Crop Circles in 3D 1996 ...


Jedi Master
Madingley, Cambridgeshire 05/11/1996

Good day class, a beautiful one from what I see. I have a murder of ravens entertaining the area today, they may interrupt the session from time to time. It is amazing to see how big that they really are. I get an occasional visitor to the hand rail just outside the house and they more than double the size of the common crow. And with a 3” beak, they look impending, even the dogs will not bother them. They seem pretty docile to me, just have to yell everything, at everybody. And the poop, don’t get me started there. So, let’s get to the session …

The first crop circle of 1996 that I am going to address. I have a 2D representation of it that has outlying centre’s that I do not see in the images that I have. The wave curve looks to me like it is misrepresented in comparison to the image from Steve Alexander. I am not going to use the 2D for this crop circle. I get the 2D images from this site, it has a good breakdown by year and month and shows many more crop circles than I can get images upon, I am still working on this. As for the images, they show that this crop circle was made by STO souls by the amount of regrowth on the crop laydown visible from the images.

I am going to classify it as a statement crop circle. The main centre of this crop circle has what looks to be a wave that is about to crash down upon itself. Coming out of the surface at a point, like it was part of the wave, is an arced shaped object. It does look to me that it is has constant radius with a possible tapering line in this object. As I stated the line curves out of the centre, not connected perpendicular to the surface but flowing as if it was part of the wave structure. I would state that it looks like the wave in this crop circle originates from outside of the centre and feeds itself into the centre and then through as if it was going to flow around the spherical shape covering everything. I do find it interesting that the flow feeding the wave is coming from the leading edge of the wave. Maybe we are thinking in the wrong direction. What if the wave is flowing across the surface sweeping all into itself and down through this external curved structure. Taking whatever was on the surface and giving them the ultimate eviction notice. You know, this sounds more likely. And, since we are all here, we all know at some level of what the wave represents … to our reality. (Solemn silence broken by the crowing of a raven outside, way up in the trees.) I think I have said enough on that.

Let me get to modeling this. I see a crop circle here as a section view through the midplane of the centre. I am going to look at making a wave that is curved with the interior of the sphere shape, ought to be interesting. The tail of the wave, I will taper as it exits the wave through the centre and condense together into the tail. Kind of like a tadpole in its single drop of water. Or how about this, a new kind of GMO cherry, worse than the apple in the garden of Eden, the STS trap in 4D. (Alright you are drifting too much, back to earth.) No, I like the wave concept, it seems applicable, knowing what we know. So, off to model this one. Back soon …

Wow that was fun. I like the output, it was quite complex. There are edges that I cannot blend with a fillet, I have never had that happen to me before. It is an ocean wave in a sphere. I could redo it with another method of modeling, might make it better but it will take more time. I will leave it as is for now. I think that we all understand the concept of the wave and all that it implies.

Well it looks like it is feeding time for the young raven, can he make noise. Until next time, Haiku …


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Hello Haiku, I agree that it appears to be a representation of an ocean wave, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it is 'in a sphere'. My opinion is that it is an ocean wave represented as a cylindrical object.
If you take the point of the wave and draw a line to the external point, you have one part. Then if you draw a line tangential to the 'back' of the wave, and extend it to the back of the other arc, you will see the 3D effect building to create the 'tube'.

I hope that makes sense.
East Oakley, Hampshire 06/02/1996

Ah, the morning instills a moment of renew. A slight breeze is evident from the gentle motion of the bushes and trees through my front window. Another beautiful day is presenting itself here and the only disturbance is from the whining of the dog (Weimaraner breed) as he chews on a rawhide bone. Good morning everybody, welcome to crop circles 101. I see we have many new faces here in this hall, welcome, welcome all.

Today we are going to look at another aspect of crop circles. The crop circle that we are going to review is a simplistic crop circle. Quite similar to many that I have done. But why would those of 6D make a crop circle of the same design, just in a different location. I see this a lot. The majority of crop circles on this era are a single centre or simple design. I mean, I know that repetition is important to get something into your mind, but this is even more than I would expect. This is a farfetched idea but what if they are a marker. A marker for a type of energy or emission. And common displays would indicate common emissions? Interesting idea. All of these single centre’s are just pointing out a common emission where it is coming out of the surface. And this is typical of other crop circles of similar concept.

So, we need to figure out what these symbols are defining and how they are being defined. Well first, we have size or volume to work with, so a larger object is representing a larger emission than that of the smaller in size of the same type of object, variability of the feature. And commonality of types of crop circle features is most interesting. I am thinking of several types already. But what would they represent? Well I guess the better question is what do we need to survive in this reality? Let me side track a moment.

Stonehenge, a well-known rock formation, in its greater days provided everyone with what they needed. This was because of the people of these days knew its secrets. I believe that there are discussions with the C’s on this several times. The energies or emissions that were constantly available in this reality were focused here by the formation and human interactions. You could feed all, cure all, connect with all, provide all by certain interactions at this site. Just do not forget how to do your interactions.

So back to the crop circle suggestion that these are each an energy or emission of this reality. And we need to figure out what each symbol represents. I am also wondering about a time factor here, meaning that is this point that is being pointed out to us in these crop circles is only a temporary location at that time. And it is not anchored there so it can move, this may be what Stonehenge’s original purpose was to draw in these energies so you do not have to roam the countryside for the emission’s location. So, let’s say we find one of these points, what do we do then? I would say that you would need to perform your spiraling dance and hum a great tune and viola, you are healed or fed or connected or whatever you need. I would say that the chateau group has found, quite possibly attracted, and fixed an emission(s) and/or a conduit(s) to their location. What these crop circles may be pointing out that there are many emissions just waiting to be used, all over the place, all we need to do is hook up to them, with due diligence of course. Your connection requires it. Of note: many crop circles have been found in a field about ½ kilometer south-southwest of Stonehenge. If this is an indication of the types of current location of emissions that were drawn in by the structure, we can use this to help us understand the emissions. I would bet that these are the energies or emissions that was originally connected to the structure are sitting in this field awaiting their next use. So this field is hot and most likely still hot. I often wonder if I could detect these emissions, that are probably running through conduits (4D connections) to this location. Could you just take a compass out and see it wiggle or start spinning as you walk around one of these fields. I would think that there is some kind of magnetic flux at these locations, something to easily detect.

