Consideraciones sobre la Ley General


Dagobah Resident
Hola a todos,
Tengo un texto que me gustaría publicarlo en The Work pero necesito un repaso -una vez más- para que se pueda expresar bien lo que quiero transmitir. Gracias. El texto que cito es de Gnosis I, cap. 8

[...] La posición del hombre en el Universo es análoga a la de una célula en el cuerpo humano. Cada célula forma parte de un órgano que a su vez, como elemento de un grupo de órganos, asegura la buena marcha de tal o cual función del organismo. Examinemos, desde este punto de vista, la suerte de una célula de nuestro cuerpo. Está sometida a dos categoría de leyes, o para
simplificar, digamos que se encuentra colocada bajo la influencia de dos leyes. La primera retiene a la célula en su lugar. Se la llama en la ciencia esotérica, Ley General. La segunda, que deja a la célula una cierta libertad de acción, se denomina Ley de Excepción. La primera ley, conservadora, vigila que los órganos del cual la célula forma parte, funcione sin trabas. Para esto, la primera condición es que las células que lo componen cumplan durante toda su vida, el rol que les fue asignado. Esta ley obliga entonces a las células a permanecer en sus lugares respectivos, a cumplir allí su trabajo y consagrarle su propia vida.
Es evidente que si esta ley no retuviese las células del cuerpo dentro de los límites de cada órgano, si no las obligase a contribuir a su funcionamiento, el órgano no podría existir. De modo que esta ley es benéfica; al asegurar la existencia de los órganos, permite al cuerpo durar como conjunto. Sabemos sin embargo que la extirpación total de ciertos órganos del cuerpo humano es compatible con la supervivencia. En el estado actual de nuestros conocimientos, pareciera que en algunos casos tal extirpación no ocasiona al organismo mayores inconvenientes desde el punto de vista funcional. Con más razón, el organismo tolera seccionamientos parciales de órganos sin que se vea comprometido el rol jugado por este en la economía general. Esto muestra que la desaparición de algunas células de un órgano del cual representan una parte ínfima, pasa desapercibida; en efecto, la función no es afectada. Y como el rol esencial de la Ley General es velar por la continuidad de la función, esta desaparición se le escapa. No le pone mayores trabas. Simbólicamente se podría decir que las células que han escapado a esta ley, han entrado ahora en el dominio de la Ley de Excepción. Esta evasión de algunas células es un fenómeno que se produce constantemente. De la célula epidérmica a la célula nerviosa, nuestras células se renuevan constantemente, pero al lado de esta renovación, por dentro, existen desapariciones, compensadas o no por nuevas unidades.
Hasta aquí, la analogía con la suerte del hombre y a la Ley de Excepción puede considerarse como completa.
Pero la analogía se detiene aquí, al menos en el estado actual de nuestros conocimientos. En efecto, en ese movimiento de la vida, de las migraciones y de las muertes celulares, nada nos permite pensar que el pasaje de la Ley General a la Ley de Excepción resulta para las células de un acto consciente.
En cuanto al hombre, la cuestión es totalmente diferente.
El hombre, célula de la humanidad, forma parte de la vida orgánica sobre la Tierra. Esta vida en su conjunto representa un órgano muy sensible de nuestro planeta, que juega un rol importante en la economía del sistema solar. En tanto célula de este órgano, el hombre se encuentra bajo el imperio de la Ley General, que lo retiene en su lugar. Es verdad que esta ley le deja un cierto margen, una especie de tolerancia que le permite algunos movimientos libres, dentro de los límites que ella fija. En el interior de estos límites, objetivamente muy restringidos, pero que subjetivamente parecen vastos, el hombre puede dar libre curso a sus fantasías y a sus ambiciones. Sin ir demasiado lejos en la definición de los límites ni en la descripción detallada de los componentes de esta Ley General, podemos decir, por