it globally.
The European summer just concluded has been characterized by unusually chilly and wet weather, and a peculiar atmospheric phenomenon described as a 'white sky.' This phenomenon was observed in North America as well as in Europe. Even when the sky was perfectly free from clouds, a space of 40 to 50 deg. in radius around the Sun presented this unusual white appearance. An observer in Romania states that in the middle, of summer, when the Sun was more than 12 or 15 deg. high, it appeared rather as a moon than a sun, and one could look at it with the naked eye with impunity. Moreover, at night, the light of the stars was dimmed, and it was impossible to see those fainter than the fourth magnitude; Vega, Arcturus. and other bright stars had quite lost their accustomed brilliancy. At Konigstadt near Heidelberg, much longer exposures than usual were required for stellar photography. Finally, at the close of the summer, floods were experienced in Southern Europe; in Romania it rained without ceasing for seven days.

The most probable cause of these phenomena seems to be the cooling of the gulf stream and the lower levels of the atmosphere in its vicinity by the abnormal ice drift in the Atlantic. Icebergs and extensive floes in large numbers were melting in the latitude of Spain, in the very path of the Gulf stream. Another explanation which has been suggested, is interesting as a speculation with regard to one of the possible contingencies of the earth's journey through space. The suggestion is that the earth may have encountered a cosmic cloud, the fine particles of which may have penetrated the upper layers of our atmosphere. It has been shown that such an encounter would produce charges of electricity at high potential in the upper atmosphere, and that storms and cyclones would be the result. Perhaps the existence of such cosmic clouds may be a factor to be reckoned with by meteorologists, but the white sky in the present instance may well have been due to the presence in the atmosphere of an extensive stratum of water vapour brought very near to the point of cloud formation by reduced temperature, caused by tho Atlantic icebergs. (The Register, Adelaide, Saturday, November 30, 1912)

"White skies" reminds me of the water vapor canopy that the C's acknowledged Earth once had.
As for the distraction from Ukraine angle, I tend to agree with Joe, that Ukraine may be a distraction to the more important stuff that's happening in the skies. I spent a week last week not thinking as much about meteors, earthquakes and volcanoes, of which there were a lot!
Speaking about possible connections between the Malaysian plane and the Ukraine here is what comes to my mind. I am now reading Laura's book 'Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and the Return of Mongols' where she is researching, inter alia, the history of Khazaria. It just so happens that Khazaria no longer exists as a separate state. We have the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia and we have the Crimean Tatars in the Ukraine. And the latest news about the Crimea are as follows:

- On March 16, 2014 Crimea is having a referendum on independence;
- Crimea demands extention of its powers and authorities in case of its accession to Russia (as a Parliament Republic).

Could this be the raising of the Great King of the Mongols as mentioned by both Cayce and Nostradamus?
Let me remind of their prophecies:

'In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the Great King of Terror,
Raising again the great king of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars (war) reigns at his pleasure. X.72' (Nostradamus)

'If there is not the acceptance in America of the closer brotherhood of man, the love of the neighbor as self, civilization must wend its way westward – and again must Mongolism [...] be raised. '(Cayce)

And as for the Great King of Terror, could this be connected to the Malaysian plane? Nostradamus was probably speaking about the comet, but who knows?

I also have noticed that just before this date, March 16, 2014, the following two bodies are passing near the Earth (See at:
White skies might also relate to the sulphur solution to global warming suggested by Professor Paul Critzen, as posted by Laura back in 2006,2630.msg15933.html#msg15933

An article says:

The white haze that hangs over many major cities could become a familiar sight everywhere if the world decides to try geoengineering to create a cooler planet. Scientists have long suspected that one oft-discussed geoengineering technique -- shooting tiny sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere to deflect sunlight -- could turn the blue sky white. Nature has already provided a basic proof of concept. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, spewing tons of sulfate particles in the atmosphere, it temporarily whitened the sky... _

What better way to cause destruction on Earth by taking away the Sun's energy?

If Sulphur Dioxide is being seeded into the atmosphere could that be linked in some way with the disappearance of the 777? And other aircraft?
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