Jon (he has been writing a lot) has two more articles:

“The Chinese virus is spreading” —deception and false news (Jan 27, 2020)

Here he takes the reader into doing assessments of how a person is determined to have x, y or z virus and the complications, the unreliability of this.

The second article is titled '
China epidemic—implications for America and other countries' (Jan 28, 2020)

Here, Jon is basically talking about reactions of other states, seeing what China is doing; the lockdown process, how it is 'controlled' - the management of an event like this to learn lessons from and see if it can work elsewhere. In Canada tonight they were sort of priming, with people texting in saying what do we do if people start to die, we want 'extreme' measures taken (not asking if they will). The doctor downplayed it, lets see, he said, yet why read that particular text?

Stay tuned...

So from recent information gathered I think the most likely origin of this ‘epidemic’ was 5G radio waves causing a mutation of a coronavirus in an animal reservoir, the original virus could even have cosmic origins but was originally limited to animal hosts.

@Candice ,

Could you share the source of information that 5G was used to cause "a mutation of a coronavirus"? I know 5G is damaging to our bodies and health without any virus to blame. 5G is being used by the military in electronic weapons but I don't see it is necessary for creating new bio-weapon viruses.

And I haven't seen any information pointing to bio-labs using cosmic viruses in their labs so I don't know why they spend so much money genetically altering viruses unless they just find one they know is deadly and use the labs to grow more of it to spread around.

I don't know if it matters whether the viruses are manufactured or natural if they are deadly/lethal and fast-acting.

Like the 50 cows dying mentioned before by @Nachtweide (without a session link).

Session 29 December 2018:
Q: (Joe) What caused the 50 cows to drop dead in coastal India around December 22nd? According to first reports, five cowmen of the village were looking after hundreds of grazing cows in the morning. All of a sudden, their behavior changed and about 50 unexpectedly and instantly dropped dead.

(Andromeda) All at the same time.

A: Virus.

Q: (Pierre) That quick?

(Joe) That's a pretty serious virus.

(Artemis) How long did they have the virus for?

A: 3 days.

Q: (Joe) Aggressive virus! All at the same time?

(L) If they all contracted it at the same time, that would make sense.

(Joe) 50 just fall over? Weird.

(L) Think about it. You’ve got a bunch of cows. They're all probably pretty close to genetically identical in a herd. They're using the same bull and probably the same two or three female cows to produce them. So, they're not gonna be that different genetically. If you think about viruses and probably something coming from outer space...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it wasn't your common garden variety virus, then. There was something unusual about it?

(L) Yeah, and especially if you have something that is newly introduced to a biosphere and to which there is no immunity...

A: Yes, exactly!

I tend to think it was a cosmic naturally introduced virus because Laura mentioned: "to which there is no immunity...".

That means bio-labs have no vaccines to sell to make money and they can't control it.
@Candice ,

Could you share the source of information that 5G was used to cause "a mutation of a coronavirus"? I know 5G is damaging to our bodies and health without any virus to blame. 5G is being used by the military in electronic weapons but I don't see it is necessary for creating new bio-weapon viruses.

And I haven't seen any information pointing to bio-labs using cosmic viruses in their labs so I don't know why they spend so much money genetically altering viruses unless they just find one they know is deadly and use the labs to grow more of it to spread around.

I don't know if it matters whether the viruses are manufactured or natural if they are deadly/lethal and fast-acting.

Like the 50 cows dying mentioned before by @Nachtweide (without a session link).

Session 29 December 2018:

I tend to think it was a cosmic naturally introduced virus because Laura mentioned: "to which there is no immunity...".

That means bio-labs have no vaccines to sell to make money and they can't control it.

I never mentioned the virus being made in a lab.
But where did you get information that 5G has altered the coronavirus into a deadlier form?

It was previously mentioned in the thread as a theory by another commentor Konstantin

Or, all this microwave radiation caused a mutation in the coronavirus and then the virus became lethal.

My comment was also only a theory. I never said 5G was actively or knowingly used to create a mutation in the virus. We still have no idea of the consequences of 5G on biology, nevermind how it could affect viruses. It's merely a theory that radiation waves could cause unforseen mutations. Coronaviruses are mostly found in animal hosts, a mutation needs to occur for it to be able to jump to a human and this doesn't happen often. It's these mutations that virologists use to trace the evolution of a disease and track the genetic sequence of the virus to it's source. But now if the source of the virus is cosmic in nature, then this will be quite the mystery for virologists. Which looks like it could already be the case.
It look like many, as in this forum, are starting to see this outbreak as an attempt by the mainstream media and social media to cause fear, chaos out of nothing. Une tempête dans un verre d eau, we say here, A storm in a glass of water.

conclusion of the article:

The apocalyptic coverage of the 2019-nCoV outbreak in China demonstrates how mainstream media outlets and social media platforms shape the audience’s perception of reality. While the Chinese government appears to be employing needed measures to contain the outbreak and prevent the virus spread, the MSM uses this measures to feed the audience with speculations that this is a signal of the Chinese inability to keep the situation under control.
*Bill Gates said:

"First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent." (author’s emphasis).

