Comparison between drawing done by Ark and Crop formation



Check these out-the crop formation was made in 2004 -and then look at Arks' drawing of densities done for the Cass site (September /October 2000)-the similarity is unbelievable! Whoooaaa!

Crop formations are supposedly reflections of thought forms filtering down to 3rd density from 6th density-so what does this tell us folks?Do we need further proof the C's exist?


I checked the date. My design is from september/october 2000. The crop circle drawing has somewhat different angle as two of the 11 balls
coincide there. Moreover, the cc pattern is along the "traditional lines", where the veritical tubes on the sides are straight. In my design I have only one column that looks straight.
Yes. I know they are not exactly the same, there are differences. I hope you are not offended-I meant no offense.

I was simply pointing out the over-all "look" of the two images-the crop formation is missing a "density" as well as being more linear-you have to admit, however, they DO look "similar" at first glance, no?

It was just so astonishing to see the formation-right away I said to myself- I have seen something like this somewhere before-and remembered Yes, on the Cassiopean site-and found it in Caballah World portion of the Wave series.

To me-it was validation of a sort-to see an image so very like the one drawn by yourself, appearing in a crop formation.

I had pulled these images in fact quite a while back so did not have the date for your drawing-and the fact your drawing pre-dates the crop formation is an important factor-and the two are not even related.

I will edit the post and add the date of your drawing so folks will know your drawing came FIRST.

If these formations are indeed reflections of thought forms from a higher density-I wonder what this one is telling us?

I will remove these images if you find they are offensive. I meant no disrespect-on contrary I hold you and Laura in highest regards and would not do anything to offend.

what this crop pattern depicts is probably the most widely known graphic presentation of Qabalistic Tree Of Life concept. and if i'm not wrong, this particular presentation was popularized by A. Crowley. C's weren't original with this one :-).

as for the date of origin, the crop circle is said to have appeared in 1997.
Well the design by Ark was adapted from the Tree of Life, as explained in the Wave, if I remember correctly.
I have a question regarding Ark's drawing, specifically the relationship between the density 1, 2 and 3 spheres.

I have always been under the impression that the progression in densities went from 1 to 2, and then from 2 to STO3 or STS3, but the image shows the progressions as 1 to 2, STO3 or STS3 and no progression from 2 to STO3 or STS3. Have I been interpreting the progression incorrectly?
UberSquid said:
I have a question regarding Ark's drawing, specifically the relationship between the density 1, 2 and 3 spheres.

I have always been under the impression that the progression in densities went from 1 to 2, and then from 2 to STO3 or STS3, but the image shows the progressions as 1 to 2, STO3 or STS3 and no progression from 2 to STO3 or STS3. Have I been interpreting the progression incorrectly?
2 is connected to 5, which is connected to 3. So the obvious path is through 5D, or so it seems to me.
lostinself said:

what this crop pattern depicts is probably the most widely known graphic presentation of Qabalistic Tree Of Life concept. and if i'm not wrong, this particular presentation was popularized by A. Crowley. C's weren't original with this one :-).

as for the date of origin, the crop circle is said to have appeared in 1997.
What was original was three-dimensionalization accompanied by assigning densities and STS/STO labels. Whether it corresponds to some "reality" or not - I am not sure. After long deliberation, experimentation and consultation, this is what I came with. I don't think Crowley was relating the tree of life to STS/STO modes and densities 1-7, but perhaps I do not know the sources. If you have some info on these aspects of the tree of life - let me know.
lostinself said:

what this crop pattern depicts is probably the most widely known graphic presentation of Qabalistic Tree Of Life concept. and if i'm not wrong, this particular presentation was popularized by A. Crowley. C's weren't original with this one :-).

as for the date of origin, the crop circle is said to have appeared in 1997.
You see, in Einstein's E=mc^2 neither E, nor = , not even m and c^2 were "original". What was important was putting these symbols together and assigning a particular meaning to this formula within the principle of relativity.

What was important im my design was three-dimensionalization accompanied by simultaneous assigning densities and STS/STO marks. Whether it corresponds to some "reality" or not - I am not sure. After long deliberation, experimentation and consultation, this is what I came with. I don't think Crowley was relating the tree of life to STS/STO modes and densities 1-7, but perhaps I do not know the sources. If you have some info on these aspects of the tree of life - let me know.
Hello everyone,

It seems my original post has gotten some attention although not exactly what I expected.

The date assigned to the crop formation was what was listed on the site - if it was formed in 1997 then the Cassiopeans were already in contact with Laura at the time-but as another poster suggested this may not have originated with the thought forms calling themselves Cassiopeans-and was generated independent of them.

