More from the blog referenced in previous post (my bold):

Last night or early this morning my spideys came to me and told me that what is occurring may seem like a civil war…between the sentients and the vaxxxzed. But that’s an illusion. The war is between the sentients and the Global Technocrats–who control the national political puppet assets and the criminally corrupted media. Pundits may try to pass it off as a civil war but sentients must keep our eyes open to the bigger picture and constantly refer back to the Lockstep that is going on in Australia, New Zealand and the UK amongst other countries. That is why something I saw on Twitter last night is of signal importance. The Resistance is calling for a global strike for seven days, starting on February 21st, 2022. That’s next Monday.


Global Strike Called to end Global Tyranny H/T FreakedOut

I have heard that truckers worldwide will be going on strike soon but am not sure whether the two are connected. Yes, folks, this will take at the very least a global strike that could last for weeks or months to bring the perps to heal. So keep your eyes out for more news about this. In the meantime a few more important links sent to me this morning and then I will sign off:. [Go to link]
OK - I have to add this final missive from the greencrow blog:


Just an Hour or so ago the Trucker Convoy gave a Press Conference please see link below to watch

LIVE: Trucker Convoy Organizers Hold Press Conference

Greencrow concludes: Yes folks, we are at war now. This coming weekend will be the first major battle of that war. In the video above the former police and military representatives request all Canadians try to come to Ottawa to stand on guard for our Nation in its direst moment in history. Needless to say I echo this request if you are in the Ontario vicinity. I will be standing on guard up here in the Malahat and will be providing war correspondent reports/updates as they occur. I can rely on my fellow warrior sources and two bureau chiefs: RAH and FreakedOut to hold the fort alongside me as this weekend progresses. Updates [including any more “Jabarooo moments”] will be posted at the top of this post throughout the day. Stay tuned and:



Alarming Charts Show The Number Of Americans ‘Vaxxed’ Aligns Ominously With Deagel’s Forecast Depopulation Numbers For 2025​


Alarming Charts Show The Number Of Americans ‘Vaxxed’ Aligns Ominously With Deagel’s Forecast Depopulation Numbers For 2025 By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline

GNN Note – If you have been vaccinated, we are praying for you. My wife has been double vaxxed and it breaks my heart. Living with the knowledge that nothing good is going to come from her taking these injections is something I never dreamed I would be dealing with. It is a silent hell that one lives in that is inescapable. Seeking the beauty that God holds in this situation, it’s there, I just have to keep seeking. / END

While checking out all of the absolutely bizarre news the last several days, including the fact that a ‘fully-vaxxed‘ Buzzfeed holiday partyin New York turned into a COVID super-spreader event, Radio City’s Rockettes being forced to cancel all of their remaining performances due to numerous fully vaxxed and ‘boosted‘ members ‘catching the COVID‘ as well as the heavily vaxxed NFL canceling a number of games because of a ‘COVID surge’, I came across another story that caught my eye.

As most ANP readers who have been reading us for quite some time know, we’ve often covered the very mysterious and ‘deep state sourced‘ website, and their very bizarre forecast for America and most of the Western world for the year 2025, a forecast which, while varying slightly from year to year, always forecast America as a hugely depopulated, 3rd world nation by 2025.

With Deagel’s sources being the ‘deep state‘ and ‘globalists,‘ including the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the World Bank and the European Union among others, the MSM and other called Deagel’s forecasts a ‘crazy dystopian conspiracy theory but as we had pointed out in this ANP story just days ago, the MSM long called the ‘Wuhan lab weaponized COVID virus theory‘ a ‘crazy conspiracy theory,‘ too, before finally admitting days ago it is the ‘most likely theory.

And as we’d also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey’s International Man website in a story titled “Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West”, Deagel’s forecast for 2025 got ‘nuked‘, disappearing from the internet, though you can see some of their previous forecasts in both of the screenshots seen below which we had used as evidence of something sinister happening in previous ANP stories.