Back to basics, this is a statement crop circle, similar to others I have modeled. The crop laydown is consistent with an STO orientation, it is still alive. The greater centre is about 40’ in diameter with the lesser centre at around 30 feet in diameter. The lesser centre axis is offset from the greater centre axis but the look to be perpendicular to the plane. This connects the inner centre with the outer centre to the side of the spherical shape. This does give it a concept of pointing at something. I do not have any good location information so I cannot do a direction analysis. Although I now do not believe that they are so much as pointing to something but maybe going in that direction. It is possible.

I am going to go out on a limb here (again?) and state that the centre object alone could be a connection indication. It is a primary need to have a connection if you are to move forward. And with so many centre’s in crop circles this is a good indication that connection with the higher self is important and so available.

But this crop circle has the crescent symbol in it like so many more complex crop circles like Olivers Castle, Wiltshire 07/26/1994. It is a composite of what this crop circle represents. Multiple layers of this crescent standing crop could also be a sign of a specialized form of the emission or something that is more intense, maybe both. I have another sidetrack (not again!) …

The crescent shape is of notice in all the world. I see it in arts and entertainment mostly. When it is pointing up it is a negative, evil or STS implication. When it is pointed down it is a positive, holy or STO orientation. I do not know of any importance here just another facet of the crescent that needed to be taken into consideration. Some usages are not this way but maybe that is saying something also. Now off to model this one, it should not be long …

Well that was quick. I have done these before with good results. As for its meaning, it has a defined purpose in its connection. I would have to say that the centre is the most prominent type of these crop circles, with the Halo being the second. This crescent shape is the next one so it has importance. Could be a spiritual connection with the usages as I have noticed. Composite crescents may mean a deeper or an aligned spiritual connection.

Well that is it for this session. We had a very simple crop circle become something with a deeper connected story. We will see you all next time, Haiku …


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Stonehenge, Wiltshire 07/07/1996

Yea, I like this. Another crop circle located very near to Stonehenge. Good day to everyone, please come in and have a sit. The sun is just starting to beam through the windows leaving trails across the room. I always like to see the sunrise, not so much the sunset. Yes, I am a morning person who likes to see the sun peak over the hills to bring another day. Makes for a serine setting. This is always been a good time for me to expand on the intentions for the day (not that they will all get done, I am a slacker at times). But a great way to start a day with a cup of tea or coffee, letting the sun rise all over you. Well let’s get on with this session …

Today’s entertainment, and crop circle, resides near Stonehenge. This one is impressive with a large grouping of centre’s in a caterpillar type orientation. It has an enhanced look of a system crop circle so I am going to classify it as this, for now. I am looking at it being a planar look of this crop circle but it could be in reality a spiraling grouping that goes up or down from the flag at the lead. This appears to be created by STO oriented souls, the crop look to be still alive. As for imagery on this crop circle. It is astounding, I have twenty images to look through for data to drive the model. I really like it when I can see so much. Some sights that I visit to create these crop circles:
Aerial photography
Ground shots
Diagrams and reconstructions
German crop circles

This crop circle makes me think of my concept that these are markers of energies or emissions. And as I have implied that the centre is a connection in concept. Then this would make this one a connection to a great number of centre’s, sources of knowledge (or is that alternate realities of your “self”). Either way this is a source of connection unlike any before. I see that some of the centre’s have a standing crop center, I will have to look closely for these connections.

This makes me want to stand back and look at the situation of crop circles around Stonehenge. My theory is that these are where energies or emissions are flowing up to the surface and a 6D soul was just presenting its current location, with a larger presentation showing the level of connection. So just which crop circles are seen around Stonehenge? well I guess that you will have to define an area. Not to say that these energies of emissions are contained here but were in this location here at one time. And for the 6D souls that made these presentations, it was a good way to address them with an appropriate association to Stonehenge. So, an area that would contain a grouping of different crop circle dynamics. I would expect that there will be some will have similarities to others in this group. I will have to weed them out. I have found eighteen crop circles in an area identified by the image Wilshire1a,JPG. It does look like there are similarities in them so we need to collect them in one location to display this. So back to PowerPoint to do this need, back soon …

I am done with this and you can see the results on the Stonehenge review.JPG. I found ten distinctly different crop circles. I have found three possible pairs of symbols that have similarities. There are two more that have a lesser possibility of similarities. This is a total of eighteen crop circles with a very good possible of seventeen different designs. Could these be symbols of energies or emissions that may have been hooked up to the Stonehenge structure at one time? One to define health, another to present nourishment, another to support connections, this one does this and that one does that. Everything that you would normally do in a physical sense is provided to you so you could focus on greater things, like more lessons. More theory here, but one that I am thinking has some substance here.

But this is about one crop circle near Stonehenge not all of them, not yet. I am off to model this grouping. I added a larger view of the crop circles on a google map of England, named it CC OMG.JPG. By the way I am changing the definition of ‘System’ class crop circle to ‘Connection’ class crop circles, back soon …

Finally, all done. You know these groupings are quite unique once I finish them. And if this represents a point of connections, then this is the motherload. If this was an element that was connected to Stonehenge, which kind of makes sense, it would be appropriate to show it when it was in close proximity to the site. I have a 3D PDF on this one also. It is amazing to see that at many points of rotation in the model, even though it was modeled on a flat plane, it looks like it is spiraling up or downwards. Quite unique. I had many images of this site and I could not positively identify locations for the centre’s with a standing center. I am estimating twelve or thirteen with this expression. They are located a throughout this presentation, maybe five or six different diameters associated with them. This is just to note. I have no idea what the difference means but it looks to be pointing to a different kind of connection. Just my thoughts here. It will be a few crop circle years until I get to the next Stonehenge crop circle. Then there will be a good cycle of them.

As for my theory on these symbols connection to Stonehenge, it is quite possible that this is what is being pointed out. But this is only theory for now.

Now, the morning is pretty much over, you can hear the scurrying sounds of individuals as they wake up in the house. I better go turn the kettle on, tea anyone? See you all next time, Haiku …


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Haiku, regarding the last spiral shape....

