Dan Carlin , Hardcore History


Jedi Master
dan has released alot of his podcasts that
he used to charge for at itunes & amazon
for FREE
search his site...
if you don't like history , he really gets into it..


http://www.dancarlin.com/product-category/hardcore-history/current-hardcore ( the free MP3 )

Thinking Outside Pandora’s Box

He’s been called a lot of things, but no one says that Dan Carlin is boring. His two long-running podcasts are among the most popular in the world. Part storyteller, part analyst, Carlin has mastered the art of looking at subjects from multiple angles and dissecting and thinking about them in original ways. He isn’t afraid to go deep or to inject historical context into modern debates. Whether it’s history or current events he’s discussing, his passion is contagious, his approach refreshing and his ideas tickle your brain in all the right places. He’ll make you mad too. You’ll like it.
This is a second plug for Dan Carlin's Hardcore History series. Each episode is several hours long and is chock full of gripping anecdotes and narratives. He's probably one of the most gifted storytellers I've ever encountered in this podcast format, and really pulls you into the minds of the historians and their reconstruction of the actions and lives of those living in the past.

Some of may favorite series with him are:
-the 5-part piece on the death throes of the Roman Republic,
-the 5-part on the devastation of Europe and Asia by Gengis Khan,
-the 6-part series on the first World War (God I wish
-the 3-part series on the Persion Empire (my personal favorite; a great tour-de-force of the geopolitics of Asia in the bronze and iron age)
-Prophets of Doom (about Central Europe during the Reformation and the Anabaptist heresy),
-Suffer the Children (about child-rearing practices in ancient and medieval and early modern times.... a real shocker about how most methods of treating children common in the past are unconscionable in western society now...)
-Supernova in the East (which is about Japanese history from the opening up of the country to the end of WW2).

The full episode list is available on his website. Basically I'm hard-pressed to discount anything I've heard of his from this list. They're incrediblu engaging listens if you're busy driving or doing office work or even just doing chores at home. A lot of his older stuff is behind a paywall (I got a 404 error from wodasi's link), but his newer stuff is available on most podcast libraries and apps. The history told is pretty mainstream and not "Secret History" by any means (his take on Caesar's Gaelic Wars in The Celtic Holocaust reflects the mainstream historical narrative), but in spite of this the podcast of of exceptionally high quality.
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