So when I ran across this recent story at CNN listing the total number of Americans currently fully vaxxed at approx. 202 million, with approx. 241 million at least partially vaxxed as seen in the screenshot on the top of this page, I immediately recognized those numbers as aligning very eerily and alarmingly with the number of Americans being forecast to ‘die off‘ by the year 2025 according to Deagel’s forecast from several different years. Just a bizarre coincidence, or ‘the depopulation smoking gun‘?

As you’ll notice in the screenshot below originally from this May of 2018 ANP story, the number of Americans being forecast by Deagel to be ‘culled‘ back then by the year 2025 was 227 million, which falls right in line with the number of currently ‘vaxxed‘ Americans. If mRNA vax inventor Dr. Robert Malone is correct in his warning that many of the vaccinated will die from the after-effects of the shot, should Americans really be taking their children to get it? Just think. The globalists want just that.

For those who may not have ever heard of Deagel before, let’s go ahead and take a look at this Doug Casey story from the International Man that led Deagel to nuke their bizarre forecasts of massive depopulation before we continue.:

International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world’s nation-states. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast.

The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more.

In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. This is a bold prediction. What are your thoughts on this?

Doug Casey: I’ve got to say that I wasn’t familiar with Deagel—it keeps a low profile. Deagel is in the same business as Jane’s—which has been in the business of analyzing weapons systems for many decades.

A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear we’re not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA.

They’ve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. It’s hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. There’s no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a reader’s credulity.

Could it possibly happen? It would be the biggest thing in world history. Does it have a basis in reality, or is it just some bizarre trolling exercise? I’m not sure—it’s hard to take almost anything from any source at face value these days. But for the last several years, I’ve been saying that World War III would basically be a biological war. Of course, it will have substantial conventional, nuclear, space-based, and AI/computer elements as well, but its most serious component will be biological. Essentially, it will involve the use of bacteria and viruses to wipe out the enemy. The odds are that it will be between the US and China. But since anyone with a CRISPR in their garage can hack the genome and DNA of almost anything and anybody… there are no limits to the possibilities.

Certainly, from the Chinese point of view, a biological war makes all the sense in the world. That’s because the Han Chinese share a lot of genetic similarities. Presumably, a bacteria or virus can be bred to favor the Chinese and take out most everybody else. The fact is that anything that can be done eventually will be done. It’s just the law of large numbers.

And as we’ve reported time and again on ANP, Deagel’s forecast not only warned of America being completely decimated by 2025 but ‘Western nations‘ across the planet as well, and look at what’s happening now in places across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, where government’s are racing full speed ahead towards tyranny, locking down populations and putting a dagger in ‘liberty‘.

Just another ‘bizarre coincidence‘ or did Deagel show us the globalists evil genocide plans all along? As seen in the next screenshot below taken from a previous ANP story, back in 2016 they were forecasting a 270 million person ‘die-off‘ by 2025, leaving the US with only 54 million people living here by 2025, with that 270 million figure just over the high end of currently vaxxed Americans.


So if ‘the vax‘ REALLY does work, why are so many of the fully vaxxed and fully boosted still getting COVID? As we had reported just days ago on ANP, with the globalists ‘the vax is the answer‘ narrative now having fully blown up in their own faces as people across America and the world slowly awaken to the fact that it’s not stopping people from getting or spreading or dying from COVID, and in fact, the vax itself is killing people, we expect the globalists to kick up their level of tyranny ahead as people all around the world reject the rule of psychopaths.

Continue Reading / All News Pipeline >>>

This also sounds like very good news:

Woman appears to be third patient cured of HIV, scientists say

A Wednesday report from the Washington Post states that the mixed-race woman received a stem cell transplant harvested from an infant's umbilical cord blood ahead of her potential curing.

The virus, according to the report, has been in remission for four years, and she has not taken an antiretroviral drugs for the infection in 14 months.

The case was reported at an annual meeting of the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection and is said to mark the very first time a stem cell transplant approach has been successful in a mixed-race woman — an advance, the Post reported, "that reinforces the exciting concept that an HIV cure may be possible in a wider array of people by using cord blood."

Dr. Yvonne J. Bryson, an infectious diseases expert at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, presented the case and said that the findings should be encouraging for all infected with HIV.

During a press conference ABC News reported, Bryson said, "Today, we reported the third known case of HIV remission and the first woman following a stem cell transplant and using HIV-resistant cells."

