February 3, 2025
Bill’s Commentary:
“Trust breaks right before your eyes!
Gold has been a tractor in first gear since January 1st. Many claim that the recently announced tariffs are the reason. I do not believe this, rather, I believe the Feb, COMEX deliveries are way outsized and require this gold from London to avoid default. In silver, the same situation is stacking up for March deliveries. Here is an in depth take of the “plumbing” behind the scenes;
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Additionally, it looks like the Treasury department has been blindly cutting checks. Often times fraudulently and to fund some pretty evil operations. This revelation will have a chilling effect on the “trust” in the US both internally and internationally.
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Another area where Americans and also foreigners will have concern is the pushback being brought on to Tulsi Gabbard. “Globalists” are shitting their pants after her testimony where she has basically said our intelligence community has gone off the rails. Her stance is noble and truthful in my opinion, I believe the vast majority agree with this. “Trust” is on the line here, and thus so is CONFIDENCE or the lack of!
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January alone has seen at least a decade’s worth of change and action. I believe the next month may very well top January. Gold has already broken out to all time highs versus ALL currencies. Another way to say this is; ALL currencies have collapsed to all time lows versus gold, and thus all time lows in purchasing power. I believe the extremely long wait in silver will finally come to a head in this episode. We will find out shortly whether the silver even exists to make delivery. Below is a 5 year weekly chart of silver.
It is an easy view to see this 5 year period as an inverted head and shoulder pattern that completes once silver is over $35. The next target will obviously be $50. Going back to 1980, silver blew out to make a $50 top, the same occurred in 2011 to form a 30 year “cup”. Breaking over $50 now will finalize THE longest cup and handle formation of anything that I know of throughout history.
People ask me all the time as to what type of extreme numbers for gold and silver they should expect? I can only answer that this cannot be estimated in any mathematical way other than pointing out that the opposite of zero, is infinity. Yes, I understand that the word “infinity” sounds like carnival barking. But can the same be said for the word “zero”?
Just understand that every Ponzi scheme ever performed throughout history has ALWAYS ended at this number we call zero. Finance in today’s world is a fractional reserve Ponzi scheme that has run on one thing alone …CONFIDENCE! Confidence has been chipped away at for years as people see bullshit all around them with their own eyes. They see it financially, they see it socially, and also politically. Governments became so brazen as to try to shame people by telling them “who are you gonna believe, us, or your lying eyes”? A failure to deliver will answer any and all questions!”
Standing watch,
Bill Holter