Contact with 4D STO


Padawan Learner
Hello everybody,
Dear friends I recently met a group whose mentor taught them ways to clear their minds and meditate and communicate with the Pleiadians. Their guide has information about all kinds of extraterrestrial beings and claims that he himself is related to Pleiadians. The name of the meditation they perform after cleansing is CE, which means close encounter.
There are more details but for now, I'd like to know your opinion please about it if is possible for us to contact with higher dencities STO polarity? And is there anyway to get rid of past karmas and every other things that prevents us from spiritual progress?
Thank you
An example that occurs to me.

What would a university professor do if a 10-year-old boy walked into his class and sat down to attend his classes?

They would kindly call his parents and hand him over to the parents taking the child out of college.

Each level of study is reached when it is prepared and not before.

And I don't know why, but I think we are not the ones who decided that.
Even the best, most well meaning medium can only channel his or her own expectations, when they are present.. No commitment to the information will give better information. Anything channeled is affected, or coloured by the medium themselves.

Think of a few coloured Light Emitting Diodes. Run the same pulsed electricity (information) through them, and each one is still a different colour, depending on the chemical makeup of the LED.

I think Laura et Al continuing to use a group and a planchette is the sole reason they are channeling mostly true information. Maybe together they have all the colours on the spectrum, to push the analogy further.

Any lone medium who started making too much sense would find themselves hijacked and unwittingly or otherwise speaking disinformation, just like any good media outlet these days.

Then there's con artists, dupes and madmen..

Tread carefully, as with anything. But be suspicious of anyone claiming to have all the answers.
An example that occurs to me.

What would a university professor do if a 10-year-old boy walked into his class and sat down to attend his classes?

They would kindly call his parents and hand him over to the parents taking the child out of college.

Each level of study is reached when it is prepared and not before.

And I don't know why, but I think we are not the ones who decided that.
You would be amazed what a 10-year-old could pick up from university lectures!

As a small 5 year old boy in England in the 1970s I used to love watching BBC2 broadcasts of the Open University which were televised versions of university lectures.

Clearly at that age I lacked the maturity to process many concepts and I didn’t possess the mental tools (like even basic maths) to be able to follow them down their respective rabbit holes, but these programs opened up my mind to the existence of a whole world of ideas.

These ideas provided me with two main things:

1) They gave me the context with which to interpret what I was being taught as stepping stones towards being able to eventually understand all these magical things on tv, and
2) They gave me the motivation and impetus to make sure I fully understood the individual building blocks in order that I could build on them towards being able to eventually understand and master the advanced topics.

Over time I noticed that my response to being “taught” things that contributed to my journey was very different to things that I knew I would never need or use in later life.

As you can imagine, I had some VERY entertaining (in hindsight) discussions with some exasperated teachers and headmasters about why I needed to waste my time on these topics…

As a result, I am a fan of owning my own educational path - while acknowledging the dangers of jumping unprotected into deep shark-infested waters…
There are more details but for now, I'd like to know your opinion please about it if is possible for us to contact with higher dencities STO polarity?
I guess you've not read what I'm about to post:
From The Sufi Path of Knowledge by Chittick, Ibn al ‘Arabi says:

Nowadays most people interested in the spirituality of the East desire the "experience," though they may call what they are after "intimate communion with God." Those familiar with the standards and norms of spiritual experience set down by disciplined paths are usually appalled at the way Westerners seize upon any apparition from the domain outside of normal consciousness as a manifestation of the "spiritual." In fact there are innumerable realms in the unseen world, some of them far more dangerous than the worst jungles of the visible world. No person familiar with the teachings of Sufism would dare lay himself open to such forces...

And, then, there is this that Laura discusses in The Wave I (which I strongly that you read that series if you haven't already) speaking of the experience of a woman who is talking about The Beautiful Lady:

She puts the robe around me and then my mind separates from my body. I can look back and see it lying there. Then we go up through the ceiling, pop out the roof, and fly into space. One night the Lady took me back in time. We were in a foreign country and the people wore old-fashioned clothes. The Lady took on the appearance of a beautiful woman in a blue robe. She performed miracles for them..."