"This case is special for several reasons: First, our participant was a U.S. woman living with HIV of mixed race, who needed a stem cell transplant for treatment of her leukemia. And she would find a more difficult time finding both a genetic match and one with the HIV-resistant mutation to both cure her cancer and potentially her HIV. This is a natural, but rare mutation."

"This provides hope for the use of cord blood cells ... to achieve HIV remission for the individuals requiring transplant for other diseases," she explained. "This provides additional proof that HIV reservoirs can be cleared sufficiently to afford remission and cure."

I would think this would require infants born of non-vaxxed mothers.
Lauterbach admits: intensive care units were never overloaded

An allegedly impending overload of the health system and especially the intensive care units is still the main argument for the measures taken throughout the entire period of the corona crisis to date. Now the Minister of Health explains: A Germany-wide and simultaneous regional overload never occurred.

Lauterbach admits: intensive care units were never overloaded

Source: © Sean Gallup / Staff
Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach at a press conference in Berlin on January 14, 2022

The discussion about the resilience of the German healthcare system and in particular about an impending collapse in the area of intensive care units has been accompanying society since the beginning of the corona crisis in 2020. In the past few months, too, the argument of an ever-threatening overload of the nationwide intensive care bed occupancy has been considered the most serious scenario politically exploited in order to justify past and ongoing measures by government politicians.

The most recent statement by Federal Minister of Health Lauterbach in his government response to the written question from Bundestag Vice President and Deputy FDP Party Chairman Wolfgang Kubicki can therefore be considered surprising:

"A Germany-wide, regional simultaneous overload of all available ITS capacities, which would have meant a systemic undersupply of COVID-19 cases requiring intensive care or their strategic transfer abroad, did not occur."

The letter was confirmed and quoted in an Bild article ( with subscription only) on February 16.

The fact that in the spring and autumn of last year patients had to be transferred within Germany due to regional bottlenecks remains undisputed. It is also proven that at the peak of the fourth wave in autumn 2021, up to 70 percent of the clinics had limited operating options. This situation resulted from staff shortages, partly due to politically prescribed corona measures and partly due to the unsolved problems in the nursing professions that have been known for years, such as acute staff shortages and poor pay.

The fact that has now become known that the entire stock of intensive care beds in Germany was still being reduced before and also at the peak of the corona waves must also be included in the overall assessment. Wolfgang Kubicki is quoted on this topic in the Bild article: "Kubicki also pointed out that during the pandemic, 'intensive capacities were reduced by almost a five-digit amount' - and yet there was no overload. At this point, Lauterbach is now in the Duty to 'stop this continued dismantling', demands the FDP politician."

In the past two years, the new Federal Minister of Health has been seen as a fervent advocate of justifying any measures based on the alleged threat of overloading the intensive care units.

Twitt below:
This modeling by DIVI authors shows how strongly the situation in autumn depends on the vaccination rate. If the vaccination rate between 18 and 59 years of age does not increase significantly, intensive care units may be overwhelmed. It is absurd: an almost perfect vaccine is available and many are doing without it

Twitt below:
(1) Very good analysis from today. If we had decided to shut down just 1 week later, the health authorities would have lost control and the intensive care units would have been overloaded. Time is not the most important thing here. Time is everything here!

In this context, one can also recall his forecast for October 2021, which has never been revised:

"But it is clear that most of the unvaccinated people from today until then [March 2022] will either been vaccinated, recovered or unfortunately died, because the infection process with severe courses mainly affects people who refuse to vaccinate. We are slowly approaching the [hospitals and intensive care units] being overwhelmed . More vaccinations could have prevented such a situation."

Referring to the reply from Health Minister Lauterbach, Wolfgang Kubicki reacted to Bild by stating that with regard to the significantly less dangerous Omicron variant, the health system "can no longer be expected to be overloaded". From this he draws the following conclusion:

"This eliminates the main argument for the restrictions on fundamental rights. These must therefore be completely abolished by the constitution - including those that are defined as less intrusive, such as the obligation to wear a mask."