ejemplo, que el hambre, la servidumbre del trabajo para asegurar nuestra subsistencia, es uno de sus factores. La cadena: instinto sexual, reproducción, afán de los padres por sus hijos, es otro. La máxima esotérica que se aplica a este aspecto de la vida está concebida así: el amor carnal es necesario para el bien general. Finalmente, el miedo y sus corolarios constituyen el tercer grupo de factores en cuestión. En síntesis, el margen admitido para los movimientos libres tolerados por la Ley General, tiene como límite lo que puede describirse con un término sin duda poco científico pero muy gráfico: la felicidad burguesa. Carrera, en no importa qué rama de la actividad humana, fortuna, familia, amores, honores, etcétera. Pero todo esto con la condición sine qua non de una aceptación, aunque más no sea subconsciente, pero sin reservas del carácter inevitable de la Muerte.
En tanto el hombre acepte sin lucha el principio de la aniquilación final de su Personalidad, puede actuar en la vida sin atraer sobre sí la presión incrementada por la Ley General.
Ocurre algo totalmente distinto si emprende la lucha con miras a franquear los límites que ella impone. Choca entonces con una acción centrada sobre él de esta Ley y sus derivados. Actúa simultáneamente en varios planos: físico, psíquico y moral. Su acción sobre el plano moral fue concebida por el hombre, desde tiempos inmemoriales, bajo la forma de un personaje: el Diablo.
En la Tradición ortodoxa, la demonología ocupa un lugar destacado. Allí se encuentran constataciones prácticas, observaciones refinadas y profundas sobre las formas sutiles e insidiosas que la acción del Diablo toma en las más diferentes circunstancias, ya que llega a utilizar para sus fines hasta la buena fe de los humanos.
Se encuentran allí preciosos consejos basados en la experiencia acumulada a través de milenios y de particular utilidad para los estudiantes de la ciencia esotérica. Porque una vez obtenidos los primeros resultados positivos, indefectiblemente se encontrarán expuestos a la oposición activa de la ley y al juego del Maligno.
Es necesario darse cuenta que al colocarse bajo la égida de la Ley de Excepción, el hombre se dirige al encuentro de la Ley General, que él está incluso llamado a reinvertir a escala individual, bien entendido. No debe olvidarse -so pena de un "ataque por sorpresa”- que la salvación depende de la victoria sobre el Diablo, forma personalizada, ya lo hemos dicho del aspecto moral de la Ley General. Y esto es así, aunque esa ley en tanto ley cósmica sea naturalmente una ley divina. No es necesario amedrentarse, porque la Ley de Excepción es también una ley divina: eligiéndola, el hombre sirve también el interés del conjunto, de otro modo, pero en forma incomparablemente más eficaz. En su lucha contra la primera ley, está sometido a pruebas que, a menudo, toman la forma de tentaciones. Estudios profundos se han consagrado a ese tema en la doctrina ortodoxa. Como se dijo antes, contienen consejos preciosos de orden práctico en cuyos detalles el cuadro de la presente obra no nos permite entrar. Que se nos permita, sin embargo, llamar la atención sobre la forma indirecta de la acción diabólica. Si al marchar directamente hacia la meta, que es la liberación y la salvación, el hombre transpone sucesivamente los obstáculos, y por ello da pruebas de una fuerza que le permite desafiar el dominio de la Ley General, esta misma ley comienza a actuar sobre él indirectamente, en general por intermedio de sus allegados; cuando ellos no siguen la misma ruta. Esta acción, está insertada en el plano moral, toma a menudo formas emotivas, apelando a sus sentimientos nobles, generosos, desinteresados, a su caridad, a sus obligaciones, a su piedad. Busca conducirlo hacia un camino sin salida, insinuándole así que él retorna a su deber, que de esta forma continúa andando por el camino recto, etcétera. Esto aclara el sentido profundo de las palabras de Jesús cuando dice que el hombre tiene por enemigos las gentes de su casa.