He later clarified that it is about people supposedly getting less children when they have better healthcare. Though it is still a strange thing to equate vaccines with population reduction.
He later clarified that it is about people supposedly getting less children when they have better healthcare. Though it is still a strange thing to equate vaccines with population reduction.

Right? I don't understand the equivalent of a better healthcare with having less children... Would not be the other way around? The better the Healthcare system the better for the families to grow?
Right? I don't understand the equivalent of a better healthcare with having less children... Would not be the other way around? The better the Healthcare system the better for the families to grow?
Not that Bill gates needs any defending from me, but in the interest of being completely clear, I’d like to venture an interpretation, perhaps what he means is that people with better health care are less prone to have more children unintentionally?
Sort of like what JBP said once about people caring about the environment, the easiest way to get people to care about it was to lift them out of poverty, suddenly people start caring about the environment. Maybe it’s the same with health care? who knows.

it is true that countries with the better health care are having a negative population growth and the countries with the worse ones keep on having kids.
Something to keep in mind - before WWII religion was the opium of the people. After the separation of Communism vs Capitalism, Health Care has replaced religion and priests have become our doctors of today. All of these events are giving more and more power to the 'science' of Healthcare, thus taking away peoples power over their own lives. At the same time creating a bigger DIVIDE between spirit/ soul and bodies. To the point where in such a crisis people will run to a doctor before going to pray.
I see this as a spiritual crisis, to a big extent!...
FWIW (C's: "It is the soul that counts, not the bodies")
The line becomes blurry in these times.
So just by looking at these facts, one wonders what is the big deal about the Chinese coronavirus. Ok, most of those infected have not been cured yet, so many more may still die, so the proportion of deaths may turn out to be larger (right now I understand it's around 3%). Also, China probably doesn't want to look bad, so they may be manipulating the figures. On the other hand, China's enemies will want to spread rumours and freak people out. So there is still much uncertainty. But considering how many times in the recent past we've been scared with pandemics, I'm inclined to think that this one too will fizzle out.

That's my thinking at the moment as well.
It was previously mentioned in the thread as a theory by another commentor Konstantin

My comment was also only a theory. I never said 5G was actively or knowingly used to create a mutation in the virus. We still have no idea of the consequences of 5G on biology, nevermind how it could affect viruses. It's merely a theory that radiation waves could cause unforseen mutations. Coronaviruses are mostly found in animal hosts, a mutation needs to occur for it to be able to jump to a human and this doesn't happen often. It's these mutations that virologists use to trace the evolution of a disease and track the genetic sequence of the virus to it's source. But now if the source of the virus is cosmic in nature, then this will be quite the mystery for virologists. Which looks like it could already be the case.

Thanks, @Candice,

I guess it is a good example of how our opinions/theories affect each other here. Many of these "mutations" and their sources are not easy to determine. The idea that the 5G may affect even the viruses created "naturally" or in a lab is something to consider I suppose.

With the Cs talk of "alien" viruses being possibly due to comets/asteroids and such I figure some of those are bound to get through the atmosphere and even escape the 5G networks. I have to say @Konstantin is "thinking with a hammer" as Gurdjieff might say.

I doubt there was much 5G influence in the 50 dead cows incident in India unless they were in a more modern city where 5G was being installed but of course I may be wrong.

This whole thread has got our wheels spinning I think. If you had not posted @Konstantin's theory I would not have thought as much about what a virus really may be.

This has led me, as usual, to find out some of the things the Cs have said about viruses.

Mabe viruses are "thoughts made manifest".

Session 4 March 2012:
Q: (L) So the electromagnetic field of the earth is a property of its spinning? And it's spinning is a property of... can be affected by electric stuff. (Belibaste) Yeah, like a motor, if it slows down, it generates less electromagnetic field. (Perceval) Getting ready for a flip. (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Maybe 5G does play a role in the "tinkering" with our DNA and viruses along with vaccinations.

Session 18 July 2015:
Q: (Perceval) As in bloodlines or genetic profiles that were more likely to have an increase in awareness or to be more of a threat to the system?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That's pretty freaking depressing.

(Pierre) That's cunning.

