Conspiritainment Can Result in Learned Helplessness

I enjoy Jasun Horsley's podcast because is very weird. 🙂

This week's episode with Steven DeLay is worth a listen.

They address a troubling phenomena I have also noticed; Conspiracy Entertainment that results in Learned Helplessness.

I accidentally began my Conspiracy Research in the mid 90's by listening to Alex Jones on AM radio as I needed to kill hundreds of hours of driving time as I traveled around Texas for my job. It was fascinating.

30 years later I find it very difficult to find any new information, or any viable method for defeating evil conspiracies.

I may be suffering from Learned Helplessness.

DeLay describes this phenomena very well in this podcast episode. I particularly enjoyed his analysis of how most "Conspiracy Researchers" are really just Entertainers, who might actually be unwittingly assisting Evil by self-censorship...

Jobcast # 42: The Jazz Police

Ironically, at the end their recommendation is to "Leave it in God's hands" because of their religious views.
30 years later I find it very difficult to find any new information, or any viable method for defeating evil conspiracies.
One viable method is networking and providing the resulting information for those who are open to it. As evil exposes itself more through miscalculations and wishful thinking, the number of those who see what is going on increases. In the end it may be up to how many people in the police and military wake up and refuse to be the enforcers of evil.

There is also "energetic work" of increasing one's FRV and connecting with others who do the same. The more people do this, the more impact it has around us and on humanity as a whole on a fundamental level. The chaos we are seeing now seems to be partly due to old structures that were built on lies falling apart, unable to sustain themselves in the new energetic environment.
Interesting share. I remember learning about the US trying to isolate and destroy small towns by shutting down offramps and onramps definitely put me into a frozen, debilitated state upon hearing that. I remember it like night and day.

I think learned helplessness has two components two it, one top-down and one bottom-up.

The top-down component is just how little of the information we fill our minds with is true, relevant, and actionable. As much as we emphasize gaining knowledge and reading the news, only a small fraction of it ever really influences our decisions in life. If we took one week to force ourselves to take some action based on every bit of information we read about, that would be a very tall order. An animal living in its natural environment sees all information as relevant to its life and actionable based on its immediate situation.

I find reading news that is more local, or which is pertaining to some challenge in life you're facing or task you want to accomplish, feeds more into our capacity for action instead of just shutting down in response to the information.

The bottom-up component is the literal dorsal-vagal shutdown or functional freeze distressing information for which it is seemingly impossible to do anything about. Directly acting on the nervous system to pull us out of a functional freeze and "thaw out" those frozen energies can be beneficial. Doing Eiriu Eolas, especially the Warrior's Breath and the Bioenergetic Breathing can help in a lot of situations. Essentially it needs to feel safe in the body for it to step up to action again.
I think one ought to remember that it is a great school, and beyond what one learns of the workings of the world, and how helpless one is to change anything, maybe the most useful aspect of learning about these conspiracies is the knowledge they impart. Not to change the world, but quite simply to learn.

I think a lot of conspiracies lead one to hopelessness because of the focus they're presented with "They're trying to kill us all" and while that may be true, and it may indeed be unavoidable, life doesn't end at the passing of our bodies, so survival for as long as possible in the healthiest way possible, with as much awareness as one can possess is a lofty goal, but failure to do so doesn't really represent total defeat.

So, while we're only conceiving of our lives as mere material, then it is a hopeless case because we will never possess their conscienceless existence nor their endless resources, but if we factor in our spiritual selves into the mix, the material defeat isn't so bad, and one can begin to focus on that and maybe even begin to enjoy the process of living in interesting times. Which is very different than leaving it all on the hands of God, to save our buns from the fire.

Because learning about all the evil deeds of the PTB has really made the difference of becoming knowledgeable about how the world works, workings that remain intact, it is us that can change.
It is kind of all connected, I think. Our primary focus needs to be on our own learning, growth and raising of the FRV - because those are the things we do have full control over. And if enough people do that, then this can also change the "frequency of humanity". Even small groups of high FRV people can apparently have a huge impact on humanity at large. But that does seem to be a secondary goal, while the primary goal is the Work on ourselves - the "results" of which carry over beyond this lifetime.
As much as we emphasize gaining knowledge and reading the news, only a small fraction of it ever really influences our decisions in life. If we took one week to force ourselves to take some action based on every bit of information we read about
100+ đź‘Ť

One of the most beneficial things I did for my Mental Health was to prune my daily "information stream" way, way down.

After I had processed enough data to confirm various outrages as true, continuing to process more of that information was like eating poison.

30 years ago in my 20's I was a classic "News Junkie". This new thing called the "Internet" fed and amplified that addiction. I enjoyed the rush of every day's newest outrage.

Today I know voting is fake (so attention to national and global "politics" is pointless). I already confirmed this planet is a giant predation hierarchy run by Oligarchs who can never be precisely identified at the highest levels (so no need to read more "conspiracy" books or conspiracy news feeds for confirmation).

I allow myself only two hours of "computer time" every morning with my coffee to answer emails, check my financial investments, scan for any new threat that might affect me personally such as weather events, law changes, or local business news.

The rest of the day I do chores, visit with my wife and kids, and tend to my elderly Parents.

I only use my phone to answer calls, and listen to podcasts about history and esoterica while I do mindless work such as mowing my yard, folding clothes, etc. No phone social media. No phone news feeds. Those apps are not even installed. I actually have to stay vigilant to prevent Android from injecting that stuff onto the device.

I feel SO MUCH better mentally.

It's like stopping the consumption of sugar. If you've never abstained from sweeteners 100% for at least a three months, you cannot really understand how horrible even a small amount was making you feel. Corn begins to taste like candy. Carrots are almost too sweet to eat.
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