There is a thread here on the forum. It is called Dancing- techno-spiritual techniques. You can find there quotes from Cass sessions and links to Youtube videos with a ancient Greek maze dance where people move in spiral. May be a hint for understanding this crop circle:)
I hate it when I cannot stop on an item. I am having an epiphany moment here. I may have just broken another barrier to the understanding of the crop circles, this is incredible, wait till you hear this.

I keep thinking on the topic of these crop circles that were close to Stonehenge. The similarities, or more the non-similarities of them. On the Stonehenge review.JPG there were fifteen different styles of crop circles. Not really styles because we are talking about an energy or emission, so that makes it a spectrum of energies. Let’s leave it at that for now. Now in the Stonehenge review I found fifteen spectrums of energies (that does sound good). There may be more or less depending on your interpretations, this will do for now.

Now let’s see if we can find associations in the crop circles that I have done. I need to correlate the crop circle to a spectrum of energy, like they are a more simplistic form of the spectrum. This is interesting, let me see how this works.

Well I am back from reviewing my clipbook of crop circles and I only find one that I find common but different enough to identify. It is the Catworth crop circle from 1993, with a meaning of ‘Universe as Laboratory’. I see similarities to one of them that has a six-pointed feature where ‘Universe as Laboratory’ has a five-pointed center feature. Now I may be just associating a difference to it because of the C’s response and identifying it, so take it with a grain of salt for now. So, this is going to bring the total to sixteen spectrums of energies. I am sure that this will change as we move forward. But in the review, I was able to connect every other crop circle to one of these spectrums of energies. I looked at others that I did in future crop circle time and they were also following the same spectrums of energies.

Let’s document this as spectrums of energies. Identify them with an alpha identifier. So, it will be like “this crop circle has an ‘A’ spectrum of energy identified by …”. To make it easy lest do them by date which will put the crop circle identified as “Alternating Current” first. This is going to have to a visual aid here so a section of verbiage with the identifying crop circle image to support it. Another flipbook or a section of the existing? I think it would be beneficial to have it at the front of the existing as it is the major category identifier. Good idea, I would expect that we need to go back to PowerPoint and our CC Flipbook, back soon …

I have a page of these Spectrums of energies categorized by date formed. I will work on a physical description for each to help in defining others. I expect that the spectrums identified are to some level wrong, but that means that some of them are right. On future crop circle models, I will add the spectrum of energy that the crop circle is associated to. See how this works in a real environment. So far it looks really good.

I am ecstatic on this finding. No, I did not identify exactly what each type of spectrum is, but I have started to see many similarities that allows me to relate them in another fantastic way. I find it energizing that I have found this, makes me want to just stop and go down this path, work on what these spectrums of energies are and how to anchor and utilize them properly. This is not my primary task, for someone else to think about, work a solution. This will be good so I can keep up the work on the models, find the connections in them. That will help more now.

Back to crop circles, Haiku …


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Girton, Cambridgeshire 06/11/1996

Middle of summer and the gardens are going in full force. Good morning everybody, it is another beautiful day here with the temperatures going to be in the upper nineties. Yea that is a little hot so let’s make sure that we are done by noon. I am watching many things growing, from flowers to fruit. Plums are just getting ripe and apples are already falling from the tree. All of these cycles are late this year because of the late and greater amount of rain here. But the good news the crape myrtle is blooming because of the rains, only the fifth time it has ever done this in many years. I mention this because of this crop circle that we are about to review. It seems to have a “growing” theme associated to it because of certain features. A possible schematic to how to help a plant grow. The possible instructions on how to apply an energy or emission to make a plant grow right before your eyes. Or maybe it is to just point out who we are dealing with. The 4D & 5D STS Orion’s, which are plant based lifeforms. Either way let’s get this session rolling …

This is a statement class crop circle which has an ‘C’ spectrum of energy identified by the centre in in the image. The crop is still very green suggesting that it is of STO origin. It resembles a plant that is just breaking through the surface and extending outward. The first branches of life. At the growth location on the interior of the centre is an odd hook shaped item of standing grass. The crop laydown has a distinct direction in it as it folds from the outside of the hook, starting at the main growth point. It folds in an arc shape pointing to the direction of flow. This proceeds around the back side of the hook shape and blends with the internal flow, some of this turns into the inside of the hook shape. This then wraps around the interior of the hook shape and floods the area on the interior top area of the hook shape, like an internal flow. This looks like two different flows of energy, one on the exterior of the hook shape and the other on the interior, with a blending area where the two interact. Back to the exterior growth, we have two different growths. The first is a short stub of growth possibly only six to ten feet long starting about six feet from the main branch. The main branch of growth has three branches in it. The first another six to ten foot branch, typical of a first branch of a plant, which is always smaller. The second branch is at least three time the length of the first and curves out on the same side of the main branch. This is odd as on a normal plant the growth would grow opposing the direction of the first branch, it should be on the opposite side. The main trunk continues on creating the third branch which is possibly three times longer than the second branch.

So, this could be the plant connection, the energy to make really big tomatoes and this possibly shows you how you need to focus the energy this or emission to create the best effect. Like in the movies, they show someone that can literally make a plant grow in front of your eyes. Or a fast motion camera that can flow the view from an hour back to you in a minute while it is showing a bean growing. This will be possible in 4D and since we are blending with them now it is quite possible to have some kind of success now, like a trial run. So, you could go out and hold your crystal and meditate these thoughts to your plants, thinking the flow of the energy in the seed that you planted, and do spirals walking around them. Of, and do not forget the tune you need to hum. It is possible that this may hold promise for you, or this may just be another rambling of a wandering mind (total lunatic, it is a possibly).

Personally, I think that this is a marker for an energy that can be anchored anywhere. You just have to find and anchor it, this possibly might require a structure at first like a fountain or an older plant. Then you have to figure out how the Stonehenge builders connected to this energy and how they utilized it. But this is all just theory, for now.

Now I am having a decision item here in the modeling of it. First I have no easy way to show this flow that I am describing. It can be done, but very time consuming. The crop circle looks to be a cross section view and the intent of the hook object is possibly a teardrop shape with a partial opening in it. I am thinking on an overlapping transparent body for the interior and another for the exterior so the overlapping will create a blended look. I am not going to model the standing crop but the spaces around it, we will have to see what that looks like. The upper stem will look just like that, a plant stem.

Q: (Perceval) Techno-agro-spirituality!
A: Soon to be restored!

