Burst of gravity waves in space detected


The Living Force
Especially interesting, considering Laura's SOTT adventure began with an internet query for information on "gravity waves".

"Scientists think they have detected an 'unknown or unanticipated' burst of gravitational waves coming from somewhere deep in space. The wobble in spacetime was picked up unexpectedly by the LIGO experiment, which was specifically built to detect gravitational waves. Astronomers have a picture of what part of the sky the burst originated from, and will look to find more information about its source by further studying the area. But for now there is very little indication of what could have caused the blast, which sent ripples through the fabric of the universe that were detected by LIGO in recent hours. Errors of this kind are predicted to happen only once every 25 years, indicating that the burst probably did really come from an astrophysical event."
Scientists Detect 'Unknown or Unanticipated' Burst of Gravitational Waves In Space - Slashdot
Especially interesting, considering Laura's SOTT adventure began with an internet query for information on "gravity waves".
Here's an update from the National Science Foundation showing the effects of the gravity waves moving though the point of origin and slamming the earth during the recent conference held on February 11, 2016, (Notes of the conference and the video).

Astronomical data and calculations (using AI computer simulations) show the merger of two recently discovered binary black holes that illustrates the effect of the gravitational waves, (with the support from LIGO detector in Hanford, Washington).

Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 03-59-01 Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's pred...png
Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 03-59-24 Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's pred...png
"The gravitational waves were detected on Sept. 14, 2015"
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