(Perceval) What did they say about the tinkering?

(L) Okay, how is the tinkering done?

A: Most often via viruses.

Q: (L) Is the campaign to vaccinate everyone part of this project to make sure that everybody gets the viruses that are needed to stop them from progressing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I know you said that the mark of the beast is something that relates to anybody who accepts torture and that sort of thing, but some of those old ideas about the mark of the beast, it's like DNA is code... So, maybe have these virally implanted genetic instructions could be considered as the mark of the beast.

A: It goes together!

Q: (L) So if they get these virally implanted DNA codons or something, that then makes them of the type of person who is accepting of the bad waves and the torture and so forth...

A: Yes

What can we do to help this situation? Maybe we can continue to promote awareness of better ways to stay healthy.

Q: (L) So, what can we do, if anything?

A: Help others to be ready.

Q: (L) Well the only thing I know to help others be ready is by informing them, letting them know what's going on, and trying to help them get ahold of their health. If they don't have their health, they aren't able to cope with anything. They're not able to cope with life as it is much less if it gets any weirder or worse. So, on that point, let me ask about this iodine therapy. I just read this iodine book by a David Brownstein: “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It”. This guy talks about how iodine can kill fungi, bacteria, viruses, detox heavy metals from the body, even the ones that other detox methods don’t get, remove evil fluoride, and basically just has miraculous effects on all the body systems. He says that 96% of all people on the planet are iodine deficient. When people come to him, he generally starts them off at pretty high doses, like 50 to 100mg a day, and sometimes twice a day. This is supposed to not only replenish the body’s iodine, but also to detox bromines, fluorines, metals, etc. It can also kill off any microbes that have taken up residence because of the body’s weakened immune system due to all those toxins. But there is this other book that I read which says that you ought to start off slowly and build up because of detox side-effects or whatnot. So, some people have started slow and as soon as they have a few drops, they start having symptoms. What are these symptoms from? Is it detox or what?

A: Activation of microbes drawing on the enhanced energy.

Q: (L) We sort of wondered if that was the case. Several of us, as soon as we had been taking iodine a few days, old issues started coming up, like cold sores and such. Several of us started having pains and tiredness and activation of some kind of viral condition, stiff neck, and a bunch of other things. It was similar to the herx reactions we had with the anti-biotic protocol. On the other hand, it seemed more like the viruses got energized by the iodine. Chu even had an attack of her cocksackie virus that flares up in her pancreas about once or twice a year. That’s what made me think that instead of backing off and lowering the dose, the best thing would be to raise the dose and nuke the critters. So, Chu doubled the dose and then did it twice a day. You went from 5 drops a day to 10 drops twice a day?

(Chu) Yeah.

(L) So, Instead of backing off like this other book says you should do, she just went full bore whole hog and nuked 'em. Is that advisable?

A: Indeed. The battle is difficult to win if you keep supplying the "critters" with food and energy.

The idea of viruses coming from space debris has been considered long before this current virus scare.

Session 16 September 2017:
Q: (Artemis) So sometimes our rain just comes from space.

(L) I don’t know, sometimes. Chunks of ice come from space all the time.

(Artemis) They bring viruses with them! The plague! [laughter]

(L) I mean, they call comets "dirty snowballs". According to them, these dirty snowballs can fly through space and land wherever they want to. And if you think about it, what they just said was coming in at the poles... That would be like when the blasts from the sun...

(Pierre) The Aurora Borealis?

(L) Yeah, that stuff comes in at the poles.

(Pierre) Yeah, the magnetosphere is weaker there. Related question: We've witnessed over the past few days several X-class solar flares. I wanted to know if this unusual solar activity was triggered by an incoming cometary cluster related to Nemesis?

A: Check planetary alignments and factor in distant body

The DNA factor may play a very crucial role in these viral events.

Session 11 August 2018:
Q: (Pierre) Okay, so DNA is an intermediary between the information field and the organism.

(L) That's why there are people who can have terrible genetic mutations and yet manifest no symptoms...

(Pierre) Yeah, because DNA is a kind of toolbox. Only some of them are activated because of the connection, because of the information received from the information field. Two cells right next to each can do totally different things even if they have the same genetic code because the information field modulates what part of the DNA is activated and which part is deactivated. So, there is a tremendous potential in every cell.

(Chu) That's why they also said previously that viruses are thoughts made manifest. The way I understand it is that they can manifest a thought but you have to have the receiver. So not everyone will catch the same virus. Same with any disease really...

(L) Yeah, some can have the virus in their body and it's completely inactive. And other people can be taken down in no time at all. Reading these genetics books is just mind-boggling.