A quote from one of the sessions with the C’s. Yes, I am finally done with this model. I am still a little unsatisfied with the results, but it will have to do. There are two zones that need more work. One is the null zone, the crop laydown has outer current going in one direction and the inner current going in the opposing and where they overlap is this area, that I wanted to represent. The other is how the plant like feature interconnected with the standing crop area. So imagine it for now that there is something there.

The null zone interested me in this crop circle. It was unique in crop laydown to present it as an area where mixing of energies look to have been nulled out. The plant structure is great, I added the first spur as part of the main trunk but having a connection to the trunk line inside of the centre.

If ever there was a statement that might describe this crop circle, it is ‘Techno-agro-spirituality’. Kind of wraps this model up perfectly.

As for me, I got to go out and pick some apples before they all fall. Either that or I need to get a still going and make some apple-jack. See you next time, Haiku …


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Longparish, Hampshire 07/26/1996

A hot wind is blowing. My mother referred to it as a Sahara when I visited with her earlier today. It is now mid-afternoon with an outside temperature of 103° and a wind with gusts of 30 MPH. I was just outside with the dog and yes Sahara does kind of describe it. Still no air conditioning in the room so just hang in there. Either it will get cooler outside or we are in for a real baker her. I am squatting here in northern California with the expectation of the big one sometime in the future. (I watch the earthquake information intently, and have been for the last 10+ years. And I am only 10 minutes north of Ukiah, one of the defined cities in the pre-big-one-quake listing.) I would expect that elevated temperatures would be part of this event. If the wind was not blowing like it is then it might have been 120 or more, so we do not mind the wind too much. Yea, I know, a wordy introduction to the session. Let’s get with it for goodness sake, so I will …

Let’s get the basics here. I see a statement here in this crop circle. It has type ‘G’ spectrum of energy, although in a simpler form. Type ‘G’ spectrum is a complex energy that incorporates many other spectrums of energies. It typically has a type ‘K’ spectrum, the triangle, in the arrangement along with others. This one has type ‘C’, type ‘O’ (crescent in the centre) and possibly type ‘D’ (patterning on the arm) spectrums of energies. It looks to be formed by STO entities. In the image, that I have from Steve Alexander, you can see the crop laydown fairly well. And it does not seem to have affected the state of the crop. Also, this is a good one since it is smaller which requires more effective crop laydown techniques. You can see the outer edge of the greater centre the crop laydown starts from the outside and works itself toward the interior, and this is the same all of the way around. (if this was STO created this kind of detail is not seen. Like when a faked one is done I have seen them using a sheet of plywood as the tool. This would not give these kinds of result in the crop laydown. But enough on that.

This crop circle looks like some kind of toy figurine. The greater center, looking like the head, has a standing crop crescent shape in it. This is connected to a triangle shape at the bottom quadrant of the greater centre, which looks like the body of the figure. There are two lesser centre’s that look to represent the feet of the figure. Then there are two straight line objects to represent the arms. On one arm, the one on the same side of the crescent, has one small centre that is located off the center of the arm. The arm opposing the crescent has four of these same sized centre’s equally spaced on it. Kind of looks like one of the simplistic Japanese characters that you would see on a package of food.

Type ‘G’ spectrum of energy is alluding something to me, other than the fact that they are complex in features. It is kind of like these are representing some kind of output that can happen if you work everything right. Kind of like they are representing the results of something, not just a marker for the energy present. I look at this item and see the crescent, purposely identifying a side of the head of the figure or possibly the brain. And the fact of more centre’s on the opposing arm of the figure, possibly showing more ability. Like it was wanting to possibly show that opposing brain works in techno-spirituality just like it is in the physical world. But a caveat that there is still energy that would come from the common side, just less as shown by the single centre. Now I could be calling this backward, let me explain. The standing crop crescent in this crop circle is like a remnant of two centre’s of the head of the figure. There is one centre that looks to be one half of the size of the greater centre that is connected to the left quadrant of the greater centre. This could be identifying a common side of the brain controlling more techno-spirituality than the opposing side. You make the call here, probably needs some qualifying testing when we get to 4D. The body of the figurine looks to have a swirling factor to it and I am looking at modeling it with a cone shape. The rest is pretty straight-forward. So, let’s get this one modeled before the sand comes in with my Sahara wind here, back before too long …

Alright, I have finished this odd-looking character. I am not sure that anything that I have stated does this justice or is right in the first place. The only thing that I am sure of is this is a type ‘G’ spectrum of energy. And I am thinking that this is some sort of results information, in theory.

I have nothing more to add here so enjoy and I will be waiting for the wind to cease for the day. Until next time, Haiku …


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Etchilhampton, Wiltshire 07/29/1996

Good morning everyone. We seem to be having a little trouble with the facilities today so the restrooms are closed. I have a note here from the management, they are apologizing for the inconvenience and are noting that there are portable facilities setup outside. What, you saw a pumping truck? That would make since, probably why the current issue. Porta-poties huh, how quaint. If I were you I would hold it for this session. So, on that note let’s get this session going …

When I first saw this crop circle, it was a close up of only the main element. It resembled a triangle in a centre with a drip shape above it. Then as I found other images you could see a trail was laid down across the field with multiple centre’s spaced along its length. In one image you could clearly see one of the centre’s on this line. In another you can see two or three more of them as this line traverses the field.

Now, looking at the drip shape you can clearly see a unique crop laydown. There is a spiral pattern in it that changes my opinion of this shape. It looks like the spiral is defining a spherical shape that is spinning. There is what now looks like a tail structure coming off the spiral. This is either a snow cone or this really is a depiction of a comet with a tail. I am going with a comet, and it is because of the main spiral feature. There are small spikes at the edges of the crop laydown giving it this fireball look. The tail crop laydown is straight out the back of the fireball which would indicate direction to the star that it was approaching. Wow, that was more than I was expecting when I was looking at it earlier.