The Bild article also points out that it is "extremely unusual" for written questions to be asked of federal ministers within a governing coalition. This form is actually "a control instrument that is mainly used by the opposition," according to Bild.

According to Kubicki, the explanation for this unusual occurrence was that Minister Lauterbach did not reply to a personal letter sent by Kubicki at the beginning of January. In this letter, Kubicki wanted to know from Lauterbach at the time how the intensive care bed utilization in Germany looked. Kubicki came up with his letter to Lauterbach in an interview with the Bild to speak on January 23:

"But this horror scenario no longer applies to Omikron. The intensive care units in Germany are currently only 11 percent occupied by corona patients - and the trend is falling. But I wanted to know more about this data: That's why I wrote a letter to Karl Lauterbach almost three weeks ago and asked whether there has been a systemic overload of the healthcare system so far. Unfortunately, I have not yet received an answer, but I am hopeful that this will still happen."

Now the Bundestag Vice President chose a very official way, after which the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) finally reacted. Another passage of the answer, which has now become known through the Bild article, reads:

"In any case, the Ministry of Health states: 'One of the goals of the measures taken by the Federal Government to combat the pandemic was and still is to avoid overloading the health system.'"

(translated with Google)

Data shows: German clinics billed thousands of cases as serious corona vaccination damage

From the article (translated by Google):

According to publicly available accounting data, hospitals treated around 25,400 vaccine injury cases last year -- an 18-fold increase from the previous year. Unlike the disease COVID-19, young people in particular were affected.

According to this, in 2021 the clinics treated around 25,400 cases of patients aged six and over, which they coded as vaccination damage in the secondary diagnosis. That was around 18 times more such cases than in 2020. The computer scientist Tom Lausen was the first to draw attention to this in an interview with the journalist Milena Preradovic.

So far there have been three codes for differently classified vaccination side effects: Y59.9, T88.0 and T88.1.

In 2020, when a total of around 47 million doses of different vaccines were administered in Germany, the InEK reported almost 1,400 cases that had one of these three codes in the secondary diagnosis, a similar number of cases as in 2019.

At the end of December 2020, vaccinations against COVID-19 started in Germany, in some other countries even a little earlier. But it was months later that the World Health Organization (WHO) responded. After all, on April 1, 2021, she introduced a new international code for “undesirable side effects when using COVID-19 vaccines”, as the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) announced in advance on their website in mid-March 2021. Since April, doctors who diagnose a patient's illness as COVID-19 vaccine damage should bill these cases under code U12.9. It is questionable whether all doctors were aware of this by then.

This means that some of the patients who had to be treated clinically after a corona vaccination were most likely still billed using the other three codes at best. This is also shown by the numbers: in 2020, similar to the year before, there were almost 1,400 cases, in 2021 there were almost 9,500. This means that around 8,100 more clinical cases than in the previous year were provided with one of the codes for general vaccination side effects that had been used until then.

In addition, however, there are another 15,933 hospital cases that have been given the unique code U12.9 for corona vaccination side effects since April 1, 2021. That means: In at least around 15,900 cases of treatment, doctors directly diagnosed vaccination damage due to a COVID vaccine - since April 1, 2021.

In addition, there is an unconfirmed plus of 8,100 cases compared to the previous year in the cases of vaccine damage that were diagnosed but still provided with one of the other codes. It can therefore be assumed that around 24,000 people had to be treated in a clinic because of a diagnosed COVID-19 vaccine damage.

2,700 more intensive care cases with over 270 deaths

The same applies to cases in intensive care units. In the first Corona year, the hospitals reported 209 treatments in an intensive care unit to the InEK because of a diagnosed vaccination damage, in 2021 it was around 14 times more, namely over 2,900, of which 1,832 were U12.9 cases, which were therefore directly attributed to the Corona vaccination . It can therefore be assumed that a total of around 2,700 intensive care unit cases were diagnosed as corona vaccine damage.

The number of people who died with a vaccine damage diagnosis also increased tenfold. In 2020, for example, the hospitals still reported exactly 30 patients with the discharge reason “death”, but in the first “corona vaccination year” 2021 there were a total of 306, of which 183 were U12.9 cases.