Suddenly Ann's face turned ashen and she asked to be excused. Her scream of pain was heard from the bathroom where she had taken refuge. When Ann came out, she was sniffling and holding her abdomen. The Lady had savagely attacked her for revealing that down through history, creatures like the Lady have taken the form of saints. They then use the gullibility of humankind to misguide and misinform people so that they believe they are seeing miracles performed. Ann begged the newsman to delete that portion of the interview." (Osborn, 1982)

I think that it is very important to know about the forces that inhabit other dimensions and densities because they are not all wonderful spiritual beings that want to guide and help us. Knowledge protects and ignorance endangers could not be more applicable than in cases like these.

Laura discusses these things, and much more, in her The Wave series.
There are also charlatans out there that love to be admired and praised and gather followers (and money) for their "powers" that they don't really possess. It all sounds like a scam to me.
And is there anyway to get rid of past karmas and every other things that prevents us from spiritual progress?
As Laura has said repeatedly, there is no free lunch and if you think that there is, you are lunch. Doing the Work is what it takes.
As Nienna quoted Laura: "There is no free lunch". I, personally, would be highly skeptical about such mediums and personally wouldn't attend it.

There are more details but for now, I'd like to know your opinion please about it if is possible for us to contact with higher dencities STO polarity? And is there anyway to get rid of past karmas and every other things that prevents us from spiritual progress?
Thank you

It is the daily life and everyday lessons which help us to deal with i.e. past karma.

I would highly recommend that you watch Lauras "Knowledge and Being" series (it contains a six part video series):

Anyway, I think it is good that you asked and with this information, you can make your choice.
It is the daily life and everyday lessons which help us to deal with i.e. past karma.
Thank you Gawan for knowledge and being videos.
About what you said about karma, would you please give me more information about dealing with karma? I do not believe in quick ways that work like magic so what you said sound absolutly correct to me, the principle of life is to learn lessons, but I want to know how we resolve karma in daily lessons? It depends on how we react? Do you have any article/ online book that explains more? Thanks
Thank you Gawan for knowledge and being videos.
About what you said about karma, would you please give me more information about dealing with karma? I do not believe in quick ways that work like magic so what you said sound absolutly correct to me, the principle of life is to learn lessons, but I want to know how we resolve karma in daily lessons? It depends on how we react? Do you have any article/ online book that explains more? Thanks

I think it has something to do with our daily lives and the people we work and live with. Some people are more, let's say, more easy to deal with and with some others, you can learn some hard lessons. For example, how you resolve some family issues: to learn to speak about problems, to externally consider them and to understand their point of view and also to protect yourself.

Here is something from Casswiki:

Karma is a Sanskrit word which means ”action”.

The concept of karma is near-ubiquitous in esoteric discourse of different sorts and origins and many shades of interpretation exist. Generally, the concept involves a soul’s ”accountability” for its actions and is usually understood to cover multiple lifetimes. One eventually reaps what one sows is the general idea.

From the Fourth Way viewpoint, it only makes sense to speak of karma if man has evolved be- yond being a chance combination of influences, possesses an I that survives physical death while maintaining some recognizable cohesion, enjoys free will and is not simply a reaction machine. Be- cause the Fourth Way teaches that man in the overwhelming majority of cases does not meet these criteria, it does not particularly emphasize any teaching about karma, but rather concentrates on making students such that the concept might one day apply to them in a true sense.

Boris Mouravieff writes about a principle of recurrence governing lives of the exterior humanity. This involves a sort of karmic carry-over between rounds but is not really reincarnation in the sense of one consciously choosing incarnations for a definite aim. P. D. Ouspensky also speculates about recurrence. George Gurdjieff said to Ouspensky that something of the sort may exist but that it is quite immaterial to talk further about it until the student be much more advanced than Ouspensky was at the time.

A simplistic interpretation of the idea of karma would be that any ”bad deeds” will return to the perpetrator in such a way that the perpetrator will come to renounce all such badness and see the error of one’s ways first hand. Thus, over lifetimes, all becomes perfected towards a universal idea of goodness, truth and beauty. Observation of history does not support such a view.