The main feature in this crop circle is this triangle in a greater centre. Well, it not really a perfect triangle, you see the one side is shown pretty straight. But the other is cockeyed a bit. I do not see this as field undulations causing it. I will have to look at this close when I model it. I see two good spirals of crop laydown in the triangle structure. One at the center of the greater centre and another partial one near the comet corner of the triangle. I would say that the comet corner, the top of the triangle, is composed of a feature that curves around two spherical features, some how. There is also a saddle feature in the lower section that supports this radial inner feature theory. You can almost see the flow of energy flowing from a side of the triangle through the center spiral and into the odd gap below (remember the session on the Bose speaker, this is one of those redirecting features) and out the other side. An energy flow that may be achieved here. My question is, ‘Is this a three dimensional or a planar object’ in this triangle feature. I could easily see a planar feature here as this could support a concept that this is a symbol that might be an identifier (4D name) of the comet shown above. I will continue this in a bit. The other option is that this is a cross section of a three dimensional object, hopefully planar to the centroid of the greater centre. If that is so I could be looking at this with a structure of a three sided pyramid. And that would make this the greatest cross section of the pyramid object. That would make it the bottom. You see, that would not match the feature, as I already identified the bottom, I thought. I have to remind myself sometimes that everything is in fluctuation. And it will not be stable until 4D. So, I am back to the original problem again, is it a 3D shape or not? I want you to know that I am having difficulty imagining what this shape is. Maybe it is because I am looking at it wrong. Maybe this is not a cross section of the object but a top view of it, and then only visible from straight above the object. So, a pyramid structure that is coped by features giving it this view from above. You know that might be possible.

Back to an earlier statement I made in the planar object. That this could be an identifier for this comet that is traveling away from the greater centre. Whether it is a planar or a three dimensional object it may be an identifier for this suspected comet. In the field is this line with the centre’s. not a straight line, but a line that turns and bends it way across the field. And along this line are the centre’s that have a good possibility of being equally spaced across the field. Alright I will just come out with it. This cyclic presentation is suggesting that this is representing a comet and its timeline. This is like what we know about Haley’s comet and it cycle. With these characteristics, this could be identifying Haley’s comet or not. I do not have a good enough of a view to see all of this timeline, then we would need to identify scaling. If we know that this is Haley’s comet’s timeline then intervals can be surmised. Then you come to this line that it is upon. In one image with a close centre on this line shows a defined turn in it. It looks to be either level or traversing away from the base of the triangle image, resulting that it is going in a slight downward direction. Then it turns and goes in an opposing direction at least ten to fifteen degrees. This was a major change whatever it was. The centre indicator of cycle is not at this change point but well after it. Then a change of direction happens again shortly afterwards. Like the centre’s location was almost to the high point and it crested shortly afterwards and changes direction again. This opposing direction lasts for a while and then it switches again and this upward motion is seen up to the next centre. And this repeats from what I can tell in these images. After the centre the cycle crests and goes in the retreat direction. The far centre in the image looks to be at the base of the low point crest, a difference in cycle. Well if that is not a forewarning, I do not know what is, that is if this is a theory is good. So we have a comet with a possible timeline. Now, I guess we have to ask if it is comet or a some kind of symbol of impending concern. I am speculating that it is an event, a timely event, that we can use to judge these shifts in everybody’s environment from a high to a low. If I had to speculate then I would say we are at one of these crest’s. Either high or low, whichever way you look at it. I guess from a STO standpoint it is a crest leading to an upward trend. And a STS would see this in reverse and would see it as a declining trend. Like we are seeing today. I am looking at a creating a three-dimensional object of the greater center. The comet I am representing as a comet, should be interesting.

An odor entered the room through a back door. I watched as row after row seemed to sink in their seats. Like a wave of something just came over all who watched. I noticed that someone was staring out the door in the back of the room. ‘Alright be kind and close the door’, it closed but that was too late for the room. He looked back and said, ‘you should see it, the hose broke’.

Well I guess that I have only one response to that. I think I have speculated enough on this crop circle so I am off to attempt to model it. We all need to get some air, let’s have a break and get out of this stench. I will go hide in a back room and model this one …

I peeked my head through the door and took a swift smell. It was ok. I did a lap around the room and the odor has been pleasantly replaced with air that was, well less scented. I was sure that I could smell it somehow. Like when you look at a tile pattern and it burns into your mind. This is like your scent memory that was burned into you from a time long ago. I may have been having scent memory just then. I stepped out of the stage door and motioned to all. We need to enter through here for the rest of this session. I have locked the back doors while the situation outside is being remedied. Please do not try to open them. … Everyone is seated and I continue …

I forgot to identify a few items on this crop circle. I would have to classify it as a statement crop circle. It has an early view of a type ‘K’ spectrum of energy. Since it was done late in the year the crop was already harvested so it is difficult to see creation orientation, STO or STS. But past that I have made something, I guess that this best describes it. I had difficulty with this one. And I expect to have a similar issue with the next one, but that is the next session. I think that this one is done, for now.

Let’s all exit through the stage door today. Hopefully the mess will be gone before the next session. Until then, Haiku …


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Another view on this. I was not happy with the three-dimensional output, so I created this planar look at this same crop circle. As for what I was implying in this crop circle, I do believe that this is some kind of symbol for the comet. And yes, I do believe that I am seeing a comet. But why do I have such acceptance that this is some kind of identifying symbol. I have to side track again …

Something I mentioned before that I had a dream that traversed multiple nights. On the first night, I got to see a 4D console in a ship that was on the opposite side of the center star, Alnilam, in Orion’s Belt. The console was fascinating. It had two surfaces that were totally smooth. The lower was fairly flat with a minimum tilt toward the front. It was about thirty six inches wide and twenty inches in depth. It was suspended in the air, no legs I checked. The upper was suspended above the far edge of the flatter section by what looked to be nothing but air. It was fixed somehow as I could not move it or the lower section. It was a little wider than the lower section and at least twenty inches tall. They were both made of slab of perfectly polished black material, (I have always have been a rock nut) I would state that they are some kind of polished obsidian. The edges were all rounded, perfectly rounded. I am an engineer and I notice features like this. On this console I saw strings of what I would identify as symbols. Each one of these symbols was different and different does not begin to describe them. There were all types with odd looking features, colors of all imaginable spectrums and blends that were beyond compare. This crop circle and the following crop circle look like these symbols that I saw. Not exactly these symbols, but other ones that appeared similarly structured. As I recall there were features on them like the item I am describing as a comet. It’s a good possibility that this is an accent feature in this language, off to work on the next crop circle, Haiku …


