Chandler'e Wobble still stalled - update Feb. 22nd


A Disturbance in the Force
I checked back in today to see if Chandler's Wobble had resumed a more normal pattern of movement - it has not. I've placed an excerpt below from Michael Madeville's web site in which he posits several possible reasons for this freaky axis movement (or lack thereof). I wonder, could the Brothers Heliopolis be to blame?? (apologies - the original post about this pause in the Wobble also included the below information)

(ECB – February 22, 2006, MWM) About six weeks after the beginning of the pause on about ~January 5, 2006, the Earth resumed its wobble motion straight down the X Axis beginning about ~February 10, 2006. The wobble still has no net motion on the Y axis aside from very minor quivers such as are typically caused by atmospheric and tidal conditions.

The latest graphs from the IERS (International Earth Rotation Service), which is the only authoritative source of information on the motions of the poles (and earth’s crust) shows a reversal of the path which the Spin Axis took during November-December, when the current anomaly began. After a radical shift in the path for approximately two months, something paused the normal spiral motion of the Spin Axis during January and early February, 2006.

Normally at this time in the spiral motion of the wobble, the track of the moving Spin Axis would be moving to the right hand of the graph of polar motion, (see the Wobble Tracker graph below). The track should be nearly at the lowest point it would reach this year (on the Wobble Tracker chart) and should begin to slowly spiral back up towards the top of the graph no later than about the beginning of May at the latest. It is doubtful it will make it and indeed IERS predictions now show that this will not occur very late in 2006.

M.Mandeville said:
The IERS computer is still gamely insisting that the wobble spiral will recover and look close to what it had predicted several months ago. Impossible. This anomaly has gone too far. There is no recovery of the old pattern though the track could recover to some extent. Too much time has passed and the wobble has paused for too long. A new pattern is clearly emerging which will include an abrupt early end to the old wobble cycle and the spontaneous early generation of a new cycle.

What that pattern is cannot be described at the moment.

The current cessation is clearly the result of a strong contending vector of push or pull which is counteracting the driving forces of the Sun and Moon. Since orbital motions have not changed in any significant way, these orbiting influences are the same as they always have been. The “change” in gravitational vectors (or spin vectors) MUST be in the Earth, somewhere or somehow. What is this shift?

I can find two candidates. There may be others. One is in the Indian Ocean. As a result of the Great Rupture off Sumatra during late December 2004 and early 2005 (thousands of earthquakes occurred in that area including dozens of 6.0 plus quakes and at least three great quakes above 7.0), there was substantial uplifting, downwarping, and lateral movement in the two tectonic plates which ruptured their mutual junction. Could have enough downwarping occurred to drive enough of the Indian ocean plate deep enough at this junction on the equator to create an “anchoring” disruption in the spin motion of the equatorial belt of the Earth relative to the wobbling Spin Axis? In other words, has enough Indian Ocean bottom plate sunk deeply enough into the liquid mantle to cause a slight drag on the spin of the equator sufficient to offset the effect of the gravity vectors of the Sun and Moon which produce the wobble spirals?

Another candidate I can find is the rapid shift in the location of True Magnetic North Pole. It is now driving to the Spin Axis at the rate of 40 kilometers per year, according to geophysicists in Canada, after accelerating gradually since the mid-1930’s. This is not a spurious nor trivial change. Something profound stirs literally in the depths of the Earth. Mass polarization and electron flow have to change somewhere in the Earth in large quantities to produce this shift in the True Magnetic North Pole. One elementary way to see this is as “circuits” of electrical flow that have changed orientation inside the Earth. Only a change in actual MASS relationships can produce this circuit change. Since this is electromagnetism, we know we are looking at changes in the heavy metals, primarily the nickel-iron. What the change is, is anyone’s guess. Whatever, the result we can observe in the changing position of True Magnetic North. Has THIS mass change produced the counter force which has neutralized the wobble?

I have no way at the present to make a determination. Perhaps both factors, and others, come into play. Or perhaps the explanation lies somewhere else entirely. It is far too soon to tell and this pattern is too anomalous to compare with the past.
I agree with M. Mandeville's assessment regarding the Great Rupture off Sumatra, which is why I believe most of the seismic and volcanic activity the earth is now experiencing is related to the stalling of Chandler's wobble. It seems to me the Sumatra quake was directly correlated with the gamma ray burst that hit the earth the next day (implying there was an undetected or undetectable force or influence that preceded the burst).

All the sites I saw referring to Chandler's wobble present that this is a precourser to earth changes. To me it seems that the planet is reorienting in some manner in preparation for something, but I do not think this necessarily implies a catastrophic event. The implications may even be more related to 4D than 3D experience.

Now as this is going on there also seems to be an interference of some kind of electromagnetic technology (see well...I guess this site and another one I referenced are both offline), but there are limits to the predictablility of the results of using such technologies, and too easy for things to get out of control.

Anyway, I believe that the earth is orienting in this manner for a reason, and that is to accomodate the greater shift in progress.

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