Rather, it seems that the principle of karma allows for two different paths of evolution, correspond- ing to service to others and service to self. It may be that the eventual price of unbounded service to self is some sort of dissolution but the being gets to develop in power and capacity to far above human levels before anything of the sort takes place. Thus karma does not make a ’fair world’ not at least from the human standpoint.

”Doing good” in the hope of a karmic recompense is also a likely misuse of the concept. Following a path of service to others is not service to others if it is done for a selfish goal. ”Things come not to those positively oriented but through such beings.” [Ra]

Much has been spoken of the mechanism which would enforce karma. Most often it is said that a sort of ”higher self” makes the determination on how a life should be balanced. To a degree, the principle of karma could be seen as a tour guide of the ”far country” of incarnation, showing the reincarnating entity different sides of all dynamics. This idea is however simplistic and does not take into account the notion of polarization, which clearly seems to exist. The same Trials may increase one in the strength of commitment to a path of service but may turn another into an entirely opportunistic predator.

Rudolf Steiner has written extensively about karma, at both personal and collective levels. He offers many case studies, including Nietzsche, through which he seeks to explain specific laws which mediate between incarnations. The material is derived from his own clairvoyant faculties and is no more verifiable than channeling but does offer interesting models for consideration. Steiner proposes specific progressions of states, for example, intense hatred in one life becomes pain in the next and lack of intellect in the one thereafter. Love in one would be joy in the next and perceptive ability in the one thereafter.

The specifics vary but most sources accept that as a soul becomes more individuated, i.e. more constant between cycles of recurrence/reincarnation, the entity gets to choose the circumstance and work consciously on karma. Otherwise this is a mechanical process of cause and effect.

If something reincarnates and is subject to karma, then what is this? Nobody seems to have a precise definition. The Buddhists see man as a composite of five ”skandhas” or substances. The Gurdjieffian ”hydrogen” may somewhat correspond to the concept of skandha. During a lifetime, man may produce various crystallizations and wholly or partially formed higher bodies which may persist after physical death and undergo further experience, including incarnation.

The skandhas are a sort of wave packet in the ”Sea of Samsara”, which roughly means the terrestrial world where incarnation takes place. Some patterns are more cohesive than others and sort of keep cycling between incarnate and disincarnate states. There is no strict permanent identity of individual, although there is preservation of some ’crystallized’ traits and gradual morphing, amplification or attenuation of some ’frequencies’ in the ’wave packet of skandhas.’ Karma might be compared to the laws of physics governing the propagation of these waves between incarnations. Sometimes, a well-enough formed wave packet can have a measure of ’free will’ and utilize the laws of physics or karma towards one or another direction of development.

While the terms and cultural tone are different, we see some parallels between the Buddhist idea of identity and the Gurdjieffian one.
There are more details but for now, I'd like to know your opinion please about it if is possible for us to contact with higher dencities STO polarity?
why do you want to contact them?
And is there anyway to get rid of past karmas and every other things that prevents us from spiritual progress?
I think first you need to identify some thing as past karma. There are many techniques like meditation, Reiki etc that can help and you may want to search forum. But, observing your self and taking action ( gathering information about how you can resolve it and try to resolve the issues) goes long way. D STO can only help by giving information.
In my experience, once you heal enough of the emotional wounding (from this lifetime), you notice that there is something else that feels uncomfortable and annoying inside. These seem to be karmatic energies, possibly from prior lifetimes.

They are distinctly different from the emotional charges, wounds and so on. Those can be processed or healed to the point where they are simply gone and no longer bother you. In the case of these karmatic energies, it is different.

It seems that these need to be "shifted" in various ways, such as by bringing love and acceptance (as energy or feeling) to these karmatic energies. Or simply by connecting to the your Authentic Self in the here and now and letting this energy shift the karmatic energies.

I suppose that is a more "advanced way" of dealing with karma, since it does require some ability to sense energy.
this is a text by lyssa royal on sexuality for the orion, the pleiadian, aids, sexual anatomy, tantra, zeta reticuli, and more. i post it here because the cass also mention these galactic civilisations. even if not true, it makes for amusing reading...
maybe you could also explore the lyssa chapter on bibpley

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