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Roundway, Devizes, Wiltshire 07/20/1996

Hello all. I see that the septic issue has been cleaned up. Although the grass is looking amazingly green for some reason. The peaches out back are ripening on the tree, the heat will be making them sweeter then July. Yes, it is going to be another scorcher here with temperature prediction of 103°. Keep hydrated all and let’s get this show going …

This is another crop circle that resembles a triangle in a center with another one of those comets in it, or 4D accent feature. Where the last one at Etchilhampton had a few views of a line projection that traversed the field this one I am not finding this feature or at least I do not have any view with one like it. But it does have external features. The first item I want to point out is this crop circle was in a field above a horse that was created in 1999. Now this field and others around it are hot spots for crop circles. And someone decided to put a piece of artwork on a hillside. This one is called Devizes White Horse. It is a replica of one not too far away that was possibly made in the 19th century. So we have a local in 1998 that decides to spend a year making a horse on a hillside. Not any hillside but one that is near crop circles are commonly found. Then I can say “look there are crop circles near my horse, it must be a sign or something”. Sounds kind of pompous to me, doesn’t it? Anyway, I digress …

I am identifying it as a statement crop circle again with type ‘K’ spectrum of energy. It is a little smaller than Etchilhampton in total size of the main symbol. The triangle may be similar in size but the greater centre is smaller creating a closer situation for the triangle figure. The comet is closer also. I am going out on another limb here but I am calling this the ‘comet accent’ from now on (it just sounds cool). The triangle feature is a lot less triangular than the last one. I have having difficulty imagining a good three dimensional model for it. I am only going to be able to make a planar object out of this one. But there are other features on this crop circle. They are not connected or even have features similar to each other. Almost like it is a misplaced grouping or everyone wanted to get their fingers into the scene. The outside feature that is closest to the main feature is an odd shape. Almost like it is the letter D in shape with real jagged edges. More jagged then the comet and mostly on the curved edges. The sun is low in the sky when this photo was taken making this feature look like the jagged edge of a peanut butter cup. This is totally unlike the main feature. The third feature is a simple centre located on the other side of an odd mound. It is noted that this is an odd grouping and there is a reasoning for it. Maybe the mound has a part in this crop circle presentation. Could be a strip message.

Something else. I have done crop circles in this area and yes there are now two horses on hillsides nearby. But there are a few other features here that interest me. This grouping is right beside one of them. I saw these before, eight odd features in close proximity to each other. These are mounds or small groupings of trees. One of them is in a green field but is totally devoid of growth. One is near a house or structure group and well defined. Three are in a field that was not planted, two of them fully green with tree and bush growth. It seems odd to me that these circles are still existing. No let me expand on this. This field has been planted for hundreds of years and there is one of these circles in a field that shorts the field output. Now I would have expected that sometime in the last hundreds of years that someone has not ripped up these sections and made them plantable. Each one creates a field deviation where the tractor has to work around them. I mean they just dug up a hillside and took a year to make a horse figure. Why has no one done this to these areas. The only other way for them to still be here that I can think of is that someone or something is protecting them. Are there spirits there that nobody wants to disturb. That would keep them out of harm’s way. I mean did a comet hit here and leave these features across the countryside. Probably some local jurisdiction protecting them for some reason. Must have some purpose for them to still be here. Fairy circles, that’s what they are. Or they could be anchors of energies, who knows. I bet you could get a compass to spin in one of these. I am suspecting varying magnetic influences in them. And if they are anchors of some energy that might be represented in growth or lack of growth. That might point to what forces are behind these energies. Anyway, I am rambling again. Let me get to working on this one. Back soon …

Alright I am done. I have made a planar model of the main feature of this crop circle. I did not model the peanut butter cup or the far center. So, let us review some of my conclusions. First these mounds and the one that this crop circle grouping is straddling. Are they energy anchors? Is this crop circle here because of the mound? Is this grouping stating knowledge in relation to this mound? This grouping of mounds will be in my mind as I move forward in years. There may be some connection, but this might just be more ramblings of a wandering mind. At least I am opening up your minds to what just might be possible if you think far enough.

Now I do have another angle here. The position of these objects is the speculation here. You have an important feature in the greater center like it could be a place. You have a centre opposing a physical feature in the field, something that has not moved for a long time. So, a bright object, maybe like a sun with something blocking it, maybe like an orbiting moon of the important feature. Something that would block out the sun. And in this event, there is this visibility that is created by the darkness and an bursting object that now becomes visible. Could this be showing an eclipse event and what is possible to be seen at that time. This is a more far-fetched idea here, low possibility of being correct. But nothing is impossible any more, remember that.

Well that winds up another session of Crop Circles 101. There are a few peaches on the railing as you leave. Take one if you like. And isn’t there an eclipse in August, ought to be good show, Haiku …


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Little Burry Green, Essex 07/13/1996

Good day everyone, I am glad that you decided to attend this session. I am still awaiting news on more cooling for the room as it is another Sahara kind of day. We have 105, breezy with humidity around 50%, this makes it deserted island hot. I am attaching an image of a piece of artwork that travels around to different locations. It is of a melting ice cream truck. Very conceptual of this day. Funny also.

A moment of your time. These sessions that I have been presenting are storyboards to a possible solution. Literally, this could be some low percentage of accuracy like 5-10%. The engineer in me still looks for some way to quantify my output’s accuracy. I would like to feel that they are another starting point in your 4D lessons. Moreover, I hope that I get the honor to continue these sessions in 4D, I will be there. Now onto this session …

This crop circle inspires me to see a multiple layered structure that has a most unique crop laydown. I will get to that in a moment. The basics first. This is a cross spectrum of energies with both type ‘E’ & ‘K’ involved. The structures of type ‘E’ are evident with their three-dimensional look from above the object. Type ‘K’ brings in the groupings of three, where this one has multiple levels of three’s. as you can see look to be three spherical objects at the bottom of the structure. Then it does look like there is another layer of spherical objects rotated 120° above this first level. Then the crop circle ‘topper’ in this is single centre cradled above the second layer of spherical shapes. In this centre is three crescents that present themselves as possibly moving in a spinning fashion. Possibly like a sail in the wind.