(Pierre) In previous sessions, the Cs mentioned that some of us (Laura and Joe) were growing additional strands of DNA. In that session, it was mentioned that the Cs were not referring to physical strands of DNA. So, can the Cs clarify what kind of additional strands they're talking about?

A: DNA codons that are otherwise truncated. Think transposons that jump and restore original or new codes.

Q: (L) So, basically you're saying that DNA can be changed? Well, we know it can, because I read the books. But in other words, you're saying that it can be changed by changes in your thinking, understanding, and level of knowledge?

A: Information is the most important factor.

Q: (L) You mean gathering information, researching, and learning is the most important factor?

A: Yes and applying what is learned.

Q: (L) So information is like filling up the gas tank, and applying what you've learned is like starting the engine and pushing on the gas pedal?

A: Yes

There is much to think about with all the genetic "tinkering" and now we 3D creatures are "tinkering" with genetic engineering. Who is to say what the higher realms have in mind?

Session 23 March 2019:
(Joe) No, a dog evolves from something.

(L) No, a dog doesn't evolve from anything. A dog is created.

(Joe) And it appears out of thin air?

(L) No, it doesn't appear out of thin air. It gets... I think what they were saying was that the idea of the different small like proteins or other building blocks. But how do they get put together? And I don’t think it was exactly like the thought of a “dog” but they were talking more about basic life forms to begin with, and the engineering via DNA. If there is a “thought” that is transferred to 3D, it would be in the DNA. If you look at the book, you see how it starts off with very basic structures, like slime molds. Cyanobacteria. Then, you get things where groups of different kinds of organisms form tubes. Then they form stalks. Then they learn how to do photosynthesis. Then they make leaves. Then, somewhere along the way, sexual reproduction comes into the picture. Once sexual reproduction has entered the picture, then the door is open for seeding other things via sexual reproduction. Then, what you can do is make a code and plant it in literally by sending viruses or something through the realm curtain or even just thoughts, or something like abductions. You can plant it in an egg and it's born. It's not like something just accretes out of the air. It happens in a very practical way...

A: Following the idea there is a certain amount of experimentation and even gestation of some "parts" in other lifeforms or in other realities before transference to this one.

Q: (Joe) What I was trying to say was it's kinda like a blueprint is transferred to these lifeforms, and they follow a preprogrammed blueprint...

A: No. There is no evolution as you are thinking.

Q: (Joe) I thought you were saying that basically there IS evolution, but then these small organisms...

(L) No, that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying if you look, you can see where they created parts. And every time you can see where they did something and then it went along. If you look at the book, you see each world of... There was the Slime World. It came to an end. When the slime world ended, then there was another world. Okay, still some slime survived, but the new world had tube creatures. Then that world ended, and another one started that was plant creatures.

(Joe) Okay, so there's no development from one to the next.

(Pierre) I have an analogy, and I'd like to know if it's correct. You see in the history of the planet these cycles of mass extinctions, and bursts of life. Recurring. An analogy between those cosmic cycles and engineering at a human level is toss the old blueprint, and start a new one.

(Joe) So each stage is discrete.

(Pierre) Is it a correct analogy?

A: Yes but that does not mean that all designs are useless.

Q: (L) It's like...

(Pierre) You have some parts that go through a lot of different animals that are more and more evolved, but the part stays more or less the same.

A: Here is an analogy: You could use a horse drawn wagon as a chassis for an automobile.

(Pierre) Ah, okay...

A: It isn't perfect, but it is a step.

(Pierre) Yes.

A: Human souls were put into Neanderthal to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. There is so much to this topic that it could take a very long time to explain it all. Best to continue to study and think and network. Look at the book. It is all there for those with eyes to see. Love is the human manifestation of creative energy.

Q: (L) Okay, take a break!
Q: (Artemis) So sometimes our rain just comes from space.

(L) I don’t know, sometimes. Chunks of ice come from space all the time.

A couple summers ago, I rode my bike through a rain shower. And it was out of the ordinary for where I live: the raindrops were large, and I think it would be classified as a shower - heavy rain for a short duration. Normally, the precipitation is like a drizzle with small drops.

So as I drove into it - the ground was dry, and when the drops hit the ground, they splashed and made large spots... I was getting drenched fast. But as soon as I began getting wet, I started sneezing and getting a runny nose, and my eyes watering profusely. I was sneezing nonstop until I got to the store.

So, I can see how something can be carried in the sky and spread.