One way to find out-perhaps Laura can ask them at a session if there is time-and perhaps they can let us know what meaning may be attached to it-or as is their wont-a clue for us to investigate-if they even will or can answer.

I imagine the energy they were using for the channel is changing as they get closer to Earth (they ARE getting closer aren't they?) ;)

It may have no meaning to (them) at all and may be a 6th density version of a "doodle"-simply a "clearing" out of static or some such. Though at that level of mentation I seriously do not think anything is "random" - done without purpose.

One has to wonder WHY they would choose to create an image of the Qabalistic Tree of Life-if indeed that is what it is.

In fact-there is no way to know if this is even a genuine formation unless there is some background data on it-I merely thought the images were strikingly similar and guess I "over did" it. I did no background study (shame on me) Chalk it up to enthusiasm coupled with ignorance. Dangerous combo. Perhaps Aleister Crowley did it from 6th D! :D

I certainly did not mean to make it sound like the design was misappropriated, no, that was never my intent. In case of fact however-I firmly believe ALL of our designs, thoughts, ideas-are more or less "recycled" as it were.

That all thoughts and ideas have already been expressed some where, at some point-and our conciousness merely picks them up if we are properly "tuned"when we "send out" a request transmission, if you will-and get a "reply"- Cosmic e-mail, courtesy of the Creation!

Kind of like Marconi's radio waves.

You see-I believe that is why we have different personalities, than what is our real self-that is, our mind/body complex, to borrow from the Ra material-acts a a kind of "filter" or to continue the radio transceiver anology- a set of crystals-that allow us to transmit and receive certain types of signals-or, as the 6th Density folk put it-we resonate to a variable set of frequencies-which is controlled by our DNA.

This "filtering" is also what determines our personalities-and has a lot to do with our brain structure and chemistry as well as our DNA. That is why if a person has an accident with head trauma / brain damage-or has a chemical imbalance in the brain-it can cause radical personality alterations-the "filter" has been changed / damaged, which alters the frequecies-hence altering the aspect of the "self" perceived by external observers.

This may account for tales of "walk ins" after an accident-it actually seems as if an entirely different person has taken over occupancy of the body-and in essence this is so. We see an entirely different "self" just as if that person had incarnated into a different body.

When we engage in esoteric studies-or in Scientific studies related to the Work-such as Quantum physics-our DNA becomes enhanced-altered-and we can send and receive a different set of frequencies-which may embue us with PSI abilities, seeing higher / hidden realms, grasping the workings of quarks, nutrinos-hyper dimensionsal space and so forth. We resonate at higher frequencies-or pehaps, should say, we are able to perceive MORE frequencies-our "tuners" get an upgrade-so to speak.

Folks notice you are no longer the same "you"-and may wonder what the heck is up with HIM /HER? You have family and friends drift away-perhaps even cuasing marriages to dissolve- and acquire friends more in tune with your direction-they resonate to the same frequencies. In case of fact-same as above-but not so extreme. It really IS a different "you".

When I came across the Ra material and the Law of One-it was like a light turning on-even though this material to most would seem so much nonsense-I had absolutely no problem understanding it at all-I did not have to have a degree in Physics to comprehend and accept the fact of hyperdimensions (I have "known" this since I was about nine years old, but failed Physics and Chemistry because I have ADD and could not grasp the math-thank goodness for microprocessors!)-or in accepting the fact these realms are populated with conciousness-in fact, it made so much sense and was so incredibly clear that I realized that at last-this was the real deal-this was THE path I should follow-which lead me here to the Cassiopea site.

In fact it was an article on History-about the Holy Grail-written by Laura that was posted on another site-that led me here. It was so fascinating-and so very different from all the other junk that I just HAD to see if she had written any other material-the rest -no pun intended-is history.

When the student is ready for the Master-the Master will appear. Absolutely. And here we have many who may be deemed such. And until we reach 7th D-We are ALL students-always, and ALL ways.

Using someone else's design is, as Ark said-old hat-Scientists and Mathemeticians have been doing it forever.

Did Einstein feel guilty about taking the original metric tensor model and trying to work it to create a Unified Field Theory? How about Kaluza-Klein or Yang-Mills?

Nope. They are simply taking those ideas-those models- and trying to work it into something new and elegant-building upon the original models left to them by their predecessors-and hoping perhaps they will see something their predecessors might have missed-and suddenly there it is-the Eureka! moment every scientist longs for.

I really think 6th Density deliberately places these pictograms into our environment-HOPING we will use them-and perhaps divine meaning out of them-for they DO mean something-not only to 6th D but they should "resonate" with us as well.

