Can you help me locate an article?


The Living Force
Hi everyone,
I recall reading an article that stated that a U.S. president (Johnson?) sent a boatload of Remington rifles and Kentucky whisky to Russia to aid their fight against the Ottomans during the Crimean War around 1850-53. I’ve been unable to find it using the search function. Anyone else recall this information?
Thanks, Ev

Any of these?
Funny thing, this search-'string' with google gave zero results.
Thanks for this. There’s quite a bit to sift through. Funny thing is, while scrolling through it, I realized that the article I’m thinking of may have been published by Fort Russ which is no longer up. I might end up having to dig through Archive to find the old Fort Russ content. But you’ve gotten me pointed in the right direction, so thanks! 🙏

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