El hombre que vive pasivamente —incluso siendo un excelente ciudadano— bajo la égida de la primera ley, insensiblemente, sin percibirlo, se introduce en el camino espacioso que conduce a la perdición; aquél que elige la Ley de Excepción toma el camino estrecho que conduce a la Vida.

En la consideración de la Ley General veo una mezcla de conceptos que me gustaría saber realmente si todos guardan la misma relación.
Por un lado:

La primera ley [Ley General], conservadora, vigila que los órganos del cual la célula forma parte, funcione sin trabas. Para esto, la primera condición es que las células que lo componen cumplan durante toda su vida, el rol que les fue asignado. Esta ley obliga entonces a las células a permanecer en sus lugares respectivos, a cumplir allí su trabajo y consagrarle su propia vida.

Esta definición nos habla del Sistema de Control por lo que puedo entender. Y no veo en absoluto que esto sea una ley divina como dice un poco más adelante:

...Y esto es así, aunque esa ley en tanto ley cósmica sea naturalmente una ley divina.

Más que una ley divina, es un sistema creado para el control y la manipulación hacia la humanidad por parte de seres que están en un “nivel superior” de existencia. Leí un post –no recuerdo cual, lo siento- en el que se comentaba que lo que dice G o M sobre lo de ser alimento para la Luna –y que además esto forma parte del rayo de Creación- que posiblemente sea una información distorsionada que se refiere realmente a que somos alimento de seres que viven o tienen bases en la Luna –o simplemente, Lizzies y Greys-.
En cierta manera, incluso en esta parte de enseñanza cabe la posibilidad de que en algunos aspectos, más que distorsionados, estén un tanto manipulados para no contar toda la verdad del asunto, a parte de la glosa bíblica. Así que la Ley General, a mi entender, no es “natural”ni “Divina”, es 4D SAS. ¿Realmente el Rayo de Creación necesita este Sistema de Control para que todo funcione? Creo que la personificación de la ley a través del Diablo, más que simbólica, es real, aunque no sea exactamente un Diablo como está concebido normalmente.

Siento no poder explicarme mejor. No sé por qué motivo será, pero este tema me cuesta un poco tratarlo con palabras; sé lo que siento y cómo lo siento, pero transformarlo en palabras es diferente.

Ps: Supongo que este tema está más que hablado, pero quiero compartir mis inquietudes y que opiniones tienen al respecto sobre esto y si alguien lo puede clarificar mejor. Gracias.

Este es el texto traducido al inglés:

[...] Man's position in the universe is analogous to of a cell in the human body. Each cell is
part of an organ which in turn, as part of a group of organs, ensures the smooth running of this or that body function. Consider, from this point of view, the fate of a cell in our body. Is
category subject to two laws, or simplify, say that is placed under the influence of two laws. The first holds the cell instead. It is called in the esoteric,General Law. The second, which leaves a certain cell freedom of action, called Law of Exception. The first law, conservative, monitors the organs of Cell which is a part, to function smoothly. For this, the first condition is that the cells that meet up for life, the role that they were assigned. This law requires the cells then remain in their respective places, to meet her there work and devote their own lives. It is evident that if this law does not withheld cells body within the boundaries of each organ, if not obliged to contribute to its operation, the organ is not could exist. So this law is beneficial, the ensure the existence of organs, allows the body take as a whole. We know however that the complete removal of certain organs of human body compatible with survival. In the current state of our knowledge, it seems that in some cases such removal does not cause major body drawbacks from the functional point of view. More reason, the body tolerates clipping bodies without disturbing the role played by this in the general economy. This shows that disappearance of some cells of an organ which represent a tiny, unnoticed, in Indeed, the function is not affected. And as the essential role General Law is to ensure the continuity of function, this loss is slipping. Do not put major constraints. Symbolically it could be said that cells that have escaped this law, have now entered the domain of the Law of Exception. This evasion some cells is a phenomenon that occurs constantly. Epidermal cell to cell nerve, our cells are constantly renewed, but next to this renovation, inside, there disappearances, compensated or not by new units. So far, the analogy with the fate of man and Exception Act be regarded as comprehensive. But the analogy stops here, at least in the state our present knowledge. Indeed, in that movement of life, migration and cell deaths, nothing makes us think that the passage
General Law on the Law of Exception is for cells of a conscious act. As for the man, the issue is totally different. The man, human cell, is part of life Organic on Earth. This whole life
represents a very sensitive organ of our planet, plays an important role in the economy of the solar system. While this body cell, the man is under the rule of General Law, which retains its
place. It is true that the law leaves a certain margin, a kind of tolerance that allows some
free movement within the limits it sets. Within these limits, very objectively restricted, but subjectively seem vast, the man can give free rein to their fantasies and their ambitions. Without going too far in defining limits or a detailed description of components of this Act, are, on example, that hunger, servitude of work ensure our survival, is one of its factors. The chain: sexual instinct, reproduction, desire of parents for their children, is another. The maximum applies esoteric this aspect of life is conceived in this way: love flesh is necessary for the general good. Finally, fear and its corollaries are the third group factors concerned. In short, the margin allowed for free movement tolerated by the General Law, is limited to what can be described with one word certainly unscientific but very graphic: happiness bourgeois. Career, no matter what branch of activity human fortune, family, love, honor, and so on. But all this with the sine qua non of a acceptance, if only subconsciously, but no reserves the inevitability of death.
In both men accept without fighting the principle of final annihilation of his personality, can act in life without attracting increased pressure on himself by General Law. Is something totally different if it sets out the fight with order to cross the limits it imposes. Bump then with focused action on it of this Act and derivatives. Acts simultaneously on several levels: physical, mental and moral. Their action on the moral level was conceived by man since time immemorial in the form of a character: the devil. In the Orthodox tradition, demonology plays an highlighted. There are practical findings, refined and profound observations about the ways subtle and insidious that the action taken in the Devil most different circumstances, and to get to use
for its purposes until the goodwill of humans. They are there based on precious advice
experience accumulated over millennia and particularly useful for students of science
esoteric. Because once earned the first positive results are bound to find exposed to the active opposition of the law and game Evil. It is necessary to realize that when placed under the aegis
Exception Law, the man goes to meet General Law, he is even called reinvest at the individual level, of course. It should not forgotten, on pain of a "surprise attack" - the salvation depends on victory over the Devil, is personalized, as we have said about the moral aspect of General Law. And so, although that law in both law cosmic is naturally a divine law. It is not necessary
Undaunted, because the Law of Exception is also a divine law: choosing it, the man is also
interest of the whole, otherwise, but in a incomparably more effective. In its fight against
first law is tested and often take the form of temptations. Depth studies have devoted to this subject in the orthodox doctrine. As mentioned above, contain precious advice Order practical in the box details of which this book not allow us to enter. We are allowed, however, draw attention to the indirect form of action diabolical. If he marched directly toward the goal, is the liberation and salvation, man transposes successive obstacles, and this gives evidence a force that allows you to challenge the dominance of the Law Generally, this law begins to act on it
indirectly, through their general relatives, when they do not follow the same route. This action, is inserted into the moral level, it often takes emotional ways, appealing to their noble sentiments,
generous, unselfish, to his charity, his obligations to their piety. Reasons lead to a dead end, hinting so he returns to his duty, which thus continues to walk along the road straight, and so on. This explains the deeper meaning of the words of Jesus when he says that man is enemies the people of his home.