I didn't get sick afterward, the sneezing stopped after I got out of the rain.
He later clarified that it is about people supposedly getting less children when they have better healthcare.
Would not be the other way around? The better the Healthcare system the better for the families to grow?
it is true that countries with the better health care are having a negative population growth and the countries with the worse ones keep on having kids.
For people like Bill Gates, better healthcare means vaccines and plenty of them starting during pregnancy and in the very first hours of a baby's life. Six months is old enough to get a flu shot that still has mercury/thimerosal:
Flu shots are recommended for kids 6-months or older, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children getting it for the first time need two doses with 4 weeks in between.


Results show the U.S. experiences a higher infant mortality rate, a higher prevalence of obesity and a lower life expectancy compared with most OECD member countries. Even the top U.S. state in each of these measures ranks toward the bottom among OECD countries.
Thirty-six countries, including the United States, comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

According to this year’s America’s Health Ranking Annual Report, the U.S. infant mortality rate is 5.9 deaths per 1,000 live infant births, while the average rate of infant mortality among the OECD countries is 3.9 deaths per 1,000 live births. Compared with other OECD countries, the U.S. ranks No. 33 out of 36 countries (Figure 62). Iceland is ranked No. 1 and has the lowest rate with 0.7 deaths per 1,000 live births. Mexico is ranked last with 12.1 deaths per 1,000 live births. New Hampshire and Vermont are tied for the top state in the U.S. with 3.9 deaths per 1,000 live births. These two neighboring states have achieved an infant mortality rate equal to the OECD average. As the bottom-ranked state, however, Mississippi has an infant mortality rate more than twice that of the OECD average at 8.9 deaths per 1,000 live births and internationally ranks below all but two of the OECD countries. Over the past 50 years, the decline in the U.S. infant mortality rate has not kept pace with that in other OECD countries. When examining sex- and age-adjusted infant mortality rates from 2001 to 2010, the U.S. rate was 75 percent higher than the average rate in 20 OECD comparable countries.
Surely all those recommended vaccines are making our youth healthier than ever?
A recent report by Moody’s Analytics found that Americans born between 1981 and 1996—”Millennials”—are suffering from poorer physical and mental health than the previous generation known as “Gen-Xers,” born between the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s.1 2 3 4
Millennials are “seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation as they age,” states the report. This decline is for both physical health conditions, such as hypertension and elevated cholesterol, and “behavioral health, such as several depression and hyperactivity.1

According to the report, “Without intervention, millennials could feasibly see mortality rates climb up by more than 40 percent compared to Gen-Xers at the same age.”1
Because both the Gen-Xers and millennials in America are proving to be sicker than any other generations in U.S. history it does not appear likely that void will be adequately filled, leading to eventual steady downturns in U.S. productivity.
Speaks for itself:
During the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) had been overseeing massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in a number of countries, among them Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. In October 1994, HLI received a communication from its Mexican affiliate, the Comite’ Pro Vida de Mexico, regarding that country’s anti-tetanus campaign. Suspicious of the campaign protocols, the Comite’ obtained several vials of the vaccine and had them analyzed by chemists. Some of the vials were found to contain human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a naturally occurring hormone essential for maintaining a pregnancy.

In nature the hCG hormone alerts the woman’s body that she is pregnant and causes the release of other hormones to prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the fertilized egg.
However, when introduced into the body coupled with a tetanus toxoid carrier, antibodies will be formed not only against tetanus but also against hCG. In this case the body fails to recognize hCG as a friend and will produce anti-hCG antibodies. The antibodies will attack subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which naturally sustains a pregnancy; when a woman has sufficient anti-hCG antibodies in her system, she is rendered incapable of maintaining a pregnancy.(1)
* WHO has been actively involved for more than 20 years in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing hCG tied to tetanus toxoid as a carrier — the exact same coupling as has been found in the Mexican-Philippine-Nicaragua vaccines.(4)
It turns out The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been funding the distribution of tetanus vaccine in Africa by UNICEF, which is the agency that provided Kenya with the vaccine reportedly laced with Human Chorionic Gonadatropin (HCG).
The Gates Foundation funded the vaccine now cited as containing the antigen that causes miscarriage.

These vaccines, it seems, have been administered only to young women of child-bearing age — a million thus far, with more than a million more planned in that nation alone.
In case you missed it the first time:
Science has confirmed what women already knew by observation – getting the Swine Flu (H1N1) vaccine when you are pregnant is dangerous for the fetus in many cases causing spontaneous abortion.

A CDC-funded study published by the medical journal Vaccine has confirmed that the flu vaccine causes spontaneous abortions in pregnant women.
This is weird - Australian scientists recreate the corona virus to develop a vaccination.

There was already a US patent for a corona virus vaccination earlier in the thread that was listed in 2015.

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