But we may have missed our most important sign posts-I hope not. Well I have digressed and gotten totally off topic here. I will shut up now.
tschai, I dont think Ark is offended because you posted this very interesting fact, and about the which you did not said they were different, but similars.
It was Ark who reported the differences. And not to say he was offended!
Ark took the image and adecuated it to represent the structure of the densities.
The fact Ark's design beats the Crop Circle design means the Crop Circle is just a representation of the tree of life and only that, or a lye.
The worst case scenario is to find out they are related.
And Crop Circle looses if it pretends to represent the densities.
Quite frankly, Cricket ,I also do NOT think they are related and in fact are representing completely different things-as you say.

The fact Arks' drawing happened to appear in this similar configuration is pure co-incidence. Nothing more-and I outline why that may happen in my previous post- and is probably a lot more common than we think.

The Tree of Life image may be that and nothing more-but still begs the question-WHY did the circle makers depict the Tree of Life?What were they saying here-and to WHOM was this message-if it is a message- addressed?

Why do they make the images at all?

The C's (I think) said they are "reflections"of thought forms filtering down to us here in 3rd density from 6th density-some of them look like very elaborate technical diagrams or schematics for electronic circuits-or highly advanced machines-and astronomical ephemerae.

Others look to be no more than really intricate geometric designs-done for "fun"-but the thing which always strikes me-and fascinates me-is the PERFECTION with which they are done-the PRECISION.

This is a key indicator- these are largely NOT the work of human agents-no human beings could execute such breathtaking, perfect designs, in TOTAL DARKNESS, in a SINGLE EVENING-without being noticed by someone.

The other worldley factor comes into play because of this-and here is why-in his books, Whitley Streiber describes one of the charecterstic aspects of the "visitors" as their incredible PRECISION-the machine like PERFECTION with which they carry out their tasks-which cannot be duplicated by humans.

I know a lot of people think Mr. Streiber is a phoney, and is CoIntelPro drone-but I think he is sincere about a lot of his experiences-simply because of the way he descibes the visitors-and their actions.

Their PRECISION. Their intense-almost FERAL feeling of LOVE toward their victims-the HUNGER they seem to radiate for total immersion into a persons SOUL-an almost-dare I say-PREDATORY feel to them-and yes that is the million dollar word that sums it up for me.

That convinces me Mr. Streiber has indeed come into contact with the very real embodiment of 4th Density STS.

It is a shame he refuses to come into contact with the people on this site-and then he would see what he is REALLY consorting with-and could better educate himself and those that visit his site.
Ok, now we are talking about the mistery of Crop Circles and poor Mr Strieber.
Ark's and Crop Circle's designs might be related (why not? this days, coincidences are fading away) and, if such happens to be the case, crop circle looses and it is in the best interest of the crop circles authors not to be related.
Besides this, the similarity is certainly there.
Me particulary, I would really love to see they are related.

I don't know how or why they make the crop circles. And I dont see anyone arguing crop circles and Strieber's visitors are not authentic (or even non 6th density the first, 4th STS real embodyment the second). I guess you are trying to say Strieber's visitors and crop circles are both "sincerely" foreign because of its level of presition -curious relationship.
Perfection and Presition are fascinating on their own indeed. This is not the problem on Strieber's case, but the gigantic strategy of counter-intelligence and manipulation he went and has been going through since then, and about the which he does not realizes or totally dennyes. The problem is the number of people he reaches and the message he has for them: "Alines love us with a feral, predatory feeling of love -please try to understand them".
And because they love us ("on their own unique way", I guess Whitley would explain), we should love them back, welcoming them, calling them to our lifes so they can aid us to stablish the Comunion we are destined to, and the which we cannot perform by owr selfs.
Or so he says.
I dont see why it would be a shame Mr. Strieber not comming into contact with this site. And I don't think he would find something of value for his education: He is already there, at the place at the end of the worlds, and the rest just have to follow his sign, whiche he sales, and very cheap by the way.
This has gone totally off-topic.
Yeah-it was real late when I wrote that last-you are correct-the crop circles are NOT part of 4D manifestation but purely 6th Density (or so we are told) so I don't know how that bit about Strieber fit in -see what happens when you let your guard down-they make you write drivel in their (4th D) DEFENSE! Auuughhh!

I guess that happened because I was talking about the precision with which the circles / designs were made and somehow segued into the Strieber thing.

And about selling the information-well- one has to eat and it costs a LOT of money to maintain website etc. so why not try to reach audience - they resonate to that material and buy or not-their decision. I paid a good bit for his books-and also for Zecharia Sitchins books-whom I totally discredit now-but at the time, I found the material of both authors fascinating-and as Timothy Good says-we don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water-because SOME of what they say MAY be valid-and it is good reference material at times.

You just have to try to sort it out.
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