Doctor with a spirit attachment?


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
I've been mulling this over for about a day now, and the thought doesn't leave my head. Went in for a physical therapy type session yesterday, at a clinic that does specialized work with very good results in the past (from personal experience). One of the doctors there, who has treated me before, but not currently, walked by the room I was in and greeted me. We've generally gotten along really well and speak from time to time over the years on social media. Upon seeing him, the first thought/feeling that came to mind, unexpectedly, was "there's an entity hanging around him". There were no visuals or anything else, just a "knowing". I can't say it was a pleasant or totally neutral feeling, but more of a subtle alarm that went off. I've experienced in the past interacting with others that I'm fairly certain had some degree of attachment in the past, so I guess I've gotten sensitive to this. That was the extent of the perception. "Something's there". No further detail, or emotional reaction to it. It felt like just a data point. There was a normal greeting, and he walked along. I believe he's branching into some type of spiritual healing modality based on some of his posts, but don't know what exactly. He also meets some of the criteria of which more parasitic beings may try to target, since he had a difficult past and struggles with certain mental health problems. I apologize if I'm being vague but don't want to give identifying details.

My initial instinct was "I gotta talk to him and tell him". Then I thought being so direct is probably not going to be welcome, and he may not even be "asking" for that. He may not be asking for a warning, about how some beings can be manipulative and destructive, etc, and there may be a lesson he is learning there. Nonetheless, part of me wants to do something, if at least gather more info as to what he's getting into with the spiritual healings and see where that conversation goes, to gauge receptivity to some type of warning. A "test" I've done in the past too, when in the presence of the person, is to internally being part of William Baldwin's protocol in calling down helper spirits of the light and angels for protection, and I have noticed that changed the other person's demeanor, quite dramatically the time I used it. (The person got anxious, out of nowhere, and stormed out of the room, and locked himself in a bedroom for the rest of the night).

I'm not totally sure what to do, whether to leave it alone, get my treatments for a few sessions, and lay low, or find out more, see if maybe something I say can help. I believe he's a good person and the work he is doing with the clinic is rare, effective, and benevolent, and would hate to see him be derailed by an entity. So any advice is appreciated.
Don't get involved ? pray , sure , but other than that... RUN , eh, my 2x cents
Totally agree because who knows why the attachments there, it might be very personal and having nothing to do with what he practices. I certainly am weary of getting involved with people too closely because of this very factor, who knows what’s hanging off them and if they might feed off me too, so I have my guard up nice and high. I think it’s hard enough just dealing with family members who are sleeping like they’re dead and very often vectors for attack, let alone the jungle of people out there dragging who knows what around.
If they don’t have a boot load of knowledge, no practitioner of anything is gonna be touching me with a 3000 foot pole.
Nothing. You don´t determine the needs of others.

You mean protection for yourself?
Yes, protection for myself, when unable to avoid the person.

I agree that we don't determine the needs of others. But having awareness of a phenomenon, that it can prey on someone with a past of suicidal ideation, who interacts with others in a therapeutic setting, and not attempting something does feel wrong. He could be unaware of it. And by doing something, I don't mean much more than, without anticipation, recommending a book or two, or saying something like "I got a feeling somethings following around" or something along those lines. Based on our previous interactions, I think he might be receptive. He's generally very open even with odd subjects.
Yes, protection for myself, when unable to avoid the person.

I agree that we don't determine the needs of others. But having awareness of a phenomenon, that it can prey on someone with a past of suicidal ideation, who interacts with others in a therapeutic setting, and not attempting something does feel wrong. He could be unaware of it. And by doing something, I don't mean much more than, without anticipation, recommending a book or two, or saying something like "I got a feeling somethings following around" or something along those lines. Based on our previous interactions, I think he might be receptive. He's generally very open even with odd subject.

Q: How does it come that you are taking energy from someone by giving them love when not asked?

A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another
I feel like even though he is open to odd subjects, someone who hasn't spent a lot of time on this forum might not be as receptive to receiving information like that as you or I because they don't have the same foundation knowledge.

He might perceive it completely differently to how we might and could cause alarm or even harm.
If you really want to approach the subject, you could just say "I read a really neat book recently about xyz, and I think you might like it" and not mention anything about stuff hanging around him.
Q: (L) Is it acceptable within universal law to do spirit release work on people without requesting their permission?

A: You already do this without inquiry.

Q: (L) Is it alright to do it without inquiry?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Is it possible that we could be loading ourselves with Karmic debt by sticking our noses in where we may not be wanted?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would it be better to not do this without request?

A: You must answer within yourself.

Q: (L) Can one do a spirit release on another after asking the higher self permission?

A: Too many conflicting thought patterns.

Q: (L) Can one ask the higher self for permission to do a cleansing?

A: Be cautious not to interfere with karmic learning assignments.

Q: (L) Do some people have attachments that are part of karma?

A: Yes.
(mkrnhr) There have been cases of attachments that persisted over several incarnations. When the host goes to 5D, where does the attachment go when there's still an energetic karmic affinity to the host?