Heart problems, embolisms, headaches: many young people are affected

The main diagnoses, which can be found in the data browser linked above, are also interesting. At the top of the list are serious heart problems that often require intensive care treatment - starting with hundreds of cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and pericardium, infarctions, cardiac arrhythmias and massively elevated blood pressure values.

Young people were particularly affected by such heart problems. There were more than 650 such cases in the under-30s group, and around 150 occurred in children and adolescents under the age of 18.

In addition, the hospitals often diagnosed cerebral infarctions, pulmonary embolisms, the autoimmune nerve disease Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), which causes paralysis and can be fatal, but also hundreds of cases of severe headaches, some of which were even treated in intensive care.

In more than 3,500 of the 15,900 treatment cases that received the code U12.9 for vaccination damage caused by corona vaccines, the patients were younger than 30 years. That's almost a quarter. Of these, almost 600 patients were younger than 18 years, in 59 cases they ended up in an intensive care unit. Almost 60 percent of all U12.9 cases have affected people under the age of 60.

More vaccinations, more damage?

According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 40 million doses of all possible vaccines are vaccinated in Germany every year . Around 160 million of the corona vaccines approved in Germany were injected last year, four times as many as for all other diseases. In purely arithmetical terms, the cases of clinically treated vaccination damage caused by the corona vaccinations should be around four times as high - compared to 2020. Theoretically, 5,600 cases would have been expected. Adding the approximately 1,400 cases relating to other vaccines would result in around 6,000.

In fact, however, there were a total of 24,000 hospital treatments with the diagnosis of vaccination damage, and this number is again more than four times higher than would have been expected. With the number of intensive care treatments, one could have expected an increase to a total of just over 1,000 using this calculation method. In fact, there were around 2,700 such cases. It should be noted here: Since the corona vaccines are administered several times, the 160 million doses that were expected here only resulted in around 60 million vaccinated people, among whom the increased number of cases was observed.

In addition, with this data one can no longer speak of an unproven suspicion - such as with the reports, which the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) recently only presented every two months (!). Rather, there are clear diagnoses by doctors for the clinical facts. Of course, this is no proof that all cases were really recorded correctly. There is probably still a darker figure.
Naming the perps:


A very small group of criminal collaborators are at the top of the Great Panic of 2020. Using disciplined network analysis, the players and patterns emerge right before your eyes. This article names names, organizations and connections, following the money that funded it all. It’s time for a global uprising to throw these people out of public policy.



> The German Club of Clear Words takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam
> Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And once you’ve done that, you can more clearly identify the motivations behind various decisions
> The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation appears to be near the top, or the center, of this COVID plandemic network. Gates is also a major funder of mainstream media, and his network extends into global food and climate change policy
> The Gates Foundation, through its funding of the WEF, also plays an important role in The Great Reset, which was officially unveiled during a WEF summit in May 2020
> Every conceivable aspect of life and society is scheduled to be “reset” according to their plan. Ultimately, that’s where this criminal COVID enterprise is trying to take us
The video above, by the German Club Der Klaren Worte, or the Club of Clear Words, takes a deep dive into the network of individuals and organizations responsible for the COVID scam. The audio is in German but there is a captioned translation at the bottom of the video.
The review is led by journalist and filmmaker Markus Langemann. As noted by Langemann, it’s not necessarily the people with the best ideas who win in life. Rather, the winners are those who are in the “right” network — a network with people in the right places. Never underestimate the power of a network.
Some networks are visible. One example would be an alumni network that you can join and use to promote your career. Other networks are more hidden, secretive and exclusive, and can only be entered into by select invitation by another member.

Whether blatantly visible or not, you can identify just about any network by connecting dots between individuals and organizations. Who’s working with whom, where, and why? Who’s paying whom? And once you’ve done that, you can more clearly identify the motivations behind various decisions.


In this video, Langemann presents “a network document that is unique in the world and which for the first time shows you the complex network of relationships, from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies, documents and people.”

The 170-page document details more than 7,200 links between 6,500 entities and objects, including payment flows and investments.

“In the case of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, already on page 4 of the document, you see that this foundation spent $43 billion [note that is billion with a “b”] in the U.S. alone in the period from 1994 to 2001, and distributed around half a billion dollars in Germany during this period,” Langemann says.