The man who lives even as a passive- excellent citizen, under the aegis of the first law,
gradually, without noticing, is introduced into the spacious way that leads to destruction, one that Law Exception choose the narrow way that takes leads to Life.

In consideration of the General Law see a mix of concepts that I really wonder if all bear the same relation.

La primera ley [Ley General], conservadora, vigila que los órganos del cual la célula forma parte, funcione sin trabas. Para esto, la primera condición es que las células que lo componen cumplan durante toda su vida, el rol que les fue asignado. Esta ley obliga entonces a las células a permanecer en sus lugares respectivos, a cumplir allí su trabajo y consagrarle su propia vida.

This definition speaks Control System so I can understand. And I do not see at all that this is a divine law and says a little later:

And this is so, but that law as cosmic law is of course a divine law.

Rather than a divine law, is a system created for the control and manipulation to humanity by beings who are in a "top level" of existence. I read a post, do not remember which, sorry, "which said that what he says about what G and M to be food for the Moon" and also this is part of the ray of creation, which is possibly distorted information actually refers to food that we are beings who live in or have bases on the Moon-or simply Lizzies and Greys.
In a way, even in that part of education it is possible that in some respects, rather than distorted, are somewhat manipulated to not tell the whole truth of the matter, apart from the biblical gloss. So the Act, in my opinion, is not "natural" or "Divine" is 4D SAS. Really the Ray of Creation need this control system to make things work? I think the personification of the law through Devil's more than symbolic, it is real, though not exactly a Diablo as conceived normally.

Sorry I can not explain better. Do not know why it will be, but that's a bit hard for me to treat it with words, I know what I feel and how I feel, but to transform it into words is different.

PS: I guess this issue is more than talked about, but I want to share my concerns and opinions are about the topic and if anyone can clarify better. Thank you.
Hi Eongar,

Here is the original text of the English version of Gnosis I Chapter 8.
Regarding the translations of your own text I've just corrected some minor aspects.

