I've been mulling this over for about a day now, and the thought doesn't leave my head. Went in for a physical therapy type session yesterday, at a clinic that does specialized work with very good results in the past (from personal experience). One of the doctors there, who has treated me before, but not currently, walked by the room I was in and greeted me. We've generally gotten along really well and speak from time to time over the years on social media. Upon seeing him, the first thought/feeling that came to mind, unexpectedly, was "there's an entity hanging around him". There were no visuals or anything else, just a "knowing". I can't say it was a pleasant or totally neutral feeling, but more of a subtle alarm that went off. I've experienced in the past interacting with others that I'm fairly certain had some degree of attachment in the past, so I guess I've gotten sensitive to this. That was the extent of the perception. "Something's there". No further detail, or emotional reaction to it. It felt like just a data point. There was a normal greeting, and he walked along. I believe he's branching into some type of spiritual healing modality based on some of his posts, but don't know what exactly. He also meets some of the criteria of which more parasitic beings may try to target, since he had a difficult past and struggles with certain mental health problems. I apologize if I'm being vague but don't want to give identifying details.
My initial instinct was "I gotta talk to him and tell him". Then I thought being so direct is probably not going to be welcome, and he may not even be "asking" for that. He may not be asking for a warning, about how some beings can be manipulative and destructive, etc, and there may be a lesson he is learning there. Nonetheless, part of me wants to do something, if at least gather more info as to what he's getting into with the spiritual healings and see where that conversation goes, to gauge receptivity to some type of warning. A "test" I've done in the past too, when in the presence of the person, is to internally being part of William Baldwin's protocol in calling down helper spirits of the light and angels for protection, and I have noticed that changed the other person's demeanor, quite dramatically the time I used it. (The person got anxious, out of nowhere, and stormed out of the room, and locked himself in a bedroom for the rest of the night).
I'm not totally sure what to do, whether to leave it alone, get my treatments for a few sessions, and lay low, or find out more, see if maybe something I say can help. I believe he's a good person and the work he is doing with the clinic is rare, effective, and benevolent, and would hate to see him be derailed by an entity. So any advice is appreciated.
My initial instinct was "I gotta talk to him and tell him". Then I thought being so direct is probably not going to be welcome, and he may not even be "asking" for that. He may not be asking for a warning, about how some beings can be manipulative and destructive, etc, and there may be a lesson he is learning there. Nonetheless, part of me wants to do something, if at least gather more info as to what he's getting into with the spiritual healings and see where that conversation goes, to gauge receptivity to some type of warning. A "test" I've done in the past too, when in the presence of the person, is to internally being part of William Baldwin's protocol in calling down helper spirits of the light and angels for protection, and I have noticed that changed the other person's demeanor, quite dramatically the time I used it. (The person got anxious, out of nowhere, and stormed out of the room, and locked himself in a bedroom for the rest of the night).
I'm not totally sure what to do, whether to leave it alone, get my treatments for a few sessions, and lay low, or find out more, see if maybe something I say can help. I believe he's a good person and the work he is doing with the clinic is rare, effective, and benevolent, and would hate to see him be derailed by an entity. So any advice is appreciated.