You can review and download the document here.1 The document is mostly in English. It’s incredibly comprehensive in scope, detailing a global network that is working behind the scenes to influence global health, finance and governance.


As an interesting aside, the document was actually created using software that investigators and detectives use to help them identify hidden connections between potential suspects. All of the data points, documents, payment data and so on, are publicly available.

Red arrows are used throughout the document to indicate money flows, such as grants, donations and other payments. As one example, as shown on page 3 of the document, at least 21 U.S. universities are financed by and through just three key organizations:
  1. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  2. The Open Philanthropy project, a research and grantmaking foundation, which is linked to the WEF
  3. The Wellcome Trust, the world’s second-largest health foundation, located in the U.K.


According to the anonymous IT specialist who created the document, the core of this “COVID criminal network,” around whom most everything revolves, is no larger than 20 or 30 people. Several of them appear on page 36.

They got together May 8, 2019, at a CDU/CSU event where they discussed how to strengthen global health and implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The CDU/CSU is a political alliance of two German political parties, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU). Attendees included:

Hermann Gröhe, Christian Democration Union (CDU) member and former Minister of Health
Ralph Brinkhaus, Parliamentary leader of the CDU
Dr. Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany and a CDU member
Ilona Kickbush, Ph.D., Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
Dr. Christian Drosten, a German virologist who in early 2020 created the COVID PCR test
Dr. Clarissa Prazeres da Costa, microbiologist and infectious disease specialist
Joe Cerrell, managing director for Europe, the Middle East and East Asia for The Gates Foundation
Professor Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust
Dr. Georg Kippels, CDU member
Jens Spahn, CDU member and a former Minister of Health

From that May 2019 meeting onward, these individuals are found again and again, in overlapping working groups. You also find them rubbing elbows in the past.


Due to the complexity of the network connections, there’s really no easy way to summarize them here. You simply have to go through the document, page by page. That said, key organizations, whose networking connections are detailed, include:

Of these, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation appears to be near the top, or the center, of this criminal network, depending on how you visualize it. Gates is also a major funder of mainstream media which, of course, is important if you want to ensure one-sidedly good press.

Last edited:
has now been translated into many more langauges

It is a very well balanced documentary - the kind of documentary which isn't over the top. I believe it is the type, that suits well to be shown/watched for a broader audience; so that people get inspired to begin to understand aspects of the "pandemic", are not what we were told they are...


Here are the following languages available as of now:


Bill Gates says Omicron ‘sadly’ spreads immunity faster than vaccines​

video with the link

The billionaire said ‘next time’ scientists must work better to produce enough vaccines sooner
Bill Gates says Omicron ‘sadly’ spreads immunity faster than vaccines

Bill Gates attends a discussion during the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, February 18, 2022. © AP / Michael Probst
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said the Covid-19 Omicron variant had outpaced world vaccine drives in spreading immunity, urging health officials around the globe to respond more quickly to the next pandemic.
Asked about the world’s progress in “beating Covid-19” during a panel at the 2022 Munich Security Conference on Friday, the tech magnate and philanthropist credited the coronavirus itself for immunizing populations naturally in some regions.
“Sadly, the virus itself – particularly the variant called Omicron – is a type of vaccine. That is, it creates both B-cell and T-cell immunity, and it’s done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines,” he said.
Due to a large amount of “infection exposure” in certain regions, the risk of serious illness from Covid-19 has been “dramatically reduced,” Gates continued, also noting that severe symptoms are “mainly associated with being elderly and having obesity or diabetes.”

Gates spoke with confidence in predicting a new major health crisis on the horizon, telling the panel “We'll have another pandemic,” though said “It will be a different pathogen next time.”

Bill Gates warns of worse pandemics in futureREAD MORE: Bill Gates warns of worse pandemics in future

To tackle the next outbreak, health authorities and researchers must act more quickly to develop vaccines and treatments, he said, acknowledging “we didn’t do a great job on therapeutics” throughout the Covid pandemic.
“Only two years in do we have a good therapeutic. Vaccines – it took us two years to be at oversupply,” he said. “Next time, instead of two years, we should make it more like six months.”
Ultimately, Gates voiced hopes for a “new generation of vaccines” capable of eradicating entire families of respiratory viruses, including influenza and coronaviruses, saying that achievement could come “in the next decade” if sufficient “R&D dollars” are devoted to the cause.