But the real object is the crop laydown throughout this circle. The top has a curvature applied to the inside of the crescent and when I see this I expect that the object is to be cupped in structure. There is definitely a crop laydown of a centre in the center, you can see it here in the middle of the field image. The outer crop laydown in this centre is making it look as if it is a rotating element. Then things really get weird between the first and second layer in the crop laydown. Again, I am assuming that this is an above object view of this crop circle. This makes the outside curvature of the second layer extend down and away as if I am looking at a building that is round at the top but elliptical at the base and it interfaces with the curvature of the first layer of spherical shapes. You can see what I am seeing at on the right side of the field image, the blend of crop laydowns. So, this second layer of spherical shapes may have a domed top to create the cradle for the top layer, interesting don’t you think. So, it’s a triple-triple, is there such a term as that? I guess there is now. (Yea, and this could just be a 6D call for ice cream. I wonder what flavor they like?)

This triple-triple type ‘K’ spectrum of energy here is maybe helping in identifying what it’s true meaning is. What I see is multiples of three like a multiplying factor in the energies present. And this being a triple-triple and the relative size of this crop circle, there is some larger compound energy here being depicted.

And the only thing I see here is a building like structure, we will have to see how that models out. I have tried to make a step movie of my modeling efforts but my software is not operating properly and crashes on me. I will keep trying, it is neat to see how I do them. In the meantime, I am off to model this one …

Wow, they never turn out like I started out thinking they were like. This is my interpretation of this crop circle. It is on the wild artistic side, with a major enhancement on ‘Wild’. The top view looks similar to the field image but when I turn to see it from the side it is quite unique. So, I ended up with a ‘Wild Triple-Triple’, sounds like a good name for now.

As for the day, it is winding down. It is down to 102° outside at 6:00 and the interior heat has gone up to 90°. Time to open up the room and let the cooler air that is bound to show up sometime tonight, in. You all have a good rest of your day. And thank you for attending today’s session, Haiku …


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Liddington castle, Wiltshire 08/02/1996

We are in for a ride today and I had seatbelts installed in all seats to keep us all going in the same direction. Buckle up and good morning. I hope that you do not mind the early start for this session. It is a lot cooler during these hours. What, no, there are no hot beverages available, it’s bring your own.

Our first turn is to the right and downward. ‘Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There’. In my youth, I found this book in the library. It was a way to another world. Like the rabbit hole, it put you in a world that was other than the one that you are in. But the looking glass, not a mirror, was what interested me when I was young. What would it look like to see through the looking glass? Possibly like seeing behind the curtain, metaphorically. This is what I saw when I saw behind the curtain, I saw through the looking glass at 4th density. Yes, it was a STS version of 4D that I saw, but it was definitely not here in 3D land. I am sure that my UFO event was a big part of me finding these thoughts of the view through the looking glass. So, I have been thinking about this now because of the crop circle that we are about to look over. As it makes me think about this looking glass, what is it? A window between two worlds, no more than worlds, two realities. Two alternate realities touching each other briefly. I am sure that there were immense energies involved here in doing my event. But a brief touch between realities is not something that can be done at any time, you have to be in a time/place where the realities can interact. This is like a window, like the one that we are all in right now. The window opens the opportunity of such an event to be easier completed, but I think that there is more to this. Like that there may be a time when each will eclipse each other, a point in time where both can interact freely. The point where realities come in full contact with each other. Visually this is like looking through a sphere and seeing an upside image of what is beyond your view. This is a looking glass, a mirror in visibility and reality. I have to wonder, if that is the objective here is that you can only see your opposing energies in the looking glass. It is interesting that this is what I encountered in my event. You know, I do present myself as a STO oriented individual and who else would I see in the looking glass but my opposing reality. Just another thought. Remember the mirror-mirror concept works in many ways in revealing realities here in 3D. I remember in one session with the C’s that there was a statement of a back flip thru a window. This kind of sums this one up.

Tight left ahead, and we slow down as we go by the school. Chirality is a statement from the August 5 session with the C’s that they just had. It has a lot of relevance to a mirror condition in molecules and how they can present an opposing condition. I am glad this was brought up as I was having difficulty with my naming the condition as ‘mirror-mirror’.

Got a round-a-bout next. Yin-Yang, ‘In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also yin–yang or yin yang, 陰陽 yīnyáng "dark–bright") describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.’ A statement from Wikipedia.

Hitting the brakes, hang onto your coffee, sheep in the road. I have been spending a lot of time focusing on both of these crop circles presentations and during one of these times an image of Yin-Yang flashed across my thoughts. This grouping of two objects in this orientation like in this symbol presents me with a dilemma. It makes me think that this might be representing itself as a different type of spectrum of energy. And I can see that this may be necessary as the implications of it far surpasses a simple radial pattern of two objects here. It is the opposing element that I do not have in another spectrum of energy. Which is leading me to create a new spectrum of energy, a first with a name rather than a letter designation. I am going to call it the Yin-Yang spectrum of energy.

Now a quick left-right chicane and a straightaway. Now, I come to this first crop circle of this grouping. I am looking at the first Yin-Yang spectrum of energy. It is what I call a statement crop circle. It is an August event on a wheat crop that is well past it’s harvest. It has quite a few details in the crop laydown that leads me to believe that this is a STO oriented creation. This is a link to several images of this grouping, The main feature is the crescent and centre on each side of this field image. As I said, I can reproduce this with a circular pattern of two objects and get this condition on opposing sides. The rest consists of a greater center that is oddly smaller than the major items of this crop circle. Inside it is a vertical eye shape that is underneath the main objects in standing crop. Like a stand for the upper objects. The position of these two object groups is slightly overlapping to allow a certain area where there is interfacing happening. And if a rotation is possible, because anything is now possible, on each side group then there is a point where these objects would come close enough to touch each other, theoretically. I would expect that rotation is opposing on each side to accomplish this. That is, if it moves as I am suggesting, and I could very much be wrong here. As a still image it is a very good representation of this Yin-Yang spectrum of energy.

A jump ahead. Crop laydown in this first crop circle is very well presented in the many images available. You can see some of the laydown being weaved as it was laid over, just fantastic work. It does show some kind of turbulence in the crop laydown as it flows around the main objects of each side group. This flow either starts or ends with what looks to be a lesser centre forming the inner curve of the crescent. The outer areas just inside the greater center show a deviated flow around standing crop feature. This has a look of one that I did earlier in Harewood, Hampshire from 07/01/1995. I need to review it for common features and see if it helps me with this crop circle.

