Disclosure - missing POWs


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Seeing the new article on Sott re disclosure: the Dolan-Basset face off - I thought of this recently viewed youtube:
From the 2005 documentary "Missing, Presumed Dead: The Search for America's POW's" at http://www.missingpresumeddead.com

Firstly, I didn't realize there were so many missing soldiers from the Korean War.

Secondly, it's been strongly suggested that McCain has been instrumental in blocking any pursuit of discovering/recovering the missing soldiers of the Vietnam War. The reason for this being that he committed treason while a prisoner-of-war, a real songbird in fact, including recording propaganda against the U.S. that was disseminated by the North Vietnamese government. McCain’s father (Admiral John S McCain) was in charge of US Naval Forces in Europe at the time of the attack by Israel on the USS Liberty and he was involved in the COVER-UP of the attack on the Liberty - which son McCain continues to endorse. [Gotta note the irony of Israel attacking Liberty]


As was brought out by the Cs, these soldiers were abducted by the human/alien PTB under the 'fog of war' cover and had their souls stolen, their bodies/containers repurposed, and alien/human offspring produced who've never been on earth's surface - at least that's my understanding.

I would think disclosure would have to eventually include this revelation and I can't even imagine how that would sit w/ the populace. It's bad enough to think your loved ones may have been tortured to death/starved to death as a POW, but learning what REALLY happened - they didn't have a real, normal death even if horrendous - and that some fake version of them still exists? What's more, how long before it's figured out the same is/has happened to the missing 411 people?

I can't even imagine how such revelations would play out.

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