Translated: La insólita postura de una neumonóloga del Italiano y la Bazterrica sobre el Covid y las vacunas

The unusual position of a pulmonologist from Italian and Bazterrica (Hospitals) on Covid and vaccines​

Lucía Langer is 46 years old and has been working as a pulmonologist and pediatrician for 18 years. She works at the Italian Hospital and at the Bazterrica Clinic. The strange thing is that she, despite being part of the staff of two medical and scientific institutions , holds an unusual position on Covid and vaccines.

“I am sincere and frontal, that is why I have no qualms about saying that I am not vaccinated, that I do not believe in Covid or in vaccines. All this is part of a plandemic… Continue with the plan but do not count on me, I am not a guinea pig”.

was surprised by her speech, coming from a doctor with health responsibilities , on whose work many children depend and expresses a position that contradicts local and global consensus on SARS-Cov-2. Next, the dialogue with Langer.

-Why do you say that you do not believe in Covid or in vaccines, whose efficacy was published in prestigious scientific journals?

-Because SARS-Cov-2 is not a microbiological virus, but rather a technological virus deliberately created on a computer. And what is being inoculated into people is not scientifically proven vaccines, it is graphene hydroxide, a substance that produces high-frequency electromagnetic waves that cause symptoms ranging from congestion, fever, dyspnea, and inflammation to cytokine storms, immunosuppression, and pneumonia. bilateral. Also, graphene is used to control people. They want us to become human robots.
Just some thinking out loud below...

Lately I've been thinking about the end goal the psychopaths in power apparently have, the '4th industrial revolution', specifically, how do they imagine the world would look like if all their plans would go as expected? So, every human on the planet (the plebs) would be super tightly controlled and tracked, including what they think and say, how they spend their money (digital currency), use the internet, travel etc. Everyone would be forced to have some sort of medical tracking device (maybe microchip), which then would 'report to headquarters' their status, and if needed, they are told to take a jab or pill of some sort because the AI has determined that they have an onset of cancer/AIDS/etc. Many will die because of the constant appliance of 'precision medicine', thus, the world population will reduce. Eating meat will be verboten, except insects. People will be seriously dumbed down, all creativity will be gone, all forms of art (at least of good quality) will be gone.

Well, you get the picture. They want the plebs to become mindless robots just like in Orwell's book. We know that psychopaths don't 'think straight' and they are pretty much a completely separate species so we can't quite imagine what goes inside their heads. However, I can't help wondering, if everything goes as planned, what then? Psychopaths like 'fun and games' and 'hunting' and to manipulate people in various ways because they are predators and many are sadists. They like chaos and mayhem. If all the plebs are robots that don't offer any resistance, where's the 'fun' in that? Where's the fun in sitting in your ivory tower just watching how the 'ants' go on with their mindless lives? Nothing more to conquer, nothing more to manipulate, nothing more to 'win'...

And, since humans are probably 'food for the moon', that is, the 4D STS need humans to experience negative emotions (fear, pain, desperation, anxiety etc.) so that they can feed themselves (since these negative emotions are their food) – if everyone will be a controlled robot with 'microchips in their brains' how will the 4D overlords feed themselves?

Well, I guess the answer is that the (3D) psychopaths do not think about the end scenario rationally, they are just motivated and 'inspired' by their endless greed for power and dominance. Which leads to what has been written and said multiple times before (e.g. by the C's) that their wishful thinking and their blindness to the fact that when they 'kill the host' they will at the same time, parasites as they are, destroy themselves.

Thinking of all of this makes me feel that there is a puzzle piece missing. Maybe it's the approaching 'Wave' and the transitioning to a new 4D reality? Is that why everyone needs to be 'robotized' and made 'soulless', to increase the chances of the STS to dominate also in this new 4D reality? Or, is this because of an approaching swarm of comets – maybe both?
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