Q: (T) Who talks to me when I am having conversations with myself in my head?
A: You.
Q: Am I talking to other beings?
A: Have.
Q: Do we all do this?
A: No.
Q: (T) Does Laura communicate like this.
A: Has.
Q: (T) Does Frank?
A: Ditto.
Q: (T) Should I continue communicating with whoever it is?
A: Up to you.
Q: (T) Are they connected to you?
A: No.
Q: (T) Do you know who I am talking about?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Can you tell me who they are?
A: Lizards.
Q: (T) Why are they talking to me?
A: Trying to convert you. Remember, Terry, your chronic depression represents a "battle" zone.
Q: (T) I no longer am depressed and they are talking to me more. (J) They are trying to get you back into it. (T) but they are not doing anything to convince me to be depressed.
A: Watch out!
Q: (T) Can I turn them off?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who is "Sing."
A: Leader of forces assigned to influence you.
Q: (T) Forces, as in many are assigned to me personally?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) How many are in this force?
A: Seven.
Q: (T) Do they do this because of the implants that are in me?
A: All part of process.
Q: (T) Do I have implants?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?
A: Not control, influence.
Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?
A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?
A: Not necessary.
Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?
A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."
Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?
A: Open. But what does phrase imply?
Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.
A: Bingo.
Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?
A: Why.
Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...
A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.
Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) ...that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.