In order to improve, you can also try to read the books in English, it works for me

Gnosis I Chapter 8 said:
The position of man in the Universe is analogous to that of a cell in thehuman body. Each cell is a part of an organ which, in its turn, is an element of a group of organs that assures proper accomplishment of some definite function of the organism.
From this point of view, let us examine the lot of a cell in our bodies. It issubject to two categories of laws. To simplify, let us say that it is placed under the rule of two laws.
The first keeps the cell in its place. In esoteric science we call it the General Law.
The second leaves a certain liberty of action for the cell, and is called the Law of Exception.
The first law, which is conservative, ensures that the organ of which this cell is a part accomplishes its function with no impediment. To this end, the first condition is that during their lives the cells which compose the organ fulfil the role given them. This law obliges these cells to remain in their own places, to complete their work, and to dedicate their lives to it.
It is evident that if this law did not keep the cells of the body within the limits of each organ, if it did not oblige them to fulfil their function, the latter would not be able to exist. Thus this law is beneficial; by ensuring the existence of the organs, it permits the whole body to endure.
We know, however, that the total removal of certain organs of the body is compatible with survival. In the current state of our knowledge it even seems that removal of some of them leads to no serious functional inconvenience.
Even more; the organism tolerates partial resection of some organs without compromising the roles played by the latter in the general economy. This shows that the disappearance of a few cells, an infinitesimal part of an organ, goes unnoticed: its functioning is not impaired. As the essential role of the General Law is to watch over continuity of function,
this disappearance passes unnoticed by it. Therefore it places no further obstacles. Symbolically, one can say that cells which escape from this law now enter the domain of the Law of Exception.
This escape of a few cells is a phenomenon which occurs constantly. All our cells from the epidermic to the nervous are constantly renewed according to different and variable rhythms. In addition to this renewal from within, there are also disappearances, compensated or not compensated for by new units.
Up to this point, the analogy with what happens to man because of the General Law and the Law of Exception could be taken as complete.
But it stops here, at least as regards the present state of our knowledge. In this activity of life, of migrations and of cellular death, there is no justification for thinking that the passage from the General Law to the Law of Exception results from any conscious actions of the cells.

For man it happens differently.
As a cell of humanity, man forms part of organic life on Earth. This life in its ensemble represents a very sensitive organ of our planet, playing an important role in the economy of the solar system. As a cell of this organ, man finds himself under the influence of the General Law, which keeps him in his place. In fact, this law leaves him a certain margin or tolerance. It allows him some free movement within the limits it sets. Within these boundaries, which are very limited objectively although subjectively they appear vast, man can give free rein to his fantasies and his ambitions. Without going too far into the definition of these limits and detailed description of the components of this General Law, we can say as an example that one of those factors is hunger: the servitude of working to assure our subsistence.
The chain: sexual instinct; procreation; and the care of parents for their children, is another factor. The esoteric maxim that applies to this aspect of life is conceived thus: carnal love is necessary for the general good. Lastly, fear in its many forms constitutes the third group of factors in question. On the whole, the permitted margin for free movement tolerated by the General Law colourful: bourgeois happiness. Careers in every branch of human activity; fortune; family; love; honours etc.; all are subject to the sine qua non condition of unconditional if only subconscious acceptance of the inevitability of Death.
As long as man accepts the principle of the final annihilation of his Personality without a fight, he can carry on in life without attracting the increasing pressure of the General Law upon himself.
The case is totally different if he struggles to surpass the limits which it imposes. He then runs against the action upon him of this Law and its derivatives. It acts simultaneously on several planes: physical, mental and moral. Its action on the moral plane is conceived by man, since time immemorial, in the form of a personification: the Devil.
In the orthodox Tradition demonology occupies a considerable place.
We find there practical constatations, fine and profound observations on the highly sophisticated and insidious forms that the Devil's action takes in very varied circumstances, in which it goes as far as using the good faith of humans for its own ends.
We will also find precious advice, based on accumulated experience over the ages, which is particularly helpful to students of esoteric science; because once the first positive results are obtained those students will unmistakably run up against the active opposition of the law and the game of the Crafty One.
It must be realized that in placing himself under the aegis of the Law of Exception, man goes against the General Law, which he is even called upon to overthrow, if only on the individual scale. He must not forget — under penalty of 'surprise attack' — that salvation depends on victory over the Devil, which as we have said, is the personalized moral aspect of the General Law.
This is so even though this, being a cosmic law, is naturally a divine law.
One must not be afraid, as the Law of Exception is also a divine law: in choosing it, man continues to serve the interest of the whole, but differently and in an incomparably more efficient manner. During his fight against the first law, he is subject to tests that often take the form of temptations. In orthodox Doctrine deep studies are devoted to this theme.
As stated above, they contain precious advice of a practical nature, details of which we cannot cover in this present work. We are however permitted to draw attention to the indirect nature of diabolical action. If, aiming straight towards his goal, which is liberation and salvation, the seeker successfully overcomes the obstacles and by this shows proof of a strength that would permit him to defy the authority of the General Law, the latter will begin to act upon him indirectly, generally by the mediation of his near ones if they do not follow the same path: this action occurs on the moral plane, and often takes emotional forms appealing to his most noble, generous and disinterested sentiments: to his charity; his obligations; his pity. It impels him down blind alleys, insinuating that he will thus be returning to his duty, that by so doing he will go on walking in the right path, etc.
This will clarify the profound saying of Jesus that: 'A man's worst enemies are those of his own household.''