A: Waits in Earth sphere.

Q: (L) So that's like...

(Andromeda) It waits for the host to reincarnate?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it kind of waits in a...

(Chu) Limbo.

(Joe) In the ether.

(L) Yes.
Q: (L) Do we have any attachments at all?

A: Variable.

Q: (L) Does that mean they come and go, or they can come and go?

A: Yes to question 2

If you say something to him, in the essence it is to change him, and it may be met with resistance. Unless he is open and seeks the answers to his problems. I think everyone has to seek its own answers. "Seek and you will find"
There's probably many people that have attachments. So unless you go to live in a cave as @Wandering Star has said, you can't run around telling people they have attachments, after all you can't prove it, it's just your personal sense.
Yes, protection for myself, when unable to avoid the person.

I agree that we don't determine the needs of others. But having awareness of a phenomenon, that it can prey on someone with a past of suicidal ideation, who interacts with others in a therapeutic setting, and not attempting something does feel wrong. He could be unaware of it. And by doing something, I don't mean much more than, without anticipation, recommending a book or two, or saying something like "I got a feeling somethings following around" or something along those lines. Based on our previous interactions, I think he might be receptive. He's generally very open even with odd subjects.

Hey Temperance. Reading your story, I guess the first question that comes up for me is, why do you think your unconscious mind informed your conscious mind of that in the first place? You mentioned it came as an alarm, but then later you said there was no charge around it. Was your own alarm a reaction to the data, or embedded in the data itself? If the latter, it sounds like it came about as part of a defensive orienting. It seems like you know how to properly honor those signals with your own protection and mental blocking, so kudos.

As for feeling the need to tell him, does that feel like it’s coming from a place of compassion and care, or from not being comfortable yourself with what you sense in him? If it’s the latter I would just focus on looking after your own defenses and try not to project any type of wrongness or badness onto him for his situation. If it’s the former, you could ask him if you could share.

Given your rapport with him I don’t think there’s a need to be so philosophical about the free will question. You could just share about your own sensitivity to other people’s energies and ask if he’s open to hearing about a totally subjective impression which may have nothing at all to do with him. If he says yes to that you could share about sensing a foreign energy or awareness around him, again qualifying that it doesn’t have to mean anything about him. If it lands, then he’ll have more data to go by to figure things out on his end with respect to his own psychic hygiene and associations. If it doesn’t, there’s no skin off either of your noses and you both move on with your lives.

I think the only way a conversation like that would go south with some kind of rupture is if you launched into a condemnatory tirade about being in some demonic pact and yada yada, which I don’t think is your way of showing up to others.
It's probably quite a risk being around sick people, to pick up (or be exposed to) some kind of spiritual attachment. They must come in all shapes and sizes too. Best to look after your own psychic hygiene before trying to assist others with theres. Just out of self preservation. The doctor's attachment may be something they have to deal with themselves and you wouldn't want to take on their work for them...
why do you think your unconscious mind informed your conscious mind of that in the first place?
I think, like you said, these things are more often than not an act of self-preservation, and so it might have been for ME to be aware, not necessarily that my unconscious wanted me to help. But it does tend to be my natural reaction when I see a risk to another, to want to help, while mitigating risk to myself.
You mentioned it came as an alarm, but then later you said there was no charge around it. Was your own alarm a reaction to the data, or embedded in the data itself?
Felt like a subtle alarm. Like, "hey, there's something there", attention grabbing, like spotting something out of the corner of the eye, but without the sympathetic nervous system response of "danger".
As for feeling the need to tell him, does that feel like it’s coming from a place of compassion and care, or from not being comfortable yourself with what you sense in him?
I wouldn't say we're friends, but he's helped me in the past with getting my knee rehabbed, being the only medical provider I was on the same page about with the pandemic nonsense, and he was open about it. So I respect him for that, so there was more concern in me, not judgement. So I'd say more compassion and care, like I want to see him succeed and do well, not be derailed by whatever the being is.
Given your rapport with him I don’t think there’s a need to be so philosophical about the free will question. You could just share about your own sensitivity to other people’s energies and ask if he’s open to hearing about a totally subjective impression which may have nothing at all to do with him. If he says yes to that you could share about sensing a foreign energy or awareness around him, again qualifying that it doesn’t have to mean anything about him. If it lands, then he’ll have more data to go by to figure things out on his end with respect to his own psychic hygiene and associations. If it doesn’t, there’s no skin off either of your noses and you both move on with your lives.
I didn't see him today when I went in for a session, but I like your suggestion of if I bring it up, being open ended about it, and not so absolute about my perception. I really shouldnt be taking my perception as face value either, other than nothing it as "something". I'm going to wait and see what happens next time I see him, if I get another beep in the radar, and go from there. Maybe even just suggesting a book like Kardec's Book On Mediums, or Hostage to the Devil, as something I'm reading and that everyone should read, and leave it at that.

Definitely going to be cautious, and it's good I may not see him every time I go. Thank you everyone for your advice.
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