Hard left and thru this field. The second crop circle in this grouping is a grouping. It is like two energies were available in this field at this time and both were represented. Or was there two artists that were competing for field time here, I do not know. This is a class ‘C’ spectrum of energy. This is another grouping of centre’s in a long body and this one possibly has another comet accent feature in it. Or it is a false representation, I will have to determine this. We have seen others like this but head features are usually closer to the body of centre’s. that is not to say that the head feature is not connected in some other way. Or possibly this is what happens when you separate the head of the crop circle feature, it releases the energy and it connections. The current field image that I will present a little later has interesting implications possibly due to this. Moreover, a couple of these field images look like there have been infiltrations at many points around this crop circle, deviating the original intent.

Looks like pot holes ahead, going to get bumpy. Another item I want to present to you is an image from google earth on the field site. This field is in an awful state, a tractor can be seen in the lower corner working the field. Is there a reason for this state of the field. Well a crop circle or two will really put a damper on planting a crop in a field and having to end up taking a loss. But with someone working the field it has promise to produce again. But what I want to direct your attention to is the field itself and these circular patches here and over here. There is one more way over here to the right but it may not have current relevance. But I will circle the sites of these crop circles. You can see from the one field image this stand of trees with a chalk circle in the center. This is the same point in this current image just twenty years later. The chalk circle has faded and someone has kind of straightened the protrusion of the trees to allow a straight path for the tractor. But these spots are the concerning item here. They look like spots where crops will not grow, obviously causing concern of anyone planting a crop here. And the grouping of them in the field is like they have been blasted by many small meteor’s, all the same size (not likely). Is there some other reason that there are these spots in this field?

We have come to a major hill climb. Well I can think of another and it has to do with my UFO encounter. (Yes, I have had a lot of time to think about my event.) In my encounter with this UFO it showed up as it flew over a nearby ridge and hugging the ground closely above the treetops until it came to a hover beside the garage. My event happened and when it left, there was no air movement, but the ship moved away at unbelievable speeds. Now the area below the hovering ship starting displaying an odd behavior. It would not grow anything, an area about twenty to thirty feet in diameter was now devoid of life. Not even a sprig of grass would grow there. It was odd as my father had part of the one-half acre garden there earlier in the year. The property was large enough to just move the garden back so my father paid it no thought. I have gone back to this house a couple of times and it looks like it is still as barren as it was just after the event. I have not gone back there in many years now, probably has changes ownership since I have been there. But the effect under the ship had disturbed the ability of the soil to produce any plant growth. Like the thrust that was being used on this 4D vessel had this effect in 3D. If that is really true then you should be able to find another, don’t you think? I am near an active volcano Mount Konocti and through family interactions, I know of a location of where Lake County diamonds are. A low grade diamond of sorts. But I did see this kind of effect there, like the diamonds were so hot when exposed to sunshine that the heat killed everything close by. This was not what I saw beside the garage. Beside these diamond locations are probably the residual of volcanic venting tubes from the nearby volcano. I found another site like this about fifty miles south, still no collaborations with my original site. Then I found it in the middle of a grape vineyard. It was an almost circular patch in a field, maybe one hundred feet in diameter. I am sure that the owner was cursing all of the dead vines that he has planted in this area. I see that he is trying to grow hay now in this part of the field, still with the same results. He is persistent and will not give up. But this leads up to the issue of what was the energy that did this to these areas? Since my UFO was hovering without thrust then I have to expect that some part of the energy was magnetic in nature. Using a repelling force, possibly magnetic, against the earth itself to allow it to look like it is hovering. But leaving a 3D residue in our reality.

Now a long fast and easy corner. Now back to this crop circle grouping and these similar features in this field. They look awful like what I have seen in the zone beside the garage, devoid of growth. Now I can accept that my UFO used some kind of magnetic energy directed downwards. But what if some of these energies that come from the interior of this planet can produce a similar effect in an upward direction. This, in theory, would give a similar result. Something looks to be still present here in these features in this field, some upward energy being exposed here.

Wye in the road. I hoped I picked the right way. What if scenario. I like what if scenario’s, but I only allow one ‘IF’ at a time. What if these spots are the energies that were presented together in 1996 are now scattered around the field. Something to think about. This is what I was referring to earlier. These representations in the current field image look like a donut shape or a heavy halo, and they look to be consistent in size. I do not know why they are all represented as the same sized halo object. It may be all that is left of the energy, touching our reality but with no cohesion any more. It is very odd that they appear rather close to where these two crop circles were originally presented.

U-Turn, hang on folks. I did a directional review on the detached head of the second crop circle grouping. You never know when one of these might present another view of the crop circle. So, using a field image, I was able to locate features that are still there today. I used these to define the directional angle of this object to an approximation of feature location in the field. So, I would give this a ±15% chance of pointing at something, not very good odds. It looks like it is pointing toward Northern France. But that could just a crossing point, we will have to see.

Shifting gears here. I got to stop and work on both of these crop circles. How about we take a break and let me model these up …

Alright models are complete. I did a directional analysis, it is what it is. One note on the second cluster crop circle. I almost ran out of colors. I have a standard color palette and I only had 2 colors left that I did not use. So, it is a little brilliant.

Back to full speed again and into the twilight zone we go. I started this crop circle and it struck me as some kind of mirror feature here. I started this over a week ago, and it took me this long to finalize what I wanted to present today. Now the session with the C’s that happened on the fifth of August, yesterday, hit me as consequential as I was already working on this crop circle as a mirror situation. So, fade the eerie music out and lets all think that we were probably connecting, you know collective conscience and all that. Mirrors seem to be on quite a few minds, that is not coincidence. Most interesting, don’t you think.

We it has been an interesting ride today, I am glad that you all were here in attendance. And you in the fifth row, I am sorry about the urgent stop, it was the fault of the sheep. I will pay for your cleaning, I am sure the coffee will come out. The last question, what is the connection in these two crop circles that made them appear by each other? And until next time, Haiku …


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I would say that at least a few of the CCs you have rendered and analyzed are the work of some amateur dudes with ropes and planks. In which case I'm not sure they're worth the effort.
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