Translation said:
Considering the General Law, I see a mixture of concepts wich I want to really know if all bear the same relation.

Gnosis I said:
The first law, which is conservative, ensures that the organ of which this
cell is a part accomplishes its function with no impediment. To this end,
the first condition is that during their lives the cells which compose the
organ fulfil the role given them. This law obliges these cells to remain in
their own places, to complete their work, and to dedicate their lives to it.

Translation said:
This definition speaks of the Control System or so I can understand. And I do not see at all that this is a divine law as it is said later:

Gnosis I said:
This is so even though this, being a cosmic law, is naturally a divine law.

Translation said:
Rather than a divine law, it is a system created for the control and manipulation of humanity by beings who are in a "top level" of existence. I read a post, do not remember which, sorry, "which said that what says G and M to of being food for the Moon" and also this being part of the ray of creation, which is possibly a distorted information, actually refers to us being food for beings who live in or have bases on the Moon-or simply Lizzies and Greys. Some way, even in that part of the teaching it is possible that in some respects, rather than distorted, are somewhat manipulated to not tell the whole truth of the matter, apart from the biblical gloss. So the General law, in my opinion, is not "natural" or "Divine" it is 4D SAS.

Does really the Ray of Creation need this control system to make things work? I think the
personification of the law through the devil is more than symbolic, it is real, though not
exactly a devil as it is normally conceived.

Sorry I can not explain better. Do not know why but it's a bit hard for me to treat it with
words, I know what I feel and how I feel, but to transform it into words is different.

PS: I guess this issue is more than talked, but I want to share my concerns and opinions about the topic and if anyone can clarify better. Thank you.

Here is the quote you used, from the English version of Gnosis I:

The position of man in the Universe is analogous to that of a cell in the human body. Each cell is apart of an organ which, in its turn, is an element of a group of organs that assures proper accomplishment of some definite function of the organism.
From this point of view, let us examine the lot of a cell in our bodies. It is subject to two categories of laws. To simplify, let us say that it is placed under the rule of two laws.

The first keeps the cell in its place. In esoteric science we call it the General Law. The second leaves a certain liberty of action for the cell, and is called the Law of Exception.

The first law, which is conservative, ensures that the organ of which this cell is apart accomplishes its function with no impediment. To this end, the first condition is that during their lives the cells which compose the organ fulfil the role given them. This law obliges these cells to remain in their own places, to complete their work, and to dedicate their lives to it.

It is evident that if this law did not keep the cells of the body within the limits of each organ, if it did not oblige them to fulfil their function, the latter would not be able to exist. Thus this law is beneficial; by ensuring the existence of the organs, it permits the whole body to endure.

We know, however, that the total removal of certain organs of the body is compatible with survival. In the current state of our knowledge it even seems that removal of some of them leads to no serious functional inconvenience. Even more; the organism tolerates partial resection of some organs without compromising the roles played by the latter in the general economy. This shows that the disappearance of a few cells, an infinitesimal part of an organ, goes unnoticed: its functioning is not impaired. As the essential role of the General Law is to watch over continuity of function, this disappearance passes unnoticed by it. Therefore it places no further obstacles. Symbolically, one can say that cells which escape from this law now enter the domain of the Law of Exception.

