The Force is Strong With This One
I read a lot about energy lately, a few Reiki books and stuff about physical and universal energy, books about chakras, and I realized what is the actual origin of some of the problems I face all the time, problems that often make me stay at home, avoid crowded places, and just starting to avoid close friends because for no obvious reason they make me feel bad and exhausted every time I'm around them. I now know that somehow I am unprotected and they drain my energy by just being in their vicinity. Most of the people I encounter during the day are frustrated depressed types and listening to their problems is probably just reinforcing the bad feelings in me. Every time I come back home in the evening I feel exhausted, drained and overtired even on the free days when I do nothing and just rest. I would like to know how to protect my aura, energy channels, chakras in any given moment and how to raise my energy that will refresh me, give me strength, peace of mind and help me enjoy my life more. Thank you. :/