Cancer as metabolic disease


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Otto Warburg is the German scientist who discovered the link between oxidative stress, glucose fermentation, and cancer at the beginning of the last century.
At the core of this process is chronic inability of cells to produce ATP from oxygenation and in order to survive they revert to more primitive process of energy production which is fermentation. Such cells become dis-regulated or "immortal" and they start dividing without control.
However Warburg didn't have the whole banana at the time as he didn't realize that cancer cells ferment also certain amino acids in addition to glucose, mostly Gultamin.

This metabolic pathway was identified by Dr. Thomas Seyfried - an American professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College.
Seyfried posits that cancer is not genetic disease which is the pervasive theory in modern oncology, but rather genetic mutations occur down the line after chronic disruptions of oxygen metabolism. He claims that most cancers can be managed, if not cured with dietary and also pharmacological intervention ( since Glutamin can never be completely eliminated from the food). This pharmacological intervention is seems to be pretty safe when compared with common conventional approach.

Here are several videos which explain this in great detail:


Cancer Treatment From a Metabolic Perspective​

Story at a glance:
  • Most chronic diseases affecting us today, including heart disease, dementia, obesity, diabetes and cancer are rooted in metabolic dysfunction
  • October 10 is the International Metabolic Health Day. Celebrate by assessing your metabolic health and cleaning up your diet
  • One of the best ways to identify metabolic flexibility and health is a fasting insulin test. Ideally, you want it to be below 3
  • If you’re already eating a healthy diet, exercising, and all of your metabolic parameters look good, yet you have an insulin level of 7 or 8, stress may be the culprit, because cortisol raises insulin. Cortisol release is actually a rescue mechanism to ensure you don’t die from low blood sugar
  • The Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health will be a truly integrated residential oncology hospital and metabolic research institute. Once funding has been secured, they expect to be up and running within 18 months


Niacinamide Enhances Natural Killer Cells to Beat Carcinomas​

Story at a glance:
  • According to recent research, nicotinamide, also known as niacinamide (a form of niacin or vitamin B3), enhances natural killer (NK) cells’ ability to defeat blood cancers
  • Pretreating NK cells with an unspecified amount of niacinamide upregulated a lymphocyte homing molecule called CD26L, which improved the antitumor functions of the NK cells in several ways
  • The combination of niacinamide-enhanced NK cells and monoclonal antibody treatment resulted in complete remission in 11 of 19 patients within 28 days, and three had partial response
  • Niacinamide also protects your skin against ultraviolet radiation damage from the sun, thereby reducing your risk of skin cancer
  • It’s also been shown to improve survival after cardiac arrest, primarily by restoring tissue NAD+, and can help prevent heart failure


A really interesting article which made me understand how sugar causes cancer (not all sugar or all the time).

How Refined Sugar Fuels Cancer​

Story at a glance:
  • All dietary carbohydrates are digested into sugars called glucose. Glucose, in turn, can be metabolized (burned) for fuel using two different pathways. First, the glucose is metabolized into pyruvate. The pyruvate can then either enter the glycolysis pathway in the cytoplasm of the cell and produce lactate (this is an inefficient backup pathway), or it can be converted into acetyl-CoA and shuttled to the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which results in optimal energy production
  • The Warburg Effect refers to the observation that if your body has access to enough oxygen, it will preferentially burn (oxidize) glucose in your mitochondria by converting the pyruvate into acetyl-CoA
  • The state of mitochondrial physiology that Warburg accurately identified occurs when your body has enough oxygen and the mitochondria are not maxed out, yet still uses the backup glycolysis pathway. This is also called cancer metabolism. It gives the false impression that cancer is using glucose to supply its metabolic needs for energy, but it is merely an illusion
  • The primary reason glucose cannot be burned in your mitochondria is because the mitochondria are dysfunctional. This dysfunction is the result of the electron transport chain (ETC) being backed up with an excess of electrons that are unable to flow easily through the five complexes. This condition is known as reductive stress. In this situation, your body has no choice but to use the backup system, glycolysis
  • Contrary to natural fructose (found in ripe fruits and honey, for example), refined sugars and many starches are more likely to cause gut dysbiosis that leads to the production of endotoxin. This endotoxin is one of the factors that destroys mitochondrial function, resulting in cancer metabolism (the Warburg Effect) where glucose is burned through glycolysis


Could Your Thymus Be the Key to Fighting Cancer?​

Story at a glance:
  • Your thymus is a thyme leaf-shaped double-lobed organ located in the center of your chest, directly beneath your breastbone at the level of your heart
  • The two types of cells that make up the thymus are reticular cells and lymphocytes, which include thymus-derived cells (T cells), thymus-independent lymphocytes (B cells) and natural killer cells (NK cells)
  • The primary function of the thymus is to aid in the maturation process of T cells, which are in charge of determining your immune response to antigens
  • Your thymus plays a crucial role in the the prevention of cancer. Recent research found patients who underwent thymectomy (surgical removal of the thymus) had a twofold higher risk of cancer five years post-surgery
  • Common symptoms of low thymus function include susceptibility to the common cold and influenza, persistent chronic illnesses and fatigue, slow wound healing, and signs of premature or accelerated aging. Strategies to support and improve thymus function are included


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