This escape of a few cells is a phenomenon which occurs constantly. All our cells from the epidermic to the nervous are constantly renewed according to different and variable rhythms. In addition to this renewal from within, there are also disappearances, compensated or not compensated for by new units.

Up to this point, the analogy with what happens to man because of the General Law and the Law of Exception could be taken as complete.
But it stops here, at least as regards the present state of our knowledge. In this activity of life, of migrations and of cellular death, there is no justification for thinking that the passage from the General Law to the Law of Exception results from any conscious actions of the cells.

For man it happens differently. As a cell of humanity, man forms part of organic life on Earth. This life in its ensemble represents a very sensitive organ of our planet, playing an important role in the economy of the solar system. As a cell of this organ, man finds himself under the influence of the General Law, which keeps him in his place. In fact, this law leaves him a certain margin or tolerance. It allows him some free movement within the limits it sets. Within these boundaries, which are very limited objectively although subjectively they appear vast, man can give free rein to his fantasies and his ambitions. Without going too far into the definition of these limits and detailed description of the components of this General Law, we can say as an example that one of those factors is hunger: the servitude of working to assure our subsistence. The chain: sexual instinct; procreation; and the care of parents for their children, is another factor. The esoteric maxim that applies to this aspect of life is conceived thus: carnal love is necessary for the general good. Lastly, fear in its many forms constitutes the third group of factors in question. On the whole, the permitted margin for free movement tolerated by the General Law is limited by something best described in a term less scientific than colourful: bourgeois happiness. Careers in every branch of human activity; for- tune; family; love; honours etc.; all are subject to the sine qua non condition of unconditional if only subconscious acceptance of the inevitability of Death.

As long as man accepts the principle of the final annihilation of his Personality without a fight, he can carryon in life without attracting the increasing pressure of the General Law upon himself.

The case is totally different if he struggles to surpass the limits which it imposes. He then runs against the action upon him of this Law and its derivatives. It acts simultaneously on several planes: physical, mental and moral. Its action on the moral plane is conceived by man, since time immemorial, in the form of a personification: the Devil.

In the orthodox Tradition demonology occupies a considerable place. We find there practical constatations, fine and profound observations on the highly sophisticated and insidious forms that the Devil’s action takes in very varied circumstances, in which it goes as far as using the good faith of humans for its own ends.

We will also find precious advice, based on accumulated experience over the ages, which is particularly helpful to students of esoteric science; be- cause once the first positive results are obtained those students will un- mistakably run up against the active opposition of the law and the game of the Crafty One.

It must be realized that in placing himself under the aegis of the Law of Exception, man goes against the General Law, which he is even called upon to overthrow, if only on the individual scale. He must not forget-under penalty of 'surprise attack' -that salvation depends on victory over the Devil, which as we have said, is the personalized moral aspect of the General Law. This is so even though this, being a cosmic law, is naturally a divine law. One must not be afraid, as the Law of Exception is also a divine law: 5 in choosing it, man continues to serve the interest of the whole, but differently and in an incomparably more efficient manner. During his fight against the first law, he is subject to tests that often take the form of temptations. In orthodox Doctrine deep studies are devoted to this theme. As stated above, they contain precious advice of a practical nature, details of which we cannot cover in this present work. We are however permitted to draw attention to the indirect nature of diabolical action. If, aiming straight towards his goal, which is liberation and salvation, the seeker successfully overcomes the obstacles and by this shows proof of a strength that would permit him to defy the authority of the General Law, the latter will begin to act upon him indirectly, generally by the mediation of his near ones if they do not follow the same path: this action occurs on the moral plane, and often takes emotional forms appealing to his most noble, generous and disinterested sentiments: to his charity; his obligations; his pity. It impels him down blind alleys, insinuating that he will thus be returning to his duty, that by so doing he will go on walking in the right path, etc. This will clarify the profound saying of Jesus that: ~ man's worst enemies are those of his own household.'


The man who lives passively under the first law, insensibly and without being aware of it -even as an excellent citizen- involves himself in' The broad way that leadeth to destruction;' he who chooses the Law of Exception takes: 'The narrow road that leadeth unto Life.'


This is so even though this, being a cosmic law, is naturally a divine law.
Apologies Ana, I didn't see your reply. :-[ We posted it almost at the same time.
Thanks, Ana and Ailén. I read in this moments The Wave in English and learn thos language step by step.

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